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"Begging me?" Gu Chunzhu's slender fingers holding the lid of the tea cup paused in midair, and he didn't understand. "You have anything to ask me."

Mrs. Qing pursed her lips. Although she felt difficult to speak, she still said what was in her heart. "I brought my niece today, but in a hurry, I just arrived at the door and just remembered that I was empty-handed. To forget to bring things, so let her pick some things in the shop and come over again."

"What are you doing with her?" Gu Chunzhu put down the teacup, his face a little more serious.

"That's it." Mrs. Qing tried to tilt her upper body in the direction of Gu Chunzhu. "I want Grandma Zheng to teach her by the way."

Mrs. Qing looked at her in silence, Gu Chunzhu frowned slightly.

She knew that Mrs. Qing really wanted her to ask Chi Anrui to go to school, but now it was the year, and the situation was also special.

Gu Chunzhu struggled secretly in his heart, and then decided to cruelly refuse.

"No," Gu Chunzhu said with a glance, there seemed to be no room for negotiation, which made Mrs. Qing who was still preparing a lot of words behind him stunned.

She looked at Gu Chunzhu's serious face and seemed to bet a big stone in her heart. She thought that she and Gu Chunzhu were quite familiar, but she didn't expect that she would reject herself mercilessly. .

Just when Mrs. Qing wanted to have an attack, Gu Chunzhu seemed to see her thoughts, and before she lost her temper, she made a statement to comfort her.

"Actually, it’s not that I didn’t want her to stay. It’s just that you know that the emperor just sent a general to the border. This year, it can be arranged like this, and our general’s government should not be more careful now. If something goes wrong, what do you ask me to do?"

Mrs. Qing was speechless by Gu Chunzhu's remarks, listening to the truth, she seemed to be unable to force her.

Mrs. Qing, who was frowning, sighed. "An Rui is estimated to be here in a while. It is probably sad to hear this answer."

Cao Cao said that Cao Cao had arrived. As soon as Mrs. Qing's voice fell, Chi Anrui appeared at the door with a gift. After hearing this answer, she directly settled at the door, not knowing whether she should come in or how.

Gu Chunzhu and Mrs. Qing looked up and saw her at a glance. Chi Anrui glared at Gu Chunzhu and shouted: "If you don't learn, you won't learn. What's so great, who is rare!"

After dropping a complaint, Chi Anrui ran away.

"This..." Mrs. Qing didn't want to have an evil relationship with General Mansion for Chi Anrui. She said a few words to Gu Chunzhu and went to chase Chi Anrui.

Gu Chunzhu also looked at it, fearing that Chi Anrui would cause something. She didn't turn around and went back to the house until she watched the two get on the carriage and leave.

"Madam, madam."

Gu Chunzhu had just stepped into the threshold with one foot, and suddenly there was a rapid footstep behind him.

"This is a letter from my old lady to you." The little man dressed in brown coarse clothes hurried forward and sent a letter to Gu Chunzhu in person.

Gu Chunzhu glanced at him, and then looked at the text on the letter, his eyes lit up, very happy, said, "Okay, I have accepted the letter, you go back and thank you old lady for me."

"Wang Manager, you go and get two boxes of high-quality ginseng to Mrs. Long." Gu Chunzhu stood at the door and twisted his head to deliver the letter, "Wait."

After Wang Kun brought the things, Gu Chunzhu turned around and returned to the house. Once he entered the house, he couldn't wait to open the envelope.

Before she asked the meaning of Ling Xiao to ask Mrs. Long, she didn't expect her to receive a reply so quickly.

The letter stated that Ling Xiao was willing to marry peony, but he was worried that his family was not good enough for peony. Seeing this, Gu Chunzhu's broken heart finally settled down.

At this time, Wang Kun, who had sent the messenger away, just came in, and Gu Chunzhu quickly waved to let him go and invite Ling Xiao to the general's palace now.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Ling Xiao and Wang Kun came in one after the other, and Gu Chunzhu asked him to sit down.

"Ling Zhuang Shi, I remember that you always wanted to open a lawyer practice." Gu Chunzhu pursed her lips and smiled gently.

Ling Xiao was a little surprised. I don’t know why she suddenly found herself talking about it. After a moment of reaction, he said a little cramped but very sincerely, "I have this plan, but now I am not too ambitious, maybe this plan ..."

The words "to postpone" have not yet been spoken, and Gu Chunzhu has been happy to say, "You don't need to worry about the money, as long as you really want to open it, you can open it within a month."

Gu Chunzhu's words made Ling Xiao stunned for a while, but soon he got up and refused very embarrassedly, "Ma'am, how can I do this, I can't accept your benefit in vain."

"Where is this in vain." Gu Chunzhu shook his head with a smile. "Let's not say that you last helped our general government to agree to the lawsuit of gambling debts. I want to give you money. You don't want it, just pay this money for you It’s said in the past, what’s more, if you really don’t accept it, you should borrow it from me, and you will pay it back later. Since I appreciate you, I naturally trust you."

Gu Chunzhu's sincere suggestion made the upright Ling Xiao a little moved. He hesitated for a moment and finally agreed.

"Thank you Madam for your love." Ling Xiao thanked the respectful hands for making a deal, Gu Chunzhu smiled, "You are too polite, sit down."

Gu Chunzhu smiled slightly after he sat down, "Actually, I have another thing to tell you today."

"Peony..." She just mentioned a name, and she saw Ling Xiao hurriedly lowered her head and blushed. She couldn't help but think with a smile, and she was reliable.

She talked to Ling Xiao about the peony's preferences in general, and said a few words, "I know what you think, and I am very optimistic about you."

"I hope that this solicitors' team can open up quickly. Another reason is that if you become a great solicitor from the Ming Dynasty, are you still worried that Peony is not a pair of envious enemies? "

Ling Xiao, who looked down a little shyly, raised her mouth irresistibly, and was silent for a moment. Then she raised her head and nodded her head toward Gu Chunzhu. Thank you.

Gu Chunzhu was very satisfied with Ling Xiao's willingness to accept his kindness. When he said that he would thank Xie Li for the next formal thanks, he got up and sent him out.

Ling Xiao will walk into the courtyard, and happens to meet the peony that also appears in the courtyard.

The two faced each other for a moment, and they both froze for a moment, and immediately shyly shyly lowered their heads, flushed and baffled.

Gu Chunzhu saw this, and the corner of her mouth rose unconsciously. Peony was actually called by Wang Kun.

When she saw the two met, she made a wink towards Wang Kun, and the two left quickly, leaving the courtyard to Peony and Ling Xiao, and giving them space to get along with each other.

After Peony’s response came back, he liked it too, so he didn’t leave. Instead, he stepped forward and asked shyly, “Ling Zhuangzhuang, you’re here.”

"Um. Um." Ling Xiao, who was so clever and clever in the public hall, suddenly became awkward at this moment. After thinking for a long time, he only spoke two words, and his nervous hand didn't know where to put it.

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