Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 163 My Uncle Clayton

This is a very bad topic.

Clayton's eyes turned to Barbara, and he felt pity in his heart.

He and she are both in the same predicament at the moment, not wanting their families to know their true identities.

"I know my wife very well. She knows nothing except cooking and cleaning, and she doesn't know a word. How could she join your club? And bring back so much money?" Perot spoke faster, His skin turned red as the blood surged.

Barbara also looked at her husband in surprise. Apparently he had kept his suspicions quiet until someone who knew about this past appeared.

This was really planned for a long time, but although the old guy looked very angry, he didn't really blame anyone until he found out the truth.

Clayton touched the beard on his chin:

"Do you know her current physical condition?"

"I'm afraid she has some incurable disease. Her body is getting colder and colder, and she can't eat much, so she wants to go out," Perot said sadly.

"I'm sure she's in good health," Julius said. "I studied medicine, so you can rest assured that this change will be a good thing for her."

"I asked other doctors and they told you the same thing."

Julius interrupted him quite rudely: "Don't worry about the nonsense of those third-rate doctors, I am the real expert!"

He was too lazy to talk to the country people, and when he got angry at this moment, he actually had a bit of an overbearing aura.

But this obviously failed to convince Perot, whose questioning eyes never changed.

So when the wizard lost his temper, he rolled his eyes and thought of another trick.

"You know, things are not going well in the city recently." He started to guide, and until Perot nodded, he continued: "So many men have to do some desperate tasks in order to support their families."

This is to say that gangster Clayton frowned, he had a bad feeling.

Julius raised his middle finger and tapped his chest: "Look, this friend and I have almost no income this year because of the sluggish business. Our savings have been depleted and we owe a lot of debt, so we All joined the ‘club’.”

The lieutenant wanted to cover Donna's ears, but she was on guard and raised her hands to protect her ears early on, watching Julius make up nonsense.

Perrault picked up on the hint, but instead of flinching, he asked more angrily.

"What does this have to do with my wife?"

"Of course it does matter. Please allow me to continue. In fact, Ms. Barbara's existence can be said to be indispensable. Without her, we would have a headache." Julius shook his head regretfully. He shook his head and said: "In the club that we are not dealing with, they have recruited many new female members, which makes it very difficult for us young men who have just joined the club."

"Although we have done many things out of necessity due to economic difficulties, we are still gentlemen. Attacking women and children makes us feel seriously ashamed. Bullying the weak is against the dignity of men, but"

Julius changed the topic: "If a woman hits a woman, then this crime has nothing to do with us."

"So you hired my wife to beat women for you?"

Perrault took over the topic of wizards. He sorted out the information. He was no longer angry at this moment, but he was thankful. He looked at the two city men as if they were miners digging with gold chisels.

Clayton wanted to refute this statement, but after thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong with what Perot said. Julius's nonsense led to a correct result.

"I will not let her do such dangerous things again, and you should not come to her." Perot warned them.

From the beginning, Barbara rubbed her hands uneasily behind his back. It was not until her husband said this that she made up her mind to speak.

"Sorry, Perot, but I'll go back."

Her husband turned around in surprise: "Why?!"

The female vampire took a deep breath, but couldn't say anything.

Her literary literacy began to hold her back.

"Ms. Barbara has the soul of a true adventurer. She is destined to do something great." Julius controlled his expression very well, so not only was it not taken as sarcasm, but he also received a grateful look from Barbara. .

With these beautiful words, she wiped out the grudge of that kick.

"My return this time is actually just a vacation. I have truly joined the 'club'. Mr. Jonrad is very optimistic about me. He promised that as long as I learn to read, I can get a position in the security department with a salary of five pounds a month, and will also provide food. "she says.

Clayton sighed at Barbara's choice, but there was nothing surprising. The power of vampires was very suitable for use in the city, and even Elder Des Jonrad would not let go of such a fighting force easily.

Perrault was obviously reluctant to let her do something dangerous, but Clayton was not going to let their filthy parent drag it out any longer, so he forced his way into the conversation.

"Do you remember where you saw this gun?"

He handed over the broken gun. Perot frowned and pushed it back.

"I don't need to look any further. It's the gun I ordered from someone in the city. The son of Padre Luis, Sevan, needed such a gun for self-defense, so he asked me to order this gun." Perrault's tone was cold, because He was eager to teach his wife how to behave and did not want to be disturbed.

"So where is Sevan now?"

"I didn't see him at Louis' place, but he was friends with the jeweler's son. Maybe he lived in that bastard's house."

This unusual attitude aroused Clayton's curiosity.

"You have a bad impression of Lawrence?"

The old man looked at his wife with worry in his eyes, and his appearance became even more irritable: "I told him that the earrings I wanted must be pure gold, but he still mixed silver in them! That beast thought I was in the city. After living here for so long, he has become an outsider that he can fool easily!"

Clayton was startled, realizing that Perot might not be ignorant of his wife's changes.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and said tentatively: "I'm very grateful for your help. I happen to still have some raw blood here. Maybe you will need it."

Barbara's eyes were full of longing, but she didn't speak.

Perot narrowed his eyes and looked them over again before accepting the gift.

After the couple left, Donna suddenly spoke.

"Didn't you say that the bucket of blood was stained with charcoal? Why did you give it to them again?"

She issued a moral rebuke.

Facing his niece's questioning eyes, Clayton once again painfully confessed that he must be an honest and good person after today.

He sighed: "Sorry, that was originally a gift for someone else, but I didn't want to make you sad, so I lied."

"But you don't seem to know they are coming."

"I originally planned to give it to Pei Lun to pay for the rent." Clayton reluctantly found another reason.

Donna curled her lips and didn't ask any more questions.

After the quick meal, before the lieutenant had time to explain today's itinerary to his companions, another unexpected person came to the door.

The only doctor in the town of Gevo came to the hotel, and he came to Clayton to get his things back.

"I heard you picked up some fishing rods by the river?" the doctor asked sheepishly. He had a sideburn similar to Clayton's, but it was shorter, and he also wore a wooden frame on his face. The eyes look more gentle.

"I usually put the rods and baskets next to the wetland and maintain them once a month, but since the beast appeared, the elders advised us not to go to the river at night. I failed to maintain the fishing rods last month. I was afraid It was broken or washed away by the river, so I wanted to get it yesterday, but not only could I not find it, I also injured my hand." He showed Clayton his hand, which was tightly bandaged, to confirm that he What is said is true.

"Mr. Moreno said you picked something up by the river, so I thought maybe it might be at your place."

Clayton quickly went upstairs and took down both fishing rods.

The doctor took out his own one, pointed to the other one and said, "This one belongs to Mr. Chude. He also lives in this hotel. You should be able to find it in the third to last room at the end of the stairs." he."

This is a bit surprising, Clayton thought that Chud Osmar never went out.

Julius expressed his doubts more directly.

"We've seen him, but he also goes fishing?"

The doctor laughed: "Ha, it's more than that. He is a good fisherman, but it's a pity that he doesn't have this ambition."

Clayton narrowed his eyes, and something suddenly occurred to him.

"Have you ever picked up a conch by the river? Just like this." He took out the conch from his pocket and showed it to the doctor. The sounding conch still had a fresh smell of water on it. The days in the town may not be so far away.

The doctor thought for a longer time than normal people, but he came to a very simple conclusion: "This is probably the first time I have seen this conch. What happened to it?"

Clayton mumbled and mumbled.

Julius's eyes were fixed on the doctor's hands, and he still had questions: "Then how did you hurt yourself?"

"I can't remember. Maybe I was scratched by some dead branch when I was pushing back the bushes." The doctor shook his hand. It was obvious that he had no memory of this and didn't care.

"Well, I hope you can catch fish soon."

They watched the doctor leave the hotel.

"What are you looking for?" Donna asked.

Clayton didn't want her to follow him, lest she get bad luck.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little interested in all kinds of weird things. People who make a living in the curio business are like this." He casually said, "We will go out for business soon, so you can stay in the hotel. If you feel... If you’re bored, you can ask Pei Lun about the stories in town.”

Donna slammed her fork into her plate: "I can come with you, I promise."

"Sorry, dear, you promised too many times, but none of them made me feel at ease." Clayton interrupted her vow.

"Julius, when you have eaten enough, get ready to go."

The wizard pulled the chair back and stood up from the right side: "How are we going today?"

Clayton turned to look at Donna. The girl was still paying attention to their conversation reluctantly. She pretended not to be indifferent and lowered her head to attend to breakfast until she was watched.

The lieutenant turned back and told Julius: "We'll talk about it after we get out."

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