Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 125 Another Assassination

They lost the direction they came from, but because they had walked a long way before and were very close to the target, they quickly returned to the right path.

This is not a difficult task.

The old house inherited by the Culles family occupies a large area. Even if they took some detours, it was only to the extent of "walking from the garden drainage system to the toilet drainage system."

Fortunately, they were not wrong either.

In the garden late at night, the cold moonlight shines through the hollow and leaky slate, casting long light spots on Clayton's face below.

He pushed himself upwards, leaned against the stone slab and listened, finally confirming that the garden was unguarded at the moment.

So he pushed the stone slab away and climbed out of the narrow surface pipe, followed closely by Barbara and Julius.

They were still stained with irritating liquid and the color was quite bright. If they were to enter the building, they would definitely leave traces.

But we are already here, so it doesn’t matter if we leave traces.

They were not here to kill Caroline Culles.

It may be ridiculous to say this, but except for Clayton, no one actually cares about who Athena Brugge is and what she has done. Therefore, even if she is dead, the Sheriff's Department's investment in this matter is quite limited. They I don't worry about the follow-up investigation afterwards.

The lieutenant was also a peace officer and had some knowledge of the internal situation.

He knew that all the Sheriff's Department could do in cases where it was difficult to find the murderer was to increase the reward. And if Carolin Culles is actually unwilling to disclose his relationship with this foreign woman, it will be easier for them to escape.

Clayton thought lightly, dragging his muddy footsteps towards the dark silhouette of the mansion among the swaying trees.

Once they entered the building in disgrace, they had to hide Julius' piece of luminous ore so that it would not be seen by the guards or the servants who were up late at night.

Barbara was frightened by the portraits of strangers staring at them on both sides of the corridor. This was a decoration not found in the Presbyterian stronghold, but after getting used to it, she kept looking left and right, but she could not stop shaking.

The architectural structure here was that of a country villa that Clayton was familiar with, but the decoration was too luxurious. From the moment they entered, they saw many expensive furnishings.

The crystal chandelier above the foyer is still sparkling even when it is not lit. The white marble steps are as simple and elegant as ivory, and the handrails are coated with a special layer of paint, giving them a golden sheen like amber. There is also a huge piano placed in the center of the front room.

Carolingian was indeed one of the richest businessmen in the city of Sasha.

Creighton was concerned about the stability of the night. Before the operation, he did some simple research on Caroline Culles. Most of this man's information was published in the newspapers.

The deadline for the final election is approaching. During this period, Caroline will definitely not be at home, but actively participate in various activities to win votes for himself. Moreover, he has been busy with his career and has not yet started a family, so there will be no so-called hostess. One or two mistresses at most.

In view of the three-story structure similar to that of a country house, the guest room should be on the first floor relatively far away from the bathroom, while the servants' room would be in the basement.

There would be no more than twenty rooms in the entire building waiting to be searched.

They searched quickly but found nothing in the three rooms on the first floor.

There are no signs of use in these rooms. Not only the bedding, but also the tables and cupboards are empty.

Clayton looked at Julius at the door of the last guest room, hoping that the mage could give some enlightenment because of his special perception, but Julius just shook his head helplessly.

The mage found no traces of magic secret doors or protection on this floor.

The lieutenant thought for a moment and then made the decision to go upstairs and continue the search.

They walked quietly toward the stairs covered with long white wool carpets, but the warm yellow light shone from behind the folded corners above, and there was also the slight sound of shoes rubbing against wool.

Clayton's steps stopped for a moment, he spread his arms to stop the people behind him from moving forward, and then pulled the two of them to the side of the stairs.

The light source moved up the stairs, imprinting two figures on the wall as far as Clayton could see.

A slender shadow walked in front with a handheld lantern. The person behind him stopped for a few seconds when he reached the middle of the stairs, holding on to the handrail, as if he didn't want to leave. Noticing his movements, the shadow in front also stopped and turned around to break the silence.

"Master, you have to leave quickly. If Master Caroline knows that you are back, he will definitely be furious."

"Huh! Just let him know. I have to hide from my servants when I go back to my own home. What kind of rules is this?" The person behind asked grumblingly. Although he tried to lower his voice as much as possible, Clayton Still recognized him at once.

It's Faslag, the guy who cooperated with the Spider Priest to create a fake death!

If he hadn't been induced by this guy, he would have found out the Culles family long ago.

Clayton's hand pressed on the cavalry sword, but he quickly relaxed it and just pressed against the side of the stairs, listening more intently.

This guy can't die yet. If he makes him pay the price privately, it will easily be traced to him afterwards - it's better to take the proof of his survival to the military headquarters.

Fasslag's death caused a lot of commotion in the military, and even affected the relationship between people in the city government and the church. Although Clayton did not pay close attention to their movements, he also knew that they were preparing for the funeral and The plan for the ex-officer's posthumous treatment took a long time with the Carolingians.

If they knew that he was being tricked by this fool while he was busy, not only would something happen to him, but Caroline Culles would also miss out on the mayoralty.

"Where are those Hook detectives? Didn't my brother pay them another sum of money? Why did they all leave?" Faslag did not continue to move, but continued to look at the housekeeper in confusion. This old man had stared at their brothers. The two grew up together and have served the Culles family diligently for more than thirty years, so they are absolutely reliable.

"Could it be that Caroline took all of them to the dinner party? Just because of this, he removed all the guards around me?"

"Don't blame him, he actually doesn't trust those people." The old voice said helplessly. "He thought it would be good to keep you in the country, and there are too many eyes staring at him here."

Faslag stood there, and the three people hiding heard his heavy breathing.

"I know." He agreed, but still had doubts. "But why does the hall stink? Didn't you throw away the swill?"

Faslag turned his head to the right, trying to find the source of the stink in the aisle to the right of the handrail.

In the blind spot of his vision below, the three people hiding were motionless. They all had ways to control their emotions or hold their breath for a long time so that their breathing would not reveal their existence.

The old voice sounded again: "I'm sorry, Master, it's the servants who are lazy again. My eyes and nose are too old to monitor them. Maybe it would be beneficial to find a mistress for this mansion. There has been no one here for a long time." The mistress has coordinated the housework. I will find an opportunity to persuade Master Caroline later."

"It's up to you. Just don't be that woman. She just went to bed with me not long ago." Faslag turned back boredly.

"The duty entrusted to me by the master is to help the two young masters get married to a well-matched woman. Witches are obviously not among the criteria, but I think Master Carolin has a sense of discretion."

"He better have."

The light of the lantern moved again, and the two people walked towards the front hall.

When the light dimmed after they turned the first corner, Clayton walked out of the corner and looked at the direction where Faslag disappeared, his dark blade-like eyebrows twisted.

"Let's go upstairs."

He heard Fathlag's words and was eager to confirm whether Athena Beluge was really not here now.

They went upstairs to search together. When approaching a room on the right, Julius sensed something and stopped nervously, silently pointing to the door next to Clayton and Barbara.

"There are mana fluctuations inside." He said through lip language.

No need for Julius to tell, Clayton also smelled a very familiar smell. He stepped on the carpet quietly and passed by, gently holding the doorknob and twisting it.

Thanks to the meticulous maintenance of the door shaft by the servants, there was no sound at all when the door leaves were opened and closed. When the lieutenant saw the light coming out of the gap, he immediately slowed down his movements, making sure that any creatures that might be in the room could not hear him pushing the door. sound.

As the door crack gradually opened, he saw a woman sitting in front of the dressing table with her back to him.

She was wearing a white nightdress, with loose blond hair piled on her shoulders. The mirror reflected the appearance of a quiet beauty. A black candle was lit in front of the mirror to provide lighting for the room.

On the black candle body, the white flame burned quietly.

The beauty seemed to find Clayton in the reflection of the mirror, so she showed a sweet smile to the mirror.

Clayton was not moved by this smile. Before Julius and Barbara could react, he immediately drew his cavalry sword, crossed a distance of nearly five yards in one step, and chopped off the beautiful head without hesitation. .

From the beginning, his actions were noticed by this woman.

After his journey into the sewers, he knew exactly what he looked like now. Even if he was originally a handsome man, he is now full of sour odor and cannot recognize his face. No woman would be willing to have a tryst with him. That requires not only enough debauchery, but also courage and unusual hobbies. Rather than smiling, they should have a look of fear.

Moreover, the black candle is an important prop used by the Fallen Priest when he holds the Black Mass to summon the devil.

Only the grease boiled from the corpses of felons can be used to make black candles.

We must take action immediately!

By the time the witch chants the spell, it's too late!

Without any resistance, the curved blade cut through the white neck, but it didn't feel like flesh and blood.

Clayton tapped the ground with his left toe, dodging a possible counterattack to the left like a fencer holding a shield.

But at the moment when the angle shifted, he saw the light and shadow in the direction of his slashing being distorted, and the scene began to shift.


The huge mirror fell down, but was caught by the soft carpet, without breaking or making any noise.

What I just chopped was the mirror! The enemy is behind!

Clayton didn't hesitate, turned around again, and waved his arm back first.

This move killed several Taunton soldiers who dared to pursue him.

But the blade was empty again.

When he turned around and stood still, he saw the blond woman standing some distance away from him, leaning against the dressing table against the wall without coming forward, still smiling.

"Welcome," she said, her voice unusually sweet.

Clayton had no intention of communicating with the other party. He instantly pulled off his coat with his left hand and threw it over. While blocking the other party's sight, he tilted his upper body forward and sprinted. The blade of the cavalry sword arrived almost at the same time as the coat.

As the coat slid off the woman's face, the steel blade sliced ​​right through her neck.

The beautiful head rolled down from the elegant neck, and was lifted up by Clayton's hair and hung in the air.

He knew very well how strong Clara's vitality was, and that she would only be more powerful than her mother, who had more profound demonic powers, so another destruction was needed.

Despite being lifted by the hair, the head seemed to feel no pain and the smile remained bright.

"Welcome," she said.

The next second, the head exploded.

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