Warhammer Throne

Vol 2 Chapter 855: , Tu Qiongjian and the Anti-Commission Committee

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In the imperial calendar 2513, at the end of July, the Mariinburg Parliament Building, the upper and lower houses.

Knight of Brittany, Ryan Makado, took the hand of his wife, Queen Suria, and sat behind the VIP seat, watching the imperial side and the Marinburg side that were facing each other.

The most important of the empire are the emperor Karl Franz himself, the Duke Griffon Ivan Ferdinand and the emperor's flag officer Ludwig Schwarzhammer. Around them, Rick guards and The Griffon Knights stood in a row, staring at the crowds in Marienburg with very hostile eyes, and many Rick Guards' hands were all pressed on the hilt.

On the other side, the upper and lower Houses of Marinburg, especially those top ranking trench merchants and Archbishop of Poseidon, sat at the front. They represented most of the interests and attitudes of Marinburg. The head of the corps, Black Beard Edward Titch, was also present, which illustrates a certain attitude of Marienburg.

The two sides are discussing the dispute about this matter aloud. Both sides sent representatives to tell the story of the incident. The undisputed part is that the emperor was attacked by the Judun Guard immediately after entering Marienburg, and the two sides were blinded in the black lights. On the street of the city, there was a strange battle in the street, and it can be confirmed that the Judun Guards fired their weapons first, and then the emperor prepared to fight, and then the Musketeers of the Judun Guards opened fire first.

The most controversial point is: the emperor led people into the city at night. Why didn't the city defense army immediately notify the two houses of Marienburg and send people to receive them?

Marienberg's view was that Emperor Karl did not come, and used the identity of the emperor to enter the city directly without notifying the House of Representatives in advance.

The empire’s point of view is that Marienburg is an imperial territory, and merely enjoying complete autonomy does not mean that it is an independent kingdom. As the emperor Karl Franz and his entourage enter the city, they do not need to notify anyone, Marienburg There is no right to prevent him from entering the city.

The second most controversial point is, what is the reason for the Judun Guard’s initiative to fire?

Marienburg believes that this is purely Hugmans' personal action and has nothing to do with Marienburg.

The empire presented Hughmans’ confession. The other party admitted that he was a “temporary infatuation” and temporarily chose to attack the emperor. The empire also found “evidence” in the Judun Chamber of Commerce. It was just that the emperor only showed the crown and said that he would bring it back to Braunschweig, but unexpectedly did not chase after it, but took it in one stroke.

This situation caught the Marienburg businessmen by surprise. They had spent a lot of energy and prepared a lot of materials to indicate that they were really unaware. Even Archbishop Aldrich was ready to swear to the sea **** Mannan Ceremony, the results were completely lost.

On the contrary, the emperor's actions made him appear generous and possess the broad mind that the emperor should have, making the Mariinburgh seem futile and careless.

For a moment, the Mariinburg side fell into the disadvantages-the emperor did not care about you, what are you still thinking about?

Ryan always frowned upon seeing this situation, and the Cavaliers shook his head helplessly as he looked at Mariinburg’s weak defense.

In fact, before Grand Duke Schultz notified, Ryan knew what was going on-he sent the old guards to squat at the Dwarf Artisan Association, how could he not know that the Judun Guard was going to the dwarves What?

But the most embarrassing place is here, and Marienburg may have guessed it. The Judun Guard is going to the dwarf, but can this thing be said?

Having attacked the emperor, shouldn't he provoke the dwarves again?

Did the dwarf provoke Brittany and the Ashes by the way?

It is for this reason that under the circumstances that the attack on the emperor has occurred, the Marienburg side has never been able to give a reason for "What Hughmans and his Judun Guard originally intended to do", so when the emperor said After confirming that this was a large-scale fighting in a misunderstanding, Marienburg can only recognize it.

This loses the initiative, but this is helpless, the expression on Ryan’s face remains the same, but he is actually not happy to see this situation, and even he is very clear in his heart that Karl Franz will never let go of anything. An opportunity to reclaim Marienburg.

It may be a good thing for the empire to withdraw Mariinburg, but for Ryan, this is not in the national interest of Brittania. The cavalier king will never be happy to see the emperor withdraw Mariinburg in his place. Seeking his politics, since he is a knight king, he must seek for the Kingdom of Brittany, which is a qualified king.

But he is passive now, and lacks an excuse to intervene in this matter. The cavalier king can only watch the scene quietly.

"This fact is too coincidental, and it's a bit illogical, dear." Suria took her husband's hand, and the knight whispered: "It's unbelievable, things will become like this, this time Karl His Majesty, he found a chance, and we still don’t understand what is behind him."

"There are more illogical things in this world. Comedy needs logic, tragedy doesn't need it." Ryan whispered, holding Sulia's little hand. "We lack an excuse to intervene, ma'am. What we have to do now. It’s to see how Karl achieves his purpose."

"Well, Ryan, I think Brittania can't lose this free port and buffer zone." Surya said in Ryan's ear: "Although I'm sorry for the emperor, we can't stand on his side this time."

"The high elves are here too." Ryan turned his gaze not far away, sitting on the VIP seat, with the wood elf fruit wine in his hands, and the sullen high elf ambassador to the old world, Tamag-Den Kaben, this Behind the ambassador stood two heavily armed shields, Lothern Haiwei. He looked at the scene of the House with a sullen face. His Excellency Tagris was almost here. At this time, what happened was it not for his ambassador An extra stain in my career?

Why are these monkeys so stupid? Why didn't you TM all die together? When will these monkeys die?

There were blue muscles on Tamag’s head. He didn’t want to participate in such a boring thing at all, but he knew he had to participate, because this matter is likely to involve Yfitao-the end of the high-precision in the old world. An enclave!

Fugen tasted wine and tuna sashimi very elegantly, he just listened quietly.

In Parliament, the debate continues.

Emperor Karl Franz, wearing emperor armor, said without hesitation: "According to the peaceful reunification agreement signed between Sigismund II and the Kingdom of Judun, Marienburg is undoubtedly part of the empire. According to the founding ceremony of His Majesty the Savior Ludwig, although Marienburg enjoys full autonomy, the empire gives Marienburg to you, and you must also bear the responsibility of governing Marienburg. Am I right? "

"Since Marinburg was handed over to the House of Representatives by His Majesty the Salvator, we will naturally strive to govern the city. Hundreds of members of the House of Representatives of our upper and lower houses work hard for the prosperity and stability of Marinburg. According to the founding ceremony, Only when Mariinburg meets the "unsolvable" problem, it can apply to the Empire for help, rather than the Empire taking the initiative to help us." Schultz said slowly: "This happened, we went up and down in Marienburg Both Houses have responsibilities, and we will never evade this point. From now on, we will reorganize the House of Lords. As for the business of the Judun Chamber of Commerce, we can divestiture it and hand it over to the Empire for inventory."

"Reorganization of the Parliament?" Karl Franz shook his head: "Your Excellency Schultz, I think that the reorganization of the Parliament will not solve the current problems. I can not blame you for your mistakes this time, but His Majesty the Redeemer handed over Marienburg It is not for you to cultivate a member of Parliament who dares to attack the emperor on the street!"

Marienburg still has time to speak in the future, and Karl Franz immediately said: "Of course, I believe that everyone here, those who are willing to come to the scene, and those parliamentarians who are willing to take responsibility after the event is over, everyone is Okay, but who can guarantee that everyone has no problem? Actually, on the street, as emperor of the empire, I can encounter this kind of attacks of hundreds of people, parliamentarians, masters of Marienburg, You are really incompetent!"

"All of this is the Judun Chamber of Commerce's own claim. Your Majesty Carl, you know the identity of Hugmans. He is a descendant of the Judun royal family. He has the right to control his own private army." Gray, MP of the Upper House of Marinburg Mayer said: "We can't control how he wants to move."

"You can't control it? Isn't there an assassination on the streets of Marienburg since then? You can tell everyone in a stately manner that you can't control it?" The emperor's wording was extremely sharp: "The savior generously took full autonomy To you, how did you manage Marienburg?"

"The Judun Chamber of Commerce and Hugmans are already responsible for this matter..." said Viscount Casanova, the second largest trench merchant in Marienburg: "Your Majesty is frightened. This is the responsibility of all of us. Regarding compensation, Your majesty can go directly from the vault of the Judun Chamber of Commerce..."

"I didn't let anyone take responsibility, and I'm not talking about compensation!" The emperor continued to push forward: "I'm talking about the autonomy of Marienburg! I ask you, the complete autonomy of Marienburg is to let you control the law and order. Is this the case? Charlemagne is on, an imperial emperor walking on the territory of the empire is actually attacked by the army of the empire? You don’t think there is a problem yet? What are you trying to do?"

"My Majesty, what do you mean?" Archbishop Aldridge of the Maritime Church in Marienburg was displeased, and he came out and said to the emperor: "Mannan is on the top. I can swear that I and the Church of Poseidon are against this We don’t know anything about it. If His Majesty is dissatisfied with the security of Mariinburgh, we can reorganize the security, or you can let me resign as Archbishop!"

"Enough is enough, Your Excellency Aldridge. We are a parliamentary deliberate. No one is forcing you to be responsible, nor is you forcing you to resign from the position of Archbishop of Poseidon. This is something only Mannan can decide." Grand Duke Schultz slowly Said: "Your Majesty was assassinated in our Marienburg. He naturally has to ask questions. We only need to answer. We don't need to come up and resign. On this issue, I am the Grand Duke of Marienburg elected by the Parliament. The first thing I am responsible for is to resign, and I will also resign!"

"Your Majesty, what do you think? If you allow me, I can resign now, and the upper and lower Houses of Marienburg can re-elect the Grand Duke." Schultz turned and said to the emperor: "Of course, I will continue to run. "

Emperor Karl Franz's face changed slightly.

If Schultz resigns, Marimburg will face a huge storm of blood immediately. In the past thirty years, only the Grand Duke has been able to overwhelm the prince of the business, countless mercenaries and major churches, the old world human nations and even It is the diplomacy of high-precision and dwarves (the embassy districts of all countries in the old world are set up here). At that time, Marienburg will be a big mess. This is not what the emperor wants to see. Schultz can drive away, but now No, it won't work until the emperor controls Mariinburg.

Furthermore, with Schultz's means and abilities, the final selection is still out of ten or nine. The emperor in turn gave him a chance to rectify the interior of Marienburg, and the Marienburg Parliament will become more rigid.

"I didn't say who to take on this issue." The emperor said immediately, and Karl took two steps to put down a long roll of parchment in his hand: "I said that the Judun Chamber of Commerce will stop here. Hugmans was unclear at the time. He saw someone appearing very nervous in the dark before ordering to fire. I did not intend to throw the problem to everyone present. I want to emphasize that this matter is not enough to explain the problem. ? Such a poor public order should not appear on the empire's territory!"

"We will rectify the law and order to ensure that similar things will not happen again!" Schultz said immediately.

"Very good, how to guarantee?" The emperor finally seized the opportunity, Karl Franz walked in front of everyone, facing the VIPs and parliamentarians in the parliament, throwing a voice: "How do you guarantee that there will not be this in the future?" What happened? What happened to the assassination of the emperor on the imperial territory, if it happened a second time? Such a person can still sit in the fourth position of the House of Lords in Marienburg. Security is deeply worried, if the imperial emperor cannot be protected within the imperial territory, how are you responsible?"

"That's what I said, I don't need you to be responsible for this! Because you don't deserve it now!" The emperor finally roared, and he threw the scroll of confession of Van Hughmans on the ground: "Still, you Is it an organized and premeditated treason?! The Imperials plot to assassinate the Imperial Emperor on the territory of the Empire?!"

Suria's eyes lit up on the VIP seat, the knight realized that the emperor had completely controlled the topic, and Ryan nodded slightly, and the couple smiled at each other.

Worthy of being Emperor Karl Franz!

Now, Marienburg has been forced into a dilemma.

If the security problem is serious and the intention is to assassinate the emperor, must Marienburg choose one?

The business princes of Marienburg immediately turned pale, and Grand Duke Schultz was embarrassed. The words of the emperor were stern words. No matter how Marlin said, they were imperial territories. It was impossible to say that he had treasoned and intended to assassinate the emperor.

Then it can only be admitted as a problem of public security: "Your Majesty, the problem of public security is indeed the poor management of our two houses."

"The nature is bad, the management is poor, the security is chaotic, and it has caused diplomatic disputes. Now the Knight King Lion and Queen Suria, the Head of the Ash Legion, His Excellency Fugen, and the Dwarf Special Envoy Solgreens, and the High Precision Ambassador Taimage All staying in Mariinburg, the security is so bad, which shows that your upper and lower houses have a very problematic management of Mariinburg." Karl Franz finally saw the poor: "Of course, I understand you, Marienburg is in charge of businessmen. Merchants are good at dealing with businessmen, but they are not good at dealing with saboteurs, nor are they good at sniffing and pulling out people with ulterior motives like Hugmans."

"But it doesn't matter, you are the people of the empire after all. The empire never forgets Marienburg. My palace has many experts who are specifically responsible for assisting Marienburg to help you maintain social order." The emperor nodded and his face appeared With a hearty smile: "I have already thought about the name, it is called the Mariinburg Anti-Commission Committee, and I will send someone to assist you to guarantee the law and order."

"Your Majesty, we don't need assistance, we can manage ourselves." Schultz now realized what the emperor wanted to do.

"Is such a thing happening if I can manage myself?" Karl Franz interrupted Schultz's words with a standard smile expression: "This kind of thing, there will only be zero sums, countless times! Various scales of fighting and attacks! I mean, every year, every month, every day! You really don’t need my help?"

"As your protector, I will give you a condition that cannot be refused." The emperor's mouth curled up, but his teeth were not exposed, and the skin smiled flesh, and behind him, the sunlight from the glazed windows shone from outside into the parliament building Inside, it shines on the emperor's back.

The emperor's body turned away from the sun and pulled out a shadow. Before reaching the Mariinburg seat, his face was covered by the sun and blurred.

Within the Parliament, there was no sound. No one of the MPs in Marienburg dared to come back to speak. They looked at the emperor with their daring and indignant eyes. The emperor was a naked threat! Threatening Marienburg, even if Marienburg itself has no problems, he can create problems with Karl Franz!

When the law and order collapse, the value of Fort Mariin will be greatly reduced.

"Very well, since no one can object, then I announced that this matter of the Marienburg Anti-Committee was passed." The emperor finally showed a satisfied smile: "I will appoint experts, especially the devil hunters. Those who come here to work with the public security consultants, please cooperate with us to solve the public security problems!"

After finishing talking, the emperor turned directly and left the parliament hall without looking back: "Go, go to the Judun Chamber of Commerce! I want to see if there are any prohibited things that have not been found!"

There are also MPs in Marienburg who want to prevent the emperor from leaving, but someone immediately pulled him. Karl Franz is the emperor of the empire. This is the territory of the empire. Who dares to prevent the emperor from moving freely?

Then the issue of public security has risen again, and the emperor should send troops!

"Too bad~www.ltnovel.com~Knight King looked at the faces of the upper and lower houses of Marienburg with a look of frustration and anger, and said with a bitter smile: "It is Karl Franz, he is a good player. Beautiful, Marienburg has completely lost its resistance. "

"Lane, what shall we do now? The emperor clearly intends to gradually control Marienburg through this anti-commission committee." Suria whispered in her husband's ear: "This is not in our interest, Lane, if you let the emperor If you can do it."

"Marimburg has no way to refute the emperor. As he guided, it is purely a matter of security and conspiracy to assassinate the emperor. Marimburg can only admit that it is a matter of law and order." Ryan nodded slightly, and the King of Knights found things interesting. After: "Since it is a public security issue, and you can't manage it well, it is logical for the emperor to send people to "assist" management."

Ryan touched his smooth chin, and the knight king's face was admired and vigilant.

Well, Karl, you are very powerful. On one thing, you can use the topic to the limit to play to such an extent, so that Marienburg is defeated.

It's a pity that for the national interest of the Knight Kingdom, I can't let you get this anti-committee on.

This time, I'm going to stand on the side of Marienburg.


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