In front of the window, under the moon, Zhong Jinyi was sitting upright in white clothes.

In front of her was a red sandalwood coffee table without any pattern decoration on it, and even the tea cup in her hand was pure white and transparent, extremely simple.

She has never liked fancy things, and she only likes to go straight to the point and get to the point when she does things.

Therefore, for her, talking about marriage is a troublesome thing.

If there is someone she really likes, she still hopes to be direct.

For example, he makes a price, pays for himself, sleeps with him after paying the money, and does his own work the next day after he sleeps. Relatively, it is also easy.

It is quite light. If it is placed on the Blue Star, this kind of behavior is probably called "rich woman begging for a child", but most of them are criminal activities, or local rare breeds, and there are very few sincere people like her.

As for why you want to draw this light?

Zhong Jinyi couldn't answer herself, but she always felt that having loving, sensible parents and a loyal, filial, and righteous elder brother—if they had to describe themselves that way—was already lively enough. If there was another outsider living with her, she would Afraid of being overwhelmed.

It is a pity that she is helpless. One is that she has not yet met someone she likes, and the money cannot be spent. The other is that it is not polite to do so. The father and brother in the family will definitely be furious when they find out, and she cannot help her.

So this troublesome thing has been delayed until now.

To tell the truth, this matter had never occupied too much space in her heart before, but today, she felt that she was suddenly filled with it.

This feeling is very strange, because she clearly feels that she still has no one she likes.

A cup of tea into the throat, slightly astringent, sweet.

The smoothness of the tea can't clear up the chaotic thoughts, and the most insoluble knot in the thoughts is whether Xiao Qinzi is a eunuch?

With her years of experience in the inner court, she did not believe that there would be fake eunuchs in the inner court.

Because eunuchs enter the inner court, they have to go through three levels of verification: the purification room, the outer court medical examiner, and the inner court medical examiner. The most important thing is that the inner court medical examiner has been in charge of the Jian Temple since the "Magpie Bridge Case". Impossible to be fooled.

Previously, she said that Qin Yuan was a "fake eunuch" she brought into the palace. In fact, she took advantage of the loophole that her father and brother didn't know much about the inner court. In fact, she couldn't do it.

However, since Xiao Qinzi is not a fake eunuch, why is his brother so happy after his "exam"?

In addition, based on years of experience in handling cases, she has now found some unusual "clues".

Nishigong was drunk that day, and he took advantage of him. Could it be intentional?

That night in the Fogyuan Valley with him drinking under the moon, what kind of words "fly to the flowers, wood ah wood" in his wine order, could it be a flirtation of kissing across the air?

When he poured the wine that night, he seemed to touch his wrists a lot. Could it be intentional?

She didn't care much at the time, but now it seems that he is really a sign of a fake **** and a real man?

Zhong Jinyi felt that as the commander of the inner court guard, it was necessary for him to understand the truth, but how to understand it still required careful planning.


Zhong Jinyi frowned in thought.

The night letter is slightly cool, and the noise of insects is more than quiet.

She has spent thirty-five such summers, and this year is the thirty-sixth.

To be precise, the thirty-sixth one will be... In other words, this thirty-sixth is just the beginning... Generally speaking, she was born in early summer and has not yet had her birthday. Still only thirty-five.

To put it that way, she can be said to be only in her early thirties, and the age difference between Qin Yuan, who is sixteen or seventeen... twenty or so, is only ten years old.

Zhong Jinyi insisted on this view.

But suddenly, she was taken aback by her own thought.

At this moment, shouldn't I stick to my responsibilities and think about how to identify his true identity, why should I think about this?

Simply ridiculous!


In the garden, Qin Yuan had a great conversation with his prospective father-in-law and brother-in-law, and they were as close as a family.

It was late at night, and Qin Yuan planned to leave, but was stopped by Zhong Zaicheng and Zhong Jinyuan.

"It's so late, why are you going back? There are a lot of beds for you, so you can sleep here!" Zhong Jinyuan directly put his arms on Qin Yuan's shoulders, and said without refusal.

The kindness was difficult, but Qin Yuan remembered that he would have to fetch the broken wood tomorrow, and it would be troublesome to figure it out after returning to the palace, so he agreed.

Zhong Jinyuan took Qin Yuan to a wing room, and then said to him with a smile, "You can sleep here at night."

Another independent courtyard not far away said, "That's Yimei's room. She gets up at five o'clock every day when she is ugly. You can wait for her at the door tomorrow morning, and then go to the dining hall for breakfast together. After dinner, go to the palace."

Zhong Jinyuan went back with an inexplicable smile. Anyway, he was a man, so he chose Qin Yuan's way. It's up to him to see whether it works or not. He can't tell him directly and let him go to Yimei's. windows?

What Uncle Zhong thought was that as long as Qin Yuan came out of Yimei's yard tomorrow, the marriage would be settled, and if this kid dared to go back on it again, he could break his leg openly and see if he never obeyed?

To tell the truth, if Qin Yuan was an ordinary person, he wouldn't expect so much. The key point is that this kid is a genius that is hard to find in a hundred years. Moreover, he is so in love with Yimei at this moment that he is willing to die for her. Of course, Zhong Jinyuan wants to grasp it. Opportunity to avoid night long dreams too much.

It can be seen that in Zhong Jinyuan's heart, probably his own younger sister is really old, and he is afraid that this prospective brother-in-law will regret it someday.

However, although Qin Yuan drank a lot of alcohol, he was still very sober. He knew that if he dared to climb Zhong Jinyi's window now, Zhong Jinyi would dare to tie himself up directly, or he would be severely tortured.

So he gave up angrily and went to bed with peace of mind.


Early the next morning, Zhong Jinyi got up on time, washed up, put on her official uniform, and left the yard.

When he looked up, he found Qin Yuan standing at the door, waiting for her.

Zhong Jinyi was stunned for a moment. In fact, she had been thinking about this "suspect" since last night. He had been there all night. Now she suddenly saw it, and felt a strange feeling in her heart.

But in the end it was the commander, she didn't show anything, she just said lightly, "What's the matter with the commander?"

Qin Yuan sighed helplessly, lo and behold, a straight female single dog.

In the early morning, I am a pure man. I am happily standing at the door waiting for you to go out. What are you asking for?

No, I can't go on like this anymore, I have to bend her.

So he smiled slightly and said, "I'm looking for you, naturally I'm going to have breakfast with you."

Zhong Jinyi frowned, looked at Qin Yuan again in surprise, and felt even more inexplicable in her heart.

This guy doesn't even call himself a subordinate now?

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