Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

The charcoal fire burned slowly in the basin, occasionally making a soft sound of one or two small beats. The house was warm like spring, and Wang Kun, who had just entered the house, was sweating. Gu Chunzhu supported his head with his left hand, and poked the porridge in the bowl with his right hand, and sometimes fed himself a small eight-treasure porridge.

Gu Chunzhu raised his eyes and glanced at Wang Kun lightly, "Wang Guanjia has always been frizzy recently, which is not enough. Even if the sky falls, Wang Guanjia will calmly hold me up."

"Yes." Wang Kun wiped the sweat on his forehead, and did not know whether it was frightened or hot.

"Speak, what is the news this time." Gu Chunzhu was tired, and then he sat down and sat down again.

Wang Kun’s mood was a little cold because of Gu Chunzhu’s cold reaction, and he reported the news one by one. “It’s Wen’s new rumors.”

This time it was related to the fact that Wen Shi was thrown into the deep forest by Gu Chunzhu before. Perhaps the last few times were just a show of prestige, guessing about the badness of Wen's, but this time there is solid evidence .

Early this morning, as usual, the city gates were already lined up before they opened. Those people got together and started chatting.

"Brothers are a little bit ugly?" An old man living in the suburbs of Beijing, beaten with a coarse cloth, sat on the basket he carried, laughing and talking with the people in front of him.

The man in front of him carried a wild boar on his shoulder, and he looked like an hunter. He heard the old man's words and smiled back. "I called Zhao Da, I came from being self-sufficient and could live the day, so I never thought about going to the city to change something. Silver, but not long ago was deceived by all the family to lose the money to marry his wife, so he had to come out to do some living."

The old man shook his head and sighed, "Everyone's life is hard this year. I don't know who you were cheated of for money. My ancestors lived on the outskirts of the city for generations. I can still recognize all those rogues. "

A lot of people gathered unconsciously between the two when they talked. After all, for every new thing in this year, how can it not be so lively, why not come together and listen to one ear.

Zhao Da met herself with a beautiful woman on the mountain, kindly helped her out of the old forest, but finally she was deceived and deceived all her wealth through her babble. Everyone listening was sighed but helpless.

I wonder who suddenly asked, "I don't know what the woman looks like!"

The people also realized that they all echoed, "Yeah, tell us the details."

While recalling, Zhao Da slowly revealed the image in her impression, "Her clothes are quite gorgeous, silky and comfortable that I have never seen before, and the clothes have gorgeous colors and patterns embroidered with gold and silver threads. And she had gold hairpins on her head and emerald bracelets on her hands."

Everyone looked at each other, such rich people, I am afraid that there are not some people on the top level? Do you dare to talk lightly. And comparing the time again, could it be...

A few of the earliest people who awakened suddenly took a breath of breath. What kind of big melon did they accidentally eat!

Their strangeness can't escape the eyes of the people around them, and after asking each other, a new rumor about the princess is produced and spread more and more.

Gu Chunzhu sat upright curiously and leaned forward slightly, listening intently, and the faint expression on his face gradually changed into interest. She unknowingly finished a whole bowl of eight treasure porridge in the new story of Wen's, and had the urge to have another bowl.

In a good mood, Gu Chunzhu also had the intention to care about his subordinates. She looked at Wang Kun's face with a bit of cyanosis, and said with concern, "You worked hard, and I was too impulsive last night to blame you so much, and you have a good rest. But this matter of Wenshi still has to give I stare, and I will bother you for a while."

Wang Kun quickly confessed his loyalty, saying that he was in default, Gu Chunzhu was right, and said he would definitely handle this matter.

Gu Chunzhu walked in front of Wang Kun and helped him personally. Wang Kun got up with Gu Chunzhu's hand and took a few steps back, so as not to make people feel disrespectful to his wife, and she was terrified. "Lady is really a good person in the world. I have the honor of Wang Kun's third life to be under my wife!"

"You are too exaggerated. You should do your own business." Gu Chunzhu was uncomfortable with Wang Kun's bottomless praise. She touched her nose and waved to let Wang Kun hurry away.

Wang Kun smiled and bowed back.

Gu Chunzhu got the news, not to mention the central figure of the event-Prince's Mansion.

Mrs. Qing had to be slower when she got the news. In the afternoon, she realized that Wen's disappearance would be entangled with an hunter. She didn't care if this matter was true or not, as long as most people in the world believed it, Wen Shi could not fall into the mud and crawl out.

"Wen Shi, you will carry it in the temple all your life this time!" She looked at the sky outside the house and laughed happily.

The most important prince was to get the news as soon as possible, but he was not able to catch the Orion in the first time.

Xuanyuan Xian organized the manpower to conduct a full-scale search since he received news that Su Wangqin had returned from the border to Beijing without authorization. But he was busy with people all night and still had no good results. At this time, he was running in the alleys of the city, and he was told by his men that there were rumors about Wen's.

He hit the wall next to him with anger, and the wall shook so much that he shook off a lot of brick dust. "Give me the person who has rumors!"

The following people were terrified, and their heads were buried deeply like quails, and there was a large open space around Xuanyuanxian.

I haven't heard the noise for a long time, Xuanyuan Xuan turned his head and shouted, "Why are you still stunned for me! Don't go quickly!"

The roar was like turning on something. The soldiers moved immediately but bumped together in a panic, like a funny mime.

Xuan Yuanxian was so angry that he closed his eyes and started to beat the feet of several recent people with the scabbard. "Willn't you wait for me to walk to help you?"

Those people dare not speak, but just endured the pain, and ran out of this alley in haste.

That Zhao Dadao was not easy to grasp, like a slippery loach, the soldier got his way down the first second, and the man who rushed to the next second was no longer there. After going around in this way, he hadn't seen Zhao Da's figure after noon.

A few leading people did not dare to go back and report to Xuanyuanxian, as long as the means of thinking about Xuanyuanxian together was trembling, they gathered together to find a way.

"Anyway, the prince hasn't seen the hunter, shall we just grab a person and go back?"

"But the crown prince will definitely torture, and if we ask three times, don't we show it?"

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