Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 946: Su Wangqin returns to Beijing

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A beautiful woman rushed on the street with her skirt in disregard of her image, and could not help attracting everyone's attention. But now only Gu Chunzhu, who only has that silhouette in her heart, can't care about the thoughts of others. She just wants to chase the carriage in front to confirm that her brother Wang is back.

But how can a person catch up with a four-legged horse on two legs, and the result is conceivable, the distance between Gu Chunzhu and the carriage is not narrowed, but on the contrary. In the end, Gu Chunzhu could only helplessly stop his tired steps, covered his chest and gasped, staring at the wagon far away with a sad face, but there was no way to do it.

"If I just read it correctly, are you chasing the carriage?" At this time, a carriage stopped beside Gu Chunzhu, and a familiar voice sounded. Gu Chunzhu looked back. It turned out that it was the dragon boss who opened the curtain and leaned out of the carriage to talk to her.

Gu Chunzhu saw that he was an acquaintance, and he didn’t have much time to explain. He jumped into the car and pointed to the carriage that was almost empty. “Long Brother will do me a favor. I will tell you the reason later. In short, let’s catch up. The carriage won’t be able to catch up after a while."

Boss Long was also worried about delaying Gu Chunzhu's business and let the driver take action according to Gu Chunzhu's words. In order to avoid suspicion, the boss of the dragon asked Gu Chunzhu to enter the carriage, and then he went outside and sat next to the coachman.

"It was the carriage guy who robbed you? Wouldn't it be the children who were taken away again?" Long Boss turned his head to look at the curtain and opened Gu Chunzhu, staring at the front, asking, guessing in his heart The more frightening he was, the more worried he was, and Yu Guang swept the vaguely in front of the carriage, showing his fierce glance.

"It's not like this. I just visited my brother and seemed to be in that car. I wanted to catch up with the carriage to confirm it." Gu Chunzhu couldn't help crying and explained the matter to Long Boss.

Long Boss was a little sour in heart, and Qiang Yan laughed and laughed, "You and General Su are both called old couples and old wives. I don't see that you are still very interesting."

"Don't stop laughing at me, Brother Long, I know that my blind chasing car is stupid. But the general's situation is not good at all. The prince finds faults many times, and I have to guard." Gu Chunzhu shook his head bitterly with a smile. It looks very heavy.

"If there is a place where the Lord can help, as long as you say it, I will do it for you up the hill and the sea of ​​fire = Hello!" The dragon boss patted his chest with pride and made a solemn commitment.

"Don't say this, what have you been doing without seeing you for such a long time?" Gu Chunzhu smiled and thanked Mr. Long, and directly changed to a lighter topic to chat.

"Hey, don't mention this, I'm really suffocating this year! No, I just got out of the foot and was released by my old lady. I will go shopping on this street for breathing." Long The boss waved his hand with bitterness on his face and said helplessly.

"Huh? Why should she punish you for this?" Gu Chunzhu was a little curious and tilted her head in a puzzled way to look at Dragon Boss.

"My old lady gave a death order and said that I have to make Zhu'er pregnant to let me go out to take care of my own affairs." The words of Long Boss made Gu Chunzhu understand it at once. It must be that Zhong Zhu'er was recently diagnosed with pregnancy. Long The boss was able to lift the ban and hang out.

"Congratulations, I wish you a happy son when you fall." Gu Chunzhu congratulated him.

Although Mr. Long is very happy that he can have a lovely child in the next six months, he still inevitably feels bitter in the face of Gu Chunzhu. Her favorite woman congratulated herself, and she had to respond with the same joy. What a sorrow and hardship for the strongman!

But to miss is to miss. Since retreating to the limits of friends, we can only firmly hold the bottom line of friends.

In a few words, the carriage in front stopped in front of a mansion, and the coachman followed to stop not far away. Boss Long quickly put away his cranky thoughts and reminded Gu Chunzhu, "I think the house in front of me seems to be the Prince's Mansion. Isn't Su Wangqin going to the self-investment net? I'm afraid you are the wrong person."

Gu Chunzhu didn't understand this question, but she still had to confirm it for the sake of safety. She thanked Long Boss and got off the bus and walked over there, and refused to accompany Long Boss. The uneasy dragon boss had to stand in the distance and stare, ready to step forward and rescue as soon as he found something was wrong.

Slowly approaching, Gu Chunzhu's heart was also raised, and it jumped violently to show Gu Chunzhu's uneasiness. The person on the carriage also got off the car at this time. Gu Chunzhu looked at the man's back and knew that this person must be Su Wangqin!

So Gu Chunzhu quickly stepped forward, grabbed Su Wangqin's sleeve, and asked with a look of panic and anxiety, "Wang Brother, why did you appear in the capital, and you came to the door of the Prince's Mansion, fearing you would die Isn’t it fast enough?"

Su Wangqin didn't expect that he would meet his daughter-in-law as soon as she came back. It was also a surprise when she looked at it, but it was at the door of the Prince's Mansion. Because he was still outside, Su Wangqin restrained Gu Chunzhu's hand very restraintly, and just wanted to say something comforting, another person on the carriage got off and interrupted him.

"So this is General Su's wife? Sure enough, General Su's vision is so good!" The man laughed aloud, and after shaking off the carriage, he shived freely for a long time, and then stood there. Su Wangqin was staring at Gu Chunzhu with a smile in his eyes.

Gu Chunzhu heard the voice over Su Wangqin to see, and the other man who got off the carriage was very depressed and dressed. I saw some hair on both sides of the comb and came out and tied it into three or five braids and fell on both sides of the face. The rest of the hair was neatly **** high. The most special one was his beard. It became a little braid.

His costumes are also very different from those prevailing in the Min Dynasty. The colors of the clothes are more abundant. The main color is dark blue, with some red, white, black and yellow color bars and color blocks. In addition, compared with the clothes of Min Dynasty, it is more convenient for people to perform some movements of opening and closing.

Gu Chunzhu looked at it curiously, then pulled Su Wangqin back and asked quietly, "Who is this man with a unique style? He still speaks with a high sense of taste, and it sounds pretty flat."

Su Wangqin listened to Gu Chunzhu's words and hurriedly hid her behind him. Then he looked up and watched the man's reaction vigilantly. After all, they were all martial arts learners. This whisper cannot be considered a whisper.

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