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Gu Chunzhu thought, since he couldn't help the happy couple, he simply didn't worry about it.

She had just lifted her skirt and was about to go out, thinking of the basket of lotus seeds that had just come out of the pot. She happily turned around and took the food box, ready to go back to her house for a good meal.

A good lotus lotus bag is also wasted, just eat some by yourself, and wait for An'an and Peony to come back from school, and then give them some.

The warm wind slowly brushed his face, and Gu Chunzhu was very happy to bring the food box back to his house.

However, as soon as she sat down, she was about to open the food box, and without touching her lotus bag, she heard someone coming in.

"Madam." Gu Chunzhu looked up and saw that Wang Kun and his wife had come in. Somewhat unexpectedly said, "Why are you here?"

Wang Kun just married, and Gu Chunzhu considered that their husband and wife were newly married Yaner. During this time, they were really hard during the busy time, so they specifically allowed them to rest for three days, but did not expect that he would take Wu early in the morning. Fen Niang came over.

Gu Chunzhu was just about to ask Wang Kun what happened, and they saw that the husband and wife looked at each other and even kneeled down for both of them.

"What are you doing?" Gu Chunzhu was a little surprised and wanted to help the two, but Wang Kun and Wu Fenniang knelt very firmly, looking at her sincerely and gratefully.

"Madam, your kindness to us, such as reborn parents, we will never forget our lives. There were so many guests last night, and we didn't have time to thank you very well, so the two of us came here early in the morning."

Reborn parents? Gu Chunzhu twitched his lips. Although he could understand their gratitude and was very happy, he didn't really like the word, so she must be said to be old.

However, Gu Chunzhu quickly suppressed the temptation in his heart, showing a warm smile.

"I know your mood, but it's not a big deal. You have helped me a lot, so get up first."

Under her repeated insistence, the two got up slowly.

Gu Chunzhu looked at the newly-married Wu Fenniang with red lips and white teeth, plus a bit of a shy expression as a woman, but she looked really good, and greeted the two of them to sit down and said, "You guys do it soon. , You can taste the newly released lotus paste."

Gu Chunzhu handed them one by one, watching Wu Fenniang eating, eating and looking up at Wang Kun Road, "Yes, there is nothing wrong in these three days, you don’t have to worry about anything, take Fen Niang out for a turn, play for a while Just play with Fen Niang."

"By the way, these two days don't need to run over to meet me." She watched Wang Kun nodded and added.

"Madam, in fact, I brought Fen Niang today. In addition to asking for peace, I also have something to tell my wife." Wang Kun smiled and said, "You asked me to investigate Ling Xiao's things before. I've done it. "

"Oh, is that right?" Gu Chunzhu remembered the big talent who was suddenly recommended by the dragon boss.

"Yeah, Prince Ling Xiao, as we expected, his family background is clean, and people who know him are also very good at criticism." Wang Kun said, "Although the ears are true, but we are all good at others. I have had contact, so the character is absolutely trustworthy, and the talent is also one of the best."

"That's good," Gu Chunzhu nodded at ease, picked up a coconut bag and stuffed it into his mouth, thinking that if the peony can really become Ling Xiao in the future, it would indeed be a good thing.

Wang Kun looked at Gu Chunzhu's thoughtful look, of course she knew what she was thinking, so she continued, "Small also hope that our house will have a second happy event soon."

Gu Chunzhu couldn't help but smile with his words, "In fact, it's still early. Peony is still studying with Grandma Zheng. Besides, there are too many uncertainties between men and women. Let's wait and see. "

Although Gu Chunzhu said so on her lips, she really hoped that Peony and Ling Xiao would succeed in the future.

"It is Ling Xiao who is too straightforward. I'm afraid he is like wood, and he can't see that Peony is interested in him at all." Gu Chunzhu thought about it again, feeling that he had encountered a problem, and he felt a bit emotional.

Wang Kun heard this and immediately understood the worries in her heart, and said to her, "My wife said yes, but this is not a problem."

"For elm pimples like Ling Xiao, since he is not sensitive to feelings, it can be mentioned aside. His brain is flexible, and he will definitely be conscious of it when he says it."

"Just mention it from the side?" This is the reason, but who should say it is better, she frowned thoughtfully. Into other difficulties.

"Ma'am, what do you think of Dragon Boss?" Wang Kun's mind flashed, "I think it's more appropriate to let Dragon Boss say it. After all, Ling Xiao was asked by Dragon Boss at the time, which shows that the two people must be very close. "

"And you opened a lawyer's practice for others in the front foot, and you personally talked about the marriage in the back foot. It seemed a bit anxious and inappropriate."

"It makes sense." Wang Kun analyzed the matter, and Gu Chunzhu finally opened his mind. "Okay, the time is almost up. I personally asked the boss Long to help me." "

Wang Kun retreated, and Gu Chunzhu read a book in the room. Some were sleepy, so he stood up and stretched out.

She felt bored, twisted her neck, and suddenly remembered Bai Shi, so she called her mother Liu, "I didn't see my sister-in-law going out one day today. The sister-in-law lost a lot of thoughts for Wang Kun's marriage. How are you today, tired? Is it right?"=

Mother Liu nodded and replied, "It should be tired. I also saw her maid in her yard bringing breakfast to the house in person this morning."

"That's it." Gu Chunzhu frowned, thinking that Bai Shi was really hard during this time, she should go and see.

So she asked Ms. Liu to go to the kitchen to get some delicate pastries just out of the pan, and then bring some supplements. The two went to see Bai Shi together.

However, what Gu Chunzhu didn't expect was that the two had just walked to the door, and they saw that the maid's frowning face came out with the tray on her face, and the food on the tray didn't move with any chopsticks. She frowned and asked. , "Why didn't you move?"

At first glance, it was Gu Chunzhu, who froze for a moment, and then immediately lowered his head and replied, "Going back to my wife, I said I had no appetite, but I didn't eat a bite in the morning. I was worried that I sent it over again, but I still didn't eat. "

The little girl was also a little worried. Gu Chunzhu looked at her with a frown, and she could only wave her hand to let her go down.

She looked up at the closed door and thought she was too tired to help the Wang housekeeper to conduct the wedding. You have no appetite, but when she was about to push the door, she suddenly remembered another thing.

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