
Vol 5 Chapter 1073: Opportunity is always rare

In fact, the issues that Fan Investment Group’s leaders and subordinates are concerned about are whether the once terrorist attack on the Five Continents will cause the US economy to plummet. If that is the case, some domestic economic policies need to make a lot of responses. The adjustments have been made.

At the same time, everyone also noticed that Fan Wubing happened to gather all the employees of the American company in the previous few days, which also avoided the casualties of the company’s employees in this incident. There is a little unpredictable opportunity, which makes the senior executives who admired Fan blame and illness feel more admiration and inexplicable.

However, even though Fan Wubing has strictly ordered all American companies to gather, someone was hurt in the cited incident. It was a foreign executive of the American company. At that time, he had a temporary business and went to the World Trade Center to talk to a company. The scheduled business exchanges resulted in a plane crashing into the building. Fortunately, he was on the lower floor. He retreated all over his body. By the way, he saved several injured women and children. He was commended by the U.S. government.

Fan Wushu didn't say much about it. Although he repeatedly emphasized that the temporary collection must be followed, but this time things were relatively sudden and he couldn't tell the employees well. The reason for emphasizing discipline is to try to avoid injuries and deaths of his employees in the incident. Now it seems that The effect is not bad, at least not as heavy losses as those companies that settled in the World Trade Center.

There are many companies that can enter the World Trade Center. There are also many powerful companies. This time, the death toll in the World Trade Center has reached thousands. Most of these people are industry elites. Their deaths have directly led to gaps in the operation of many companies, even in some companies. The leadership is basically annihilated?

In any case, some of the employees who were quite opposed to Fan Wu's Ji at the time were already very fortunate. Because Fan's investment group has a very large business and involves a wide range of areas, especially the connection with the financial industry, there are a lot of people working in the World Trade Center, and the floor is also very high. If it were not for Fan Wu I am afraid that many people will stay in the ruins of the World Trade Center forever.

The shocking scenes seen on the TV screen are enough to make the parties feel frightened and feel lucky?

What followed was an assessment of the damage to the Fan Investment Group in this incident, and a consultation on the policy adjustment of financial work in the United States.

The impact of the cited incident on the U.S. economy will spread to the world through four channels: trade, capital flows and exchange rates, international market prices, and financial market contagion, affecting global economic development.

From a trade perspective, just after the incident. The United States has closed all its borders and some borders with Mexico, temporarily suspending trade and logistics with all countries and regions in the world, and has a greater impact on the exports of countries such as Canada and Mexico, which rely heavily on the US market?

The United States has always occupied the most important position in the international market, and its imports account for about 25% of global trade. When the US economy is in recession, its imports will inevitably shrink, which will affect the development of global trade, but the degree of impact on each region is not uniform.

North America, Japan, Latin America, and Southeast Asian countries are greatly affected. Japan accounts for one third of its total exports to the United States. The economies of Latin America and Southeast Asia rely heavily on exports to the United States. In particular, more than half of electronic products are exported to the United States. According to Goldman Sachs The company’s estimate "In what year. Half of Southeast Asia’s economic growth has come from exports to the United States. The EU’s trade with the United States accounts for about its total trade, which is more affected than Japan, Latin America, and Southeast Asian countries."

From the perspective of capital flows and exchange rates. Citing events will affect the exchange rate adjustments of major currencies, capital flows will change, and international capital will flow to countries and regions with relatively rapid economic development, social stability, and relatively moderate foreign policies, such as Europe.

At present, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to the euro has depreciated from the euro to the U.S. dollar, and the euro is around the dollar. The Federal Reserve's statement acknowledged that the economic data released by the United States in recent weeks has been disappointing. Oil prices are high, the consumer confidence index has fallen to a nine-year low, employment is declining, and more than 300,000 jobs have been lost in February alone. , And retail sales are also declining.

From the perspective of financial markets, the stock markets of all countries in the world are now fluctuating with the fluctuations of Wall Street, and hedge funds may also take the opportunity to make waves.

The U.S. stock market fell, and the stock markets of other countries hardly improved. The Tokyo stock market fell sharply, London fell prosperous, Paris fell. Air France’s share price has fallen by more than 1%?

On the day after the U.S. stock market opened, major world stock markets outside the U.S. rebounded. Stock prices in the European stock market rose by about 3%, followed by volatility in the next few days, indicating that people continue to wait and see the U.S. stock market.

Looking at the prices of international strategic commodities, after the minor incident, the prices of commodities such as oil, gold, and non-ferrous metals have risen rapidly. On the same day, London Brent crude oil futures rose to a dollar per barrel and rose to the highest level since December last year. The terrorist incident did not affect the global supply of crude oil. The increase in oil prices was entirely due to the uncertainty and psychological panic of the terrorist attack. The history of world economic development shows. Oil prices are closely related to world economic growth, and every large-scale economic recession is related to rising oil prices.

The economies of all countries in the world depend on each other and influence each other. Due to the hegemony of the United States in the world economy, countries around the world are not immune to the US economic slowdown. When the US economy is prosperous, the world economy is more likely to develop. If the US economy experiences a recession, it will also drag down the economies of other countries in the world.

Due to China's high degree of dependence on US exports, the US economy has entered a recession, especially the decline in US consumption levels, and the corresponding decline in demand for imported goods, which will inhibit the growth of China's exports from the aspect of external demand. The impact of the cited incident on the economies of various countries is not the same. North America, South America, Japan, and East Asia will be more affected, while the impact on Europe, South Asia and other countries will be relatively greater.

It’s just that this time is different. Fan Wubing did not take this opportunity to make a fortune in the US stock market and peripheral stock markets. On the contrary, in recent days, he has been expressing financial stability in various public or private occasions. The importance of the market, and expressed dissatisfaction with the international hedge funds who took advantage of the robbery.

"Could it be that the boss has changed his sex?" The most curious is naturally the people in charge of these financial institutions from Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wuer has been in the ups and downs of the stock market many times before. Pindi grasped the pulse, and realized the Zichangding Earthworm with ease. Fu, this time Fan Wuyao also made some preparations in advance, such as reducing recent financial activities, selling some unstable assets, etc., and also arranged for the staff of financial institutions in the United States to gather swords to avoid accidents. It is reasonable. Can he take this opportunity to make a big profit?

However, President Fan did not act. This is really strange.

In this regard, Fan Wubing naturally had some thoughts of his own.

After all, after the incident involving the attack on the United States, the U.S. government will conduct strict audits on foreign investors and foreign capital for a long period of time. Under this circumstance, Fan Wubing plans to gradually withdraw from investment in the United States within this year alone and complete the strategic contraction. In addition to maintaining a certain right to speak in some very important industries, most of the staff will be dispersed. Go to financial institutions in other countries in the world to complete the global strategic layout of Fan Investment Group.

Another point is that the domestic exhibition is about to go on the right track. Fan Wubing feels that now is the time to return to the country to show off, so in addition to some safe financial or mineral investment. Except for those assets that should be hidden in the big foreign banks, in addition to those real estate investment projects in hotspots in various countries, some other assets can already be transferred to the country.

The most important thing is that after three years of state-owned enterprises have basically achieved their predetermined goals, the country needs new growth points to promote the development of the entire economy. My father Fan Heng has also told Fan Wuyao many times. It is necessary to vigorously promote the domestic modernization process, especially to strengthen the development of enterprises in the central and western regions. Fan Wuyao believes that he is duty-bound.

Facts On the third day after the birth of the cited incident, the father Fan Yu, who returned home, had an in-depth discussion on the matter with his son.

"In the most recent period, the domestic policy towards the United States has been relatively active. Although Bush Jr.’s coming to power seems to be disadvantageous to China, and before he was elected, he seemed to be a cowboy with no fear, but if you study If you pass this person, you will often come to a conclusion, this. People are more humane." Fan Wuyao said to his father Fan Heng. "To be honest, although many domestic media have a high evaluation of Clinton, it is precisely this) Clinton is our enemy. During his tenure, he created some trouble for us."

"Then what do you think the Americans will do to deal with this terrorist attack?" Fan Heng asked rhetorically.

"Since Bush played the role of a cowboy hero, then only war will allow him to continue to play this role." Fan Wuyao replied.

"War? Who to fight?" Fan Hyung asked.

"Naturally it is Afghanistan, this. The place where the Americans and Russians have entangled in the past is also the stronghold of the Communist Party. The Taliban organization has a very close relationship with the Communist Party. The Americans will not let this opportunity pass this time. Uncle Sam, who is annoyed, is quite terrible." Fan Wubing replied without thinking.

Fan Heng frowned when he heard the words and considered this matter carefully.

It seems to many people that although Americans are belligerent, they always fight for their own interests. Otherwise, they will keep their capital in the early stage of World War II. Only after being hurt by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, did they make up their minds. Finally joined the war.

The terrorist attack this time has been described as the second Pearl Harbor incident, so everyone is speculating about where the American anger will tend to be. They do need to find an emotional outlet, but for a terrorist organization that has no fixed nest and wandering around in all corners of the world, where should they start?

Fan Wuyao gave a very clear direction to Afghanistan.

As far as Afghanistan is concerned, in fact, the domestic high-level people have long seen them not pleasing to their eyes. You must know that because it is a gathering place for Islamic fundamentalist extremists, it has always been a troublemaker. The members of the more active terrorist organizations in the country are basically trained by them.

In the first glance, these people have indeed caused a lot of troubles, causing the domestic government to feel very headache.

These people sneaked back to create some terrorist incidents, and then immediately went back to Afghanistan to regenerate their energy.

This time, the police created a terrorist attack. In fact, high-level officials are still happy to see the Americans take action to clean up Afghanistan. After all, this small and addictive country has become an unstable factor in Northwest Asia’s political activities. If it were not for the peaceful development strategy pursued by China that cannot be changed, there would have been people. Hit it?

"Anti-terrorism is a double-edged evil. Many things that were difficult to solve before can now be completely solved before the name of anti-terrorism?" Fan Wuyao reminded his father Fan Heng.

Fan Heng thought about it for a moment, and he immediately thought about the leadership meeting.

In the past, in the face of some extreme events in China, Americans always had to point their fingers, such as on Tibet or Xinjiang. Uukanshu.com or on the Chechen issue in Russia, Americans always like to intervene indiscriminately and attack in the name of human rights.

But this time, if the Americans fight against terrorism and go to war in Afghanistan, then everyone can learn from others in the future. If you Americans can fight against terrorism, then we can naturally fight against terrorism as long as we put a terror on our opponents. The big hat of the element, when it comes to beating or killing, that's all righteousness, and no one can say what's wrong.

And there is one more thing. Even if the Americans are really trying to fight Afghanistan this time, they need the tacit approval of China and Russia to launch military operations. If you want to do this, it is impossible not to conduct private exchanges. In this way, many issues that could not be discussed before can now be discussed.

For example, the issue of accession to..., the sovereignty issues in certain regions, and the so-called human rights issues that the Americans have been stuck on before can all be resolved better.

"All in all, this is a good opportunity. It not only shows support for the United States' anti-terrorism, but also solves many historical problems. Why not do it?" Fan Wuyao concluded.

Fan Heng thought that this was indeed the case, and it seemed that some issues could be communicated in advance. ""

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