Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

Gu Chunzhu looked at Gu Xiaohu's puzzled face and couldn't help but smile and explained, "An'an is not too young now, I have arranged a teaching grandma to let her concentrate and learn the rules."

"Teacher Ma'am?" Gu Xiaohu was a little unbelievable. He couldn't imagine that the sky was empty. The unconstrained An An would even agree to learn these troublesome rules. "Aunt, it's almost noon now. I'll visit An An. Right."

Gu Xiaohu said that he would get up and let Jia Ding take himself to the school in Fuzhong, and then was stopped by Gu Chunzhu before she could speak. She said seriously, "Xiao Hu, although I understand that you want to see An An's mood, But she can't go now, she hasn't finished class yet."

"Grandma Zheng was invited by me from the palace. I have seen the world and the rules are strict. Even me, I have to be a little face-saving in this matter. You can't be so rash. "The rules." Gu Chunzhu said when he said this, his expression was serious and serious, and there was a kind of majesty that could never give in.

After seeing this, Li Mara sat down with Gu Xiaohu and said, "That's right, An'an is studying now. You just have to sit here and wait. An'an will definitely come over after class."

Gu Xiaohu was persuaded and sat down with peace of mind.

After a while, a family member came to Gu Chunzhu and said, "Ma'am, Miss has gone to school, but returned to her Begonia Garden and said that she was tired of studying and wanted to change clothes and take a rest."

Gu Chunzhu couldn’t bear to look at Gu Xiaohu with some disappointment, and calculated the distance from here to Haitang Garden, and pulled Gu Xiaohu Road, “An An said to take a break, it’s really a break, you’re now in An Ju Yuan , She is estimated to be almost resting."

"Your brothers and sisters haven't seen each other for a long time. It's time to meet and narrate. The kitchen is now ready for lunch. I have to go over to see it and I won't go with you."

Gu Xiaohu had a frustrated face and became happy all at once. After thanking Gu Chunzhu, he couldn't wait to trot all the way to Anjuyuan.

Before Gu Xiaohu came, the maidservant in Anjuyuan took care of the flowers and plants outside the house. After seeing him, she didn't even have time to speak, and was asked rhetorically, "What about An'an?"

"Miss just went to the hall." The voice of the mammoth didn't fall, Gu Xiaohu didn't use her to lead the way, and ran towards her finger.

An Angang just changed into a comfortable sky-blue dress and was sitting in the hall to study the small amber ornament that Wei Xingzhi sent yesterday.

"Where is the word engraved, shouldn't you be bluffing me." An An was looking at the amber small decoration, Gu Xiaohu had already entered with joy.

"An An!" Gu Xiaohu's cheerful voice interrupted An An's thoughts.

She was stunned for a moment. When she looked up and found Gu Xiaohu who hadn't seen for a long time, her eyebrows became happy. She put down the amber decoration and got up excitedly, "cousin?"

An An ran happily in front of Gu Xiaohu, raised his small face as if looking at something new, and pulled him to look over and over again and asked, "Brother Xiaohu, really you, you are finally back, we are really good Miss you."

Gu Xiaohu let An'an pull, watching her crooked eyes full of spoils.

"I haven't read enough yet, wouldn't you invite me to sit down?" Gu Xiaohu's raised mouth slightly moved, and then An'an reacted, and hurriedly took him to sit down. "You see me so happy, I'm confused. ."

After the two of them sat down together, Gu Xiaohu first had to answer An An's questions, and then asked some of An An's current situation, and finally took out a delicate wooden box from his body and opened it in his hand.

"An An, this is for you." Gu Xiaohu's eyes shone brightly, and he carefully took out the hairpins inside.

"This hairpin is really beautiful. Is this really for me?" An An looked at with a surprised look. Until Gu Xiaohu got up and put the hairpin on her head, she was convinced that this was true.

"Cousin, don't you think the butterfly on it seems to be flying away soon?" An An pointedly pointed at the butterfly hairpin that fluttered on his head. "Do I wear it pretty?"

"Of course it looks good, An An, you are much better than the hairpin." Gu Xiaohu looked at her very seriously.

"Cough cough." At the same time, Wei Xingzhi stepped into the house and happened to see such a scene. Two heroic eyebrows were immediately screwed together. The unpleasant intentionally broke the conversation between them.

"Why are you here?" Although An An disliked Wei Xingzhi on his face, the joy in his heart was actually written in his eyes.

Wei Xingzhi actually came to An'an deliberately, but was annoyed by the scene just now, so he deliberately said, "I came here specifically to find the aunt, but I remembered that I gave you a small amber ornament yesterday, I guess you probably did not see the above Word, so I stopped by and looked at it."

An An, who was somewhat ignorant of his emotions, of course, did not hear the vinegar in his words, nor did he find that he seemed to have great hostility and precautions against Gu Xiaohu.

"However, this son is?" Wei Xingzhi originally wanted to wait for An An to introduce it to him, but he couldn't help asking when An An obviously didn't have insight into his emotions.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it to you. This is my cousin, Gu Xiaohu." An An turned his head and looked at Gu Xiaohu with a smile, but didn't notice the alertness flashed in Wei Xingzhi's eyes.

Wei Xingzhi knew that An An was not from Gu Chunzhu, and even his cousin was likely to get married.

Thinking this way, he was even more nervous. He looked up at Gu Xiaohu again, and felt that he was full of spoils in Anan's eyes.

Gu Xiaohu felt Wei Xingzhi's murderous eyes and turned his head to see him staring at himself intently.

He pursed his lips slightly and looked at Wei Xingzhi with the same alert eyes. After a while, he turned to look at An An and smiled, "Since you like An An, the hairpin, I will take you to the shop next time, and pick you a few more A beautiful piece of jewelry."

"No." An An shook his head with a smile. "Brother Xiaohu, how can you be so embarrassed to keep you so expensive."

"That's right." Before Gu Xiaohu had time to speak, Wei Xingzhi hurriedly took the lead, "An An, as the young lady of the General's House, how could she lack jewelry, just send it once, An An is just a fresh look."

Before Gu Xiaohu got angry, he saw Wei Xingzhi, who was proud, lowered his head, pretending to pull off his purse inadvertently, and looked at no one beside An An. Bring it."

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