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Ms. Liu’s slightly relaxed heart was suddenly pulled into her throat, and she buried her head deeply, her tone trembling and bitter, "It’s Wang’s housekeeper who said he didn’t need to tell Mrs. Yu until he had redeemed his sins. Madam came to ask for forgiveness."

"It's just nonsense!" Gu Chunzhu heard this, and was upset by three points. He snapped the table. "Mother Liu, quickly, put on a simple bun for me. I'm going out to see the situation."


Mother Liu restrained her hand shaking and combed Gu Chunzhu's hair skillfully and quickly. After the end, Gu Chunzhu immediately got up and put on a thick coat, and quickly walked out.

In the cold winter days, the wind is blowing like a knife cut, and the body is wrapped in a thick fur coat or you can feel the cold wind drilling in, not to mention the face without any protection, it is even more painful.

Gu Chunzhu kept walking, holding his breath, and walked through the corridor to the main hall. She had just entered the main hall and noticed the straight figure kneeling in the courtyard.

Wang Kun knelt in the courtyard in front of the main hall at this time, with a straight back and a firm face. In the winter, the upper body is not half a inch, and the three wounds pulled from the left shoulder to the bottom of the right chest are undoubtedly exposed, and the wounds are all tender, and almost see the bone.

As Gu Chunzhu came to the main hall, the ladies looked at Wang Kun and took a breath, then turned their heads and dared not look at it again.

Gu Chunzhu was deeply distressed by Wang Kun’s involuntary love, and a pair of beautiful twisted knots asked in a heartbroken way, “Wang Guanjia, why are you here! I am such an indifferent man, should I treat you with corporal punishment?”

Wang Kun cut his three knives in order to come to indemnify Gu Chunzhu, but did not expect Gu Chunzhu to be the reaction. He froze for a moment before bowing down respectfully, "Ma'am, I'm guilty, I just plead guilty for self-punishment, and I don't have any doubt about your meaning!"

With such great sincerity, Gu Chunzhu was also soft-hearted, and he didn't want to blame more, and even a little scolding could not be said. She sighed deeply, "You'll be the best way to atonement if you work for the General's Mansion in the future. You'll go back to take care of yourself in the next few days, and then I will order someone to see you a doctor."

"Thank you Mrs.!" Wang Kun thanked Dade, and Si Si was flowing, intending to bow down deeply again, and Gu Chunzhu immediately ordered Mother Liu to stop.

Seeing that Gu Chunzhu was so kind, Wang Kun's heart fell to the ground, and when he kept lifting his energy, the person completely fainted.

Mother Liu rushed over and just supported him. Wang Kun did not know how long he had been kneeling. His whole body was as cold as a lump of ice, and his face was pale.

Gu Qingzhu immediately commanded, "Come on, send Wang Guanjia back!"

The doctor arrived quickly, but thanks to Gu Chunzhu’s early discovery, Wang Kun only lost a little excessive blood and a slight frostbite, and he could fully recover after a little rest. Gu Chunzhu also felt relieved.

Early in the morning, the General's Mansion turned around for a while. In the hurry, Gu Chunzhu forgot to care about An'an's class.

Since An An had taught up to Grandma Zheng, she had to get up early every day. Now I have sat down with Grandma Zheng, just waiting for Grandma to come to class.

Usually, after An An came, the two little girls from the East Palace would also come. But today, knowing that Grandma Zheng is coming to class, those two have not yet come.

The classroom showed a cold and quiet appearance, and Grandma Zheng didn't feel right until she entered the room. It's so quiet, I'm afraid it's not an accident! She quickly approached the house and found that no one was fighting and injured in the room, but someone didn't come.

Not everyone in the palace can go. In order to ensure that he was not abducted on the way to class, Grandma Zheng had to go to the East Palace in person to confirm the situation. She thought about it and said to An An, "Since they didn't come, I'll go and visit them with me, and by the way, actually use what I taught you."

Before Grandma Zheng came in, An An immediately sat upright, his hands flat on his knees, and there was a decent smile on his face. He heard Grandma Zheng's words, his smile did not change, and nodded slightly, yes.

Grandma Zheng nodded with satisfaction when she saw that An An was doing so.

On the way, Grandma Zheng did not forget to emphasize to An An the rules of entering the palace again. The first is to be quiet, with a calm expression on your face, and to meet and greet someone who has a higher status than yourself.

"However, if you go into the palace this time, if you can't meet those nobles, you should stay upright and look dignified."

"I remember, Grandma Zheng."

All the way to the East Palace, I smoothly saw the two sisters of the Six Gods without Lord and a youngest girl, Xuan Yuanyan, playing with the palace ladies.

It was obviously winter, but there was a thin layer of sweat on the forehead of Xuanyuan Rong and Xuanyuan feathers, the bun was slightly scattered, and a few strands of hair stuck to the forehead. She also wore a coat that went out and forgot to take it off.

When Grandma Zheng saw them, she frowned without trace, but quickly opened her arms, and said respectfully and politely, "This morning, the two lords did not come to class on time. I will confirm the reason. I don’t know why the two lords So panic, that you lost your proper manners?"

The two sisters were full of tongues and mouths, and they didn't make it clear. Grandma Zheng's eyebrows eased down, and she wrinkled deeply. "Please also ask the two lords to take your time, don't worry."

In my heart, I evaluated the two people by more than one degree. I have studied here for a long time. When I meet a little thing, I am in a hurry and lose my sense of value. I am not a talented person.

Xuanyuan Yu hurriedly washed her this morning and was going to please the princess, but was told that the princess did not return overnight, and sent someone to find it, and there was no news, and she forgot to go to class and said a lot. Finally, I apologized to Grandma Zheng, "Grandma Zheng also forgive me, but our mother concubine did not return overnight, which made us confused."

"Then what do you mean is that you have to wait until the Crown Princess returns to attend class?" Grandma Zheng was expressionless and calm.

Xuan Yuanyu looked closely at Grandma Zheng’s expression and couldn’t see anything. She thought that it was Grandma Zheng’s tolerance for them and immediately responded happily. “Then thank Grandma Zheng for your understanding and the necessary gifts in the future. Come and apologize."

"No need." Grandma Zheng's mouth drooped slightly invisible, "If you want to come, send someone to tell me, I will arrange the teaching content. Goodbye."

On the way back, Grandma Zheng leaned on the board of the carriage and said to An An, "As a girl of everybody, in the future, you will definitely become a housekeeper of a certain family. If you are in trouble, don't be like those two. Calmness can only become a major event. You have to keep in mind."

"Be careful to follow the teachings."

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