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Chapter 881: An An Wandering When I Wander

Mrs. Qing was speechless by Anan, and Zhiwu did not come up with a response.

An An rubbed the opportunity and ran out decisively, not caring about the image of his girlfriends, "I don't want to be a dishonest person, let's go first, you talk slowly."

Running out of Gu Chunzhu's small yard, he patted his chest with peace of mind, and looked back cautiously, and found that Mrs. Qing did not catch up, and then she slowed down. It was a thrilling moment. Fortunately, I was wise, otherwise I would fall into Mrs. Qing's "magic claw" and be arrested to find a husband.

I haven't even gotten rid of it yet, and this Mrs. Laozi Ziqing is so busy that I'm absolutely uncomfortable to marry me out. It is definitely to maximize my usefulness and find a good help for the prince! An An thought indignantly, his hands unconsciously ravaged the branch that had just emerged from the roadside and had just given birth to new leaves.

The General’s Palace was “insecure”, and An An also said that she had an appointment with someone. She simply went out and walked on the streets alone, and didn’t believe that she would be back after hiding in the rice bowl.

An An just came out of the gate of the General's Mansion and ran into Wei Xingzhi head-on. She screamed and covered her forehead with a white glance at Wei Zhixing. "I'm so stiff, I really hurt."

Wei Zhixing clasped his hands and looked at An'an's forehead. He found that they were really red, and somehow blew, softly coaxing, "Blowing, flying everywhere."

An An looked at Wei Zhixing's anxious and focused eyes, and his heart suddenly softened, giving birth to tenderness. But Wei Zhixing's next words were too naive, she couldn't help shaking, trying to shake off the goose bumps, "Wei Zhixing you are too disgusting."

Wei Zhixing came awake at once, and pretended to raise his chin calmly. "If it were not for you to be too pitiful, I won't comfort you. You still abandon it. I really don't know what to do."

"I'd rather not like this." An An turned to his side, his eyes full of disgust.

Wei Zhixing was serious in a second, "Seriously, what are you doing in a hurry?"

An An remembered that there was a tiger behind him, so he looked around cautiously, quickly pulled Wei Zhixing's sleeves out, and walked while saying, "It's not that Mrs. Qing, she came to chat with my mother. When I arrived, I would have to follow her to see those young talents."

Wei Zhixing was anxious when he heard this, as if it was grilled on a fire, but the surface had to be barely exposed. Instead, he hippy smiled and pretended to congratulate An An, "Yo, then I congratulate you in advance Happy son-in-law. But do I remember those princesses who are all wives of vassals? Then this way... Didn’t you escape from the capital smoothly, and Haikuo can fly by the sky? ."

An An thought that Wei Zhixing was seriously envious, and he opened his sleeves angrily, and the foot cloth was as heavy as stepping on Wei Zhixing under his feet. "You envy you to marry. You really stand and speak without backache. "

Although this Wei Zhixing has never dealt with himself, he is also a friend for many years. An An thought that he would be serious at this time, but he still ran wildly about his mouth, and he did not help himself think of a solution.

Seeing that An An was really angry, Wei Zhixing hurriedly owed his body and accompanied his smile. “Don’t be angry, An An, I’m doing it for you too. I don’t want you to marry. Think about it, so far away you want to be with the general and the general’s wife. It’s not easy to contact, not to mention our old friends, I’m afraid I can only be left behind.”

An An still didn't want to ignore him, just kept walking forward. Wei Zhixing had no choice but to follow An An.

Coming to the prosperous street, all kinds of pedestrians came and went, one after another, and all sorts of screams shouted one after another.

An An stopped suddenly, pointing to the person selling the sugar candied fruit not far away, and ordered Wei Zhixing, "Go and buy me a bunch of sugar candied fruit."

"Delicate, wait for you." Wei Zhixing smiled with a flower on his face, like a diligent dogleg who soon went back to bring what An An wanted.

The two of them hung out on the street while eating. Wei Zhixing was just what An An wanted, and he immediately paid for it. It really showed the image of a dogleg to the extreme.

An An walked out of the gold and silver shop, and the unobstructed street was clearly blocked by crowds of people before he entered, and it was noisy. Obviously something went wrong.

Pulling on the sidelines of the crowd, An An asked him what happened. The man also listened to the people nearby saying that there was excitement to watch, and it didn't take long for me to come, "I don't know exactly what happened, it seems that the carriage of the rich and the rich hit the people."

"Let's go, let's take a look in the middle." Anyway, it's okay, and An An wants to go along and join in the excitement. Wei Zhixing wants to stop it. Helpless Wei Zhixing had to help An An push away the crowd, giving her a small passage space to let her reach the center of the crowd smoothly.

It was easy for the two to stand firm and resist the pressure of pushing forward all the way behind, so they had no time to observe the situation in front. The onlookers didn't understand the situation before. Where was the carriage? Obviously, it just ran into the sedan, and the so-called rich family is also an acquaintance of two people-Chi Yihe.

Chi Yihe was sitting in the sedan chair watching indifferently at the moment, and the main fighting power was his little servant. At this point, Xiao Ren was pulling the collar of an old man, and kept scolding. The old man didn't know how many patches he had put on, and was kneeling on the ground and begging.

"You guys who don't have long eyes, do you know who this is? Ah! If my son has three long and two short, you can't afford to pay for it!" Said, Xiao Ren waved his palm to beat the old man.

An An, full of compassion and a sense of justice, could not help but wrinkle his brows when he saw this, and could not help but rush straight up. Wei Zhixing followed An An firmly, first An An took a step at Xiao Ren's wrist, and frowned, "I think your little servant is more powerful than your son!"

Xiao Zhe's wrist was tightly held by Wei Zhixing, and both hands could not be broken together. Finally, Wei Zhixing took the initiative to throw his hand viciously, and he was able to escape.

Xiao Ren was pushed back a few steps by Wei Zhixing's force before standing firm. While rubbing his red wrist, he shouted at Wei Zhixing, "Who are you two, dare to take care of my house Is the master's idle business impatient?"

Wei Zhixing firmly guarded the restless security behind him, and raised his mouth, "You can ask your young master, who are we, and care about your young master's idle business!"

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