Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 114 Everything must be done personally

On their way to the transfer center, Clayton and his party did not actually use horse-drawn carriages as their main mode of transportation.

The distance between the city and the transfer center is two hundred kilometers, which is really too far.

They arrived at the transfer center by train.

Although the transfer center has not resumed work, at stations in the city, lines in the opposite direction have been restarted.

As soon as they arrived here, they immediately went to a nearby town to borrow a carriage, then changed their outfits and came back again. This was intended to mislead the conductors and those who might discover them, making these unsuspecting people think that they lived nearby - perhaps working and living in a suburban estate.

Even if they want to return to the city, they have to wait until the train service resumes here.

But after changing her clothes, Barbara always acted like she was hesitant to speak.

In order to speak as little as possible, Clayton prepared for them the black ceremonial clothes for the funeral. The outfit Barbara wore was borrowed from the landlady's maid. There was no veil underneath the hat, which was really inappropriate. Wear it for expressive people.

In the process of changing the route, Clayton saw Barbara's hesitant expression more than once, and he had to solve the problem near the lumberjack camp at the front of the town.

"Ma'am," he asked kindly, "are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"

Barbara was distracted, and her body trembled when she heard his question, and she panicked and grabbed the black gloves that she was not used to wearing yet.

If she hadn't been a vampire, Clayton would have probably thought she was just hungry, and the aroma wafting from the lumberjacks' pots was the trigger for her expression.

"I just" Barbara lowered her head uneasily, rubbed her hands, and paused for a while before finishing her sentences. "Can I ask what's in that box? When the carriage was bumping just now, some strange gravel came out of it. They made me feel scared. But there was also kindness, like a majestic father. Sorry, did I say Too much?" She raised her head in confusion and embarrassment.

"I think that might be the corpse of a vampire of your kind."

Clayton looked strange. He seemed to have guessed what the ax was for, but he still didn't know the purpose of the vampire's existence.

But that's just a guess, and he still needs to address his current goals.

Detective Hook's new recruits aren't going to be let into town, he's going to kill them.

Although there has been no news of new visitors from the owner of the Bronze Horse Inn for many days, Athena Bailuge knows some weird spells after all. If she discovers that the detectives at the Bronze Horse Inn are not just missing, Then she might leave a code for the new detective in a way that Clayton couldn't detect.

Kill these detectives before they get off the train.

Not too early, not too late.

"Why are we transporting the body of a vampire?!" Barbara was frightened and her voice was short and high-pitched.

"Because it might come in handy."

Clayton's yellow eyes narrowed due to the sudden noise, and his tone was a little impatient. He was becoming more and more sensitive to sensory stimulation from the outside world.

Seeing his expression, Barbara lowered her head and put on her gloves without asking any more questions. She was worried that her questioning might lead to a more terrifying answer.

Four days later, in Culles' mansion.

"Diesel, did you really send the message?"

Athena Brugge sat in the chair with difficulty, and Diesel thought that this physical deterioration was related to the development of her pregnancy.

A week later, she changed into a new body. It was like a crude mold that was put on the body. There was a light green skirt on the outside, but the distended abdomen was not only difficult to hide, but also became more eye-catching.

This rapid reproduction alarmed detectives.

"The railway maintenance in Sasha City only took three days. An accident cannot delay them for that long." Detective Diesel replied firmly. "Since they have not arrived, they are dead, just like our companions who stayed at the Bronze Horse Inn."

Since Cicero ultimately did not return, they asked the Spider Priest to perform a divination.

Divination is not Athena's strong point, but she has many ways to replace this. After paying a certain price, the Invisible One from Hell brought news of the death.

She didn't feel sorry for the news that time, nor did she feel sorry for this time.

"They'd better be dead, otherwise this will be considered a breach of contract."

Athena chewed her blond hair and bloodless lips in disgust. The joy of giving birth to a child suffered a major blow during the period of labor.

She originally planned to wait for a helper, but the helper was delayed, and she had to choose to give birth in this dangerous environment. In order to speed up the progress, she devoted a considerable part of her strength to catalyze the birth of new life.

For this reason, the balance of her four humors was disrupted.

"Then have you found the information about the werewolf?"

"Not yet. We asked people around his shop, but they don't know much about him. He hides his past very well. If we want to explore further, we may have to risk getting closer to his residence."

"Trash," Athena said.

Diesel was not angry because of her rude words, but said sincerely: "Madam, if you want the contract to continue, we need you to fulfill your promise and provide intelligence assistance so that we can provide better services."

"It's always like this, isn't it? A bad boy who is always demanding and unwilling to understand adults."

Athena looked at the void and whispered nervously, transparent saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, what did you say? Can you repeat it?"

Diesel looked at her doubtfully, and quietly reached for the pistol with his right hand.

Their cooperation is based on the legitimacy of the contract, but this connection is crumbling with the emergence of external crises.

Regardless of whether the country witcher's criticism of the Holy Grail Society was based on personal prejudice, the detectives who are still alive have firmly believed that Athena Berlugo's identity as a woman and a monster has added double bad luck to them, just as they once did. It's like the unspoken rules rumored when serving at sea.

Even if Athena doesn't do anything unusual now, Diesel will still be more wary of her.

The change in the other party's attitude is also the trigger for the detectives' rejection. This woman's contempt for them is becoming less and less refined.

"Ah, please forgive me." Spider Priest's pupils focused on him. About half a minute passed, and her expression returned to normal again. Her tone was completely different from before, and she became polite again: "Pregnant woman I am always sentimental, and I am no exception. In these days, I occasionally think of the past. I think of my poor children who unfortunately died young."

"I can understand."

Diesel said, but put his right hand on his waist to ensure that his right hand could quickly draw the gun at any time.

The monster only allowed him to enter the room because he disliked the noise. If an accident occurred, he would at least fire one shot to alert his companions outside.

"Are you married?" Athena tilted her head and looked at him.

The question caught the detective off guard.

He thought for a while and replied: "I have been married before. But my wife and children left me long ago when I was serving. Well, the church allows us to divorce, but our status may not be the same. If they get divorced, it’s better to say they disappear.”

The priest lowered his head and sighed happily: "This is a good thing. Children will make you feel painful, those little beasts."

This exclamation immediately made Diesel realize that something was wrong: "I thought the Holy Grail Society also believed in Heavenly Father, 'Love your children as yourself.' Isn't this what the scripture says?"

He thought that even if Athena was a monster and did not need to appreciate the noble and pure qualities of newborn babies like humans, she should at least be kind to her own child.

The spider chuckled, and the body leaning on the back of the chair looked extremely thin: "Don't talk nonsense - my belief in Heavenly Father has nothing to do with those little beasts. Only your heretical church believes this statement. Not born yet He had to take away his mother's power. After birth, he looked so ugly, ignorant, and stupid. He couldn't even respond to the call of love, and he couldn't meet any of their expectations from me, the giver of their lives. This Isn’t it true evil?”

"Then why do you want to impregnate yourself at this stage? To torture yourself?"

"Of course it is to satisfy the sacred nature given to us by Heavenly Father!" Athena put her palm on her abdomen, and the flesh and blood there suddenly began to squirm.

Diesel realized that the priest was strange. While he was perfunctory with the other party, he suddenly reached out and drew his gun, but his revolver seemed to be glued to the holster and could not be pulled out at all.

Athena seemed not to notice his attempt and continued to answer his question: "Of course miracles come with a price, even for the heretical church you believe in, but they conceal the source of the price. The only way is to obey yourself. Only by nature can our strength and lifespan be fully increased. Have you ever seen people who constantly suppress their nature but still get a healthy body? My nature is to procreate, and it doesn’t matter even if I don’t have healthy children, as long as I have this little Once the beast is born, I can take back my power and even grow it.”

This weird statement made Diesel even more certain of the current situation. He simply pulled off the belt around his waist, jumped forward and waved his hand towards Athena.

After joining the Hook Detective Agency, he became a student of the Way of the Blade. Mastering various weapons is a daily necessity.

The belt was as sharp as a whip in his hand, and even because of the added weight of the copper belt buckle at the front, if hit on the head, it could knock out a 180-pound man who had been trained as a boxer. This conclusion was based on Tested many times.

The belt hit the spider priest with a whistling sound, and the undulating lines like waves accumulated kinetic energy, waiting for a smooth release.

If he could hit the head, he believed that the injury would directly abolish the opponent's ability to cast spells.

However, the metallic luster at the top of the buckle stopped about half a foot in front of Athena's face and began to retract. The strong momentum only stirred up a breeze, slightly ruffling her long golden hair.

Thick white threads grew from the darkness, climbing up Diesel's legs, and the sticky structures trapped his hands and feet. When he fell to the ground and had no choice but to count the grids on the floor, he realized that his vision had been interfered with by spells since he entered the room.

His own position did not match what he saw with his eyes, and the actual position of Athena Bailuge was also further away than what he saw.

The other party had already planned it.

"The same goes for you, Diesel, you are as evil and useless as a newborn child." Spider's tone was even a little sad: "I knew this the first time I saw you. You kill people for money. What’s so noble about existence?”

She opened her clothes and opened the new skin to show him.

The abdomen underneath has long since returned to flatness, and is even somewhat sunken. The bulge he saw before was just a camouflage of flesh and clay.

Diesel knew immediately what she had been doing during the time she had sent them out.

The way he looked at Athena Bailuge no longer looked like he was looking at the devil, but as if he was looking at evil itself.

"However, I do have high expectations for this child. Unfortunately, your people were unable to deliver Master Anriel safely, and are unable to maintain a safe environment. And I can't wait to know the final result. , so I tried to find a way to meet it in advance." She pursed her lips, feeling extremely aggrieved: "It still failed, it is not normal at all."

"You madman, you are the one who is abnormal!"

Diesel struggled hard in the cobwebs. He deliberately made a lot of noise, but there was no movement at all outside the door.

The devil's spell blocked the space on both sides.

"Whatever you say, I'm not here to discuss, I'm the one who makes the decision."

The look Athena looked at the detective at this moment was filled with an innocent and simple emotion, which was her love for food: "The unnatural birth method has made me weak. Since you have not played a role, you might as well come and help me." I'll add some nutrients. As a transcendent, I think your medicinal value should be higher than that of mortals."

Diesel calmed down and stopped trying those useless struggles.

He just looked at the priest calmly and met its eyes:

"Monster, if you dare to break the agreement, the firm will definitely cause trouble for you."

The beautiful spider sitting on the chair looked back at him with eyes that could tolerate everything, and a little bit of kindness finally sprouted in her pupils. As the body fluids became unbalanced, Athena seemed to see several familiar faces in the other person, the children she first fell in love with.

Childish faces with different torsos, either mediocre or deformed.

It's so nostalgic.

"Maybe, but let me tell you something, Diesel. Don't say 'yes' to anything that hasn't happened yet."

She got down from the chair, and as she approached, several pairs of sharp blades pierced her skin.

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