West Coast Aesthetic Iaido

Chapter 113 Why are you so strong?

Based on Brian's character, Luo Su felt that as long as he gave up fighting against him, the next step would be a more radical assassination plan. Only after Luo Su really disappeared from this world and Brian re-established his authority would he Stop what you are doing.

"Luo Su is right. When facing guys like the Aryan Brotherhood, you can't act weaker than the other person."

Compared to Avril's pure worry, Selena was more supportive of Luo Su's decision.

Although Selina is not too worried about Luo Su, as a police officer of the Long Beach Police Department, Selina knows the key to confronting gangs better.

"Yes, we must be tougher. So, I have to go back first."

After Luo Su finished speaking, he no longer said goodbye to Selina and others again, but walked directly to the outside of the Los Angeles Police Department's cordoned off area, preparing to take a taxi back to Long Beach City.

But just when Luo Su left Avril and Selena, the members of the Los Angeles TV station who had been pointing the camera at the dead gunman suddenly chased Luo Su.

"Officer Luo Su! Our interview is not over yet."

For Jin Minxiu, who is shouting, Luo Su is undoubtedly her lucky star. Since the shooting at Irvine University, Kim Min-soo has been making big news one after another, which has made her status on Los Angeles TV stations rise a lot.

So since Luo Su was blocked this time, she was not prepared to give up her interview opportunity so easily.

"It's almost time. I'm going back to Long Beach City." When Jin Minxiu caught up, Luo Su stretched out his right hand and tapped his left wrist twice, indicating that the interview time had passed and he was going back to Long Beach City immediately. .

After Jin Minxiu saw Luo Su's action, she had no intention of giving up. Instead, she continued to lean towards Luo Su. She directly took Luo Su's arm with her left hand and said with a smile: "Officer Luo Su, you can sit down." With our interview car, we can take Officer Luo Su directly back to Long Beach City."

In order to allow Luo Su to sit in his interview car with peace of mind, Jin Minxiu quickly followed up and said, "I won't charge a penny."

"Money is not a problem." Luo Su said, turning his head to look at the interview car parked by Jin Minxiu and his party on the roadside.

With seven seats, it looks quite spacious.

This kind of car is not too tiring to sit in.

So Luo Su nodded with satisfaction, raised his legs and walked towards the interview car. As he walked, he said to Jin Minxiu who was holding him: "Let's go. You must know that I am not here for Money and all, the main thing is to save time waiting for the bus.”

While Luo Su was talking, a Los Angeles taxi also whizzed past the interview car and disappeared in an instant.

Jin Minxiu glanced at the taxi, but quickly looked away, pretending that she didn't see it.

"Officer Luo Su, let's get in the car first." After Jin Minxiu said that, he opened the door of the interview car and welcomed Luo Su into the car.

In the interview car of the Los Angeles TV station, Luo Su sat in the last row as soon as he entered.

"Officer Luo Su, give me a moment, I'll sit inside." After Luo Suguang sat firmly, Jin Minxiu also moved towards the last row, and said to Luo Su while sitting inward.

After Jin Minxiu finished speaking, without waiting for Luo Su's consent, she squeezed towards the inside of the seat in the direction of Luo Su.

Although this interview car has seven seats, it still has one more row than an ordinary car. The area between the interior seats is not easy for people to pass. Most of the time, they still have to be close together to squeeze in. past.

This time, Jin Minxiu was facing Luo Su, so when she leaned forward and squeezed forward, her body inevitably came into contact with Luo Su.

It's bigger than Celina's.

When Jin Minxiu squeezed into the inside of the seat, this sentence suddenly flashed in Luo Su's mind.

However, these words only appeared for less than a second. When Jin Minxiu just sat down, Luo Su looked at the car door on the other side. Jin Minxiu's colleague was walking from the opposite side carrying a camera.

Seeing this, Luo Su turned around and asked Jin Minxiu next to him: "Isn't the car door here broken?"

"I thought it was broken."

With a simple reply, Jin Minxiu automatically ignored the matter and started his own interview, "Officer Luo Su, due to today's sudden incident, we plan to change the content of the interview and want to ask you something. What do you think about the circumstances of this shooting?"

When Jin Minxiu asked questions, the door of the interview car had been closed by her assistant. As soon as the car door closed, Jin Minxiu's assistant hurriedly returned to the driving seat, started the car and drove towards Long Beach City.

As soon as the car started, Luo Su obviously couldn't get out of the car easily, so in response to Jin Minxiu's interview, which was not too outrageous, he nodded and said, "No problem, just ask."

After getting Eluosu's consent, Jin Minxiu smiled and quickly asked Luosu: "Officer Luosu, today's assassination seems to be directly aimed at you. We would like to ask the officer what you know about this assassination. The culprit behind the shooting?”

Although the bullet just now was aimed at Jin Minxiu herself, as a reporter who was not well-known before, Jin Minxiu felt that with her weight, there was no need for someone to specially hire an assassin to target her. Jin Minxiu feels that her own value is not worth hiring a killer, right?

"When I was in Long Beach, I had already cracked down on various gang incidents. Whether it was the Crips, the Bloods, the Mexican Gang, or the Aryan Brotherhood, I led the team to crack down. So if we want to find the mastermind behind the scenes, If so, I think it’s still a bit difficult to locate.”

Luo Su did not mention the names of Brian and the Aryan Brotherhood in this live broadcast. After all, in this American territory, procedural justice and evidence are still important.

Without evidence, if Luo Su had named Brian and the Aryan Brotherhood alone, he would have received a court summons the next day.

But more importantly, with the help of this series of gang names, Luo Su also announced to the citizens of the Los Angeles area that the Long Beach Police Department Special Operations Team led by Luo Su had indeed done something within the boundaries of Long Beach City. of.

In this way, he can further reduce the reputation of the gang in Long Beach City, and gain some reputation for himself and the Long Beach Police Department.

Kim Min-soo said that she would ask about the circumstances of the shooting, and of course she would not just ask a question. So after Luo Su gave a brief answer, Jin Minxiu continued to ask: "It seems that Officer Luo Su has indeed led the Long Beach police officers to do a lot of things, but if it is really like what Officer Luo Su said, then Wouldn’t it be difficult for the instigator behind the gunman to be caught and brought to justice?”

"For ordinary people, this is indeed difficult. But for our Long Beach police officers, as long as there is a trace of clues, we will not give up until the perpetrators are brought to justice."

Luo Su spoke righteously, as if the Long Beach Police Department had always fought against criminals to the end.

Among the people watching the live broadcast on the Los Angeles TV station at this time, people outside the Los Angeles area did not have any special thoughts because of Luo Su's words.

As for the Los Angeles area, especially Long Beach, they have personally experienced Luosu's actions against gangs. Especially the previous assault on the Blood Gang's stronghold and the head-on attack on the Aryan Brotherhood's home base were all solid achievements.

It is precisely because of these achievements that the citizens in Long Beach City have a higher degree of support for Luo Su after seeing what Luo Su said.

Recently, Luo Su's popularity in Long Beach City once surpassed those superstars in Hollywood in Los Angeles. Watching this 'superhero' so close at hand is certainly more enjoyable than watching TV.

"Does Officer Luo Su have any clues?" Jin Minxiu also went straight to the topic at this time, and continued to ask after Luo Su's answer.

However, Jin Minxiu's question is actually not easy to answer. After all, Luo Su had just raised the standard of the Long Beach Police Department. If he came directly without any clues, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Therefore, after a brief thought, Luo Su said directly to the microphone extended by Jin Minxiu: "Of course, but this is an internal secret of our police station, and there is no way to tell it in an interview. But I believe that in the near future, The citizens of Long Beach will be able to see what our Police Department does next."

Luo Su only talked about the citizens of Long Beach City. The main reason is that at this stage, his actions still rely on the cooperation of the Long Beach City area. After all, armed attacks against gangs are often carried out in Long Beach City, which is easily complained by Long Beach citizens.

"We are also looking forward to Officer Luo Su's next move."

"But before taking the next step, another focus that most viewers are paying attention to is the super strength that Officer Luo Su has shown recently."

When Jin Minxiu said this, the Los Angeles TV station also cooperated very well and began to play the scene of Luo Su's previous shooting.

Outside the abandoned warehouse in Long Beach City, the murderous display of killing one person with one shot and one life with one step; the accurate shot after quickly drawing the gun when chasing the Los Angeles police...

The connection of these pictures not only made the citizens of Long Beach City excited, but all the viewers watching the live broadcast also saw the power of Luo Su.

‘How strong is this guy? ’

This sentence appeared in the minds of the viewers at the same time, especially the passers-by who saw Luo Su shooting for the first time. At this time, they were already looking for Luo Su's name on the search engine.

"How did Officer Luo Su become so strong?"

The question asked by Kim Min-soo is also what all the viewers in front of the TV want to know.

They are all human beings, so how could Luo Su be so outstanding? This is really inappropriate.

"I don't smoke. I go to bed at 11 o'clock in the evening. I need to sleep eight hours a day. I like to drink a glass of red wine before going to bed. More importantly, I train for ten minutes every night. This is very important."

Luo Su's words were very simple, and those who listened found them very simple. But is this too simple?

Don't smoke, go to bed at 11 o'clock, sleep for 8 hours, drink a glass of red wine, and train for ten minutes. None of these things seem to be the reason why Luo Su becomes so powerful.

If they follow suit, there is a high probability that they will not learn the same as Luo Su.

"Um, Officer Luo Su, are you sure this can make others as strong as you?" Not only the audience in front of the TV, but also Jin Minxiu, who was sitting next to Luo Su, was also confused.

"I understand. Officer Luo Su must be joking. As for the content of the special training, it may involve some personal information of Officer Luo Su, so we won't ask any more."

Jin Minxiu was wise enough not to continue questioning Luo Su on this issue. Since Luo Su was not going to say anything, there must be his reasons. As a journalist, controlling the pace of interviews is also a very important skill.

When Jin Minxiu was about to ask other questions, Luo Su said before the other party spoke: "Actually, it's not impossible to say. Although my training method is not suitable for everyone, the methods of other people in our police station can be used by others. Learn from it.”

"What can I do?" Jin Minxiu was also very curious, but she knew one thing very well, that is, powerful abilities are definitely not innate. Although abilities like Luo Su cannot be trained, most ordinary people still want to obtain some information regardless of whether it is useful or not.

Especially the viewers in front of the TV. Although they do not go back to practice, they do not prevent these people from joining in the fun.

"I'm not sure about other places, let's just talk about our Long Beach Police Department." Luo Su glanced at the direction of the camera first, and then said: "There is a police officer in our police department who is very powerful. His wise name is Mo Bree's physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary police officers. If there is any way, it is that he performs high-intensity exercise every day."

"High-intensity exercise? How high?" Hearing this, Jin Minxiu was also a little confused.

"Yes, high-intensity exercise. Every day he will do more than two hours of high-intensity exercise, including physical training, firearms training, combat training, etc. And that's not all, he will continue to study theoretically after training .”

Luo Su said it very seriously, because this is indeed Mobley's way of training.

"Are you so hardworking?" Jin Minxiu said in front of the camera, pretending to be surprised.

In fact, Jin Minxiu himself knows that this level of exercise is nothing to people who train regularly. But for police officers who are busy all day long, it is already very good.

After all, most of the time, the police officers seen by citizens on the road are pot-bellied police officers who are out of breath even when running.

"Yes, it is indeed very hard. And the intensity of his training has been increasing. At the beginning, it may be basic training such as running, push-ups, and sit-ups. After the body reaches a certain level, he will start to engage in more high-intensity training. . In short, he started training from the most basic running to where he is now."

Luo Su said it very systematically, and it is also something that fitness coaches often say.

The reason why Luo Su said these things was that he wanted to delay some time. As long as there are more random things, Long Beach will be close. When Luo Su returned to Long Beach, he no longer needed to listen to questions from the reporter from the Los Angeles TV station next to him.

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