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Chapter 969 The Night Talk

Gu Chunzhu patiently listened to Wei Xingzhi's analysis of his own mental journey, without arbitrary interruption, while listening to thinking about its authenticity, and whether he should dispel his vigilance against Wei Xingzhi and even the government.

And Wei Xingzhi is still chattering all the time, and has been talking about getting along with A Yinuo in the afternoon, "Today I will wait for a strange man to come to the door, I think it must be sent by the prince. So I also came to visit and asked by the way Whoever came down, the next person told me that the person who came was the Yi prince."

"Isn't it rumored that the prince's palace is going to marry the Yi prince? I guess the prince is to use An'an to marry, so I completely lost my mind and arbitrarily broke into the flower hall to teach him a hard meal. No Thinking that the prince still has a hand, I actually failed, and I even lost playing polo with him in the afternoon."

The more he said that Wei Xingzhi was more frustrated, because he found that he really had no skill, and did not make any achievements. It can be said that nothing was achieved. And An'an was surrounded by many men who made great achievements, and his achievements were pitifully small.

I don’t know where it came from. A stream of heat rushed directly over Wei Xingzhi’s head, forcing Wei Xingzhi to be a little crazy, and his reason was completely blinded. Come and raise your relatives!"

Gu Chunzhu didn’t know why Wei Xingzhi suddenly went crazy, and he had such a crazy and outdated idea. He quickly raised the volume to suppress Wei Xingzhi’s next chatter, “Wei Xingzhi, you have always been a good boy, I know you can understand and understand me. This mother's heart?"

Wei Xingzhi red eyes, staring at Gu Chunzhu for a while, then nodded slowly, his voice was hoarse, "Auntie, I..."

Although he didn't know what Wei Xingzhi wanted to say, Gu Chunzhu interrupted him. "You can understand is the best. We want to stay in An'an for a few years. She is still not suitable for marriage, do you understand?"

Wei Xingzhi gradually came out of the sudden brain fever, sullenly dragging his head, and replied weakly, and then left and left. Gu Chunzhu looked at the back of his departure and lamented that the prospective son-in-law was really dying of An'an, and even a bit of a moron.

When Su Wangqin came back in the evening, Gu Chunzhu informed him of everything that happened in the General's Mansion today. When he heard that A Yinuo came to see An An, he gritted his teeth with anger and showed his fierce light, indicating that he must find a time to discuss with A Yinuo.

"What are you talking about! This stupid boy wants to raise relatives! Don't stop me, I must go and teach him a lesson!" When Su Wangqin heard that Wei Xingzhi wanted to immediately marry and leave An'an, he had gone outright and stood up. To rush out, Gu Chunzhu quickly intercepted him.

"You said that you are crazy, but you know that you are the youngest son of Guogongfu. Are you still not enough about your family? Besides, I think this knowledge is not bad. It is good and heartfelt to An'an." Gu Chunzhu died He pressed Su Wangqin's shoulder to his death, while one hand gently pacified him.

"Then his pig wants to come to arch his own cabbage, and I can't have any opinion? In short, you let him come to my general palace less, so as not to ruin An'an's reputation." Su Wangqin was also very angry, leaving Gu Chunzhu away The hand turned back, and it looked like a child's anger.

Gu Chunzhu chuckled, did not agree to the request of Su Wangqin, but instead turned to the topic to divert Su Wangqin's attention, "Well, brother, this April is the day of Peony's marriage, and her birthday will soon be As I approach, I feel that I should hold a birthday party for her this time."

"This is the truth. After all, it is also the last birthday of my mother's family." Su Wangqin was attracted by Gu Chunzhu's topic, and he took the initiative to turn back and talk with Gu Chunzhu about specific matters.

The first is the question of the banquet list, because Peony does not have any friends in Beijing. The familiar lady is estimated to be the few who are in class with Grandma Zheng. In addition, the people invited may only be those familiar with Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin. However, Gu Chunzhu is a little worried that this will make him a winner, and everyone may not be here to celebrate his birthday.

"Chunzhu, your worries are very reasonable, so don't invite me if you don't have good intentions on the official side, and the rest of your comrades don't know peony very much, I think it can be forgotten, you can see what you have on your side Invite it." Su Wangqin pondered for a while, basically excluding everyone he knew.

Gu Chunzhu thought of some old friends who have known each other for a long time, such as Long Boss, and Peony's fiance Ling Xiao, these are definitely to be invited. But even so, plus the few ladies who took the class together, at most, they had two people at the table, and they didn't get the so-called "big deal" at all.

"Actually, you can ask Grandma Zheng to discuss it." Su Wangqin watched Chun Chun for a long time without talking, and her brows were still clumped together, and she knew she was very embarrassed, so she gave her a trick.

Gu Chunzhu clapped his hands excitedly, looking at Su Wangqin with admiration and admiration, "Wang brother is really clever and always able to give me some guidance when I am confused and let me out of the predicament!"

Su Wangqin was originally enjoying Gu Chunzhu's respectful eyes and praise words, but when he sighed at the back, he suddenly sighed, "I and the children can meet you in this life, it is really good luck. Including peony Also, otherwise she can only spend a lifetime with her unscrupulous parents in the county."

Gu Chunzhu looked at Su Wangqin with gratitude to himself, and embarrassedly prevented him from continuing to praise himself, "You must not say that, I haven't done anything, it's all thanks to Brother Wang."

Su Wangqin will take Gu Chunzhu, who is still shaking his head again and again, into his arms. The close kiss keeps falling on her face. This is a tender rather than an urgent kiss, with a little thanks and thanks. Gu Chunzhu also quieted down slowly, closed his eyes and cleverly stayed in Su Wangqin's solid and wide arms, enjoying the tenderness between the two.

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