At the mutual insistence of the two.

In the end, I chose the living room tacitly.

When the song ended, Zhou Ling said with a smile, "The name of this song is [Courage]." "

Now that I've finished listening to the song, shouldn't I go back to sleep?"

His mindset changed dramatically.

Especially for Shen Qinglan's request, Zhou Ling couldn't refuse at all.

After saying this.

He prepared to go to his room and put his guitar away.

And just got up.

was gently dragged by Shen Qinglan on the corner of his clothes.

Miss Shen's face was flushed, and her voice was weak, "I, I'm scared when I sleep alone." "

You, you, can you ......"

Zhou Ling said.

The corners of his eyes twitched violently a few times.

looked at Shen Qinglan incredulously, only to feel that a stream of blood was constantly rolling in his nose.

I couldn't speak at all.


, what do you mean?" "I was kidnapped today, and I'm still scared in my heart, what kind of expression do you have?"

looked at him with a look of enthusiasm.

Shen Qinglan didn't know what he wanted to express, and he was ashamed and annoyed in his heart.

A stomping of the foot.

I was going to trot back to my room.

Unexpectedly, before she opened her legs, Zhou Ling grabbed her waist behind her back, "I, I just don't know what to say, ......

good" "Or, I'll go back to the room first to prepare?"

But he was helplessly hugged by Zhou Ling too tightly, and even his breathing was a little unsmooth.

I had to bow my head.

In a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Then, let me go, I'll go and get ready...... "

The closet door had to be locked.

As for those clothes.

Why don't you say it slowly?

, and Zhou Ling only felt that his mind was hot, and a warm current poured down from his nose.

Thank you

, Mom! Thank you, Dad!

Isn't that bag of family planning supplies going to be useful?

So the two soldiers split up and prepared their own way.


I know that you officials don't like to look at this kind of detail, so I will help you omit 8,000 words (dog head) here.

Early the next morning.

When the alarm goes off several times.

Zhou Ling leaned on the wall and came out.

It's like stepping on cotton.

Shen Qinglan, who changed into a cute pajamas.

The complexion is ruddy and refreshed.

was looking at him with some concern, "Are you okay, do you want me to help you?"

Zhou Ling waved his hand, "It's okay, it's just that I haven't exercised for too long, I'm flashing my old waist, just rest for a while." "

Look at the mess in the house.

This is already his last stubbornness.

Don't blame Shen Qinglan for being too strong.


Holding a cup of wolfberry jujube tea.

Zhou Ling and Shen Qinglan appeared at the same time in Xinghan Entertainment.

Just got out of the car.

Liang Luoxi couldn't wait to come out.

"Tut-tut, you two are developing fast enough!" "

It's only been a night, so you're going to make it public?"

looked at the two of them playfully.

But Zhou Ling had no intention of letting go of Shen Qinglan.

nodded seriously, "Well, you're right, don't hide it."

"Qinglan will be my girlfriend in the future, I hope to know." "

At the initiative of Miss Shen.

The two finally pierced the last layer of window paper.

Plus Hu Yong's divine assistance.

also helped Zhou Ling completely break the knot in his heart.

The two of them can be together, so it is naturally logical.

ridicule can't be done.

Instead, he was forcibly stuffed with dog food.

Liang Luoxi said angrily, "Okay, okay, I know that you two love ......"

and then raised his eyebrows.

He looked at the two of them with a wicked smile and said, "I just don't know...... Do you have any negative distance contact?" "

Good fellow!

As soon as he opened his mouth, he drove the car up Akinayama Mountain.

Shen Qinglan blushed on the spot.

Zhou Ling had rough skin and thick meat, and gave her a roll of the eyes, "It's your business!"

After speaking, he pulled Shen Qinglan and swaggered into the company.

Leaving Liang Luoxi messy in the wind.

Xiaobo shook his head on the side, and said to himself, "Do you still need to ask about such an obvious thing?" "

Look at Teacher Xiao Zhou's big black eye bags, and then look at Miss Shen's appearance like a spring breeze, how can there be a ploughed field, only a tired cow!"

Liang Luoxi staggered.

I almost didn't fall and eat.

He looked at Xiaobo with resentful eyes, "I never thought that you were the most hidden Lich King...... "I

didn't have time to deal with these two guys.

Right now, Liang Luoxi's new album is about to be launched.


Organize support groups.

PR for major media outlets.

Before Shen Qinglan could show his affection with Zhou Ling again, he was immediately overwhelmed by the tide of work.

Based on the last proposed amendment.

After Zhou Ling's confirmation, Liang Luoxi's album is finally final.

Think about it.

He went straight to Yu Hong's office.

It just so happened that Wang Yuesheng and Zhou Bingbing were also here.

See him enter the door.

The two smiled and greeted each other.

Yu Hong even handed Zhou Ling a cup of tea directly, "Why don't you rest at home for a few more days?" "I've

said hello to the official, and when you're almost rested, I'll come to the door to make a record." "

Hu Yong's kidnapping case.

It's also a thrill for everyone.

Zhou Ling has vaguely become the backbone of this new company today.

Whether it's the production of original songs.

Or the so-called domestic mythical IP.

He had to take the lead in all of this.

"Forget about resting......"

He smiled helplessly.

Zhou Ling originally thought the same way.

But after Shen Qinglan won the battle, all he thought about was work.

And that's exactly what she said.

Leaving himself.

Liang Luoxi's album was launched, but it could only be postponed indefinitely.

In this regard, Zhou Ling naturally will not stop it.

"It just so happens that you're all here, and I have an idea to talk to you about. He

waved his hand.

Stopped several people from continuing to gossip.

Zhou Ling said directly to the point, "The launch of Liang Luoxi's album is very important to our company. "

So I'm going to do it, can you release it in the form of a concert?"

Zhou Bingbing smiled first, "There is no strict distinction between the new song conference and the concert.

"It's just a difference in size. "

I have been in the entertainment industry for many years.

She is naturally familiar with this kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ling shook his head, "What I want to organize is not an ordinary concert, but a charity performance ......."

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