Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 150 Beasts in the Forest

The coachman from the car rental agency in the city did not rent a room in the hotel. He was staying with his cousin in the town, so he could not change rooms with Clayton or Julius.

They were not sure how the man with the burned face would embarrass the neighbor next door, but after all, Clayton relied on the mage, so he decided to suffer the disadvantage and live in an outside room. They quickly packed their luggage - most of them The luggage was with the coachman, so they really had nothing to pack.

This small hotel has only six guest rooms, all lined up on the second floor.

The three-foot-wide corridor is quite ample. Standing on the railing and looking down, you can clearly see the clusters of low-rise houses and the cross spiers of the small church in the town.

Werewolves like the all-wood structure of rural buildings. As a purely natural building material, it smells much better than buildings made of cement or bricks.

Julius is human, and because of his particular style of dressing, he gets tired early and has to go back to his room to rest.

Clayton lay on the railing for a while and admired the night view of the town, and then returned to his room. Although he didn't need to sleep, he still felt a little sleepy in the comfortable environment with the cold wind howling outside the window and the bright indoor brazier. .

He paced the room for weeks, finally sitting down on the edge of the bed to rest as he was accustomed to when human.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

This interrupted Clayton's gradual resting steps, causing him to curse secretly, but he still stood up and went to open the door.

The person standing outside the door was none other than the ugly-looking burned face.

"What's your business?"

Seeing this face, the lieutenant's tone was not very good, but this tone did not arouse the other party's resentment. There was some sincerity on that terrifying face: "My name is Chud Osmar. A painter. You must have just heard about those country guys’ arrangement of me, right? It was purely their unwarranted association and malicious speculation about my appearance, which caused great damage to my reputation. I think it is necessary Let me clear up those rumors to you.”

A serious guy. Clayton gave this Mr. Chude a label in his heart.

But he still didn't want to deal with the other party.

"Sorry, my companion and I will not stay here for long. We will leave after settling the business matters, so you don't need to care about our opinions."

Chu De lowered his head slightly.

"I understand." He didn't bother anymore.

As soon as he saw this man off, Clayton closed the door and slept soundly.

After breakfast the next day, he called Julius and prepared to go to the nearby river beach to check.

To be on the safe side, he not only brought a pistol and an axe, but also asked the mage to borrow a shovel from Pei Lun, the hotel owner, so as not to find any digging work that needed to be done on the river beach.

Outside the city of Sasha, the Nidalee River draws a zigzag line that stretches to the east, and the town of Jevo is at the sharpest bend of the line.

For the convenience of water collection and different work needs, several roads were cleared by different people in the woods from the town to the river. Clayton randomly selected an entrance and walked in. The tall withered old trees that had lost their leaves in winter were shadowy. Standing together, surrounding the narrow trail, the excess of shadows and dim light made their destination appear further away than it actually was.

As we passed through the dense forest filled with the roars of birds and beasts, the sky became bright again.

Today's sky is a formidable pale gray, the sun is hidden in the clouds, and there is no trace of warmth.

Julius, who was dressed in green, walked out of the slush-covered area with his legs high. After leaving the forest, he felt uncomfortable with the cold air by the river. He stuck the shovel in the ground, crossed his arms, sniffed, and looked at the sky thoughtfully.

"It is going to rain?"

"It's going to snow." Clayton also raised his head.

Although the two people have different identities, experiences and ages, they still think of the same day at the same time.

Now that it's snowing, Founder's Day is not far away, a time for reunions to celebrate the successful end of the year.

Julius blew out white smoke, untied his arms, rubbed his palms, and picked up the shovel.

"This winter is really deserted."

"Isn't your family still alive? Even the dark descendants have to celebrate the festival, right? As far as I know, the Creation Day has long been more than just a white sect festival. The way of celebration in many areas is even considered blasphemous according to the original doctrine. "Clayton retracted his gaze. The calm sound of water was not far ahead. Although he could not see the river yet, the tall waterwheel belonging to the mill had already come into view.

It was turning endlessly, and the wooden skeleton of the main body made a creaking sound.

"Do you think Lin Jing's family is no different from ordinary people, except that they have more children?"

"if not?"

"My youngest brother is ten years older than me!" Julius walked side by side with the lieutenant. He spit on the ground like a rough man, as if this could relieve some pressure. "Several of my brothers and sisters who failed to inherit the blood of the forest spirit like me have died of old age, and those who are still alive are not in Sasha City." He did not continue.

Clayton understood a little better. He didn't ask any more questions, but thought about what kind of gifts he would prepare for Donna and Tritis in winter.

It's only November now, so there's still plenty of time.

In order to find the original owner of the ivory picture frame pendant, they walked to the river beach, and Julius tried to use magic to trace the location where the tomb robber picked up the necklace.

There were no animals gathering on the light yellow river bank full of gravel to divert water. This may be due to the gloomy weather, or it may be that these two people scared them away.

Just as Julius was setting up the magic circle on the river beach, it started to snow.

Clayton is not afraid of the cold, but he doesn't like air conditioning.

The cold air numbed his sense of smell, making it difficult to distinguish complex odors.

Julius lit up the refreshing incense and applied the oil extracted from verbena on the amethyst bracelet he was wearing. He closed his eyes, sometimes waved his hands and sometimes turned around, pointing his arms randomly, disturbing the trajectory of the falling snowflakes, like The shaman in the ancient legend made all kinds of actions that were difficult for Clayton to understand.

The lieutenant was really impatient in waiting. Julius did not dare to touch the necklace, so he had to keep holding it because it was an important material.

Just as he was about to change his hand to hold up the necklace, Julius stopped.

"Its original owner did die by the river, but I'm not sure if it was the one who caused the fog of doom."

Clayton stuffed the necklace into his pocket and motioned for him to lead the way.

"Just to the west." The mage kicked the unburned rosin into the water without hesitation, then picked up the shovel and walked to the front.

Creighton followed him with confidence in Julius, not questioning it until an hour had passed.

"How much longer do we have to go?"

"Wait a little longer. My gnosis will tell me when we get to the destination."

Julius trusted the results of his magic so much that he walked straight forward without even looking at the path under his feet. Clayton could only continue to believe in him.

By the time he said stop, another hour had passed.

Their footsteps stopped in front of a wetland forest. The ground here was full of pits and there might be many gaps underground, causing the river water to pour in from below and flood the road surface, forming large and small pools and pungent-smelling swamps. All the trees looked like they were about to fall.

Julius turned around and breathed a sigh of relief:

"That unfortunate guy probably died here. In this swamp. But I want to rest for a while, and I'll leave this shovel to you."

He threw the shovel to Clayton, who didn't pick it up.

The long ax blade in Clayton's hand was wider than the front end of the shovel, so there was no need to change tools.

But it is not easy to find a body in such a large area, especially in the wild. Animals will eat the body completely, and even the bones that will not rot may be dismantled and taken away. Clayton had no hope, he could only try his best.

After finding a piece of ground that looked like something was stuck and digging a few times, the werewolf suddenly felt a hairy feeling on his back. He suddenly raised his head and looked deep into the dense forest.

A pair of glowing green eyes retreated into the darkness.

They were like the eyes of a predator.

"What did you find?" Julius asked, leaning against the tree, not minding the rotting bark rubbing against his green silk coat.

"wild animals."

As Clayton said this, he put down his left hand from the ax handle and reached for the revolver at his waist. Although he is a werewolf, he may not be able to withstand a sneak attack from behind by a large beast when he cannot transform during the day.

He didn't want to die in the mouth of an ordinary animal, that would be a bit funny.

"Hold your staff and don't expose your back," he warned.

The two of them were on full alert for a while, and then the feeling of being watched gradually subsided from the werewolf's instincts.

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