Way of the Devil

Chapter 1079

Along the street, Lu Sheng returned to the side of the floating car he was driving. A double-headed dog was bowing his head at the end of the car, and he didn’t know where the leftover bones came from.

Pulling the door open, Lu Sheng rolled over and sat in. Taylor is sitting in the driver’s seat.

“Lord, go back now?”

“Not in a hurry.” Lu Sheng closed the door. “How is the new mine collection?”

“We have already prepared for mining. Once your funds are in place, you can start all the work.” Taylor is the top modulator. After being released by the company, Mr. Wholeheartedly sold his original master Anforetti. Fine light.

Many of Anforetti’s bottoms have been touched by Lu Sheng, and as the best modulator, she can summarize Lu Sheng’s work almost anytime and anywhere. So now Lu Sheng does not need any assistants at all.

It is enough to bring her one.

The only pity is that Taylor’s lifespan is only twenty years old.

This is not changeable.

Because her metabolism is many times that of the average person, such a powerful metabolizer has given her extremely efficient work efficiency, but it also makes her consume much faster than the average person.

“Then inform the church and transfer the funds in place.” Lu Sheng is faintly instructed.

“Yes.” Taylor should be down. When the engine was stepped on the foot, the car suddenly floated and moved towards the distant silent gliding.

Lu Sheng sits quietly in the position.

In the past six months, he has not been honestly staying on this planet, but has absorbed a lot of scales at the same time.

Now the total amount of Attachment Force he has absorbed has reached 9.7 billion in terror, and he can reach 10 billion a little bit.

This is different from the double star. Because the circulation is very large, there are not many scales that actually accumulate in the warehouse. It is not a long time before the double star is accumulated, and it is transported once to other planets.

Lu Sheng was only a rough investigation. Later, after discovering this problem, he immediately adjusted the system to change the scale transportation to a longer delivery cycle.

This way, you can transport more and more at a time.

The car is fast as lightning, constantly on the high-speed road.

The lights on the windows are constantly drawn across the projections on both sides of the project.

After a short time, the car slowly slowed down, and after a high speed, after a long turn to the west, it drove into a slightly dilapidated factory building.

A large truck and suspension conveyor docked on both sides of the road. The alarm lights of each and everyone red flash in front of the tall black building.

The sky gradually grew dark clouds, the dark warehouse area, and the warehouses were like the giant beast in the dark, standing silently.

Taylor turned on the lights, and two diffusing halos illuminate them, making the road ahead bright.

“All the scales that have been produced recently have been concentrated and the transport arrives here,” Taylor explained.

The car quickly stopped in front of the largest dome warehouse.

Lu Sheng pushed the door down and looked up at the warehouse.

“Is it all here?”

Taylor got off the car nodded and said.

“Yes. According to your instructions, it is here.”

“Well, you are waiting for me here. I went in and checked.” Lu Sheng strode to the warehouse, where a nearby warehouse is the industry of Nine Life Hall. Fully automated networking facilities, so there is no need for anyone to guard the door, everything is fully automatic.


The door flashed red, and then quickly turned into a green light, slowly separating to the sides. It reveals a huge warehouse space with black paint inside.

Lu Sheng strode in.

The inside is full of densely packed containers. The ash white container Shanghai is marked with the Nine Life Hall logo.

The warehouse door behind Lu Sheng slowly closed.

He looked around and walked slowly. A glimpse of Thought Energy spread freely from its body, like a thread, and quickly penetrated into the surrounding container.

In a short while, there was a faint sound from the container, which was the sound of the Thought Energy silk thread opening the box.

A lot of filamentous Attachment Force quickly flowed into the Lu Sheng’s body along the Thought Energy wire.

He closed his eyes slightly and stood in the middle of the warehouse.

“Dark Blue.” He meditated.

The light blue interface pops up instantly.

Lu Sheng looked at the Attachment Force number, which was slowly changing, and there was an indescribable sense of pleasure in his heart.

Whenever this time, he will look very peaceful.

Time passed slowly.

Soon, the Attachment Force became 99 billion.

A miraculous feeling gradually poured into the heart of Lu Sheng.

He noticed that the modifier seemed to be undergoing some unclear change.

It took more than an hour to blink.


Suddenly, Lu Sheng heard a crisp sound in his mind.

He was shocked.

By now, his realm, it is hard to have anyone who can directly introduce the sound into his mind.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been making a sound in my head like this.

“What sound?” Lu Sheng glanced around, and Thought Energy paused for a moment.

But soon he suddenly saw that the sound was actually uploaded by the entire modifier.

On the Dark Blue interface, the previously presented Attachment Force number, which is slowly changing, jumps from a large series of numbers, quickly blurred, to a digital 1.

Behind 1 there is a constantly rotating colorful crystal logo.

“What is this?” Lu Sheng was slightly hesitant.

The modifier Dark Blue has rarely changed since he awakened this ability, and now there are such big changes. It really surprised him.

“It’s hard to do this. Is this simply changing the counting unit?” Lu Sheng noticed that the color crystal was automatically converted when the Attachment Force was full 10 billion.

In other words, it is very likely that this is just a new form of unit of measure.

He carefully examined the condition of Dark Blue and determined that there were no problems and no other changes before he slowly relaxed.

“Dark Blue, there must be no accident.” Lu Sheng gave a sigh of relief. “Although I can only achieve my goal by relying on my innate talent, but with this ability, I can save a little effort.”

In fact, at this level, he has rarely relied on Dark Blue.

Now the realm wants to breakthrough, mainly to see his own painstakingly cultivate.

Painstakingly cultivate to the extent, and then feel realm, naturally where water flows, a canal is formed.

“Give me a way to improve the spiral nine life, to the seventh life visceral!”

Lu Sheng tried to improve the seventh life, but the tens of billions of Attachment Force is obviously not enough.

And his sixth life is not completely digested, and his body is still improving.

Nowadays, Lu Sheng does not know how much his brain has been developed. He just feels that there is no small increase in Thought Energy every day.

Now, he thinks that Thought Energy is a hundred times stronger than the one he just broke through.

After the Wiener Plus, it is only the starting point. For the Venagar class like Nesian, you can only control a few large battleships at most.

When it comes to darkness, it can manipulate the battleship group and directly carry out the Annihilation-Star level bombing.

Even a giant ship comparable to a planet can be easily navigated.

Lu Sheng is not sure if he has reached the level of Thought Energy. But Thought Energy combined with Martial Dao, he can be sure that he has absolutely reached the real dark level.

Soon the Attachment Force in the warehouse was absorbed and Lu Sheng took back the Thought Energy thread, reopened the container opening and turned away from the warehouse.

Taylor stood still outside the door, she was wearing a white professional skirt, wrapped in thin black silk on her legs, and her face was calm and calm. Long hair is high and looks dignified and refined.

And by her side, another beautiful girl was also unwilling to stare at Taylor, there is a kind of posture that wants to drive her outcibly from here.

“Small fish, are you here too?” Lu Sheng walked out of the door, Outer Dao.

“Well, Master. The things you have given me have already been done.” Wei Zhenyu quickly straightened her waist, and she also changed to a black professional dress, which seemed to be compared with Taylor. The legs are also wearing stockings, but not black, but …..pink ….

Lu Sheng looked at Anomalies’s pantyhose on her leg and felt a sense of disobedience. Especially after seeing a round lollipop on the outside of the thigh, it is even more helpless.

“Master, am I beautiful this time?” Wei Zhenyu noticed Lu Sheng’s disgusting gaze, and thought it was the success of attracting the attention of the other party, and suddenly some of the proud prototypes were turned around and turned around.

“Beautiful and beautiful.” Lu Sheng helplessly nodded, “Well, get on the bus. You report to me.”

“Yes!” Wei Zhenyu said quickly.

Twenty or so of her, this time is far more mature than the previous years, but also too beautiful.

Although the face is not as refined as Taylor’s modulation, but the practice of martial arts throughout the year, her body is extremely hot and symmetrical.

Chest, waist, legs, curves everywhere to the perfect enchanting standard.

The three quickly got on the bus. Lu Sheng took a can of high-energy drink from the refrigerator inside the car and threw it to Wei Zhenyu.

“Talk about it, what information did you find out this time?”

In fact, he didn’t care about the action of this little guy. Wei Zhenyu’s work relied entirely on the Buddha’s fate. There is something that is natural and there is only a wait for the taste.

After four or five consecutive struggles, Lu Sheng completely abandoned the intention to let Wei Zhenyu do anything other than help.

“Master, I am really successful this time!” Wei Zhenyu looked serious.

“Well? What success?” Lu Sheng didn’t care, and stuffed the cans into his mouth and chewed slowly. The metal cans are crispy and delicious under the taste of the beverage, and have the feeling of eating Wangwangxianbei.

“Just looking for Azure Stream Sect!” Wei Zhenyu stood up excitedly. “Master, this time you don’t think I just play and go out.”

I told you that I was really successful this time! I really found the person you called Lu Ning! ”

“Is it?” Lu Sheng sat down calmly, leaning back against the sofa seat behind him. “Then say, where are the others? How old is it? What is the family background? What is the personality?”

“Amount…..” Wei Zhenyu suddenly stuck. “These… I don’t know….”

“Then you didn’t find him? Is it OK to take his photo?” Lu Sheng asked.

“…no…no photos….” Wei Zhenyu suddenly some complexion is hard to look at.

“But I swear, I really found him! I spent countless manpower and resources, and spent my organization this year! I found him secretly!”

“Have your annual funding not been used up by you? You were still looking for your brother to borrow money last month.”

“In addition, the number of extraterrestrial attendance at Nine Life Hall last month was no more than 20, and where did you spend countless manpower and resources?”

“I really found someone!! But it is not reality!” Wei Zhenyu rushed.

“Well?” Lu Sheng looked at him. “say clearly.”

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