Warhammer Throne

Vol 3 Chapter 933: , Siege of Olengrad

Olengrad in winter is a very beautiful city. This city above the Gulf of Lijah is located at the mouth of the Linsk River and is the starting point for the Kingdom to the rest of the Old World.

In ancient times, this was the city established by the Elven Empire in the northernmost and easternmost part of the Old World. After the Battle of the Long Beard, Ellengrad was also abandoned, and the estuary provided a warm lake without freezing the port, protecting the people from Stiffened by the violent winds of the north, one of the large lakes has a main commercial dock on the heart of the island. As a commercial center, the wall of Ehlengrad is not high, and except for the waterway of the Linsk River, the city is only in the southeast A city gate leads to the Empire of Oster and Midden.

At this time, the time has come to the end of November 2514 in the Imperial calendar. The Frost House (hotel) in the city of Olengrad has been transformed into a pre-war command post. The Hellavik Group in Olengrad is here before the war. meeting.

Participants were: Marshal Rokosovsky, the defensive commander of the City of Olengrad, and the deputy commander, Marshal Kuznetsov.

Former warden of the Chicka Prison, currently acting director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Olengrad, Joseph Pu Bruz.

The youngest bear **** Ersun and the high priest, Bagration.

Ellen Glad, senior ice witch elder Ivanovna, a senior elder legendary ice witch, who unexpectedly chose to support the dead.

The situation is getting worse.

On November 19th, the Noska Mountain Corps appeared on the edge of the Groward Forest covering the north and east of Ellengrad. The defenders of Ellengrad passed the ambush and guerrilla tactics in the forest and won successively small victories. , But this could not prevent the continued advancement of the Army of the North Carolina Mountains. The North Carolina High King and the Chaos Four Gods selected the Wamil-Aisling soldiers in two ways, approaching from the north and east, respectively, and soon captured Ecuador. In the small town of Kvass, northeast of Renglad, the defenders were forced to retreat.

On November 23, the Army of the Noska Mountains continued to attack, and a small number of outposts and fortifications arranged by Rokosovsky in the Groward Forest quickly fell.

On November 26, part of the army of the Noske Mountains Corps crossed the Linsk River, approaching the south of Elengrad and the upper reaches of the Linsk River. The town of Jon fell, and then the defenders tried to attack, but they still failed to recapture it. In the important stronghold of Jon Town, the upper reaches of the Linsk River were cut off.

On November 30th, the Army of the Noska Mountains captured the Goschdorf Castle in the southwest of Olengrad. Since then, the ground transportation of the entire Olengrad and the old world has been interrupted. Any possibility of outside supplies and reinforcements.

At this time, the form of Ellengrad was already very serious. The original inhabitants of the entire city were about 80,000 people, and about 300,000 refugees who fled in all directions. A total of nearly 400,000 people took refuge in this city. And what’s worse is that the entire city currently has only about 4,000 tons of grain reserves, no matter how full these reserves are, they can only support about a month.

The Frost House has luxurious facilities, including bearskin sofas and many high-end furniture imported from the Empire. The floor clocks made by the dwarves are exquisite in appearance and exquisite workmanship. The wooden floors and rugs are from high elves and Tyrils. Imported, but at this time everyone obviously did not think about it.

The first to speak was Field Marshal Rokosovsky (hereafter referred to as Field Marshal). This Field Marshal Bear has become very haggard after suffering many changes. In the past, the handsome face also seems to have lost a lot of vitality, but He knew deeply that he could not fall now, the marshal’s military uniform was new and well-made, but the white gloves were dirty: "The enemy is approaching from all directions, and Ellengrad is about to be sieged."

"We have tried many times to break through the encirclement, but all attempts to get in touch with the outside world have failed." Navy Marshal Kuznetsov's face was very ugly: "The soldiers rushed many times, but they couldn't open a gap. The army led by Oster was not prepared for war at all. Facing a small number of chaotic troops crossing the Linsk River, they collapsed at once, and were quickly rushed into the shadow forest. Fifty kilometers? Or more? In short It is difficult for us to count on the Empire to help us open the gap."

"This struggle will be unprecedentedly long and difficult, but the son of Esun will win the final victory, I swear." The youngest priest of Esun in history, the **** of bears chose Bagration, but he was only in his early forties this year. He has Doudou eyes and a big nose, and has thick brown curly hair: "Esun has told me how to beat them."

"No one knows how to defeat them, and even Esun can't know." Joseph Bruz was pessimistic about all this: "If we knew that their threat had been eradicated, they would be invincible. The only thing we can do is to gather up the courage and survive, looking forward to the reinforcements of the Empire or Brittania."

The ice witches Ivanovna and Bagradion glanced at Joseph with contempt and disgust, even if this guy was right.

"Enough is enough, we only have the whole kingdom left, what else do you want." Luo Shuai raised his head, his face was very determined, but everyone could still feel an emotion called pleading, Kislov How brilliant and powerful the soldiers once were, under the leadership of the red tsar Boris, the stars shined, talented people, everyone thought that the kingdom would have a bright future.

In only a few decades, everything has changed. Those great names either died or went away or disappeared. The founder of the first generation of Cheka, Felix, and the chief court minister, the Prophet Tooth, the Prophet, they left for Ruthia, Chief Chief Engineer Sergo died in prison. Bella and a large group of people went to play for the Knight King. Zayev, Konev, Fedosov, Romanov, all marshals died in Zee. Devka.

As for Catalina? Ha ha, don't mention it.

It's true that this group of people formed the Hiravik group now, but they are like islands in the ocean, isolated and helpless, and can't see hope. Where is their future? Are they still Mrs. Keesler? If you can't keep Ellengrad's death in battle, it's an account, but what if you keep it?

The air in the room was originally very cold. After Luo Shuai’s remarks, he almost froze. The invisible but extremely heavy pressure put everyone out of breath, like a tight grip on the heart. Like a black hand, oppressing everyone's nerves.

"Today I only need to pay attention to one thing, that is how to resist the attack of Aisling." Kuai Shuai came out and rounded the field.

"We can't do much." Rokosovsky shook his head: "Facts have proved that the successive attempts to break through have no gains other than the damage of the soldiers. The most feared of the Noskas is to fight with us in the field. For our part, our only hope is here, on the walls of Olengrad."

There was no objection, and Bagration nodded: "The only hope."

There were hurried footsteps outside, which attracted everyone's attention.

General Xiongensky, the bear cavalry, quickly opened the door from the outside, and the oncoming air violently slammed into the temperature maintained by the fire in the house. Rokosov looked at the fireplace with some concern. I know that there is not much wood and coal available for heating in the city.

"They are coming."

Fifteen minutes later, Olengrad faces the east wall.

Outside the city walls, hundreds of bonfires were scorching the sky, and thousands of tents were smoking black smoke above the ice fields outside the city. The Nostrka Mountain Corps had surrounded Ellengrad and there was a bad smell. Dispersed in the air, the city walls can clearly see the sky has been shrouded in black smoke.

Everything is like a joke, a funny and ridiculous humorous joke, the sons of Keslov and the heirs of the bear **** Esun have been in this ice field for thousands of years. Now, chaos is here again, with their destruction, with unmatched strength, with the determination to crush everything.

Come again, they come again, how much blood will the son of Kislov bleed before chaos is satisfied?

No, chaos will never be satisfied, even if this world is completely destroyed, the evil spirits will not be satisfied, they will immediately find the next world, and the war will continue forever, until the mortal can not support it.

Can we escape this disaster?

When a cold wind blew, Rokosovsky shuddered, and the Marshal Bear Cavalry suddenly felt that he should wear a very warm bear fur coat like the High Priest Bagration, and then put on a bear fur cloak and bear. There are also bearskin hats on the shoulders.

"There are more than 50,000 enemies." The High Priest of Esun tentatively asked Luo Shuai: "Is this the news?"

"Not only, but far more than that." Luo Shuai pointed to the distance: "Dragons and demons, a large group of beast-man tribes, and those chaotic creatures, this is an army that has not been seen before."

"Very well, it seems that we have to wield a few more weapons." Bagration said a loud voice: "No matter what, Constantine, thank you."

"Thank me? Thank you for a death row prisoner?" Rokosovsky couldn't help laughing, and he said with some interest: "I'm never afraid of death, but the high walls of the Ice Palace are always intimidating."

"You are a pure soldier, Constantine, you saved the situation and kept the last fire for Kislov." Bagration said repeatedly: "Don't forget, Mrs. Kisler is the most tenacious in the world. Race, we have to make Chaos pay a terrible price every step forward. Remember, the three northern gods will always be with us."

Within Ellengrad, every adult male was called into the Acropolis War, all the gold coins were collected and spent in the most important places, the Kirov factory produced muskets and artillery around the clock, every blacksmith The blacksmiths of the shop spent all their energy on forging weapons. The bear cavalry, wing cavalry, and those survivors who had escaped from the battle of Zedevka took all their strength to join the ranks of the fortified city and Erlen The natives of Glad fought together. The ice witches were casting spells to strengthen the city defense. The Red Navy gave up the battleship and stood at the head of the city.

"It's all your efforts, Constantine. If it weren't for you, Ellengrad wouldn't maintain such power." The High Priest of Esun bowed deeply towards the commander of the city defense: "Catarine just didn't want to understand If we can survive this time, I will let her change her mind."

Rokosovsky knew Katalin, he knew that even if it was the High Priest of Esun, Katalin would not change her mind unless her father, the Red Tsar, was reborn, but looked at the tens of thousands of defenders standing Above the city walls, Marshal Xiong cavalry is still proud and proud.

The spear point of the spear and the axe blade of the war halberd also reflected the light under the cold sky. The Ugols held their hard bows in a few lines. The shooting troops were checking the guns and reloading the artillery. Bear cavalry The Field Marshal is quite gratified. He is proud of his nation, which is the most tenacious.

Until the last son of Kislov bleeds his own blood, Olengrad will never fall.

"Yes, there are quite a lot of these guys. But we also have a lot of people, enough to block them." The high priest of Esun said aloud, he seemed to be releasing his magic to his voice~www.ltnovel.com~ he The sound of his voice, like the roar of the giant bear, spread across the eastern wall of Olengrad.

Then, Bagration sang the first song: "The Chaos Army is a black crow~"

A song rang from the wall.

"Chaos Army is a black crow~"

"Want to step on our feet."

"From the Linsk River to Pragerdon."

"Hey Esun is the most powerful in the world."

"Kislev Warrior, polish the scimitar."

"Hold the gun tightly in your hand."

"We should all, the more stubborn the Vietnam War."

"Death to the enemy in the battlefield."

As if responding to the singing of the city walls, the people of Nosca outside the city also blew their horns and sang their own songs. They chanted the Chaos Four Gods to bring civilization, and sang the brave men who successfully ascended the devil and eventually became the devil prince. They, too, extol the ancient myths and stories of those who eventually failed to ascend the demons, and even some songs can be traced back to ancient times. They are sentimental epics that were driven out of the old world. Many Nosca ancestors were originally Now the residents of the northern part of the empire, when chaos had not yet appeared, the two sides were still compatriots and brothers.

If there is no chaos, maybe the two sides will always be siblings and brothers, Rokosovsky couldn't help thinking that way.

But the sadness only lasted for a short period of time, and soon the roar from all kinds of throats and the sound of the axe and blade hitting the shield joined it-the Noska Supreme King Esslin issued an order, and the barbarians were ready to attack .

"So, this is about to start." Rokosovsky said towards the High Priest of Esun. .

"For Olengrad, for Kislov!" the high priest clenched the scepter in his hand.

"The Three Gods of the North are on top! May the power and flame never extinguish." (Poxing Stone Academy https://)

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