Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 954: Criticism of the Prince's House

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Chapter 954 The Intercession of the Prince's Mansion

So Su Wangqin could only continue to wait and wait until finally the two men took a shower and the people were rushed out of the room. Su Wangqin hugged Gu Chunzhu, who was scrubbed with fragrant arms, and bit her ear with satisfaction. I will let you go again, no matter what reason you say can't stop me."

A soft but eager kiss continued to fall on Gu Chunzhu's face, Su Wangqin's hot hands were placed on her neck, a little threatening taste. She gasped impatiently, a little unbearable.

The enthusiasm in the house was on the verge of being touched, but it was poured into a pot of cold water with a knock on the door, and the flame that was about to burn was turned into a pile of ashes. Su Wangqin gritted his teeth and scolded, "If it's not a hurried business, I must beat the knocker hard!"

"Okay, you can open the door quickly." Gu Chunzhu slowed down, pushed Su Wangqin away and let him go quickly.

It was no one else standing outside the door. It was Wang Kun, the housekeeper. He knew that he would definitely be blamed by the general, but he was really in a hurry. However, when he officially saw Su Wangqin, even though he was preparing himself for himself on the way, he was scared by Su Wangqin's fierce eyes and almost sat on the ground.

"You are not at home with your pregnant daughter-in-law, run here to disturb, you quickly say something." Su Wangqin was slightly disheveled, his eyes staring at Wang Kun closely, and asked impatiently.

Wang Kun didn’t dare to look up and bury his head deeply, his voice trembled. “Go back... back to General, it’s the Prince’s House who sent someone to ask him to let the General and his wife go.”

"Does the Prince's House have anything to say?" Su Wangqin held his last hope, hoping that the reason was very unimportant so that he could not escape, and stay with his wife at home.

"The people who came here didn't say that, I was very anxious to urge me to let the general and his wife go quickly, and the people who had been watching the general's palace hadn't come to report what happened." Wang Kun asked three times and did not know what happened in the Prince's palace. Xuanyuan was really hiding things very well.

It’s just three things, but it’s almost the fourth time now. Is it really a good thing? Su Wangqin wiped his face in frustration and had to accept the fact that he and Gu Chunzhu had to go to the Prince's Mansion for such a play. He only hated that he couldn't clearly do anything against Xuanyuan now. He threw the door, "You go to the door and wait, we will come right away."

Although he knew that the general could not see it, Wang Kun responded with a panic look, and then quickly went to prepare a carriage for the general and his wife.

Su Wangqin returned to the house and told Gu Chunzhu about this. The two of them put on more formal clothes while guessing what would happen. Su Wangqin believed that it was mostly related to the Yi nationality prince, otherwise he would not find himself. Gu Chunzhu was even more puzzled, so no matter what happened to the Prince's Mansion, it seemed that she should not go to her woman.

"Forget it, let's be at ease, let's go step by step." Su Wangqin was upset and didn't want to guess what Xuanyuan Xian was going to do. He frowned impatiently and concluded the conversation.

The two hurried to the Prince's Mansion, and someone came to meet them early in the door. One of the girls missed her foot carelessly, and by the way, Gu Chunzhu, who kindly helped her, put a note in her hand, and Gu Chunzhu backed the note to Su Wangqin. Su Wangqin found an opportunity to glance under the light, and there were three words written on it, "Xuanyuan Rong".

Su Wangqin quietly talked to Gu Chunzhu, Gu Chunzhu thought, Xuanyuanrong's posture in the morning seemed to be looking for the stubble of the Yi prince. At night, the Prince's Mansion had an accident, wouldn't she really succeed?

When they arrived at the flower hall in the Prince's Mansion, a lot of people had gathered in the flower hall. Xuan Yuanxian sat on the head, A Yinuo stood next to him with a playful smile on his face, obviously a bit of a good taste, Xuanyuan Rong and Chi Yihe knelt in the middle of the hall in embarrassment, obviously this time the Prince's House It was on their heads.

When Xuanyuan Xian saw the two coming in, his face grew darker, his voice lowered and his anger sullied, and he inquired, "General's Palace is really a good tool. The paws are long enough to be counted on our Prince's Palace." Now!"

Su Wangqin and Gu Chunzhu also had some inexplicable faces. The two had just arrived at the flower hall and hadn't even figured out what happened. Xuanyuan Xun began to question their teachers, which was really inexplicable. Su Wangqin also suffocated a fireball, and immediately scolded back, "I think the Prince's Mansion is awe-inspiring. When the guests come, is scolding your hospitality?"

"Did I ever say that you are a guest, and that I have enough face to treat a prisoner?" Xuanyuan laughed sarcastically, and the atmosphere between the two suddenly stretched out, and Gu Chunzhu sweated.

"I don't know. The Prince's House can still convict people at will. I really admire it." Su Wangqin said rightly, and never gave in.

"I have evidence in my hand!" Speaking of Xuanyuanxian, he threw out a piece of paper and shot it on the table. Su Wangqin brought it over for a look, and it clearly wrote sour words about love, followed by tonight. Invitation.

"Why does this paper have anything to do with our general government?" Su Wangqin was still confused, and he threw the thin rice paper in his hand at will.

Xuan Yuanxian was very anxious, snatched it back and put it away properly, ironically, "This is evidence, you are so arbitrary that you must want to destroy it, so as to escape the suspicion."

"Prince, let's make a good statement! You have to make it clear to me first, what the **** happened, our general mansion has always been well-balanced, and naturally it won't be chaotic." Xuan Yuanxian kept listening to Su Wangqin completely. With patience, the murderousness tempered on the battlefield no longer suffocated, and the momentum was full to force Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Xian can't stop this raging murderousness, and then withered at once, he said things with his teeth clenched. It turned out that Prince Ding's family accidentally broke a pair of wild mandarin ducks at night, and hadn't even thought of it. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that Xuanyuan Rong and Chi Yihe ran to report to the prince.

Xuan Yuan ordered people to ask Xuan Yuanrong and Chi Yihe for a question, but they only scared them, and Chi Yihe slammed everything. He took out the paper and said that An An likes him and wants to meet him to make a heartfelt complaint.

Su Wangqin sneered when he heard this, such a false lie Chi Yihe would also be fooled, for fear that the middle problem might be bigger, he looked up at Xuanyuan and sneered, asking, "Prince, you will not Really believe it?"

"He speaks reasonably and why I don't believe it." Xuan Yuanxian replied, he looked like he really believed Chi Yihe's ghost words.

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