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"No, for the Chinese New Year, we have to take all the food we eat. Here we have to eat every year for the Chinese New Year. You can't eat it this year." Gu Chunzhu has a hard tone, like a proud daughter-in-law.

"Besides, you are alone outside during the New Year, and you can’t eat these things, even if you don’t feel anything in your heart, but I feel uncomfortable. Besides, in this way, you will think of me every time you eat." After all, Gu Chunzhu's eyes turned red, and she didn't want Su Wangqin to see it.

Su Wangqin looked at her slightly shivering back, and her heart felt distressed and unwilling to hold her in her arms. I don't know how to comfort her, I can only say that I will be back soon.

The cold wind rose outside the window at night, but the house was warm and charming.

On the second day, Su Wangqin got up early, although Gu Chunzhu was tossed about, but in order to be able to accompany him more before sending him out, he got up early, and even prepared a face wash for him personally, putting on his own Armor tabard.

Su Wangqin left under the reluctant gaze of the generals. He did not walk out of the alley and looked back step by step. He saw that they were still standing and waving to him. He couldn't help but red eyes, he could only urge They went back quickly, then kicked the horse's belly hard, and the entourage quickly left.

Gu Chunzhu was still immersed in the sadness of being separated from Su Wangqin, but he didn't know that the annoying Wenshi could not find it.

The Wen family cried to Xuanyuan Xuan last time, and Xuanyuan Xuan gave her some money.

After she got the silver, she immediately used the silver to buy new clothes for her daughters. She dressed the two daughters gorgeously and wanted to regain face in Gu Chunzhu.

After thinking about it, she finally decided that she would immediately hold a poetry meeting at home and invite all the female families. She wanted to embarrass Gu Chunzhu on the spot.

She wants them to see that the title of her concubine is still here, and that no one can bully if they want to bully.

The invitation letter of Wen's poem meeting was so untimely in Gu Chunzhu's hands. Gu Chunzhu didn't understand what Wen's wanted to do again.

She snapped the invitation letter on the table fiercely, thinking that the prince had made Su Wangqin go out for assignment, which was already very sad for her. Now what Wenshi is doing is another poetry meeting, which is not sincere to make her unhappy , I want to dismount myself.

Although Gu Chunzhu didn't particularly want to go, she didn't want to see Wen's face, but she always held a sigh of relief in her heart, feeling that she couldn't stop going. If she didn't go, she wouldn't be in the middle of her arms, and she didn't know how to bury herself.

And she thinks it is better to go to the palace this time, maybe you can just explore the tone and see what they have done recently.

Thinking of the names of An An and Peony on the invitation letter, Gu Chunzhu immediately asked Mother Liu to call them.

Gu Chunzhu waited patiently for An An and Peony to dress up carefully. The prince had already sent Su Wangqin to the expedition. She must make a return at Wenshi.

In the afternoon sunlight, with dazzling light, Gu Chunzhu took An An and Peony to the palace. After inquiring about the position, he went towards Wen's poetry meeting.

Before arriving at the poetry meeting, Gu Chunzhu met Mrs. Qing. Mrs. Qing was also invited by Wen Shi to participate in the poetry meeting.

When Mrs. Qing saw Gu Chunzhu, she remembered that Su Wangqin was very sorry for Gu Chunzhu's expedition, but she didn't understand how Su Wangqin would suddenly go abroad when the Chinese New Year is approaching.

When Mrs. Qing saw Gu Chunzhu's dull complexion, she knew that she must have been in a bad mood recently. If this matter was placed on herself, she would not be able to stand it.

"Hey, are you okay, are you okay recently? I heard that General Su suddenly went out for assignments, and don't be too sad." Mrs. Qing saw her in good condition, and after careful consideration, she also It's a relief.

"Yeah, you should go out and walk around." Mrs. Qing touched An An's hair spoiledly. Even if An An wanted to avoid it, she didn't care. She lowered her voice and joined Gu Chunzhu's ear. , "Although Wen's not very good, it doesn't mean that the events held by her don't work."

Mrs. Qing did not know how to comfort Gu Chunzhu, and she could only encourage her in this way, hoping that she could understand her pains.

Gu Chunzhu knew that Mrs. Qing was comforting her. In fact, her self-regulation ability was very strong, otherwise she would not stand in this position.

She was okay, but she looked at Mrs. Qing who dare to say anything no matter where she was, and she was a bit worried.

She shook her head slightly, "I'm fine, this thing won't affect me."

"It's you. Be careful in doing things in the future, but don't let anyone catch the handle," Gu Chunzhu determined that there was no one around. Suddenly he lowered his voice and came out, so that Mrs. Qing was stunned. "Some things may be You don’t understand now, you will always understand later."

Gu Chunzhu gave her a deep look, but she didn't think what she thought. Mrs. Qing really didn't know what Gu Chunzhu was talking about, and she was confused and didn't understand what it meant.

However, although she didn't understand the meaning in her words, she saw her so seriously and knew that she was really worried about herself, so she secretly remembered this sentence.

A moment later, thinking of the general’s experience, she seemed to understand that Su Wangqin suddenly went out for assignment. There must be a reason for this.

Although she didn't know what Su Wangqin and Gu Chunzhu planned for Xiaocheng, Xuanyuan Xian and Wenshi were still somewhat aware of the person. Just thinking of this, the cautious string in her mind was already tense.

Mrs. Qing's clear expression made Gu Chunzhu satisfied. She knew that Mrs. Qing was finally beginning to know her character and her temper.

"Let's go." Gu Chunzhu's face recovered from the smile that came to participate in the poetry meeting, and it seemed light and breezy, as if nothing had happened.

She nodded towards An An and Peony. Coupled with Mrs. Qing, several people crossed the small wooden bridge under the flowing water to the site of the poetry meeting created by Wen Shi.

Gu Chunzhu When they arrived, they already saw Wen's in the center surrounded by many people. The smile on her face made her feel a little dazzling and uncomfortable.

The splendid exhibitions worn by Wen and her daughters today, together with the graceful and luxurious headdress, can be seen at a glance that these clothes and jewelry cost a lot of money.

When Gu Chunzhu approached, he heard Wen's boasting about his daughter to others.

"You all know, my daughters, are now studying with Grandma Zheng."

"These veils are the embroidery they embroidered in class. Look at this embroidery worker."

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