Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

As night fell, Ms. Liu replaced Gu Chunzhu with a new heater.

She looked at the slightly deserted room and knew that An An and Peony were going out to admire the lantern at night.

She can understand Gu Chunzhu's mood. She originally planned to have a good time for the family, but now the years that are being mixed are not good.

She turned her head to see Gu Chunzhu, who was still sitting in the house, knowing that she was thinking of Su Wangqin again.

"Madam, would you like to join in the fun on the street? This year's lanterns are particularly beautiful." Ms. Liu persuaded Gu Chunzhu, hoping she could use this to relieve her depressed mood and become happy. Look at Gu Chunzhu Moving his eyebrows, he continued, "I just heard that there are so many people outside."

Gu Chunzhu knew that Ms. Liu was worried about herself, and that everyone wanted to take the opportunity to go out to see the Lantern Festival, so she got up and agreed, "Alright, the children are out, let's go for a walk."

"Hey, the old slave will go to prepare the car." As soon as Ms. Liu heard it, she was very excited and went out.

Gu Chunzhu looked at her happy back, and her emotions were unconsciously brought up. She smiled and sat down in front of the vanity mirror, sorted out her appearance, and found a thick mink fur coat before she left the room. door.

"Madam, this way." Mother Liu lifted the car curtain in one hand, looking forward to looking at her.

Gu Chunzhu nodded, got on a soft sedan, and went out with Ms. Liu and a few little men in the house.

The lanterns at the Lantern Festival will be very colorful against the night. People are walking on the street. Everyone holds all kinds of lanterns in their hands, and their faces are filled with happiness and novelty.

Gu Chunzhu looked at the lively scene on the street, and inexplicably became much better.

She admired the lively scene in front of her, but the sedan suddenly stopped. It turned out that because there were too many people in front, the sedan couldn't get through and could only stop.

Gu Chunzhu felt that he came out to admire the lantern anyway, and it was too boring to sit in a sedan chair, so he came down directly from above and was definitely going to take a look at this lively scene.

It didn't take long to discover that there was a place with a lot of people in front. Gu Chunzhu was also very curious and went straight to that place.

She walked fast, and didn't notice whether the people in the house were behind her, whether they were keeping up.

"Look, everyone can stand up and stretch out, and take the name of a medicine, who can guess."

"The riddle is good."

Gu Chunzhu turned his head hard and found that it was a lantern riddle contest. The puzzle on the top was guessed by the person below and the answer was correct, but there was a reward.

She sounded a little bit interesting and wanted to participate, "Mother Liu, can you guess this riddle?"

Gu Chunzhu felt very familiar with this riddle, as if he had heard it from somewhere. But she couldn't remember it, so she wanted to ask Ms. Liu if she knew, but no one answered her.

Gu Chunzhu turned his head and found out that because there were too many people and he walked too fast, Ms. Liu and the servants had long been unclear where they were washed away by the flow of people.

She was still bustling in front of her eyes. She remembered the last experience. She felt a little nervous in her heart, and her nerves suddenly became alert.

While she was considering whether to go back or continue to watch the lantern, she suddenly remembered that she still had some poisonous powder on her body, enough for her to defend herself, and she felt relieved immediately.

"It seems that the next time I see Hu Fei, I need some more of these things, just in case." Gu Chunzhu thought, his mouth slightly raised, and then he turned his attention back to the riddle game in front of him.

But it was a moment of fascination. There was already a young man in the front who came up with the answer. The cheers were very lively.

One riddle was guessed, and the next riddle was thrown out immediately.

There were several riddles on the stage, but Gu Chunzhu didn't think of it, and he felt a little depressed in his heart, so he turned around and left, ready to find some other fun things.

Gu Chunzhu looked around and suddenly found a stall selling masks in front of him. She felt it was fun to walk on the street with a mask on, so she walked over and prepared to find another one to play with.

She walked a little anxiously, and there were many people coming and going. She was almost squeezed by someone, but she met a man wearing a mask and helped her.

"Thank you." Gu Chunzhu, who nearly fell, was shocked first, then stood on his heels, and then raised his head and thanked the man with a grateful smile.

This man, with a gruesome ghost mask, made people unclear about his face, but he could see the smile in his eyes and the atmosphere of kindness.

"It's okay, but it's just a matter of raising hands." The man's voice felt a deliberate depression, which made Gu Chunzhu feel at ease. She was about to say something again, but suddenly felt that something was wrong. This voice made Gu Chunzhu feel very familiar.

"What's wrong? Why are you staring at me all the time?" The masked man's eyes deepened with a deeper smile, and he took the initiative to joke, as if he wanted to continue talking.

"Ah, it's nothing. But I just saw that there are masks sold there. I wanted to buy one to play with. I just saw that my elder brother was wearing this mask. I was curious.

Gu Chunzhu pointed his finger at the street vendor not far away, disguising his embarrassment and doubts.

"It turns out that way." After the man heard that, he couldn't help smiling slightly, and then there was a scene she didn't expect.

After listening to her, the man went directly to the mask booth, bought a mask like his, and brought it back to Gu Chunzhu.

Gu Chunzhu was a little surprised. The two of them just met at Pingshui. How could he give something to himself, or the exact same mask as him?

"Acquaintance is destiny. Why don't you continue, is it because I don't think this gift is expensive enough?" The man's voice passed from wave to wave like waves.

I am a married woman. Although Min Chao did not prohibit the woman from talking with the foreigner, Gu Chunzhu felt that this was wrong and shook his head slightly.

"No need." Gu Chunzhu pointed to the street vendor not far away, "I can buy it in the past."

Gu Chunzhu was about to leave, but the man suddenly reached out and grabbed her, put the mask in her hand, and then turned to go.

"Wait a moment." Gu Chunzhu looked at his back for a moment, and felt that this man was especially like his husband Su Wangqin, and then excused him.

The man turned his head after hearing the shout, and a glance in the vast crowd silently made Gu Chunzhu want to step forward and hold him, taking a good look.

As soon as this idea popped up, Gu Chunzhu was frightened. Su Wangqin is still clearly at the border. Why is she feeling so strong? It is really strange.

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