Fang Qiwen remembered it instantly.

This voice is that... Hua'an, who lives at No. 7 A, Qianmen Hutong, Chang'an Street in the capital, with a pear tree planted at the door!

Alias ​​Tang Yin!

The reason why Fang Qiwen remembered it clearly was because he had already recorded it in his notebook last night.

There are many people's names and related information in his small notebook, all of whom have made grudges against him.

Some have a red cross, indicating that they have taken revenge, some have a red line under their name, indicating that revenge is imminent, and a small number have several circles next to them, indicating that revenge is hopeless.

On Qin Yuan's page, the words on the entire page were drawn with red lines, and a **** sword was drawn next to it. Next to the sword was a little man with a rope around his neck.

Qin Yuan would never have thought that Fang Qiwen's resentment towards him would be so deep.

But he doesn't care. Anyway, he heard that No. 7 in Qianmen Hutong is the ancestral house of Cheng Zhongyuan, a first-class swordsman, and his parents live in it. .

Fang Qiwen was astonished at this time, thinking that it is impossible for the Qingzheng Division to have a great master to follow, so he has advanced here so quickly?

So he lit another illuminating stone and flew towards the source of the sound.

When his lighting stone was combined with Qingzheng's original lighting stone, the light was finally bright enough that he could see Qin Yuan and others very clearly.

It's okay not to look at it, but at first glance, he almost bleeds out a mouthful of old blood.

I saw the other party and several people sitting around a clean blue cloth. The cloth was like a big table. Roast chicken, roast duck, pickles, pancakes and all kinds of dry food were readily available, and they all ate heartily. Laughing again.

This... what about hiking in the mountains?

Eat something and regain your strength, this is what Zhao Dangtou means.

Everyone also knew what Zhao Dangtou meant, so they all enjoyed it very interestingly, and even one-eyed Qiang took out two bottles of wine from Nashi to let everyone drink something interesting.

After Fang Qiwen understood the meaning of the other party, he almost thought that life was meaningless.

Resentment is infinitely escalating.

Why can they swagger, eat on the ground, and feel comfortable as if they were out in the green, but the tree demon is indifferent?

And while fighting with the tree demon on your own side is dark and exhausted, and conversely, it is difficult to move?

This tree demon, is it possible that he still picks people?

"The good friend across from you, it's better to meet by chance, why don't you come and have a drink?" Qin Yuan raised his glass and laughed again.

"What Brother Hua'an said is very true!" One-eyed Qiang also laughed, "Qingzheng Division has always been generous, many of you have a few glasses of wine."

Since Qin Yuan said that he was Hua An last time, then Hua An is his pseudonym in the Qingzheng Division. Now in front of outsiders, everyone else calls him that.

The warm invitation continues.

Stump Deng: "Of course, come and drink!"

Su Ruoyi: "What are you waiting for? I'm waiting for official business, and I'll kill the demon after eating, and then you won't be able to drink if you want!"

Qin Yuan held his mouth and said, "Oh, what kind of monster did you kill?"

Su Ruoyi laughed, "Have you heard of this demon leopard head, Hua An?"

Qin Yuan nodded sharply, "Okay, isn't Jie the little demon that Mr. Fang said yesterday that he could easily capture it? Mr. Fang, are you guys caught?"

Su Ruoyi quickly grasped the essence and said, "Well, in this way, the wine and dishes are a little less, so how can it be so shabby to celebrate for all of you?"


How can everyone in Qingyun Pavilion stand this kind of stimulation?

One by one, their teeth and eyes are split open, and they can't wait to go up and slaughter these Qingzheng thieves immediately.

But they dare to attack Qingzheng Secretary secretly, and they dare to fight Qingzheng Secretary directly, even if they are given ten courage.

First, the pavilion master did not allow them to do so.

Second, if the Qingzheng Division was really angry, it is very likely that no matter how the court and the Chinese argued whether it was to suppress or to appease, they would first organize a group of masters to specifically kill Qingyun Pavilion, and then their Qingyun Pavilion disciples would not want to go out.

This kind of thing, that Mr. Fan can definitely do it, and Qing Zhengsi absolutely has this ability.

At this time, Zhao Zongzhen sat in the middle without saying a word, nibbling on a chicken leg very comfortably, and at the same time looked at Fang Qiwen with an inexplicable smile.

Fang Qiwen's face turned blue and white.

However, he soon saw the clue.

These people seem to be wearing colorful skins. Could it be this skin that protects them from being attacked by tree demons?

Thinking of this, his mind moved slightly.

Immediately, he forced a smile and said to Zhao Zongzhen, "Zhao Dangtou, you and I are both eliminating demons for the people. I was eager to eradicate demons before, and I was offended by words. I also asked Zhao Dangtou, Haihan. ."

Zhao Zongzhen smiled lightly, a trace of disgust flashing across his eyes.

This Fang Qiwen is going to keep going, he may still have some respect, but when he sees the situation is not good, he starts to softly accuse him, but it makes him despise to the core.

In particular, in the covenant of life and death, he only said that "there are many offenses in words", isn't this a rogue?

The head of the dignified Qingzheng Division Jiazi Branch, is he playing with him?

So he snorted and said nothing.

But Fang Qiwen was not affected, and continued, "Dare to ask the big stall, where did the skin on your body come from? Can you... sell a few pairs with me?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone on Qingzheng's side suddenly burst out laughing.

Fang Qiwen was angry in his heart, but in order to get out smoothly, he still endured it.

He said again, "Or, can you tell me where to find this thing? Zhao Dangtou, Qingzheng Division has always been bright and upright. If you win us by this method, then you won't be able to win, right?"

Hearing this, Zhao Zongzhen suddenly burst out laughing.

"Won't you win by force? If you win, you'll win, why not use force? Mr. Fang, don't forget the thunderbolt agreement."

A wicked look flashed in Fang Qiwen's eyes, just as he was about to say it again, he saw an old man in green beside him give him a light drink.

"Okay, isn't that shameful enough?"

Fang Qiwen clenched his fists and said coldly, "I will teach him a few people, there is no place for burial!"

After a pause, he added, "Especially that Hua An!"

At this time, Qing Zhengsi had eaten and drank enough, and after cleaning up, he jumped, jumped, and got up to hurry.

Fang Qiwen looked at Qin Yuan's back in the frog's skin, and couldn't help shaking his sleeves, and suddenly there was a beetle with a pointed head and a long body, half the size of a pinky finger.

There was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, he used his righteousness and threw it at Qin Yuan calmly.

The beetle was like a dart at this time. As long as its pointed tip pierced into the body, it would crawl into its internal organs and devour it frantically.

The key is that it can secrete anesthetizing liquid, so until the other party's internal organs are eaten clean and die within half an hour, they will not feel pain, and they will not even know how they died.

In this way, no one can know who made the move.

The fourth-grade master shot, it was silent and fast as light.

Although Ah Da had seen it, it was too late when he went to intercept it, let alone notify Qin Yuan, waiting for Qin Yuan to respond.

The beetle penetrated the frog's skin and Qin Yuan's coat in the blink of an eye, and with the strength of the fourth-grade master and its own sharp spines, it barely penetrated the skin of the fourth-grade Luo Yao Yaoyu, which had a good defense.

But next...

Duang, it hit the iron plate.

To be precise, it is the bones of the third-grade steel bone, sharp-mouthed, Baishou, flying claws, Chi Yanyuan.

The huge impact made the beetle go directly from three-dimensional to two-dimensional.

At the same time, the mechanism on the back of the ink armor was triggered.

Swish swish, three rank 3 white thorn short-snout demons—the demon thorns whose full name is the white thorns, storm, flames, and black-toothed short-snout demons, flew towards Fang Qiwen with lightning speed.

Fang Qiwen was Qin Yuan watching the beetle penetrate the frog's skin. He thought that the other party would die, but suddenly found that the other party was still jumping, and he launched a counterattack in an instant.

The three spikes were coming fiercely, and Fang Qiwen was unprepared.

The spikes rubbed his body and flew over, directly piercing the chest of a Qingyun Pavilion disciple behind him.

The disciple immediately fell to the ground, and then vomited a mixture of blood and white foam from his mouth, apparently the spikes contained a highly poisonous substance.

Fang Qiwen's pupils shrank suddenly, while the old man just opened his eyes.

What a drastic method!

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