Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 109 It’s not too late

They tied up everyone in the hut, using the men's own ropes, quickly and efficiently.

Bruno released his hands from the knot of the last person's hands, picked up his lantern, hurriedly kicked away a corner of the carpet, and held the pull ring underneath to reveal the entrance to the cellar.

When he climbed in, Clayton shouted from above: "Have you seen the refined whale oil?"

A vague voice came from below the cellar: "Yes, there are whale oil tanks. I saw a lot of them, but they are piled together and I can't count them. You'd better come down and count them yourself."

Bruno quickly climbed up again, holding a booklet in his hand.

"What did you take?" Clayton looked at the thing suspiciously. He still didn't know what Bruno was here for.

Bruno held the book with a blank cover in front of him and shook it for a moment, but quickly took it back and turned his attention to the guys who kept humming.

"Just a list of stored records for this gang, especially for bastards who threaten to betray me."

Clayton tilted his head and muttered, then came back: "Actually, it's no longer necessary. All the people who betrayed you are probably dead."

Bruno turned around quickly and opened his mouth.

"All the Gray Hats are dead?"

At this time, the gang members lying on the ground became quiet, waiting for Clayton's reply.

"Unfortunately, they are all dead." Clayton shrugged: "I went to your stronghold in advance for investigation and found that all your people had moved away. Then I learned that there was another outbreak in the abandoned mine that you used as your second base. There was a fierce battle. Now, apart from these few and the thugs they left near your residence, there should be very few others."

"That's a big gang with more than fifty people. It's crazy!" Bruno said, almost losing the color on his face.

But at the same time, he did not put down the list in his hand.

"Be open-minded, someone has taken revenge for you."

"That's really good news."

Although Bruno answered like this, his face did not change and was still pale. He was horrified by the news.

Even if the betrayal came from the sincerity of his companions, it wouldn't be as terrible as that.

There are more than just Gray Hats in the mines.

There are usually a hundred people maintaining the underground society there, and occasionally more than three hundred people may gather.

What kind of situation would warrant killing so many people?

He couldn't figure it out.

Do those nightingales know about this?

"Does this matter need to be kept secret?" He asked thoughtfully, which made Clayton startled because Major Doron did not emphasize this matter.

"I think the person who did it probably wanted it not to be made public this week, but he didn't say that explicitly."

The corner of Bruno's mouth twitched. He could not imagine that someone would only want to hide such a serious matter for a week - but it was true that because of the situation, it was impossible to hide it for a long time.

When the youngest gang member on the ground heard the news, he struggled crazily, like a fish thrown ashore. Although his hands were obviously tied, he was almost holding his upper body up with his two legs.

"This is impossible! They have guns to protect themselves, as well as Giant Roberts and Bald Rooney. Who can kill them?" He became more and more powerless as he spoke, and finally fell down again.

Because Clayton just said who the murderer is.

It’s “our” army.

If the military is involved, it is natural for the gang to be destroyed, which is not difficult for the military.

Thinking of this, the gang members all looked depressed.

After getting rid of their status as gang members, they can only go back to being ordinary workers. That is not a respectable status, and they cannot often eat meat.

Clayton didn't care about this, he just told them: "It's not too late to start a new life now."

Of course, trying to blow up the railway is a serious crime, but after all, it has not been carried out yet. According to the law, they still have to come out to live after being locked up for two or three months.

"Now tell me, where is the hole you dug?"

Clayton planned to take this opportunity to extinguish all hidden dangers. There should be no hollow pits underground under the railway. That was also a dangerous factor that affected the operation of the train, but it was only safer than burying explosives underneath.

The two men sent to dig the hole shook their heads.

"Don't lie in front of me. In the past few days, you can't even dig a hole."

"It can't be dug at all." The older gang member sighed: "The ground in that area is full of hard tree roots, and the shovel can't be shoveled at all. We have moved to several places like this. We are planning to bring a saw there today, and then you It’s coming.”

They were all tree roots. Clayton couldn't help but think of Groene.

If it is Lin Jing's extraordinary ability, this can be explained. The Presbyterian Church has always attached great importance to trade. Maybe the old man planted forests here not only to improve the air, but also to protect the railway.

This phenomenon saved him a lot of effort.

He thought for a while and said to Bruno: "You watch them, I'll go down and count the lost items."

Bruno nodded.

Clayton took his lantern and descended the broad staircase into the cellar.

Under the firelight, standard cans of refined whale oil, which contain mineral fluorescent agents, are shining brightly.

They are piled in the corner at the end, with the cans stacked upright in a very regular manner, and thin wires tied around them, round and round, to prevent these dangerous things from exploding due to accidental shock.

Whale oil, a harmless and stable raw material, can cause countless harm once it enters human hands.

He moved the cans and counted the goods on the upper and lower floors. He was relieved when he confirmed that the number of cans here was the same as the number lost at the Weisongte Weaving Factory.


There was a sudden shout above his head, and he instantly recognized Bruno's anxious voice.

Then there were rapid gunshots and the sound of flesh colliding, as if another battle had begun.

What happened above?

Could it be that those gang members have support?

Clayton suddenly became worried, and his cheeks were almost growing wolf hair because of the tension, but now he was holding refined whale oil that could easily explode due to vibration. He had to slow down and put the can on the ground steadily. Only then did he rush forward.

But at this time, the fierce fighting had stopped.

Bruno was panting and holding his long rifle, holding a dagger that was still dripping with blood in his left hand. On the ground was a newly fired flintlock gun, still smoking, while other gang members gathered in a circle, all falling In a pool of blood.

"They saw that I was alone, so they wanted to join forces to attack me and steal my gun. heh," he said while breathing. "I had no choice"

Clayton looked at the corpses. Their hands were still tied with ropes and they had not broken free, so he couldn't help but frown.

"Perhaps you should be more restrained."

"I can't do it. My physical strength is no longer what it used to be." Bruno said helplessly. "The first few blows made me so tired that I couldn't restrain myself from taking action. If they take away my weapons and block the entrance to the cellar, you will be in danger."

Extremely tired, but still able to kill five people in ten seconds.

Clayton narrowed his eyes, unsure if this was a brief burst of energy or if the other person was lying.

But even if Bruno was lying, he couldn't find the other person's motive for doing so. In his opinion, the gang members here have long since ceased to be worth paying attention to.

"Bruno, sometimes I doubt that knowing you is something worth regretting, but there are always new situations that make me overturn this view." He stared at Bruno's face closely, but swallowed his breath when he said this, Didn't go on.

The detective's eyes flickered, but in the end he did not defend himself.

The railroad matter was finally over, and Clayton could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But the strange object the Spider-Priest needs remains his goal.

He began to pay close attention to the connections between the train platforms, and he did not hesitate to ask an aristocratic friend of his long-term client to intervene in the matter - in the name of commercial operations.

Because of the actions of the Gray Hat Gang and the remaining evidence, the Sasha City Public Security Department contacted the train transfer center 200 kilometers away from here and postponed all train schedules passing through Sasha City for three days to allow them to re-evaluate and check the railway tracks. The surrounding security risks bought Clayton a lot of time for his plan.

The lieutenant asked the client with some status to relay a message to the transfer center.

He spoke in the name of Athena Berlugo, and lied that he was worried about the safety of his goods due to the recent situation in Sasha City, and thought that the Hook detective he originally hired was not enough to take on the important task of guarding him, but he did not know that he The train schedule on which the ordered goods are located, so the transfer center is requested to help investigate. If the transporters are found, they will be told to leave the goods at the transfer center for safekeeping. New security personnel will depart from Sasha City to replace Detective Hook.

Moreover, the contents of that batch of goods need to be kept confidential. In order for the staff of the transshipment center not to inquire into the details, Ms. Bai Luge is willing to pay more money to keep their mouths shut.

The message was quickly sent via carrier pigeon.

In this way, even though Athena Bailuge herself possesses all kinds of unpredictable extraordinary abilities and masters evil black magic, she has no way to get the goods faster than Clayton.

Clayton is very proud of this.

The Spider Priest uses dark magic to manipulate people's hearts, and he can do the same with money and friends.

This is the powerful power brought by social credit.

While he was waiting for the good news from the transfer center, he was flipping through the book sent by Tritis at his home, comparing it with the book sent by Aureliano Blanco, and verifying the difficulties he encountered in deformation.

When he felt bored, he would ask the landlady's maid to make a pot of tea and bake some biscuits, and then take the food to share with Clara in the study, and socialize and re-educate this little girl who only had her brain left. .

Everything is developing in an orderly manner.

It wasn't until the third day of the rail blockade that an unknown colleague of his at the Sheriff's Department came to the door.

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