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In the small carriage, a tall, handsome and handsome man embraced a cute and lovely woman and coaxed her softly. The woman sobbed slightly, her body trembling slightly, and she was clearly unwilling to forgive her without speaking.

"Ma'am, don't you have to be a husband? Is it easy for me to come back, would you really be willing to keep your cold face at me?" Seeing that actively admitting mistakes had no effect, Su Wangqin began to pretend to be wronged and sold badly Gu Chunzhu's sympathy.

Gu Chunzhu was so embarrassed that Su Wangqin naturally chose to forgive, "Then you are not allowed to treat me like this outside."

"I promise, then wait for us to go back and be intimate." Su Wangqin, even if he coaxes people, does not forget to maintain his own benefits. The frank words that provoke Gu Chunzhu are another light hammer. However, Su Wangqin's solid figure was nothing but a tickle for Su Wangqin, but Gu Chunzhu's hammer hurt.

Su Wangqin squeezed Gu Chunzhu's hand and helped her with a distressed blow, and then hugged her honestly and talked about the Prince's House. "Did the Prince come to find your stubble while I was away?"

"I remember one time, but the crisis was successfully resolved by me. Later, a series of things happened in the Prince's Mansion, and he didn't have time to find my stubble again." Gu Chunzhu nest in Su Wangqin's arms, deliberately put tears on his face They rubbed onto Su Wangqin's clothes and then said quietly.

"Oh, what happened that time?" Su Wangqin lazily looked like a big cat, looking harmless and gentle, but the light in his eyes revealed that he was not so harmless on the surface, and once faced the enemy was fierce The tiger can rip the enemy in one swoop.

"That time, Wen Shi's envoy wanted to destroy my innocence. Fortunately, Shangshan appeared to save me, and then we joined forces to give Wen Shi to the pit." Looking back at that time, Gu Chunzhu was not uneasy at all. The emotion, although this matter was once Wen Shi succeeded, was almost a devastating blow for her.

Regardless of Gu Chunzhu's understatement, Su Wangqin couldn't help but hug her a little more, almost to be scared by the picture he imagined, "This time I must thank the Miss Shangshan. So finally How's it going?"

"The Wen family was strangled to death by the crown prince, and finally thrown to the mass burial post, and ended up with a dead body and no dead body." Speaking of this, Gu Chunzhu was still inevitable to be a bit low, in order to save his life before the power. The sorrow of the grass mustard is for the woman's powerlessness and weakness in front of the man.

"That's all for her to blame. You don't want to be kind and feel uncomfortable." Su Wangqin thought that Gu Chunzhu felt sad about Wen's death and lamented that his wife was really a bodhisattva. But kind-hearted people are often very tired. He really hopes that Gu Chunzhu can sometimes be more selfish and consider himself more.

"I didn't sigh for Wen, but for the preciousness of life and the innocent children implicated." Gu Chunzhu explained briefly, saying it gave another long sigh.

"Okay, let's not talk about these topics. You can talk about the situation of our children. It is estimated that you will be home after the chat." Su Wangqin patted Gu Chunzhu's back and coaxed her to change the topic hard. He didn't want Gu Chunzhu to These inexplicable other people worry too much.

Speaking of this, Gu Chunzhu only remembered that she came out with four children to pick fabrics to make new clothes. She ran away halfway to look for her brother. I don’t know if the four children would worry about it. Cloth. So she raised her head and told Su Wangqin the whole story, facing her finger a little anxiously, "Wang brother, would you say the children would be angry with me?"

"They will definitely worry about you, but they like you so much, they are absolutely reluctant to be angry with you." Su Wangqin said so surely because he also thought so.

As Su Wangqin said, when the two returned to the General's Palace, they saw four children waiting at the door anxiously, all of them stretched their necks and looked out. Every time they passed a carriage or a figure came from a distance, they should expect Watching. Whenever it was found that it was not Gu Chunzhu, he lowered his eyes and lowered his eyes, but after a short loss, he would repeat the above behavior.

Gu Chunzhu took a ride in the carriage, and the four children all gathered together in front of Gu Chunzhu. They were worried about her. Yingying even relied on Gu Chunzhu's arms. Xiao Ling also squeezed Gu Chunzhu's clothes hem tightly. People are distressed.

"The mother will take you with you for everything, okay?" Gu Chunzhu hugged Yingying tightly, crouching down to see Yingying and Xiaoling.

"Let's pull the hook." Yingying stretched out her young hand and raised her little finger. Gu Chunzhu also stretched out her little finger and hooked her. Yingying shook her hands twice and said, "The one who made the mistake is the puppy."

It was easy to coax the two sticky spirits, Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin returned to Anjuyuan. Su Wangqin pressed tightly against Gu Chunzhu, grinning, "Ma'am, you can always be intimate this time."

"Old is not serious." Gu Chunzhu patted Su Wangqin's arm shyly, but didn't stop him.

Su Wangqin just wanted to hold Gu Chunzhu's small face, and gave her an eager hug, without knowing who knocked on the door outside. Su Wangqin put his hands down in frustration and lowered his head, Gu Chunzhu snickered, and then asked his throat, "Who? What's the matter?"

"Ma'am, the old slave just forgot to ask if you want to wash the general banquet for the general, what kind of dishes should be made at the banquet?" But it's a little strange why the lady didn't let herself go in, Ms. Liu still parked outside the door properly, across the wooden door Replied.

Gu Chunzhu looked up at Su Wangqin and asked if he wanted to make one. Su Wangqin nodded and signaled that he wanted to eat the dishes she made with her own hands, so Gu Chunzhu replied, "Mother Liu, let's go first, let me sort out Just go to the kitchen."

"Okay, the old slave is waiting for you in the kitchen."

After a good chance, Su Wangqin could only hold Gu Chunzhu's waist and rubbed her head on her shoulder. Gu Chunzhu patted his head in a distressed and funny way, comforting, "Wang what I want to eat, I will do it for you today."

"But I just want to eat you now, do you want to eat it?" Su Wangqin still buried his head in Gu Chunzhu's shoulders and necks out and asked unhappy.

"Don't make trouble, let's go and cook." Gu Chunzhu pushed Su Wangqin's head away and took his hand away.

Su Wangqin pretended to be reluctant, followed Gu Chunzhu's pace to the kitchen, grumbled and put forward a bunch of requests, Gu Chunzhu agreed with a good tone.

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