Chapter 81: Boruto is shocked by dual time and space, and will eventually lose everything.

How did Momoshik let Boruto survive? in video.

Boruto also looked confused.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

With everything around it stopped.

Taoshi appeared and said calmly:”Once I lose the container, my soul will dissipate immediately, just like Ishiki”

“The container is the carrier of the soul. You are my unique container and must not be lost.”

“Moreover, this is also for my own consideration.”

Boruto’s injury was absolutely fatal.

Part of his heart and lungs were destroyed, and he lost too much blood.

If he ignored it, he would definitely die in this state.

Momoshiki used the power of the wedge to repair Boruto’s body.

Originally, it was only With a little bit left, Momoshiki can complete the resurrection when all of Wedge’s data is integrated into Boruto’s body.

But unfortunately, what’s the point of resurrection if the container is destroyed?

So, Momoshiki must do this. The wedge of formula is the data compression of all the elements that make up it.���things.

Originally, Boruto’s wedge had been thawed to 82%.

If all the remaining 18% is thawed, Momoshiki can be resurrected.

But because of this injury, Momoshiki used the remaining 18% to repair Boruto’s body.

Rebuilding the part of the cell tissue that Boruto lost is the only way to save him.

Momoshi snorted coldly:”In order to save you, my reincarnation plan became a dream.”

Momoshiki’s cold snort made Boruto smile proudly:”In that case, I won. I prevented your reincarnation with the consciousness of death.”

“Kid, don’t be too proud”

“Do you know why I have to tell you so much?”

“I’m just warning you, all the information about Wei has been integrated into your body”

“In other words, you are now a complete Otsutsuki and can become a sacrifice for the Ten-Tails at any time.”

“Resurrection like this can only be cast once, and you won’t be so lucky next time.”

Boruto smiled.

Momoshi once told him that Boruto’s blue eyes would take away everything from him.

But now, Boruto has died once.

Boruto is confident that he has not been fooled by Momoshi’s ridiculous prophecy. Or so.

Is this really the case?

The audience of both time and space knew this. At the moment when Momoshi was defeated, the eyes that took away everything from Boruto no longer existed.

That’s what Boruto thought.

Unexpectedly, Taoshi raised the corner of his mouth and smiled ferociously:”No, no, it’s not just that.”

“Why did that happen? I’m not very clear on the reason either.”

“But it will definitely happen soon. It’s worth looking forward to, boy.”

“Haha Ang——”

In Taoshi’s hearty laughter, the whole person gradually disappeared into nothingness.

Time also returned to normal at this moment.

Otsutsuki’s wedge is once again eye-catching.

Watergate time and space, hotly debated

“Each Otsutsuki wedge contains all its own data”

“Boruto was originally thawed to 82%, and the remaining 18% was repaired by Momoshiki. It can be said that Uzumaki Boruto is the real Otsutsuki, Otsutsuki Boruto”

“Gee, is Momoshiki’s prophecy about to come true? Will Boruto lose everything?”

“Speaking of which, is this ability to stop time really Momoshiki?”

“Hahaha, if Momoshiki had this ability, would he still be defeated by Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke?”

“I want to see how Boruto loses everything.”

Naruto time and space, the audience’s mentality is completely different.

Naruto:”Boruto, this kid will lose everything? Are you kidding me?

Shikamaru:”It’s really troublesome. Seeing Momoshiki so proud, it doesn’t seem like he’s threatening.”

Sasuke:”What does it mean to lose everything?” Have all the people and things related to Boruto disappeared?

Kakashi:”Well, maybe the sacred tree swallowed the planet, and only Boruto was left.”

Naruto:”Kakashi-sensei, that’s too exaggerated.””

Whether it’s Naruto’s time and space or Minato’s time and space.

The audience is very much looking forward to this moment.”

【Boruto short video]

The news of Boruto’s resurrection was seen by Ada, who has clairvoyance.

“You’re so lucky, Cawdor, that your sacrifice, Boruto, didn’t die.”

“It seems that Momoshiki’s wedge saved him, and now Boruto is a complete Otsutsuki.”

Corder was very excited about this.

He is indeed the Otsutsuki I respect.

Momoshiki’s wedge allowed Boruto to survive.

Boruto, this kid, should really thank Otsutsuki for his strength.

Looking at the proud Corder, Ada warned:”Listen, Calder, your mission is to bring Kawaki to see me.”

“In return, I will assist you in unlocking the limiter”

“But if you use Dimon without my consent like you did today, or if you make me think that you will only cause trouble for me, I will not hesitate to get rid of you……. ”

This is Ada

“Oh my, this is really sad. In the eyes of little Ada, am I not even a companion?”

The scene changed.

Konoha Hospital.

When Kawaki woke up and looked at the environment he was in, he was a little confused, absolutely confused.

“what happened? Why am I here?”

“Why don’t you arrest me and sentence me?”

“I am the criminal who killed the son of the Hokage.”

Kawaki killed Boruto?

Sumire Sasaki on the side was shocked.

Almost no one in the village knew that Kawaki had done something to Boruto.

As a squad leader at the same time as Boruto, Sumire Sasaki knew this for the first time.

“Kawaki, Boruto is fine.”

Boruto is okay?

Kawaki was startled,”Are you serious? Boruto, is he still alive?”

“Yes, Boruto is still alive.”

Looking at the wedge in his hand, Kawaki was thoughtful.

It turned out that Amado had planted the wedge when he was treating his arm.

Of course, if he hadn’t longed for this power, wedge wouldn’t have appeared.

Wedge’s The power also allowed him to save the Seventh Hokage. This made Kawaki realize that he needed this power and the power to protect the Seventh Hokage. Renhe Chuanmuli top

“I didn’t expect you to be alive, Boruto.”

“Kawaki, you know, Momoshiki told me that those blue eyes will take away everything from me sooner or later.”

“Boruto, what is everything in your eyes? Life in Konoha Village? family? companion? I have never had these since I was born.

Kawaki continued:”All I want is that the Seventh Hokage can live in peace, that’s all.””

“The fact that you are alive means that the existence that threatens the life of the Seventh Hokage can continue to live. Don’t forget this.”

“I will kill anyone who threatens the life of the Seventh Hokage, no matter who they are.”

Kawaki’s belief is so firm.

The audiences in both time and space were stunned.

Is this way of protecting too extreme?

From a certain situation, it doesn’t seem that extreme.

The existence that threatens Naruto’s life is Let’s solve it.

Boruto wants to break Momoshiki’s prophecy. This is Boruto’s story, and of course the two boys who carry Wedge will do it. There was a war. Người mua

: ❂ᴳᵒᵈTSAསℭᴳᵒᵈ☪

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