After talking for a while, Xiang Kun finally made Tang Baona “forget” about the cost of ten meals.

However, through chatting, he found that Tang Baona was not really angry at all, basically a kind of joking attitude, and even annoyed her that she accidentally played the sentence in the office and caused misunderstandings among colleagues.

Finally, after “knocking” from Xiang Kun to ten meals, the expression sent by him even made him feel that Tang Baona was a bit “sudden”.

Xiang Kun thought about it, thinking that Tang Baona still believed in his character, knowing that he was not that kind of insignificant person.

Well, it should be like this.

At 9 o’clock in the morning, Xiang Kun packed the woodcarvings of the twelve Little Huang people in a plastic bag from a supermarket. He was going to find crowded places to test the effects of these woodcarvings and see if he could increase the number by himself. The idea is useless.

From the previous point of view, this kind of wood carving that has been “injected with emotions” can sense the emotions of the nearest people to a certain extent when he is in direct contact with people or when he is close enough.

It only affects the surrounding people ’s emotions, and it can only work after they have fallen asleep. Xiang Kun suspects that the “power” of this effect is not enough, so he wants to experiment with more woodcarvings with the same pattern “emotion injection”. Others are affected while awake.

So Xiang Kun went to the subway station, waited for a while, and then chose the most crowded and crowded train. In this environment, the plastic bag he brought next to the others would not look weird.

However, after entering the compartment and starting to sense the woodcarving, Xiang Kun suddenly became dumbfounded, and then couldn’t help but want to pat his forehead.

He has only suddenly realized that he has no way to sense two or more items that have “emotion injection” at the same time!

When he initially sensed the item that established the “super-sensory connection”, the brain “thread” was not enough, so at the same time, attention could only be focused on one sensory item. Later, the brain has become accustomed to silent “multi-threading” processing, while the problem of induction is not large.

If the “super-sensory connection” item is operated at hand, even without induction, it can be used directly as an arm. As if he was playing the coin, he didn’t need to deliberately sense it, he could control the coin to land exactly on the side he wanted.

Therefore, when sensing “emotional injection” items, there were only three samples, and his attention was on the perceived dream at that time, not at all to consider the simultaneous induction. Only test the understood function that affects dreams. An item can only affect one person at a time, and this effect has a “cool down time” for the same item.

But now, standing in the subway car, Xiang Kun suddenly found out that he ignored this important issue before carving 12 Little Huang woodcarvings. Only now he discovered that only one Little Huang woodcarving can be sensed at the same time!

Even when these woodcarvings are made with the same emotion as the “emotion injection”, they cannot sense another one at the same time!

And according to his previous inference: only when he senses, the “emotional injection” item can work, which means that although his processor has 12 cores, it can only run with one core at a time.

That ’s hairy!

The idea of ​​quantitative change and qualitative change cannot be achieved at all.

Xiang Kun is a little annoyed. Then, this “twelve yellow people array”, didn’t he do it for nothing?

Is it because there is “emotion” involved, so there is no way to establish multiple connections at the same time?

What is even more annoying is that he actually did not take this into consideration in advance, and it was obviously a simple matter. At the same time, he just had to sense it. Before carving the “twelve yellow men”, he was not only an “emotional injection” item.

Xiang Kun was secretly alert. He knew that after many training methods, the brain could change things several times after drinking blood and evolved. Many times when things and problems were encountered, he could almost “instinctively” be immediate. Several plans and programmes.

These plans and plans are actually “thought” by him, but they are “instinctive responses” after the brain is trained, so they have not been “thinking deeply” and “thoughtful.”

For most things, these plans and plans are complete enough that you don’t need to waste time “thinking”, just think about how to “choose”.

But looking at it now, if the plans and plans given by these brains “instinct” are relatively simple or require immediate response, then they can “choose” them directly, otherwise, “think deeply” Still have to “think deeply”.

Of course, now Xiang Kun has not given up his “Zhuanghuangrenzhen” directly.

He started to sense these “Little Huang People” one by one and number them, from “Little Huang People 1” to “Little Huang People 12”.

After sensing them in turn, they really felt the emotions of the people next to them. From the perspective of sensing emotions, the twelve Little Huang people currently have no problems.

Then Xiang Kun reached into the bag and touched a few wood carvings of Little Huang people. He tried to sense more of them at one time through contact, but the attempt failed.

He also tried to sense the “emotions” on another Little Huang person based on one Little Huang person, and found a way to “string” them, and the attempt still failed.

Then he began to think again, is there any way to condense the wood carvings of the twelve Little Huang people into a whole?

But after thinking about it for a long time, there are only some vague directions, and the specific operation path has not been thought of yet.

Then I changed my mind and wondered whether my induction could be a “delay”, or that the woodcarving function could be “delayed” and activated at different times, so that I could find ways to make them “activated” at the same time. At the same time.

Even if you can’t establish an inductive connection at the same time to get emotional awareness, as long as the twelve woodcarvings are “activated” at the same time, the functions that affect others’ emotions may be enabled.

But also found no way …

Xiang Kun didn’t leave the subway. They all came. Some experiments still need to be done, but he switched to a more spacious and less crowded train and found a place to sit.

He took a little Huang woodcarving and held it in his hand, then closed his eyes to make a sleeping gesture. After a while, when a girl who looked like a college student sat next to him, he loosened his hand and let the woodcarving It fell to the ground and happened to fall to the girl’s feet.

The girl glanced down and picked up the Little Huang man, Pats Xiang Kun’s arm, and after his eyes opened with a look of confusion, he passed the woodcarving: “Your things have dropped.”

“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” Xiang Kun froze, then took over with grateful expression.

In fact, as soon as the girls’ hands touched the woodcarvings, Xiang Kun began to establish a sense that they could sense that the girls had a very weak “curious” mood.

Xiang Kun gathers attention and “strengths” at the level of consciousness. He wants to see if his concentration can strengthen “induction” and allow the woodcarving to better “inspire” his ability to affect emotions. When she was asleep, assimilating her emotions made her feel “happy.”

However, until Xiang Kun reached out to take over the woodcarving, the mood of the girls did not change. When the two people touched the woodcarving for a few seconds at the same time, it was the same.

“You made this little Huang woodcarving yourself?” After the girl returned the woodcarving to him, she suddenly asked.

None of his twelve woodcarvings have been fine polished. After all, they are just “tools”, and there is only a “mood injection” established, so it looks obviously very rough and not like the finished product. It is normal for girls to ask this question.

Xiang Kun glanced at her and quickly established her basic information in her mind:

Judging by age and style of dressing, it should be a college student or a freelancer who has just graduated. After all, it is working time on a working day; from the point of her boarding, the possibility of university Large; she just took a bath, put on some light makeup, and applied nail polish carefully, but she could still smell a touch of light oil paint. There is a high probability that the painting on those white cloth shoes is herself It is very likely that she is an art student or a related practitioner. She just brushed a few vibrato videos when she was sitting next to it, all related to handicrafts and dance. Obviously she is interested in these two aspects; At this time, she did a good job dressing up alone, most likely to meet her boyfriend and date; judging from the action and tone of Xiang Kun she just picked up the woodcarving, she should be a more polite girl.

Most of the information was actually collected by Xiang Kun “instinctively” after the girl entered the car. Now, I just retrieved and summarized it. Of course, he can’t guarantee that his guess is correct, but at least it is enough for him. Using this as a basis, the next conversation is on.

“Yeah, I made it myself and wanted to give someone a birthday gift, but I always felt like it didn’t feel right, so I wanted to show it to my friends, how to modify it, or redo it.”

Xiang Kun said with a sloppy expression and a low voice, and picked up the other Little Huang people in his plastic bag and showed it to the girls.

The girl picked it up with interest and said, “In fact, you have done a good job of carving, as long as you polish it well, at least I think it looks OK. Are you going to give it to the girl? I think the other party Will love it. “

Every time a girl picked up a woodcarving, Xiang Kun immediately changed the sensing target, but no matter how he changed, his perception of girls ’emotions didn’t change much, and he didn’t find any signs that the woodcarving could affect the girls’ emotions.

Obviously, the wood carving after a single “injection of emotions” has almost no emotional impact on people who are awake.

“Do you like the Little Huang people too?” Xiang Kun is going to change his strategy, trying to guide the girl ’s emotions, let her go in the direction of “happy”, and see if the target emotions tend to “the same direction”. Easier to make a difference.

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