Chapter 78 The Death of Boruto, when the short video exploded.

Seeing this, the audience in both time and space tightened their heartstrings.

Facing such a terrifying attack from Momoshiki, can Naruto in sage mode avoid it?

Kawaki, he has tried his best.

He was knocked down time and time again by Momoshiki, but stood up again and again to protect the Seventh Generation that he admired.

This time, he seemed to feel despair

“Super-Dayu spiral pill.”

All kinds of things appeared in Kawaki’s mind..

“I will never let the Seventh Hokage die in front of me.”

With this firm belief.

Under the spotlight, the lines of wedge once again spread from Kawaki’s palm to his cheeks.

Sharp gray horns even grew on his forehead.

This is wedge, and Kawaki actually has wedge again.

See This scene shocked the audiences of both time and space.

“Amado, it was Amado who gave Kawaki the power of wedge again”

“Yes, this time Wedge is no longer a container, but Kawaki’s pure power.”

“Gee – things are getting more and more interesting”

“It has to be said that there is no doubt that Kawaki wants to protect Naruto.”

Naruto took a long breath.

“Huh, it was so dangerous. I thought I would be turned into ashes by the super-large jade rasengan. Being beaten to death by my own ninjutsu is also a great shame, not to mention that I am still the seventh generation Hokage of the village..

Sasuke:”Why, you idiot, are you scared?””

“what are you talking about? Sasuke, I’m getting more and more excited.”

Shikamaru:”Kawaki has the power of Wedge and should be able to compete with Momoshiki.”

“Things took a turn for the better. Boruto’s body was occupied by Momoshiki, but Boruto’s strength was still unable to be fully utilized.

Kakashi:”Well, are we going to see another battle of Otsutsuki?””

Video screen.

The super-large jade spiral pill disappeared in an instant.

No, it was not missing, but it was absorbed.

Momoshiki was slightly startled.

It was not someone else who absorbed this technique, but Kawaki.

The wedge in the palm reappeared.

Test De was shocked, why did Aida…

Ada in the distance use her clairvoyance to send a message:”That old fox Amado never gave Kawaki a choice from the beginning, and the restoration work of Amadou has been completed long ago.〃ˇ ”

“He expected that Kawaki would rekindle his desire for strength, and he might have repaired the wedge while treating Kawaki’s right arm.”

It can be said that Ada saw clearly with clairvoyance.

The next second, a fierce battle began.

This was a battle between two wedges, it can be said to be a battle between two Otsutsuki.

Kawaki’s left eye became A golden rice word, a fierce glare

– countless black sticks rained down on Momoshiki, not only Vigana, but also Kawaki who took out items from another space. , like the second Otsutsuki Ishiki.

Also, Kawaki’s wedge was originally planted in Ishiki.

His body is also evolving into Otsutsuki. Kawaki’s power comes from such amazing power, which shocked the two. Time and space.

The audience was talking about Minato time and space.

“This is the first time I have seen the battle between two Otsutsukis.”

“Haha, although Kawaki has the ability of Ishiki, it does not mean that he has reached the height of Ishiki”

“Who is better, Taoshi or Yishi?”

“The answer to this has long been given. Momoshiki was defeated by Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, while Ishiki was dragged to death by Naruto and Kawaki in heavy particle mode.”

“That’s true, but it’s hard to tell in this battle.”

Naruto time and space, everyone was dumbfounded.

Naruto:”The battle between Otsutsuki, Boruto has to regain consciousness as soon as possible.” Shikamaru

:”It’s really troublesome, I’m still being held as a hostage, that one is called Calder’s imp is key.

Choji:”Haha, Shikamaru, just watch quietly.”

Ino:”The truth hurts, Choji.””

Naruto time and space, the Pure Land world.

The undead of the Five Kages of the past are very excited.

Because they can see the power of Otsutsuki Ishiki again.

The two young men, Boruto and Kawaki, bear the fate of Otsutsuki.

Destiny is at this moment. It has already unfolded.

Madara:”Tsk, is it just like the fate of Indra and Asura? it’s so funny.”

Hashirama:”Haha, Madara, don’t worry about this, the video is interesting.” Tobirama

:”This time, the boy named Kawaki will definitely kill Boruto.”


A new video title appeared, and everyone was stunned.

Is death finally coming?

Seeing Kawaki in the wedge state, Naruto was shocked

“Are you really Kawaki?”

Nowadays, the power of Sage Mode is completely insufficient.

Even Naruto, as the Hokage, can only be a bystander.

“You’d better stay still now, Seventh Generation.”

“I don’t want to be hindered. The winner between me and Momoshiki hasn’t been decided yet.”

Naruto was very worried about how far Kawaki would go.

“What I want to do is protect you.”

The fierce fight began.

Borrowing Boruto’s body, Momoshiki and Kawaki started an exciting fight.

The two of them went back and forth, evenly matched.

With the continuous use of Shaoning Vigana and Mahakala, Kawaki was actually hard

After fighting for dozens of rounds, Boruto’s blue eyes slowly opened, and Momoshi

‘s flaw was revealed as soon as he regained consciousness.

At this opportunity, with a big wave of his hand, several black rods from Shaoming Vigana directly penetrated Boruto’s body.

“.〃 it’s over.”

The huge block of Daikokuten fell from the sky.

This blow will definitely crush Boruto into a pulp.

This is what Kawaki will do to completely eliminate Otsutsuki here.

Only in this way can we protect the Seventh Generation.

In this critical moment On this occasion, Naruto saved Boruto.

How could he watch helplessly.���His son was killed.

Even if, even if Taoshi takes away his body

“Enough is enough, Kawaki.”

“Do you really want to kill Boruto?”

“The Seventh Generation, I killed Otsutsuki, Momoshiki Otsutsuki who threatened your life.”

“Is there anything wrong with your mind? This is Boruto”

“That’s why you can’t do anything, so I’ll do it for you.”

At this time, Boruto’s consciousness gradually came to his senses.

(Zhao Hao)

The medicine did work.

But the powerful side effects also caused him to suffer backlash.

Boruto blamed himself for almost killing his father.

After reaching this point in the battle, Boruto finally made up his mind.

He had already made up his mind and had to take the last resort.

Naruto on the side was stunned.

“What are you two talking about? Don’t make decisions on your own.”

Under the attention of everyone, Boruto formed a wind escape seal and said calmly:”I’m sorry, dad, say goodbye to mom and Xiaokui for me.”

“Wind escape, fierce wind palm.”

Naruto in sage mode was blown away by a blow.

Kawaki knew that Boruto was already half-awakened.

“Do it, Kawaki, I can only ask you for this kind of thing”

“While my consciousness can still suppress Momo Shiki”

“Do it, brother.”

Kawaki didn’t say much.

Boom– a terrifying blow penetrated Boruto’s chest directly.

A big hole was blasted out of his chest, and Uzumaki Boruto fell.

Người mua: ❂ᴳᵒᵈTSAསℭᴳᵒᵈ☪

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