Warhammer Throne

Vol 2 Chapter 890: , No ghosts

Inside the Belmond Hotel in the outer city of Lotherne, Surya was heavily armed and pinned the sword of Leonard to her waist. The beautiful knight queen walked around the room impatiently.

Lilith, who had always been here, set out for the Kingdom of Safru, and she wanted to help Tagris guard the White Tower of Hos.

The entire hotel has been taken over by the three battalions of the Old Guard, and there are soldiers everywhere. At first, the Old Guards were very nervous, but Surya realized that it was almost impossible for the enemy to pass through the city walls and under the protection of the magic barrier. The guard directly attacked here, so Surya ordered three hundred people to patrol outside, and the remaining old guards rested in the hotel without armor.

Gao Jing's attitude towards the Bretons has changed a lot after the Great Battle of the Dragon Fjord. They took the initiative to deliver generous food and even sent Surya to the old guard for three months. The military pay (in the name of reward).

Surya originally didn't want to receive the money, she always felt weird, but Lilith persuaded Surya to accept it, as she gave it, and Surya accepted it.

Now, the queen of knights was fidgeting in the hall. Although all the old guards were patrolling outside, she just couldn't sit down and rest patiently, but walked around the room.

On the contrary, Olika is very relaxed and relaxed. She didn’t even put on her combat clothes. She still wears the black and white lace maid costume she likes to wear on weekdays. She just put a black on the outside because the weather is getting colder. The high-precision woolen coat looks quite charming and charming. Olika is doing hygiene in the room. Looking at Sulia’s restlessness, Olika smiles: "Ma'am, you don't have to worry, take a good rest, no Some chaotic demons will be able to attack Lothern, at least not now."

"Why are you so sure? Olika?" Surya's sea-blue eyes fixed on Olika, who was cleaning, and the knight was eager to get some valuable news from this mysterious dark elf maid: "You Anything to tell me?"

"I'm trying to say that you're useless in anxiety, ma'am." Olika put down the magic broom in her hand. The dark elf sighed, but quickly said with a smile: "You don't understand Aso, just Not even Lilith knew him."

"So you know him very well?" Suria was interested. "I really want to know, what exactly are you from, and how much do you know about the elves and gods?"

"Asu Yan died many times, ma'am." Olika smiled sweetly, but her voice gradually became cold: "I know why the first generation of Phoenix King Elario continued to greet Azerbaijan during the chaotic invasion. Su Yan asked for help, but there was no response?"

"Why?" Surya thought she didn't understand Olika.

"Because at that time Aso Yan had been defeated in the Highest Heaven (Chaos Realm) and was killed by the Evil God." Olika said coldly: "It was Elara who sacrificed his life and soul to Aso Yan The holy fire, Aso Yan was able to resurrect!"

"!!!" Suria's eyes widened, and the knight suddenly realized what: "How come, I thought..."

"Asoyan can indeed be resurrected indefinitely, and he really does not care about the safety of the world, because he has already carved the fate of the world on Asoyan's flaming phoenix pyramid." Olika said that it was irrelevant My own words are the same: "But no one cares, and no one goes to read carefully. Everyone, including Asoyan believers and Phoenix guards, in fact, Malikis' betrayal is also expected by Asoyan, And how to deal with the final moment is also within Aso's plan."

"If the destiny of the world is already doomed, then what is the significance of our struggle?" Surya asked.

"Asuyan is just the creator and creator of the world. He can reveal the beginning of destiny, but he can't dominate the destiny. That is the realm of Lilith. Asuyan reveals the beginning, and Lilith changes the thread of destiny." Oli Ka nodded: "Now you know why Lilith and Aso Yan like to do things all day long, and one likes to live in their own Phoenix field for seven thousand years without leaving a step?"

"So what do you tell me this has something to do with Ryan's safety?" After listening to Surya, she only felt that Olika was saying a lot of nonsense, but the wise and intelligent Surya reacted quickly: "Wait , You mean, including Ryan and Fuggen to steal the scroll of Phoenix Mantra, are in Asoyan's prophecy?"

"Hehehe, so I like to talk to my wife." Olika smiled sweetly: "Compared to you, Mogiana is always arrogant, except for Ryan and Lilith's words she has never listened to any opinions. Ronika is only a little clever. Fortunately, she loves her master very much. Emilia is very wise, but she never uses her energy in this regard. As for the mother and daughter, a dumb and cute guy who is immersed in magic. , The other is a typical witch who thinks about how to put more pieces of meat in her bowl all day."

"I know." Surya closed her eyes and nodded. "Well, I'll wait patiently. Thank you for telling me so much, Olika."

"Ma'am, I have a proposal." Olika said to Suria: "Are you interested in watching a great show with me?"

"Wonderful show? At this time?" Surya became more and more confused: "You mean, are we going out now?"

"Yeah, if you don't go out, how do you watch a good show?" Olika licked her lips. "Aren't you really going with me? Madam?"


About thirty minutes later, in the outskirts of Lothern, a small palace of high elves, the Palace of the Dark Sea.

A small gathering took place here, and the elves and nobles were strategizing, enjoying wine and food, even in the dark, even in the witchcraft night, even in the city of Lothern. Next, they still enjoyed the banquet.

Under the protection of magic, Surya and Olika stood in the distance to observe, and the knight was quickly shocked by the identity of this group of people.

Seven cabinet ministers of Phoenix King Finnubar gathered here!

"What are they?" Suria thought faintly. The knight looked at Olika with incredible eyes: "Could it be..."

"Yes, among these cabinet ministers, there are our secret piles." Olika pointed to the few people who were having a banquet together and said to Suria: "Wait, I will let them start to take action. In line with the strategy of the Witch King and forcing the Phoenix Guards of the Flame Pyramid to attack."

"Dark pile, who are you?" Surya became more and more afraid of Olika's horror energy.

"King Xian, the home secretary of the Phoenix King, is a hidden pile of the Kane sect."

"Heraphine, Secretary of Commerce and Office of King Phoenix, the secret pile of this pale queen sect."

"Phoenix King Chancellor of the Exchequer, New Dreyer, this is also a secret pile of indulgence."

"Governor Phoenix Justice and Chief Justice Gong Dier, this is the secret pile of the Witch King."

"........." It was a miracle that Surya was not killed by Finnuba.

However, although the titles of these cabinet ministers are loud, they are essentially Finnubar’s private staff. The state power is controlled by the high-selection royal society, and the war council is essentially the standing committee of the high-selection royal society.

"These guys actually don't know each other's existence." Olika then smiled: "The fact is that in order to win the trust of Finnuba, everyone is working very hard, but instead let Finnuba change. It is safe and guarantees an efficient team of staff. The open battle between them is not only harmless to Finnuba, but also beneficial."

After a while, another high-precision minister came in with a lame guy, and Surya recognized them, it was Minister Shire and De Talleyrand.

"Charle is the old witch Morasi." Olika said a terrifying fact: "I also just knew."

"What about De Talleyrand? Is he also a dark pile?" Surya's scalp numb.

"No, he is the one who served the plate." Olika smiled and shook her head. "He doesn't know anything. A poor worm who wants to squeeze into a high-precision high society is not so much a person as the Bennister family. Saying that he is Bennister's family, I guess, he must have received the Bennister's appreciation because he hosted the host and his wife last time.

"So what should we do?" Surya frowned, and the seven cabinet ministers of the Phoenix King's Court had five inner ghosts!

"We don't do anything, just send a notice that we can start to act." Olica took the initiative to take Suria's hand: "We can go, ma'am, if you don't want to be doubted."

............ I am the dividing line without ghosts...

Normally, it takes three days and three nights to sail to the Flame Island from the inner city of Loserne with ordinary elf boats.

Yes, it is so far away, but you can see Loserne here on Flame Island, I really have to say that it is the ancient magical creation.

The speed of the two original bodies of Ryan and Fuggen is not comparable to that of ordinary high-precision sailors. In fact, soon after entering the sea, Ryan used his psionic power, and the boat crossed the entire sea at a speed as fast as bizarre.

A few hours later, the island of flames was already in sight.

A small island emerges from the inland sea in front of the ship. It looks like a volcano. Palm trees cover some hillsides. A small number of terraces dot the sides of it. The highest point of the island is a huge stepped pyramid. Lord of Phoenix The mark of Su Yan and the eye of Aso Yan shining with the flames of the Phoenix are located at the highest point of the entire pyramid of the island. This eye covered in flames looks around forever and monitors everything nearby.

The heavy rain on the night of witchcraft covered the entire island of flames, and the sea was thick with fog, which made people unclear.

As the boat gradually approached the island of flames, Lane whispered to Fuggen: "Brother, there are many defenders on the dock."

"Well, it seems that they also know the terrible night of witchcraft." Fugan looked at the pier. Several Phoenix guards were leading hundreds of militiamen to guard the pier. The pier was lined with statues of King Phoenix: "Number Too many, we can’t solve so many people at once, we need to find a way.”

"Hush!" Ryan carefully rowed the boat. He looked around in the dark and shook his head: "There are one or two thousand such phoenix guards here in the Pyramid of Flames. Speak a word, make a sound, and replace it with eternal silence."

"Silent is boring. The favorite of my fallen heirs is noise." Fugian rowed the boat, and the emperor's son's genetic body carefully thought about it: "There is a small palm forest over there. , Hide it again?"

"It's a little difficult, and there are guards there." Ryan glanced. He suddenly noticed that there were a lot of outposts on the side of the palm grove near the sea, but there was no place near the beach on the other side of the coast. The Cavaliers suddenly had a good idea: "Brother, have you heard that boat trips in dry land?"

"Well, it sounds like a word that is not very friendly to me, the Purple Phoenix." Fugian thought of it, and he smiled playfully: "But I understand what you mean, and it is true, it is time to give this group of ancients The stubborn and conservative believers of Aso Yan saw what a new dynasty is."

"Go!" Ryan used his psionic power to wrap the whole boat.

"Boom!" There was a muffled noise from Flame Island, and several Phoenix guards immediately went to check.

Suddenly there was a small boat about five meters long on the long sandy beach on the other side of the palm grove. It seemed to be washed by the waves on the beach, but it was very surprising that this boat actually moved along the whole The beach rushed more than two hundred meters before reaching the palm forest at the foot of the Phoenix Pyramid of Flame Island before hitting a big crater.

"?" Looking at the boat, a fully-armed man wearing a Phoenix body armor, a flaming cloak on his shoulders, and a Phoenix guard wearing a Phoenix winged helmet looked suspiciously.

"." Another Phoenix guard lowered his body, checked the hull, and confirmed that it was a civilian ship for elves, and there were no footprints on the beach: "........."

"!" Phoenix Guard reached out and touched the hull and found that the bottom of the boat was intact: "?"

"...!" The remaining Phoenix guard seemed to suddenly understand something. He pointed to a chaotic sky, and compared with the fog outside, gestured towards his companion.

"√!" The other two Phoenix guards understood that they lifted the boat together and walked towards the pier. The remaining Phoenix guard looked around with some vigilance to make sure there was no one on the beach. Only choose to leave: "~"

The tall and ruthless Phoenix guards left quickly, and the rest was the calm palm grove, swaying in the heavy rain and strong wind.

Two hours later, a huge fire suddenly rose in the direction of Lothern.

At the top of the Phoenix Pyramid, Asoyan's personally appointed Phoenix Guard Flame Guard Guard Captain Cajoin frowned, watching the situation in Lothern's direction.

The capital has not been attacked by Chaos Demons. Why is there so much fire?

And at this time, Kadjoin suddenly felt a strange breath~www.ltnovel.com~ It was the power of the pale queen, the power of the supreme **** under the kingdom of the underworld radiated and lost into the bones of Lothern The chill and the whole terrible power, and the covetousness of the soul made Katjoo tremble with emotion. He suddenly remembered a dark girl who was defeated and captured by him thirty years ago. , But Asoyan’s will finally let him let go of the female dark spirit, and used her to return to the son of Finnuba who had been in exile because of the risk of entering the funeral cemetery, and finally entered the Marimburg talent market-yeah Prince Lean.

This time, I can't let her go! The Phoenix Guard Captain finally made the decision.

The bell rang frantically on the island of flames. Under the silent command, Kazhuo summoned the guard of the phoenix. In the phoenix’s habitat, dozens of phoenixes rose into the sky. The sky was still stormy at the last moment. The flame dyed the whole sky with flame-like bright red.

The phoenixes form a triangular camp, carrying thousands of phoenix guards, soaring towards Lothern under the leadership of Khajon.

Flame Guard, attack!

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