What To Do If The Heroine Ran Out Of The Book? Chapter 185


Chapter 185 The truth of Chu Ge's ability?

The Chu Ge couple obviously don't know what happened in the distance.

They were sound asleep.

The medicine pill that Xiaohuo Miao Lian practiced today is surprisingly good for both of them. I didn't feel it for an hour before going to bed. During this sleep, my body and soul began to combine and evolve, which played a role in Qiu Wuji's work. The effect of choosing this medicine pill has never been thought of before.

Because of Qiu Wuji, the Avatar, she still doesn't quite understand what's going on.

Obviously it is an illusion body. In theory, this body does not exist, it can only be regarded as a soul body. For example, when she leaves this world and returns to the book, her body is gone, and there will be no empty body left for Chu Ge to play with.

Then I shudder to think about it, Aiya is too terrifying...

But since it is a non-existent body, it normally looks the same as a real body, and it will be dirty. Hungry, even now my aunt will come.

This is not cultivation.

Theoretically, the strength she needs to shape a body is not trivial, and it is simply not what this trifling soul can do. Even the ability of the real body cannot create a fleshy body out of thin air. It requires a lot of treasure as the basis for the evolution of the body, and the success rate is still very low. Even if it succeeds, I am afraid that the body will not be so fresh.

After all, the human world cultivator who has not yet ascended, the ability is really not enough.

I usually seem to be used to it, and Qiu Wuji rarely discusses this topic with Chu Ge... How can I casually discuss the body with a man, really, do you want to touch it? Is it really true?

However, what happened to this body has always been an unsolved mystery hidden in Qiu Wuji's heart, and one of her main research issues in this world. What a house has not been thoroughly understood and don't want to aim too high? It was clear that he didn't even see through his body, so there was no idea of the sea of stars.

I didn't feel anything when I woke up and took the pill at night. After falling asleep at night, Soul Sea subsided, hazy, Qiu Wuji actually started to dream.

A lucid dream like introspection, seeing myself.

She saw an illusory body, suspended in the void of no one, the body was like a mist, transparent and unpredictable.

That should be the true state of her body.

Then it gradually took on color, from simple lines to extreme colors. It was my own illusion. It was originally to deceive the vision and make others look like a real person.

Qiu Wuji is almost certain that he was in this state when he first crossed out and held the sword around Chu Ge's neck.

The dividing line before and after this is that I really came into contact with Chu Ge, and after being tested by Chu Ge, I decided that this is indeed Qiu Wuji.

So another line appeared in the void in the dream, coming from next door, dotted, scattered void.

This unsupported body begins to have dependence, which is the interaction between his imaginary world and reality.

When the self-realized appearance merges with the Qiu Wuji in his imagination, the illusion becomes the reality.

The heroine really ran out of the book...

When he identified this matter, the illusory body became the real body.

So...the Qiu Wuji that came out the first time and the second time came out are actually different.

Is it his fantasy?

Or did she get approval after she ran out first, so that Qiu Wuji, who he didn't know what he looked like, had a clear appearance, and then it came true?

Or a combination of the two, causing each other?

I don't know.

What Qiu Wuji can see is that the color that was originally just a ghost body began to fill the skeleton flesh and blood, everything a human being should have gradually took shape, and the soul body became a real person, a completely unreasonable person. real person - he is obviously an immortal cultivator, he is not afraid of cold and heat, but he is hungry, but since he is hungry, he has no aunt.

Because this body is what he imagined...

He wants this woman to live with him, so she will be hungry, dirty, sleepy, and have all the needs of life.

He didn't seriously think about his aunt, and subconsciously regarded it as an immortal cultivator who had already killed the Chilong, so there would be no aunt in this body.

When he thought hard and looked forward to having a child, the menstrual period came at the right time, as precise as a coincidence...that's not a coincidence.

Qiu Wuji realized this, and his brain even went down a bit.

She even wondered if Qiu Wuji didn't exist in the world, everything was just that man's fantasy.

But it should be... it still exists, otherwise, what is your thinking at this time?

I think, therefore I am.

When the fantasy materializes, there is the self.

Yes, Chu Ge's ability must be a fantasy manifestation, this body is but an example... The real terrifying is that, because of the compatibility of inheriting mother's spatial ability, he fully embodied the entire world!

Too terrifying...Qiu Wuji is not entirely sure, she feels that she should observe and observe again, after all, some things don't make sense, such as his ability should not be enough...

Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that he really fell in love with Chu Ge now, instead of recognizing this situation earlier, Qiu Wuji doubted that he would really kill.

Everything like this is imagined by others, and even menstruation is controlled by his imagination. Ordinary person may find it hard to endure such a thing. For a cultivator, it is absolutely unacceptable.

But now...

Qiu Wuji opened his eyes, sighed helplessly, grabbed the big bear beside him and punched him: "You are very good at women's bodies. ?”


Chu Ge next door is also dreaming.

Of course his effect is not as good as Qiu Wuji...

The effect of medicine pill is to promote the stable fusion of body and soul. The mystery of Qiu Wuji's body is revealed here. Chu Ge is a normal body and soul, naturally nothing special, but he dreamed that he entered the world in the book.

Or the world in the book into his dream?

Zhuangzi dreams of a butterfly , nothing more.

It's just that the two are more closely combined...

The world in a round sky, there is no Universe Starry Sky, the sun and lunar are the representatives of the two instruments, the world has an end, and the sun rises Ancient Mulberry, fell in Yanggu.

Chu Ge was wearing a sword-three pure Yang suit, standing at the end of the sea and sky with his hands behind his back, looking at the sun under the sea level for a long time, and suddenly said: "Get up."

The sun rises and the moon sets.

The world in the book is dawn.

On the other side of the sea, Chu Tiange came out of the mountains with his sword, fled in the mouth of monster beast, and suddenly looked back: "Is this sunrise time too early?"

There are bare feet The giant chased after the sun, The earth shook and the mountain quivered: "Heavenly Dao..."

The group of demons swayed, and the shadows dormant.

The sun rises earlier than ever before... This must be Heavenly Dao's scorching sun, which stuns Xiao Xiao.

This end of the sea, in Cloudridge Mountain, Qiu Wuji sighed: "Re-show, I'm really messing up, I'll beat you up carefully."

The heart of flames, the illusory shadow of flames rustles And shook, and whispered to himself: "The sense of existence is getting stronger and stronger... I knew you were so awesome, I was stupid to court death..."

Chu Ge's sound transmission is abrupt When it reached his ear: "If you see an outsider, how about you carry a big hammer?"

Yan Qianlie was stunned: "Why?"

"Cosplay play, let me Others can't figure it out."

"...May I tell others that when you're thinking about how tall Heavenly Dao is, she might actually be a brat in open crotch pants and playing in the mud?"

"Maybe, all Heavenly Dao might be boring, and they created the world because they were so boring."


"Stop talking, it's dawn , I should get up and wash too."

Chu Ge left the world in the book, opened his eyes, and woke up from his sleep.

In reality, the world is still in the early morning, and the sky is only slightly bright.

Qiu Wuji next door has gone out of the room to wash up, and the breath of life once again occupied time and space.

Chu Ge took a long breath. Was it a dream just now? How the fuck could I dream of Yan Qianlie! It should be dreaming of Qiuqiu! I dreamed that what was that guy doing, just to let him cosplay play big screw?

I am not bored!

There is a ringtone from the phone next door.

Qiu Wuji rubbed his face and plopped back to the room to get his phone: "Moe Moe?"

Zhu Moe Moe's cry came from the phone: "My father suddenly jumped off the building. ..."

Qiu Wuji: "???"

Old Zhu's performance on the hospital bed at that time, where did he look like he would be short-sighted? There must be a problem.

Fortunately, I made up my mind and added a defensive magic technique to Old Zhu... Just one night, something really happened.

Grass, I hung up again yesterday...I'm going to catch up on sleep for a while...

(end of this chapter)

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