Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 185 Understanding the Times

The air beside the Nidalee was cold and thick, making Donna Bello's hands shrink in her sleeves.

The wolf skin she brought from her uncle's house didn't help much in keeping out the cold, so she had no choice but to hold her hands in front of her chest and shiver to resist the cold, while looking at her uncle's free and generous back with envious eyes.

For the first time, she felt good about werewolves.

Clayton and Julius were both walking in the front row. The latter was also pale due to his injury, but he didn't let Donna see it.

"Uncle, if I solve your problem, can you do me a favor? I don't want to just go back to the city. I have to catch the murderer first."

The girl chased behind and asked with a little anger. She was still thinking about the animal trainer, and the blasphemous sight made her furious.

The person who did such a thing is undoubtedly the most evil bastard. As a wizard of Bracola, deep down in her heart, she has no idea of ​​compromise. If Uncle Clayton is not still here, she needs to ask for his opinion. She will personally find the murderer and punish him.

Clayton stopped and turned back to look at her with a tight face.

"If I'm done with my business, we'll just go home. The hidden rule of a good city life is to cause as little trouble as possible."

"Then I have to stay here for a few days." The girl said, she grabbed Clayton's sleeve, but not in a begging manner.

She was determined to do it, whether her uncle agreed or not.

This attitude gave Clayton a headache.

"Why are you so persistent?"

"Because that murderer is so evil. If he continues to wander around the town, other people will be killed."

Julius clutched his shoulder and laughed twitchingly, the gunshot wound almost opening again.

"You've got him!"

Hearing this, the girl looked up at Clayton blankly, but she didn't react for a moment.

"I was the one who killed him." Clayton tried to keep his tone calm and not sound harsh, and his free hand went behind his back uncomfortably.

With all conscience, he never thought of letting his family see the people he killed. This practice may be an honor in the military, but personal relationships cannot be maintained by this.

He added: "But he was the one who struck first, and I was just acting in self-defense. And there was only one fatal injury, the one in the middle. The other messy decorations were not done by me."

Donna stared at him with a look that almost made him feel guilty.

Julius stopped smiling: "You may not believe it, but I testify for him - we have no clue about the new changes added to this corpse. As for the previous chop, it was very beautiful."

The girl asked them: "When did this happen?"

"The time you spent with Ms. Barbara," Clayton said.

"In other words, an afternoon, an evening, and half a morning have passed since the time you committed the murder. You haven't said anything to me. You don't plan to tell me either. If someone hadn't discovered the body, I probably don’t know anything about the corpse yet!”

Donna pursed her lips. The two men's explanations did not appease her at all. She looked even more angry, and she secretly tightened her grip on Clayton's hand.

Clayton couldn't help but smile bitterly, no matter how proficient he was in killing skills, he was still not good at handling this situation.

"I don't want you to know these things, but it's not because I don't regard you as one of my own. Imagine if you killed a notorious wanted criminal, even if he really deserved to die, you would be willing to do it yourself Do you want to describe the situation to your mother?"

"Why not?" The girl had a puzzled look on her face.

Clayton grinned from ear to ear in shock, and Julius laughed again.

He knew that the difference in concepts between the uncle and nephew was precisely due to Bracola's philosophy.

Bracola is indeed a magic school built by unicorns. Its instructors have never instilled evil thoughts into students, and the educational philosophy has always been to "persuad people to do good."

However, as a magic school with a long tradition, their definition of "kindness" still remained more than 2,000 years ago. In that era, even stinginess was regarded as an evil quality that could be punished by death. If a person killed someone for "justice", No matter how cruel the method is, it will be understood.

The code of kindness passed down from generation to generation has long since become a heresy among white magicians.

In a sense, Clayton was talking to an ancient man from two thousand years ago.

"Seven hells!"

The lieutenant wailed with a religious tone. He was convinced that his niece was not a mortal on a spiritual level, at least not a mortal like him.

Donna's reaction was definitely not caused by Tritis' education.

Damn Bracola!

"Girl, there is still a dispute on this point. Let's put this matter aside for now and resolve it after returning to the city." Clayton suggested while feeling regretful.

Although Donna didn't understand why there was any controversy, she still complied with her uncle's ideas.

"Of course, but you can't hide it from me anymore."

Clayton nodded solemnly: "We agreed not to hide from each other anymore, what do you think of this?"

He knew that this girl would not always listen to him, and he also had secrets that he did not want to tell others. It was better for both parties to inform each other of their bottom lines in advance, so that their respect could be put into practice and truly implemented.

"I agree, and I know a curse can protect this oath." Donna said eagerly.

Clayton looked away.

"We can go back and study this. There is no need to make it so formal now." As a typical mid-level Dornish person, he still hoped that he would always have room for breach of contract.

The argument between the uncle and nephew came to an end, and they continued walking along the river bank, discussing what might happen next.

"If we really meet that wizard by the river, you have to be polite. I don't want to offend such a ruthless person. My technical level is not yet able to completely block the 'Fairy Dust'. Considering that I have spent most of my life When learning advanced knowledge in Stratus, memory damage in any area may cause very serious losses."

Julius murmured in Clayton's ear that even though they had already experienced the battle with Athena Bolug, it didn't mean they could take it lightly this time.

Even spells with the same effect may work in completely different ways.

He was confident that he could use his mental power to resist psychological hypnosis, but the erosion of the fungus was substantial and difficult to detect with his mental power.

"'Fairy Dust'?" Donna finally found a professional topic that she could intervene in: "Are you talking about the spores of the fairy circle? I know that fairies are good at using this mixture to cast spells, so we are looking for a fairy?"

Those humanoid creatures who are closely connected with nature really like to stay in this environment, and they often have rumors of guiding people's destiny.

Julius shook his head and kicked a stone away.

"No, it's probably not fairies. I've never heard of fairies being able to accurately delete other people's memories. Moreover, after the Great Stink Incident, fairies mostly moved to gathering places to live in groups and rarely live alone anymore."

"What is the Great Stink?" Donna asked him. Bracola had no history lessons for young wizards to learn, and she knew almost nothing about the history of her country.

"Let me tell you." Clayton exhaled calmly to prevent his voice from being distorted by the river wind.

"A long, long time ago, there were no sewers in the city. So urban residents would dump the excrement at will, and the more discerning people would ask people to dump the excrement into the river. Because there are few people in the city, these filth are still there. It was within the tolerance of nature, but later, frequent trade activities made it easier for the urban population to increase seasonally. In a certain peak season, the population of Asia and New Zealand exceeded 800,000, and the pollution and toxins exceeded the tolerance of nature. It polluted the water veins around the city, so that people in the surrounding areas could smell a strong stench. Normal drinking water made them weak, and diseases were everywhere, but people did not understand the cause."

".It wasn't until other cities also experienced stench one after another that scholars discovered the cause of the stench incident and how to solve it."

Julius took over from Creighton with a tone filled with emotion: "Dorne was the winner in the Age of Sail, with the most frequent commercial migration, and the largest population in the Western Continent introduced, so it was the first to experience this." urban disease'."

What he doesn't say is that Dorne was not only the first to face the disaster, but also the only one - other nations learned their lesson in Dorne's wake.

It was precisely because of water pollution that many supernatural creatures died during the Great Stink Event. As the mystery faded, folk records were gradually regarded as fairy tales, and Dorne became a country that separated the occult from the people.

"When was the big stench incident?" Donna asked as if she didn't understand.

Clayton replied: "About a hundred and forty years ago."

"Then there should be fairies in Revo, or at least fairies' descendants."

Seeing the changes in their expressions, Donna felt aggrieved again: "You don't believe me? The evidence is at Aunt Barbara's house. Her ancestors' notes record the development of this town."

No matter what reasonable speculations Clayton and Julius had about local ecology due to the history of the Great Stink Incident, they could not overturn the actual evidence.

The family notes left by Barbara's ancestors prove it all.

"There is a Lacks family in the town, and their ancestors have the blood of the Water Fairy."

Clayton and Julius stopped at the same time. They remembered that the local girl Danny liked had a surname of Lux.

Her full name is Adelaide Lux.

Cold sweat broke out on the wizard's forehead, and he suddenly realized a terrible fact.

I have tenosynovitis. My coding speed has been a little slower these days. I will make up for it later.

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