Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

Now that everyone I should have seen has been seen, Gu Chunzhu still stays at home lazily, chatting with An An, and then picking a travel note to take a look.

In the afternoon, Gu Chunzhu woke up to take a nap, and Mother Liu came to report that Grandma Zheng asked for advice. Gu Chunzhu has always attached great importance to talented people, quickly got up and dressed, wiped his face and let Grandma Zheng come in.

"I don't know what happened to Grandma Zheng today?" Gu Chunzhu personally asked Grandma Zheng for a cup of tea.

"I came here today for two things. The most important thing is that I think I am old and want to go back to my hometown to enjoy my old age. The second thing is to ask when it is appropriate to start class this year." Grandma Zheng took the tea cup respectfully Put it on the desktop at hand, and then answer slowly.

Gu Chunzhu looked at Grandma Zheng with regret, but still wanted to fight for it, and then kept saying, "Grandma Zheng is still spirited, and Peony is about to get married in April, and An'an is still small. We really need it. Your help."

Grandma Zheng shook her head helplessly, "My own body is the one I know best, and I can only stay for at most six months at most."

"Since Grandma Zheng insists on leaving, then I hope you can stay until after the wedding of Peony."

This time happened to be Grandma Zheng's ideal time, and she really agreed.

Gu Chunzhu sighed, "In such a short time, in order not to waste your time, I hope I can resume class as soon as possible if you can. I will let the doctor show you the body after a while. ."

"Then tomorrow. Isn't that doctor necessary?" Grandma Zheng didn't expect Gu Chunzhu to be so serious. She didn't want to see a doctor.

Gu Chunzhu insisted particularly that she knew that most of the series of elderly diseases were chronic diseases, which could only be cured by raising and not being cured.

At dinner in the evening, Gu Chunzhu informed An An and Peony of the news. Both of them were a little bit sad and worried about Grandma Zheng's physical condition.

"It's not a big problem, but people will inevitably become weaker."

Peony let go of her heart, picked up a chopstick and put a piece of meat in Gu Chunzhu, said gratefully, "The troubled auntie has been worrying about me, your peony will always keep in mind."

Gu Chunzhu happily took the dish from the peony, but in his heart, he was slightly blamed, "How can the family still say these polite words, Peony, you have already lived with us before you married? "

The ancient saying "the daughter who marries is like splashing water" changed from one family to two families. Although Gu Chunzhu did not have such a concept, he still took this matter to tease peony, saying that peony has gone to Ling now. Home.

Peony lowered his head shyly, his cheeks as if rouge, "Auntie Uncle is like to tease others."

"I won't say anything, eat and eat. In short, you should remember to go to class on time tomorrow." Gu Chunzhu laughed freely, and gave Peony a delicious meal with chopsticks, letting go of the prospective bride.

On the second day, with Dong Sheng's Red Sun, An An was confused and awakened by the maid, and she started to pack up and went to see Grandma Zheng for class.

Because An An is a miserable person, when she packed up and came to Grandma Zheng’s small yard, several other ladies who had suddenly been notified of the start of class yesterday afternoon had already arrived.

After many things, Grandma Zheng’s children were close to An’an, and they looked down upon the two sisters Xuanyuan, but it turned out that there was someone who was teasing when An’an was coming late. I haven't even seen the figure yet."

An An didn't dare to play with her friends, because she saw Grandma Zheng going on the way to her, so she winked at the little friends, then walked back to her seat properly and sat down.

After receiving the signal from An An, others quickly sat down in accordance with the usual demands of Grandma Zheng, fearing that Grandma Zheng would be punished and punished in a wrong place. Recalling the methods of Grandma Zheng, they were all trembling.

Just now, calming down, Grandma Zheng approached the house with her feet on her back, with a serious look, "You must have heard of it, and I will not teach you again anytime soon, so I will hurry up and say what I should say You’re all done, you have to listen to the class yourself and ask me if you don’t understand.”

"Yes, Grandma Zheng." The coquettish voice of a girl really made people feel comfortable.

Grandma Zheng smiled with satisfaction, and glanced at the classroom the next second and found that it was wrong. The two girls in the Prince's Mansion didn't come again? She frowned lightly, "An An, you sent someone and your mother to let you know that the prince of the Prince's House did not come to class today."

Last time the two young ladies did not come, it made Grandma Zheng lose patience with the two of them. This time, she didn't want to go find someone personally, but let General House solve this matter. As for the missing lessons of these two masters, let them bear the consequences.

"Wang Kun, take care of this matter." After knowing this matter, Gu Chunzhu asked Wang Kun to ask the people in the Prince's House very indifferently.

When Wang Kun came to the Prince's Mansion, the people all received him lazily and let him stand in the main hall for a quarter of an hour. The two lords did not have a good complexion when they came to the house. They walked directly to the top and sat down, and then they began to greet the next person to give themselves tea and snacks. They did not say that Wang Kun would like a glass of water.

After the two lords struggled, Xuanyuan Rong raised his chin at Wang Kun, "Who are you? Why are you looking for us?"

Looking at the faces of the two, I was afraid I didn't want to come to see Wang Kun, and then I was coaxed to come, and I also felt that it was a kind of pity and charity for my magnificent lord to see this kind of servant.

He asked respectfully, "I am the steward of the General's Mansion. Because the two lords came to the lord as soon as possible, Grandma Zheng and his wife were very worried, so they specially sent me to ask the two lords why."

Xuanyuan Rong sat with his head raised, facing Wang Kun with his nostrils, and said arrogantly, "What other reason, I am the county master, come and go whenever you want, you can control it!"

Xuan Yuanyu didn't stop him, and nodded along. "This is not what Grandma Zheng teaches. It's not rare at all. We're not that rare. We don't plan to go again in the future. Please come back."

After seeing the two lords, Wang Kun was invited by the two young ladies to leave the Prince's Mansion without even a quarter of an hour, and he was so full of anger that when he returned to the General Mansion to report to Gu Chunzhu, he did not even beautify. The lord's arrogance was vividly displayed.

Huh, still want me to save face? Without adding oil and vinegar, it is good to add oil to the fire!

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