Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 197 One word becomes a prophecy

"Miss Lux!"

Clayton suddenly raised his voice: "I thought we had just reached a consensus. If you continue to omit important content, then our cooperation will have to be terminated."

Donna secretly looked at his face from the side. This was the first time she saw her uncle's aggressive look.

Adelaide Lux was silent for a moment towards Clayton:

"What do you want to know?"

"I suggest you explain what this necklace is about first?" Clayton pointed to her hand that was still holding the necklace. "I guess if you had really never seen this necklace, your fingers wouldn't be gripping it so tightly."

"Now, please tell us the story again."

The girl in the water took a deep breath: "Okay. I understand."

Clayton was indifferent to her resentment, and she had to reveal the hidden parts of herself.

That necklace was made by the jeweler's son himself in order to give it to Adelaide to express his feelings. However, on the last day, he caught his best friend having a tryst with his sweetheart. When he strangled her to death, the necklace was thrown away. On the ground on one side.

Adelaide didn't like to recall this part of the past, and she looked troubled when she told this part.

"I beg your pardon; I have omitted these things precisely to avoid your objections,"

Clayton didn't understand what she meant, but Julius and Donna reacted immediately.

"Your method of breaking the curse turned out to be based on the principle of contact and the use of portrait boundaries." Julius blurted out.

Donna yelled out another word: "The Law of Retribution."

But what they were talking about was actually the same thing. After their guidance, Clayton now understood why Adelaide wanted to hide this matter.

The portrait boundary means that things with similar shapes belong to the same category. Using portraits and carved dolls to curse others is a classic application of this rule. The piece of bad luck jewelry was also called Adelaide's portrait because it was engraved on it. Consider it a part of her.

There are more classic examples to explain the law of retribution that Donna said - an injured person speeds up the healing of the injury by breaking the weapon that hurt him, or a cursed person defeats the wizard who cursed himself to lift the curse.

Adelaide removes Clayton's bad luck by injuring herself and smearing her blood on the bad luck jewelry.

The fact that this move is effective proves that the ownership of this piece of bad luck jewelry belongs to her.

The two wizards pointed at Adelaide at the same time, ready to release the curse at any time.

Adelaide drifted back a little distance, but then stopped again. She smiled bitterly and said: "You see, it is this situation that I am worried about. I have to defend myself. When I have to defend myself, when I get I also thought about looking for it after I was a freshman, but I couldn’t.”

If Clayton had a gun in his hand now, he would definitely point it at her: "Everyone knows that the water nymph has extremely strong perception within the area where she lives. I don't believe your words."

"But it is absolutely true. It is a strange object that was born with my death and is closely related to me. This also increases the difficulty for me to find it. Because I also have the same feeling about the river. I want to be by the river. Finding it is as difficult as finding the designated drop of blood in your own body."

"Then when it was picked up, you could always feel the person who took it away, right?"

"Yes, but I didn't dare to stop that person." Adelaide said: "He and his accomplices totaled seven people, all carrying guns and digging in the swamp area, and they were almost never alone. At that time I am still too weak to lure him to the water alone.”

Clayton frowned:

"Do you know what they're doing?"

"They seem to be digging for ancient swamp corpses or other valuable property, but I don't know why they are sure that there are these things in the swamps of Gevo."

The medicinal value of human corpses has clear regulations in medical schools. If the mummies of Mesri are the most valuable, then the ancient swamp corpses in the mainland can also be ranked third, and they can also be used for ritual magic. The group of tomb robbers on Easter Island The thief came here to expand his business, and Clayton could understand that.

He motioned to his two "entourages" to relax their vigilance.

"I understand, you can continue telling what happened after the monster appeared."

"At that time, the monster came from behind us and grabbed us tightly with its claws. We thought we were dead, but we struggled desperately and slowed down the process of being dragged away. Danny took the opportunity to shoot at it. The gun failed to hit, and the monster seemed surprised and put us down when it was aimed at."

As she told it, Clayton made a mental note of the key points - only Danny faced the monster head-on, and the monster recognized firearms and was a highly intelligent creature.

But this information is for reference only. Even if Adelaide has no intention of lying, her nervous attitude may make her memory unclear.

".We ran a little distance, and the monster caught up with us again. Its footsteps were very loud and fast. Even without looking, I knew it was running much faster than us. When I almost couldn't run anymore, I knew it was running much faster than us. , Sevan pushed me forward from behind, but we all knew there was no way to escape. Danny knew it too, so he turned around and shot Sevan again, letting the monster grab him and pull him I kept running forward."

"When we were sure that the monster wouldn't catch up again, he stopped and asked me what to do next. I told him that I was going back to save Sevan, and then he killed me. I woke up and thought I wanted revenge, but I had to warn others first, so I confused the doctor and asked him to take my gift to Gevaux, which was a conch with a sound, and I stored some beasts in it that were unlikely to appear in the town. The sound will make everyone know that a monster is approaching."

"And Danny knows the rules of the water fairy's resurrection, but he didn't think that much when he killed me. I hope he will think of me after hearing that unusual sound, whether he chooses to escape or come back to find me. , I can find a chance to kill him."

Adelaide's tone became increasingly calm, but this was not because she had looked away, but because excessive suppression had obliterated other emotions.

She didn't want to appear weak in front of outsiders.

The natural environment by the river was so quiet, so the sound of Donna sniffing seemed a bit harsh at this moment.

Noticing Clayton's eyes looking at her, she covered her face and stopped making any sound.

But this cannot dispel the feeling in Donna's heart. All the misfortunes she has heard about may not be worse than what Adelaide has experienced alone. Only such a tragedy can give birth to a rare item like the Jewel of Doom!

Clayton did not accuse his niece of being weak, because he was also touched, but more rationality made him pay more attention to the details in the story.

"How long was the interval between when Danny fired the first shot and when he fired the second shot?"

"Probably, I can't think of a minute," Adelaide recalled.

"In less than a minute, he was using a flintlock pistol, but he didn't look like someone who had been trained to reload it, and he was still running."

Clayton quickly came to the conclusion: "I'm afraid it was no coincidence that he met you, because he had at least two guns with him at the time. Perhaps he had already planned to make a decision with you before you encountered the monster. .”

If it is just for hunting, most people will not carry two guns. The weight will affect the hunter's actions in the jungle.

Ordinary beasts, even if they have sharp teeth and fangs, will run away in fear after hearing the sound of a gun. The only situation where two guns are needed is to deal with creatures that recognize firearms.

He didn't think that Danny was specially sent to deal with monsters. Most people wouldn't be so crazy, so the jeweler's son could only use two guns to deal with Sevan. Maybe it was for a fair duel, or maybe it was for a follow-up shot after the first shot went wrong. In short, his malicious intentions have been confirmed.

Adelaide's expression didn't change much when she heard Clayton's judgment.

In any case, Danny is dead, and no matter how much he cares about it, it will only be an insignificant addition to that disgusting tombstone.

"Will you encounter that monster again?" Clayton asked her.

The water fairy shook her head: "No, I've been waiting here for a long time, and it didn't show up again. I couldn't even find the blood traces left by Sevan. Maybe they have left Jevo. So I want to follow the river Search all the way. There are very few water sources nearby. As long as the monster cannot enter the city to get water, it must go to the river to drink water. If this continues, I will definitely find it."

She made a good point, but Clayton was not optimistic about her choice.

He asked her: "Miss Adelaide, do you know 'that beast'?"

Adelaide Lux asked blankly: "Sorry, I don't know which one you are referring to?"

Seeing her reaction, Clayton was sure of one more thing - the water nymph died too early. She died before the "Beast Disaster" in Gevoux happened, and after the "Beast" wreaked havoc, people For safety reasons, activities outside the town have been reduced. Even if a small number of people venture to the river, they are unlikely to mention it to themselves, so Adelaide still knows nothing about the existence of the "beast".

Donna coughed twice, drawing Adelaide's attention to herself.

"Miss Adelaide, when that monster grabbed you, did you feel what its claws looked like?"

Adelaide answered her question very formally: "I felt that half of my shoulders were wrapped by its claws. It was covered with a layer of rough black bristles, but there were distinct joints underneath, like Human hands.”

This answer surprised all three of them.

Although the leatherworker's palm looks like a human, there is no hair on it. It is more like ten awls with ten needles inserted into them.

Adelaide's description of the claws is more like a werewolf.

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