422. Chapter 422 Chapter Black Stone Empire

“hee hee… Big Brother Lingtian, are you awake?”

Little gold mouse figure A move, fell on the knee of the purple clothed young man, looking up at the tiny head, looking at Duan Lingtian, Origin Force Voice Transmission: “Hey, Big Brother Lingtian, you seem a little different…”

“Well, I broke through.”

Purple clothed young man, that is Duan Lingtian, nodded a smile.

Yes, he broke through.

Formal breakthrough to ‘Nascent Soul Realm 5th-Layer ‘!

鈥淟ittle Gold, where are we now?鈥?/p>

Duan Lingtian asked little gold mouse.

Little gold mouse Shake the tiny head, Origin Force Voice Transmission: “I don’t know.”

“do not know?”

Duan Lingtian corner of mouth twitching, followed by Looked towards the Heavenly Eagle under the seat, whistled and let Heavenly Eagle land.

Immediately, Heavenly Eagle figure trembled and swooped down.


Heavenly Eagle carries Duan Lingtian and little gold mouse, which is like an arrow that turns into a string, and it quickly passes through.

Duan Lingtian looked down at the earth, only to find that he had reached the sky above a barren mountain.

“What is this place?”

Duan Lingtian looked suspicious and immediately sank. “In the beginning, Heavenly Eagle was all the way north…”

“Little Gold, how long have I practiced?”

Duan Lingtian looked towards little gold mouse, asked.

“Twenty days…”

Little gold mouse Origin Force Voice Transmission replied .

“It’s been so long? No wonder I feel a little hungry.”

Duan Lingtian touched the dry belly and let Heavenly Eagle land down and landed in the barren hills.

Hunting a few Wild Beasts, Duan Lingtian baked fire on the spot.

Then there is the barbecue.

The meat scent quickly fills the air and makes Duan Lingtian’s index finger move.

Duan Lingtian took out a Spirit Sword and made a few strokes on the thick meat, followed by some ordinary seasoning…

Immediately, the aroma is compelling.

“Heavenly Eagle, among the three of us, you are the hardest, this piece of meat you eat first.”

Duan Lingtian handed the meat in his hand to Heavenly Eagle.

Just, soon, Duan Lingtian discovered that a pair of navy blue pupils of little gold mouse are staring at Heavenly Eagle…

Heavenly Eagle, although watching the barbecue in Duan Lingtian’s hand, did not dare to have any action for a long time, as if he was afraid that the little gold mouse would come up and bake it together.

“You little fellow, really overbearing… eat it!”

Duan Lingtian is helpless and hands the barbecue to the little gold mouse.

Little gold mouse Looked at Heavenly Eagle again, a pair of ‘count your acquaintance’ look, then took the barbecue and picked it up.

Duan Lingtian continues to barbecue.

When he and Heavenly Eagle’s stomach were filled, the night was slowly coming.

“I鈥檓 staying here for the night… I鈥檒l leave tomorrow morning.鈥?/p>

Duan Lingtian spoke to the little gold mouse, then let Heavenly Eagle hide into the sky, and he found a dry tree and lay down on a huge trunk.

Little gold mouse Jumped to the side of the trunk and slept in a short time.

Moon and stars rare, gentle’s moonlight slid down and enveloped Duan Lingtian.

“It鈥檚 been three months since I left Seven Star Sword Sect last time… As far as I know, north of Heavenly Desolate Ancient City, it seems to be ‘Black Stone Empire’. If Heavenly Eagle flies north to top speed For ten days, isn’t that the land under my feet that belongs to the Black Stone Empire?”

Duan Lingtian looked at the bright moon hanging in the night sky, and her heart moved slightly.

Today’s moon, a special round.

Unconsciously, Duan Lingtian thought of the Mid-Autumn Festival and thought of reunion.

Previous life, as an orphan, Mid-Autumn Festival is meaningless to him…

Because no one can reunite with him.

This world is different.

He has a ‘mother’ that loves himself, and two ‘fianc茅e’ that are cherished…

鈥淯nconsciously, leaving Scarlet Heaven Kingdom has been more than 3 years. I don鈥檛 know, what happened to my mother?鈥?/p>

Duan Lingtian thought of this world’s mother ‘Li Rou’, her thoughts were out of control.

“After nine months, it was the ‘two-year appointment’ of me and the Zither Young Master… After fulfilling this two-year appointment, I took Ke’er and Little Fei’er and went back to Scarlet Heaven. Kingdom.”

In Duan Lingtian’s heart, he set a plan.

Thoughts flutter, unconsciously, Duan Lingtian fell asleep.

Early the next morning, I will start again.

Heavenly Eagle flew for five days and did not fly out of this uninhabited area.

“It’s too slow, too slow!”

Finally, the little gold mouse was completely impatient, Origin Force Voice Transmission to Duan Lingtian, “Big Brother Lingtian, this guy is too slow… or I will take you to fly.”


Duan Lingtian nodded, Little Gold’s speed is far more than ten times that of Heavenly Eagle!

It takes a long time to leave this uninhabited area.


Little gold mouse The volley stands in the Void and instantly becomes bigger, like a hill three meters high.

Duan Lingtian fell on the back of the little gold mouse.

Just when Duan Lingtian is ready to greet Heavenly Eagle.

Little gold mouse turned over, looked towards towards Heavenly Eagle, navy blue’s eyes streamed…

Duan Lingtian understands that Little Gold should be communicating with Heavenly Eagle.

Finally, he saw that Heavenly Eagle had a pair of sharp pupils, and first of all a horror, and then Heavenly Eagle glanced at him, his wings, turned and flew in the direction of the other.


Duan Lingtian startled, “Little Gold, what did you say to Heavenly Eagle?”

“hee hee… Big Brother Lingtian, I let it go back to my hometown, or else I will stew it and eat it.”

The condensation in the eyes of little gold mouse was introduced into the ears of Duan Lingtian.

Let Duan Lingtian feel a stagnation.

The girl鈥檚 generally pleasing sound reveals the meaning of a little demon…

“Little Gold, you drive Heavenly Eagle back to ‘Primitive Forest’ and you will be transported to me by then.”

Duan Lingtian said with a smile.

If the little gold mouse is willing to give him a ride, the efficiency is not a little bit.

“hmph 鍝?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?浠?h h h h h h h h.

little gold mouse 鐨凮rigin Force Voice Transmission 涓紝鍏呮弧浜嗗偛姘斻€?/p>

鈥淪aint Beast descendant 锛熲€?/p>

鍚埌little gold mouse 鐨勮瘽锛孌uan Lingtian 涓€鎯娿€?/p>

浠栨悳閬峂artial Emperor Hun Lui 鐨勮蹇嗭紝閮芥病鏈変换浣曟湁鍏充粈涔堚€楽aint Beast descendant 鈥欑殑璁拌浇鈥︹€?/p>

涔熷氨鏄锛屽氨绠楁槸Martial Emperor Hun Lui 锛屼篃娌℃湁鍚杩団€楽aint Beast descendant 鈥欙紒

鈥滄槸鍟婏紝鎴戜笂娆℃浮杩団€?-9 Thunder Tribulation 鈥欎互鍚庯紝鑴戞捣閲屽氨瑙夐啋浜嗕竴浜沬nheritance 淇℃伅鈥︹€︽垜浠琂ade Eyed Connecting Heaven Clan 锛屼箖鏄€楽aint Beast descendant 鈥欙紒bloodline 楂樿吹锛屽噷椹句簬涓囧崈Demon Beast 涔嬩笂銆傗€?/p>

Little gold mouse Origin Force Voice Transmission replied .

鈥滅湅鏉ワ紝Cloud Heaven Continent 涔嬩腑锛岃繕鏈夊緢澶氫簨鎯咃紝鏄繛鈥楳artial Emperor 鈥欏眰娆$殑existence 閮戒笉鐭ラ亾鐨勩€傗€?/p>

Duan Lingtian laments.

Martial Emperor Hun Lui 锛屾瘯绔熷巻缁忎簡two lives 锛屽彲灏辩畻濡傛锛岀珶鐒堕兘浠庢潵娌℃湁鍚杩囬偅鈥楽aint Beast descendant 鈥欍€?/p>

鍙兂鑰岀煡锛岄偅鈥楽aint Beast 鈥欑殑绁炵銆?/p>

鈥淪aint Beast 鈥︹€﹀彧鍚繖涓О鍛硷紝灏辩煡閬撲笉鏄竴鑸殑鍏界被銆傗€?/p>

Duan Lingtian 蹇冮噷涓€鍔紝鏃嬪嵆璇㈤棶璧穕ittle gold mouse 鏈夊叧Saint Beast 鐨勪簨銆?/p>

璋佺煡锛屽氨杩瀕ittle gold mouse 鑷繁涔熶笉鐭ラ亾銆?/p>

瀹冨彧鐭ラ亾瀹冧滑Jade Eyed Connecting Heaven Clan 鏄€楽aint Beast descendant 鈥欌€︹€?/p>

鑷充簬浠€涔堟槸Saint Beast 锛屽畠涓€姒備笉鐭ャ€?/p>

鈥淏ig Brother Lingtian 锛屾垜瑕佸姞閫熶簡锛佲€?/p>

little gold mouse 鐨凮rigin Force Voice Transmission 浼犳潵锛岃Duan Lingtian 涓€涓猻hivered 锛岃繛蹇欑ǔ浣忎簡figure 銆?/p>

next moment.


little gold mouse 鍔犻€熷埌peak 锛屽疀濡傚寲浣滀竴閬揼olden light 锛岃嚜澶╄竟鎺犺繃銆?/p>

鎵€杩囦箣澶勶紝涓?,000 Ancient Giant Elephant Phantoms 闅忎箣濂旇吘鑰屽嚭锛屾极澶╃殑clouds and mist 锛岃寮€杈熷嚭鏉ヤ竴鏉$嫮闀跨殑鈥樺ぉ璺€欌€︹€?/p>



韬哄湪little gold mouse 姣涜尭鑼哥殑鑳屼笂锛孌uan Lingtian 鎰熻濂藉儚韬哄湪previous life 鐨勬矙鍙戜笂锛岃垝鏈嶆棤姣斻€?/p>

little gold mouse 鐨勯€熷害锛岃櫧鐒舵病鏈夋彁鍗囧埌peak 锛屽嵈涔熸槸閭b€楬eavenly Eagle 鈥檛op speed 椋炶鐨勯€熷害鐨勮繎鍗佸€嶁€︹€?/p>


鈥淏ig Brother Lingtian 锛屽墠闈㈡湁涓€搴у煄甯傦紝鎴戜滑鎵惧restaurant 鍚冮キ鍚с€傗€?/p>

little gold mouse 杞界潃Duan Lingtian 椋炰簡a long time 锛屽ソ鍍忓彂鐜颁簡鏂癱ontinent 涓€鏍凤紝灏忓北鑸殑韬綋淇啿鑰屼笅锛屽悓鏃禣rigin Force Voice Transmission 瀵笵uan Lingtian 璇撮亾銆?/p>

Duan Lingtian 浣庡ご淇灠鏈涘幓銆?/p>

纭疄锛屽浠婂湪鍓嶆柟鐨別arth 涓婏紝涓€搴т腑瑙勪腑鐭╃殑鍩庡競浼珛鍦ㄩ偅閲岋紝瀹涘澶ф紶涓殑缁挎床锛屾牸澶栨樉鐪笺€?/p>


Duan Lingtian smiled and smiled.

鈥渉ee hee 鈥︹€﹀ソ銆傗€?/p>

little gold mouse Origin Force Voice Transmission 鍥炲簲锛屽皬灞辫埇鐨勮韩浣撹惤绌鸿€屼笅锛岄檷钀藉湪浜嗗煄甯傚闈㈢殑涓€鐗囩箒鑼備笡鏋椾箣涓€?/p>

Duan Lingtian 绂诲紑little gold mouse 閭e鏁炲骞冲湴鐨勮儗閮紝figure 鎺犲姩锛岀ǔ绋宠惤鍦般€?/p>


little gold mouse 搴炲ぇ鐨勮韩浣撶寷鐒舵敹缂╋紝鍐嶆鍖栦綔灏忎笉鐐癸紝椋炴帬鍒癉uan Lingtian 鐨勮偐鑶€涓婄珯瀹氥€?/p>

Duan Lingtian 杩堟鑰屽嚭锛岃蛋鍚戣繙澶勭殑鍩庡競銆?/p>

杩欎竴搴у煄甯傦紝鍗犲湴闈㈢Н骞块様锛屼笉涓嬩簬Heavenly Desolate Ancient City 銆?/p>

Duan Lingtian 杩涗簡鍩庯紝鍙互鐪嬪埌锛屽煄涓ぇ閬撲箣涓婏紝浜烘祦娑屽姩锛岃溅椹榫欙紝宸濇祦涓嶆伅鈥︹€?/p>

“zhi zhi ~~”

little gold mouse 涓嶆効鎰忚棌鍦―uan Lingtian 鐨勯暱琚栦箣涓嬶紝绔欏湪Duan Lingtian 鐨勮偐澶达紝濂藉鐨勬墦閲忕潃鐪煎墠鐨勪竴鍒囥€?/p>


Duan Lingtian also found out.

杩囧線鐨勮浜轰腑锛屼笉涔忓甫鐫€Vicious Beast 鐨凪artial Artist 銆?/p>

寰堝揩锛孌uan Lingtian 鐪嬪埌鍓嶆柟鍑虹幇浜嗕竴涓猺estaurant 锛岀洰鍏変竴浜紝鈥淟ittle Gold 锛岄偅鎴戜滑灏卞幓杩欏restaurant 鍚僺topped 銆傗€?/p>


little gold mouse 鐨凮rigin Force Voice Transmission 锛屼紶鍏ヤ簡Duan Lingtian 鐨勮€充腑锛屽叴濂嬩笉宸层€?/p>

Duan Lingtian 杩涗簡restaurant 锛屽彲浠ョ湅鍒皉estaurant 鍐呭嚑涔庡骇鏃犺櫄甯€?/p>

骞稿ソ锛屽湪Duan Lingtian 涓嶈繙澶勶紝鏈変竴妗岀殑guest 鍒氬垰鍚冨畬锛岀珯璧锋潵绂诲幓銆?/p>

“Good luck.”

Duan Lingtian eyes shines.


鑰岀珯鍦ㄥ畠鑲╁ご涓婄殑little gold mouse 锛屽垯鏄洿鎺ラ鎺犺€屽嚭锛岃惤鍦ㄤ簡妗屼笂銆?/p>

灏卞湪Duan Lingtian 璺濈鐪煎墠鐨勬瀛愪笉鍒板挮灏轰箣閬ョ殑鏃跺€欍€?/p>

鈥渉aha 鈥︹€﹁繍姘斾笉閿欙紝姝eソ鏈変竴寮犵┖妗屽瓙銆傗€?/p>

涓€閬撶暐鏄惧皷閿愮殑澹伴煶浼犳潵锛孌uan Lingtian 鐪煎墠涓€闂紝鍗寸湅鍒颁竴涓韩鏉愮槮鍓婏紝瀹涘鐨寘楠ㄧ殑youth 鐢峰瓙鎶㈠厛涓€姝ワ紝鍧愬湪浜嗘鍓嶃€?/p>

Duan Lingtian 椤胯冻锛宐rows slightly wrinkle 銆?/p>

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