Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 102 Massacre

After a gunshot, the wailing stopped abruptly.

Everyone's nerves became tense and their breathing slowed down.

Creighton led the team to move forward slowly along the wall. They had to look around the corner before continuing.

They are not very familiar with the underground area here. If the party who fired the gun has malicious intentions towards them and has the initiative, they will have almost no way to fight back.

No one knows how many connecting points there will be among these intricate underground passages.

The artificial passages here have been reinforced later, and a large amount of wood has been processed into brackets to hold the whole body composed of soil and stones. A layer of paint for unknown purposes has also been painted on the outside. The height of the dome is not too high. Clayton can hit it with a slight jump, but this height also proves that this place does not belong to the history of the dwarves.

Some of the iron tracks emerged from the earth, but more were buried, which reminded Clayton of the consequences of their failure to prevent the train from exploding.

The overturned minecart had its metal wheels removed, and the soil attached to the surface condensed into a hard block, as if it were an entire model made of soil.

This mine may be older than the city of Sasha.

Before the advent of the industrial age that scholars praised highly, underground operations here were in full swing. In the era of rapid technological advancement, it was abandoned here simply because the past development technology could not keep up with the times and created numerous safety hazards.

When he took the fourth fork in the road, Clayton finally saw blood.

Large bloodstains lay on the ground. The red blood seeped into the soil and was assimilated into another dark color that was difficult to detect.

Someone was injured and ran past here, escaping deeper. I wonder if it has anything to do with the man who screamed before.

Although there is poisonous gas that can ignite in the depths of the mine, the poisonous gas has been properly sealed under the management of these wanderers for many years, otherwise there would not be so many people living here.

However, this also results in people with malicious intentions being able to shoot unscrupulously here.

The procession stopped again.

There were four entrances in front of her. Marietta stayed where she was, recalling the experience of coming here many years ago. It had been a long time ago, and even though she had been here several times, someone had led the way.

"It's right in front, I can smell it." Barbara spoke again, her tone mixed with excitement and fear, and she pointed to one in the entrance, her voice erratic. "Right in that depth, more than one person was injured, a dozen or even dozens."

This was the first time she encountered an environment where so many people were bleeding, and the vampire was as excited as a mouse scurrying into the kitchen.

"That's enough, your reminder had better be brief."

Clayton frowned and interrupted her. This way of speaking really affected morale.

Dozens of people were injured?

How many people are there usually in this mine hideout?

Suddenly, they heard another voice, almost close at hand.

Everyone held their breath for a moment.

The speaker was only separated from them by a wall, and his voice was very clear.

"Sir, the settlement area has been cleared."

Another person answered him: "Very well, it's over for today. Barron, you go and relax. Once you get all the valuable things, we will go back to the city."

"Sir, when can we lift the ban on alcohol?"

"Stupid donkey! Do you think I can be as empty-headed as you are when I'm happy? Don't even think about it. Just because you can't shut up after drinking horse urine, the prohibition on alcohol will last for at least another month. Now give it to me Get out of here, don’t let me suddenly remember how to kick your ass!”

The voice that added obscenities to his answers sounded familiar, and they recognized it as the officer who had summoned them for questioning.

"It's Major Doron."

Clayton breathed a sigh of relief, there was nothing to worry about.

He knocked on the wall: "Major Doron, is that you? I'm here."

Before he could finish his words, a burst of noise suddenly erupted from behind the wall, and then the angry voice of Major Doron came again.

"Idiot, turn off that light! How long do you think it can be on? It's all deducted from military expenses!"

Similar concerns occurred not long ago, and Clayton could sympathize with them, but he also had some doubts.

The major came out of the cave pointed by Barbara with four soldiers and a man who seemed to be a priest. They were all carrying oil lamps. Only one soldier was carrying two lamps, and the extinguished lamp was in his hand. , and another working oil lamp hangs on his waist.

Clayton could tell at a glance that the lamp was a strange object that could illuminate dark descendants in the interrogation room. However, although the style was the same, the details were different.

This thing is a mass product.

He was surprised, but soon took it for granted.

The Kingdom of Dorne is a very powerful nation, setbacks are occasional and preparations are ever-present.

"Beren? Bello? Or Bolen? Who knows your name? It doesn't matter what you say. Anyway, what the hell are you doing here?" The major tried to pronounce Clayton's name but failed, and his temper became even greater. .

"I am here as a police officer to investigate. Some criminals are planning a vicious incident that endangers public safety."

Clayton read his lines seriously and looked behind the major, but it was pitch black and his dark vision was useless.

"Criminal? Ha!"

The major looked back at his soldiers and turned his anger into a smile. The soldiers also laughed. Only the priest remained silent and muttered something in a low voice.

"There are no more criminals here." Major Doron said with a smile: "Except for my people and you, no one can breathe in this underground space. Just now, we have cleaned up the entire mine. Next You should come earlier this time."

The werewolf could almost smell blood in his understatement.

A massacre had ended before there was even a hint of news in the city.

Barbara was actually right.

Clayton was silent, and Barbara moved back behind Volentin, trying to block herself with their bodies so that these soldiers would not see her.

Marietta took a step forward with her eyes wide open: "Who gave you the order to kill the people here?! They are all citizens of the kingdom. Even if they commit a crime, they must be tried before they can be executed."

This confrontation made the atmosphere even more tense, but for the sake of her youth and beauty, the major didn't mind talking to her more.

"I thought you could understand. My soldiers and I defended our country in our own way, but we still suffered groundless accusations. Such a group of criminals gathered here, here." He pointed upward with his right hand, and then came to his senses. Unable to see the sky, I had to put down my hands angrily, and then said the word: "...Special moment. If such a complex terrain cannot be properly handled, how many strange things do you think will occupy this place? We can't do it again and again." They are wasting time here all over the place. And that group of idle villains neither agree to let this place go nor pay for the safety of the city. If such a group of people have gained weird powers because of their bad luck, what will happen to the city? No threat? They are so close, someone has to do it. If not us, the monsters that breed in the forest will do the same."

Major Doron's defense was almost impeccable, and no one could find a single fault.

Mary was also speechless for a moment and could not speak.

"That's enough, we're not here to deal with this matter." Clayton spoke. He looked at the major with a gloomy face: "Are the Gray Hats here?"

"Of course, they're right next to each other."

Clayton's breathing became heavy and he continued to ask: "Then have you seen piles of refined whale oil here?"

"No, who smuggled this thing?"

The major's surprise didn't look like a disguise, and there was no need to do so.

Refined whale oil is an industrial product that can be purchased legally. There is no profit at all in smuggling it, and there is no need.

People who can't even afford refined whale oil certainly won't install a whale oil generator.

"Okay, let's stop the conversation here. Don't go any further. My people are cleaning up here. After that, this area will be sealed. It won't be possible to reopen it until a few years later and resume normal development of the mine. "

Clayton said coldly: "Great, you'd better hope that you just didn't find that batch of whale oil. They were stolen as raw materials for explosives and may be used today or tomorrow. Originally, we had It is possible to know where they will be used, now that the people who planned the bombing have been killed by you, and the whale oil has disappeared. Maybe tomorrow morning, the residents of this city can hear that sound together at breakfast Explosions, as an appetizer to a boring life.”

Major Doron had to become serious. He pursed his lips and his eyes slid hesitantly on Clayton's face, wanting to know whether this was the truth or a lie made up by the other party in order to get into the depths of the mine.

The answer is of course yes. The major failed to find a flaw, so he had no choice but to give in.

"Damn it." He cursed: "You go in, but don't touch anything else. Barron, you go with them and remind everyone else to turn off the lights. I'm not talking about ordinary oil lamps."

The soldier with the two lamps responded reluctantly.

Because of this job, he will definitely not be able to collect loot, and he only hopes to be compensated later.

The major looked back at Clayton: "He is walking with you, but he can only walk in front of you."

"I agree."

Clayton thought for a while and added: "The Sheriff has another member behind him. He is a man with long hair. If you want to go out, you may meet him. Don't accidentally hurt him."

"I won't go out before my men regroup." The major said impatiently: "You finish your own business and get out. This is best for us."

Clayton looked at the lamp carried by the soldier named Doron and seemed to understand something.

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