《Minecraft is such a very easy-to-play game!

And when you really get started, this game can be played in more ways in the hands of players!

At this time, Chen Xiao'e was actually very excited!

My video has really received support from so many people on the Internet!

Although it's a bit incredible, I actually built the building in my memory!

This is the character of Daxia and the Forbidden City of Daxia!

Chen Xiao'e himself based it on history books and photos of the Forbidden City at its current stage!

The entire Palace Museum has been restored one to one!

This ancient building symbolizes the culture of Daxia!

It is the most outstanding architectural complex in the entire ancient Daxia!

This magnificent large-scale layout, this exquisitely designed game idea, and the design that allows you to move freely in every lane and every house!

Although, some scenery aspects are not perfect yet!

But at this moment, this huge Forbidden City was unfolding in front of him.

It’s also very shocking!

Qianqing Palace, Jiaotai Palace, Kunning Palace.

As the back three palaces of the Forbidden City, it is the residence of the 06 emperor and empress in the TV series!

It is inaccessible to ordinary people, but in this video of Chen Xiao'e!

But it is completely displayed in front of everyone’s eyes!

There are also the Hou Taihe Hall, the Zhonghe Hall, and the Baohe Hall, which are also completely displayed in front of the players!

All the buildings in the entire Palace Museum cost countless blocks!

Chen Xiao'e spent a lot of effort to make it!

The houses were all placed in an orderly manner where they were supposed to be.

The size of the Forbidden City and the majesty of the palace are vividly displayed... and the four gates built around the Forbidden City!

It also vividly displays the essence of Daxia culture!

Although it is still slightly different from the real world.

It’s not as realistic as the photos!

However, there really isn’t anything to fault!

Such an excellent building has convinced countless players!

This is just the Forbidden City...

Chen Xiao'e has actually planned to use various gameplay methods in Minecraft a long time ago!

For example, redstone circuits, command blocks and other high-tech gameplay!

Use block by block to restore all the large and magnificent buildings recorded in the history of Daxia one to one!

Afang Palace in the Qin Dynasty, Changle Weiyang Palace in the Han Dynasty, Luoyang and Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty!

He wants to make the history of architectural development in the entire Daxia!

This Forbidden City is just the smallest work that has occupied Daxia culture for hundreds of years!

Now it has been loved by countless viewers!

If I were to design a better work, how many viewers would love it!

So, with this little excitement!

Chen Xiao'e has started his own great cause of Daxia Guofeng architecture again!

Now his goal is not to get the 500,000 reward, but to get the stars and the sea!

However, with this video of Chen Xiao'e, it became popular!

A series of similar videos are popping up like mushrooms after a rain!

Countless players cannot suppress the heart of God in their hearts!

Create a world that is completely your own, and show what you create in front of players! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is what they want to do most!

Chen Xiao'e's explosive popularity gave him an Amen!

Since then, it has broken away from the original game design gameplay and started a new era...

Countless works were also displayed at this time, seemingly in response to the MOD plan and architectural design competition announced by the dog thief!

No, there are players with great imagination!

If you can’t make such an excellent architectural design by yourself, then make a few MODs and give it a try!

This is the version of"Minecraft: Counter-Strike"!

In the game, some firearms MODs have been produced.

Then we invited some big guys to make maps of several scenes!

And this MOD has been released to the Internet. As long as players download it, they can go in and play online with their teammates!

However, shortly after this MOD was released, some players were thinking about it!

Why don't you just play the main game of CS? Why should I play CS in MC?

But this idea did not last long.

After entering the game, I was completely immersed in it!

I have to say that the inclusiveness of the game"Minecraft" is really awesome, and no matter what game it is, it can be reproduced in it!

Someone has copied Angry Birds in Minecraft before!

Even the hard-core physics gameplay in Angry Birds has been reproduced!

Now, someone is playing CS in MC again!

This designer used his creativity to restore"Counter-Strike" as much as possible!

The scenes, firearms, weapons, and even skins in the game are completely reproduced!

Of course, this also promotes the diversity of the game Minecraft!

In various modes, players can experience different gameplays!

For example, in survival mode, you can farm, build houses, and make various traps and 670 mechanisms to deal with the zombies outside!

Finally, you can enjoy all kinds of fun such as fighting monsters and taking risks in this game!

And in creative mode, you are God!

Use different thinking to play various games in this game!

In the virtual network, enjoy your own happiness!

Players can use the various plastic blocks in this game to create various exquisite works of art that they cannot create in reality!

There are even many players in the construction industry!

This game is affectionately called a construction simulator!

After all, the possibilities in Minecraft are just a matter of attitude, and countless players have never thought about them.

I can still see such excellent game design in my lifetime!

So, when this CS map was revealed!

It caused heated discussions among countless players!

Even Qin Luanfeng himself was stunned for a while after seeing this MOD!

The designer of this MOD has done a good job of incorporating some details that would have been overlooked by players in the original CS!

It is completely displayed to players in Minecraft!

It even includes some tips on how to use weapons, too!

It seems that this designer must be an old fan of the Northern Lights game, otherwise he would not be so clear about the details of a game!.

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