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Chapter 913 The Current Situation of Liu Xiniang

This time, Liu Xiniang’s yard has been replaced with a new one, which is much larger than the original pattern. All the things in the garden have been moved intact. Approaching the house, all kinds of precious ornaments also show the different status of Liu Xiniang. Gu Chunzhu nodded happily, and there are still some guarantees for Haifu to do things.

"Chunzhu, it would be nice to have time to chat with me." Liu Xiniang was a little more lively than before, and her face was filled with happiness, and a pair of bright eyes seemed to have stars in it.

Looking at Xiaoxi's pink noodles with Hanchun and her coy face, Gu Chunzhu knew that Master Hai had been very sad about Liu Xiniang recently. Although I don't want to admit it, the spoiling of men here is really a guarantee of women's happiness.

So Gu Chunzhu, who should ask, still has to ask carefully, if there is something wrong, she can give a good pointer to the stream, "How many days does Master Hai live with you after this is raised as a wife? He may go out recently. What's wrong?"

Liu Xiniang was asked by Gu Chunzhu these straightforward questions, his cheeks were flushed, but he still answered quietly, "He has stayed in my room for a few days, and I don't understand the things outside."

"I don't know outside, but you can speculate, for example, whether his energy is good or not, for example, he came home late too late." Gu Chunzhu patted Liu Xiniang's hand with hatred and he pointed at her quietly. Find the problem from the details.

"How do you ask this kind of question..." This time the question broke through Liu Xiiniang's offline line, and she turned around to refuse to answer.

"Then I'm serious, I don't think you have any manpower available, do you need me to lend you some? Then you slowly cultivate your own people." Gu Chunzhu found out from the answer that Xiaoxi didn't know about the situation just now The problem is that before Xiaoxi was just a concubine room, the corner of Pian'an naturally needed no manpower, but now the situation is very different.

"Then trouble you to arrange it for me." Liu Xiniang knew the priority of the matter. Although she didn't intend to carry out an intriguing activity in the backyard, she also accepted Gu Chunzhu's good intentions. At least things must be understood, but you can choose not to do it yourself.

Gu Chunzhu chatted a few more times, and then handed over the important task of this visit-the birth medicine to Xiaoxi, "This is the birth medicine I specially asked the **** doctor, you have to cheer well and strive for a big fat soon. The kid comes around."

"This... I don't know how to thank you anymore." Liu Xiniang held the medicine and was moved to tears.

The warm sunlight radiates warmly on the vast land, so that the flowers and trees that have been frozen for the whole winter have stretched their bones, and they have produced new green buds to welcome the beautiful new year. This year is for Liuxi Niang It is also a year full of new hope.

The mistress, Pan, who was looking for her stubbornly everywhere, was sent away because of mistakes. He was even promoted to a flat wife with the help of Chunzhu. Then Master Hai has always been concerned about spoiling himself, and now Chunzhu is also bothered to find a birth medicine for himself. How lucky I am to meet these people who love me!

Liu Xiniang's heart was filled with emotions, and the last ten million words were turned into a deep hug.

Gu Chunzhu patted Xiaoxi's back and comforted her, "Where is this, my sister should have the best."

Liu Xiniang slowed down for a while before embarrassingly got up from Gu Chunzhu's arms, gently pressed the corners of her eyes with a veil, and then the gentle, water-like appearance, "Can that sister stay with her sister more, or teach her how to Manage affairs in such a large government."

"Good." Gu Chunzhu naturally agreed to Xiaoxi's request, and told her all the accumulated lessons in detail.

After a leisurely afternoon nap, Gu Chunzhu accompanied Liu Xiniang in the garden of the new courtyard for a few laps and conceived a new method of garden layout. I don’t know if it was accidental or that Master Hai knew that Gu Chunzhu had come to find Liu Xiniang specially. In short, Master Hai appeared when the two were walking around the garden.

Young Master Hai stood in the distance and greeted Liu Xiniang happily. The intimacy between the words undoubtedly revealed, "Madam, I will come to you to eat out!"

Liu Xiniang was looked at with teasing eyes from Gu Chunzhu, and he was sorry to not respond to Master Hai.

Master Hai came closer and found Gu Chunzhu beside him. She originally wondered how Liu Xiniang didn't answer herself. After discovering the reason, she also secretly regretted her performance just like a child. He coughed and regained his solemn appearance, "Is Mrs. General coming to talk to my wife, then I will not bother."

"It's okay, I was going to leave. I didn't want to delay your love." Gu Chunzhu smiled and patted her Liuxi Niang, who was very reluctant to tease the two. Originally Gu Chunzhu was a little worried about Liu Xiniang's situation. Now she is relieved to see the state of oil adjustment in the honey of two people. Now she can rest assured.

Master Hai glanced at Liu Xiniang's application, pretending to keep Gu Chunzhu a few words, and Liu Xiniang also persuaded him to stay. However, Gu Chunzhu, who is such a disdainful person, has always refused with a smile, saying that he still has two big troubles in his home.

However, Gu Chunzhu was right, and the two "big troubles" in the family really provoke the incident again, almost overturning the garden.

Gu Chunzhu had just walked to the gate of the General's Mansion and got out of the carriage. Wang Kun, who had been waiting at the gate and waiting for her to return, hurried to her in front of her, "Ma'am, you can be considered to be back, Miss Shangshan and Hu Shenyi have fought again. ! This time, it’s not as much a joke as it used to be, it’s fierce!"

"You'll lead the way ahead, I'll check the situation." Gu Chunzhu was covered with haze in a sunny mood, with a blank face and a calm tone.

Wang Kun was also the two who sent people to watch the fight. Naturally, he knew that both parties had now hit the roof from the garden, and he led Gu Chunzhu all the way to their current location. On the way, he also passed the garden. Gu Chunzhu looked at the garden as if it were raging by the wind, and he laughed directly.

Very well, neither of you can escape my punishment today. Hu Fei cut off his food for him, Shangshan let her learn the rules of Miss Xue, I must grind both of you hard for a while!

Arriving at the location, it was discovered that the two had reached the eaves from the eaves, mainly because the good guys were making moves, Hu Fei was always evading and still resisting with the things beside him. Fortunately, Hu Fei also knows that this is the General's Palace. They all use slightly cheaper stools as a block, and dare not touch those vases, screens and the like.

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