While the two were talking, a person's head poked out from the door of the shop, Ye Qiong looked over, it was a woman.

Aidas also noticed her, and said helplessly:

"Kelly, it's not like you don't know the details of this cafe. What are you doing sneakily there?"

Hearing this, Kaili was not embarrassed at all, and after scanning the surrounding area again, she just walked in.

While walking, he said: "You don't understand, those who work in our business must be extremely cautious.

It's not enough to just take a look before crossing the bridge. You have to backhand the bridge with an explosion magic to survive in this world. "

Only then did Ye Qiong see her whole picture clearly.

Petite, wearing a witch hat, wearing a red skirt with black stockings, and wearing buckskin high-heeled boots.

The long fiery red hair is as bright as a flame, and the golden red pupils are extremely agile, giving people a sense of uncertainty.

The skin is fairer than snow, the facial features are exquisite, and the tear mole between the eyebrows adds a touch of coquettishness.

There is a broom floating behind it. From the outside, there is nothing special about it.

Carelessly sat beside Aedas, looked at Ye Qiong, and said:

"This is the person you want to introduce to me? It's nothing special."

After that, he set his sights on the novel that Aedas was reading, and said:

"Isn't this "Nina's Devotion"? I told you, the murderer is the one named ""

Before he finished speaking, he was hit on the face by a dragon tail. Aidas green eyes swept over him, and his cold voice still contained no trace of emotion, and said:

"Shut up and don't spoil me."

And Kaili was not annoyed at all, instead she smiled cheerfully, stroking the right cheek that was beaten hard, and said in aftertaste

"Adas's dragon tail is fragrant and soft."

In less than three minutes of contact, this woman known as Kaili left a deep impression on Ye Qiong.

He felt like a young girl in high school, not like an old monster who lived from the human period to the demon period.

After calling for a cup of coffee, Kelly said to Adas:

"Tell me why he will never betray me. The Revolutionary Army only accepts innocent people. You should know this."

Regarding this question, Aedas still turned the pages of the book, and replied very casually:

"Because he is a human being, this identity determines that he can neither turn to the four major forces of the witch, nor to turn to the demons.

The only force he can join is your revolutionary army. In short, he is an out-and-out revolutionary seed. "

"Humans, wait a minute"

Kelly almost choked when she heard what Adas said, coughed twice, and then she regained her strength before she spoke:

"How is it possible? No one understands human history better than me. How can there be humans in this era?"

"If you don't believe me, don't you know if you take a closer look?"

With hesitation, Kelly set her eyes on the ordinary demon man in front of her, with her right hand resting on her chin, looking like she was thinking.

Jinhong's pupils flickered, and she had already noticed that the demon man had cast a cover-up spell, and if nothing else happened, Aedas should have done it.

At her level, if she was serious, spells of this level would not be able to stop her at all.

After a while, Kelly brought over the coffee that was placed aside, took a sip, and forced herself to calm down.

Isn't this scientific?

How could the will of the world still allow the existence of human beings? Does he have a good relationship with the will of the world?

Even though she had experienced people, she couldn't think of any reasonable possibility at this time.

However, let's not talk about how he appeared first, let's talk about the significance of this human being appearing in the Demon Realm.

Suddenly, Kelly's eyes lit up.

With the flag of the Revolutionary Army, at the same time, it also means that the research on the Philosopher's Stone can be restarted, and the complete path to becoming a god can appear in the Tucker Continent again.

Quickly asked: "Have you ever entered the star realm?"

"I've been in, I'm now a silver-ranked star beast master."

"In the Star Realm Mall, have you seen how to make the Philosopher's Stone?"

"I see it, but you can watch it in detail after you reach the Legendary Realm."

Hearing this, the expression on Kelly's face was not too surprised, and she said:

"This is what Kelette left behind. Only humans can communicate with the astral world and obtain the method of making the Philosopher's Stone.

If there are survivors who reveal their identities, they can also use this to preserve a chance of survival.

It's just that he never dreamed that human beings would perish so cleanly that not even a single seed remained. "

A trace of doubt flashed in Ye Qiong's eyes, and he said, "You don't know how to make the Philosopher's Stone?"

She sighed heavily, and continued:

"If you know, there may be the birth of the Truth Society.

The only one who became a god was Kelette. Before he died, he left the production method in the astral world, and only humans can get it.

But at that time, human beings were either transformed into witches and lost the ability to communicate with the astral world, or they had been obliterated by the will of the world.

How could any human survive?

The method of making the Philosopher's Stone has also been lost.

but! "

When she said this, Kelly looked extremely excited, looking at Ye Qiong as if she was looking at a rare treasure, and said:

"You are different! You still retain your human identity, you can communicate with the star world, and you can easily get the method of making the Philosopher's Stone."

Stretching out his right hand, he continued:

"If you join us, our revolutionary army will be more confident in overthrowing the rule of the demons! How about it, do you want to consider joining us?"

It is normal for Kelly to have this kind of reaction. As long as there is a human being in her hand, it is equivalent to controlling a completed path to becoming a god.

You know, this is something that the Demon Emperor Tivaras has been unable to do for hundreds of years.

Once Ye Qiong becomes a god, it will be no problem to re-establish a new order, and the revolutionary army will overthrow the rule of the demons just around the corner.

Although there are many prerequisites to achieve this step, as long as there is hope.

Facing Kelly's invitation, he didn't answer immediately, but instead said:

"I have a star beast that is a metal species. It was transformed into a machine by a mysterious existence in the astral world. I wonder if Your Excellency Kelly knows how it should evolve in the future?"

For this question, Kelly was a little dazed, but quickly realized that the other party was testing her.

She showed an interested smile, it's been a long time since anyone asked her about the star beast.

After thinking about it for a while, I came up with my own answer:

"Mechanical quasars usually transform and evolve by themselves, but the premise is to have a powerful mechanical brain.

It will simulate the future evolution direction for the owner all the time, and choose a transformation path that suits him best.

Seeing that you are so entangled, your star beast should not have given birth to a mechanical brain, right? "

"Then what should we do?"

"The mechanical brain can be replaced. I wonder if you have heard of the truth chip?"

"What's this?"

Kelly was not surprised by this answer, and answered:

"The truth chip was created by the alchemists of the Truth Association, and its original purpose was to transplant it into itself to obtain more powerful calculation and memory capabilities.

But later, this thing was discovered by the contractors. They occasionally summoned mechanical monsters from other worlds, and they have been struggling to find the evolution method of these mechanical monsters.

After hearing about the wonderful use of the truth chip, I found the truth association and purchased some truth chips.

The result was unexpected. After transplanting the truth chip, these mechanical monsters were born with consciousness and mastered the ability of self-transformation.

You also know that the contract master was born from the star beast master, and the two methods of cultivating pet beasts are similar.

Whether to use this method or not is up to you. "

After listening, Ye Qiong fell into deep thought. After a while, he asked again: "Is there any way to get the truth chip?"

Kelly showed a sly smile and said:

"This thing is extremely difficult to make, even a sanctuary-level alchemist may not be able to make one after a few years.

You know my identity, and I definitely can't get it through normal channels. "

"What about the abnormal way?"

Kelly chuckled, and continued: "White Rose Academy is famous for being rich and powerful. If you can become the chief, you need a few truth chips, it's not a problem at all."

After saying this, Ye Qiong fell silent, and said with hesitation:

"You mean to let me mix into the White Rose Academy and become the chief?"

What kind of light novel plot is this?

Wait a minute, if he remembers correctly, White Rose Academy is an academy exclusively for witches, right?

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