Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 138 Family Revitalization

If the first meeting encounters this kind of beginning, the hug between relatives will of course disappear.

The girl in the red hat sat across the table, holding a bowl of hot black tea in her hand, and once again apologized to her uncle for her previous remarks.

Clayton dug deeper and finally figured out what was going on with Donna's attitude when they first met.

"Mom said you were a soldier and were a rough person, so she asked me to learn this tone of voice in advance." Donna lowered her head and spoke sincerely.

"She let... let the rumors spread!" Clayton almost said the dirty words, but he still changed the wording in time to prevent Tritis' arrangement from coming true: "A truly rough person can't be like me. .”

He subconsciously stroked his proud beard. Since he was out of combat, he had resumed his daily grooming routine, which included haircuts and perfume.

Not to mention the fluffy and moist hair and the majestic beard, even the aroma of orange blossom and bergamot should make it clear that he is not a member of the market.

But at Donna's age, she probably couldn't understand this, so Clayton stopped defending himself after calming down.

"Which hotel is your mother at now? I'm going to pick her up."

He wanted to personally correct the woman's wrong thoughts and perceptions on the road to prevent her from bringing up the child and causing Donna to have more unnecessary misunderstandings about herself.

The girl's hand was touching the cookie box, but she stopped after hearing this question.

"She didn't come."

"She didn't come?!" Clayton was horrified by the meaning behind this answer: "Did you come from Butnu alone?"

Donna was startled by his attitude. She took back her hand and asked cautiously, "Isn't it okay?"

"That's half a month's journey! Moreover, you may run into all kinds of troubles." The lieutenant pressed his hands on the table and looked over nervously. He looked at his niece again to make sure that there were no wounds on her body. Or signs of being robbed.

Although the clothes on Donna were not fashionable enough, they were clean and tidy, and her skin was smooth and there were no wounds.

Everything seemed normal until his eyes caught sight of the wicker picnic basket on the table.

"Is this all your luggage?" he asked suspiciously, pointing to the basket. It was covered with a layer of yellow cloth. He couldn't see clearly what was inside, but how much can a fifteen-year-old girl carry?

Donna took the initiative to lift the cloth, and inside were several small boxes containing ointments, as well as wooden combs, some change and so on.

"And a spare change of clothes." She muttered, scrolling down, but Clayton stopped her.

"That's enough, I think I understand." Clayton was determined to settle accounts with Cuitis, but at the same time, he couldn't show it immediately. He had to spend all his energy on welcoming Donna first, but his I couldn't think of anything to say to a girl of this age. No matter how excited I felt, I could only utter some cold words in the end.

"Well, Donna, I'm glad you're willing to come to me. Your father and I are close brothers, so you can trust me absolutely and tell me anything you're not used to. I'll take care of it tomorrow. You go to the department store and buy a few new sets of clothes, and besides that, I also have some things to teach you about living in the city."

Having said this, Clayton stood up and stretched his hands stiffly towards the back corridor: "Now, take your luggage and I will arrange a room for you."

He was extremely annoyed when he said these words. If Wu Lun was still here and this brother brought Donna to visit him, the atmosphere would definitely be much more harmonious than before.

The tone of their current conversation hardly sounded like they were talking to relatives, more like he had hired a child laborer from the countryside.

Clayton had actually made many predictions about meeting Donna, but now, those sentences in his predictions were of no use at all.

Donna stood up and instead of following immediately, asked another question.

"Uncle, how should I usually call you?" she asked crisply.

"Clayton or uncle will do, what about you?" Clayton turned around, his tone as hard as his tense muscles. He cursed in his mind that he had forgotten the most important part. Fortunately, Donna took the initiative to mention it. .

"Donna, or Rosina."

The last two familiar syllables made Clayton think he heard it wrong, but he quickly realized that the pronunciation of this name was still very different from that of Spider Priest. The pronunciation used by the latter was closer to the ancient pronunciation of "西" It requires the clasp of the upper and lower front teeth to come out, but the name that Donna said does not need it. It is softer, like a gust of wind blowing between the lips and teeth.


"This is the Christian name my mother gave me."

Clayton covered his forehead. He actually forgot that Tritis was a devout believer. Donna would naturally be affected by her education. As a result, he could only reveal his werewolf identity to them slowly.

Knowing that her uncle is a werewolf would definitely be a shock to a religious girl.

"So you also became a Christian?"

Donna shook her head and gave Clayton a little relief.

"It's just that my mother likes to call me that."

"Sounds good. She finally has good taste for once. But I'll call you Donna. Come with me and I'll show you around this place, but we're moving out soon, so don't like it too much. Yes." Clayton glanced at the table with his peripheral vision: "Well, you can take the cookie box to your room, I don't usually eat it."

With hands as fast as a squirrel, Donna packed the cookie boxes into her basket.

She was generous and generous in everything she did, without the euphemism or restraint of a city girl. This also made Clayton Bello quickly adapt to her presence, and the conversation gradually opened up.

This girl had a bit of the simplicity and enthusiasm that Clayton was familiar with, and she even added a hug to help Clayton get rid of his initial regrets.

"This room is yours. It used to be a guest room, but I don't usually have people coming here as guests. The beds are very new. I will put the quilt in later, as well as the brazier. You have to be careful. The weather is much colder than Butnu, and deep winter is coming soon." Arriving at the guest room, Clayton introduced his niece while bending down and reaching out his hand to pull the end corner of the sheet and smooth out the wrinkles.

Donna couldn't stop looking here, and Clayton used the entire house as a free warehouse. He would never spare any space where there was room to hang paintings, and the same was true for the walls of the guest room.

Those gorgeous and colorful landscape oil paintings dazzled her.

Clayton was keenly aware of her emotions.

"They may be sold later, but if you like them, I'll keep them."

Those paintings are not worth much now, but this does not mean that the techniques and aesthetic concepts used in them are backward, it is just that their authors are not yet famous.

The girl withdrew her admiring eyes and shook her head.

"No, I'm just taking a look."

"If you want anything, just tell me."

Clayton was determined to raise her as his own daughter, and there was nothing he wouldn't give.

Tritis obviously didn't receive a reply from his previous rejection, but it didn't matter now, at least he would be her guardian while the child was still studying in Sasha City.

Then, after letting the child rest for a while, he introduced to her the use of all functional rooms and electrical facilities in the entire building. Two hours passed in a flash.

"Uncle Clayton, what is this room for and why is it locked?"

Donna did not continue to follow her uncle. Her feet stayed in front of the study door. Her green skirt swayed, and a strange color similar to deep red was reflected on the painted surface of the wooden door.

"Didn't I introduce it? Then I must have forgotten." Clayton followed slowly, but he had to pretend to be confused about this question. "This is the study. There are some boring books in there, and some boring bills about money transactions. You don't want to look at them."

Donna pursed her lips, as if considering whether Clayton's words made sense.

Although she was not a wild child, it was obvious that she was a girl with her own opinions. Clayton was happy about this, but prayed that she would not be too interested in the study.

Clara still had it on the desk.

Fortunately, Donna quickly gave up her curiosity about the study and instead offered her opinions on today's dinner.

Counting the time, it's time for people here to prepare dinner.

"I just learned how to make a raspberry cake from my mom. If you have an oven here, I can make one in no time. The raspberries are really delicious. Everyone should try them. Mmm, there may not be any raspberries here." The basin...but the cake base is also delicious." When Donna talked about these things, her eyes became sparkling.

Raspberry cake, that's Ullen's favorite. Clay paused for a moment, and his tone inevitably added a touch of kindness.

"Sorry, Donna, not only are there no raspberries here, but there is no flour or eggs to make the cake base. But I promise they will be available soon, but it's just too late today. It would be better for us to go out to eat tonight, I I know there’s a good store, so if I go out now, I’ll get there in just the right time.”

He stretched out his hand to guide the exit of the corridor, and then walked forward first.

"Great, what can we eat?" Donna followed him briskly, and together they walked through the corridor and returned to the hall.

"Their chef is very good at cooking turbot, which is a kind of seafood. It is difficult to get such ingredients in Batnu, but I think that will be the taste you like."

Clayton babbled and walked to the door, tightened his tie, took off the bowler hat on the coat rack and put it on himself. Behind him, Donna also put on her red hat, preparing to face the cold outside. wind,

The wolf, no longer alone, unlocked the door with the key and unlocked the door chain.

Amidst the clanking of chains, he suddenly couldn't help but let out a chuckle, and the long-standing pressure and ignorant anger dissipated invisible.

Donna heard his laughter and asked in confusion: "Uncle Clayton? Is there anything you are happy about?"

Clayton turned around, with the most sincere smile in the world on his bushy-bearded face.

"It's nothing, I'm just glad that you came to me earlier than late winter. Late winter is really a very difficult time."

The list of new characters adopted in this volume is as follows:

"Winston Jean Stewart" by WinstonR

Now eat the bread provided by "Ian"

"Adelaide Lacks" by Raziel

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