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Chapter 984 The Rooster Jumps

The lonely people on the busy street, all the prosperity and hustle and bustle are just floating clouds in front of their eyes, and they have not fallen to the bottom of my heart. Zhong Zhu'er stared stubbornly at Gu Chunzhu's direction of departure, and secretly competed with her in her heart. Even if Mrs. Long loves Gu Chunzhu, he can't go to Gu Chunzhu, and she only meets Mr. Long.

"What are you looking at, Zhu'er? Let me talk with the manager to let us go." The Dragon Mother walked out of the shop with satisfaction, and looked at the direction of Zhong Zhu'er in doubt, but found nothing and left it there. In my heart, I greeted Zhong Deng'er happily on the carriage and back home.

Zhong Denger took a deep look at the end, and then he answered, and got on the carriage with the help of maidservant.

Compared with the incomparable concern here, Gu Chunzhu didn't care about the episode of meeting Zhong Deng'er. As soon as he returned to the general's palace, he urged Su Wangqin to hand over all the property quickly, and he was not allowed to keep his private money. Su Wangqin was so spoiled that he gave Gu Chunzhu all his private house money.

Gu Chunzhu found Wang Kun and handed over all the private room money to him, and said proudly, "Wang Guanjia, these are all the money that Su Wangqin has fought for. You must take care of me and use them to earn More money comes more."

Wang Kun glanced at Su Wangqin secretly. He didn't expect his general to be intimidated. He couldn't even own a little private house money, but he still responded to Gu Chunzhu in a regular manner. The source of wealth is rolling in."

Gu Chunzhu nodded with satisfaction, once again lamenting that his official was not wrong, and asked a few words, "I don't know Wu Fenniang is good lately, it is always more uncomfortable to be pregnant, you are Wang Guanjia. You have to treat others well and don’t bother with patience."

"Thank you, Madam, for caring about the situation in our family while I am busy. I thank Madam Wu Fenniang for her concern. She has basically stabilized recently, and Hu Shenyi's medicine is really good." Wang Kun was concerned and concerned by Gu Chunzhu I was touched and determined for the countless times that I must be faithful to Gu Chunzhu.

"Then I can rest assured, you can do your own thing."

Wang Kun ordered to leave, but did not take a few steps and then retreated back, "Yes, Madam, there is one thing the slave must tell you. Today, the old lady went to see the person in the guest room. The specific reason is not known, but the old lady is ruthless. He was beaten up, and the tool used was a long-handled spoon to scoop manure in the vegetable field, and it beat him up in a mess."

Gu Chunzhu didn't move like a mountain, but only nodded his head to show that he knew, but he was more and more fond of Mrs. Su. Sure enough, in addition to a few more inexplicable hostility, everything is developing in the good direction, and the old Su has become much more enlightened.

The two of them were a little tired after shopping for an afternoon. Even Su Wangqin, a general, couldn't hold it up. Sure enough, it was a huge physical job to sleep while shopping. The two went back directly to Anjuyuan, preparing for a good night's sleep before getting up for dinner or maybe supper.

But Gu Chunzhu turned around and found that the slap print on Ms. Liu's face was deeper, which made her wonder. Although she gave Ms. Liu an innocent slap this morning, she remembered that it was only slightly red and swollen at the time, and she also ordered her to see the doctor. It might not be more serious at night.

"Mother Liu, is the wound on your face worsened? Or what happened?" Gu Chunzhu shouted to the mother Liu who was about to exit, and asked while carefully observing the wound on her face.

After so close observation, Gu Chunzhu really found new clues. The slap marks on Ms. Liu's face are much larger than those of Ms. Liu's own palms, and her strength is also quite large. The slap marks on her face are clearly visible. The most important thing is that there is a shocking mark on Ms. Liu's neck. Is it possible that someone will kill Ms. Liu!

"It's all because of the three people in the room." Mother Liu took a deep breath and explained what happened at noon bit by bit from beginning to end.

It turned out that this matter was also related to the old lady Su in Wang Kun's mouth playing the third son of Su. The ins and outs of the whole incident are like this. Mother Liu sent the third lunch to Su Susan as ordered by Chunzhu. After all, she could not starve to death. In fact, the attitude of Su's third son was not good in the morning, presumably because he was awake and hazy, and he didn't have too much atmosphere to teach people, but it was completely different after noon.

Su Laosan's irritable nature is undoubtedly revealed, he looked at her with contempt and contempt as she watched Mum Liu carrying the food in. Mother Liu felt that his disgusting eyes were like a disgusting slug stuck to his body, very uncomfortable. So she put down her things and hurried out.

Su Laosan was not restrained by his hands and feet. He saw that Ms. Liu was a little afraid to go out, so she quickly stood in front of Ms. Liu and prevented her from going out, "Why are you walking so fast, don't you need to clean up the bowl? Chopsticks?"

"Naturally, I will wait until the next collection." Mother Liu quickly calmed down, comforting herself in her heart, but with a bad look, she was not afraid of any ghosts, snakes, and gods beside her wife.

Su's third brother saw that Mum Liu even dared to refute his words. He now thinks that he is Su Wangqin's brother and is the owner of this general palace. Humble servants such as Mama Liu should hold him, so he started playing Majestic, "Xiaoshun, show me the food."

Xiaoshun has always listened to Su's words. Mr. Su took a look and laughed. He overturned the dish on the ground and pinched mother Liu's neck fiercely. "Do you know who I am? I'm the general's brother, so you take these Come to me to eat non-influential meals, do you think you are sending out Hanako?"

However, in fact, those dishes are good and reasonable, with meat and vegetables and soup, absolutely delicious and nutritious.

Innocent mother Liu has been struggling to pat and scratch Su Lao San's hands with both hands. Su Lao San was uncomfortable, and the other hand gave a slap on the side of Mom Liu's face with the backhand. The sound of the tap was extremely loud. Two clear slap marks appeared on his face.

"You remember it for me, I am also the master of this general's palace, and later I will give me the bird's nest ginseng, big fish and big meat." Su Laosan did not want to carry the human life lawsuit after all, and he was preparing to put down mother Liu There was a tremendous roar from outside the door, which scared him with a trembling hand, and Mother Liu ran over it with her neck covered.

"You son, let me go!"

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