Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

"Chunzhu..." Su Wangqin took Gu Chunzhu's hand, reluctant to let go, and after she pulled it out hard, she reluctantly called.

Gu Chunzhu was so blushed that Yuan Qing was still there, and turned around quickly.

When Gu Chunzhu returned to the auction house again, the auction house was still in full swing.

"Silver glazed Kowloon cornucopia, once, twice, three times." Ling Xiao's voice remembered time and time again, familiar control of the atmosphere of the venue, and finally after confirming that no one raised the card again, he settled with a hammer, "The deal. "

Gu Chunzhu looked at the other seven or eight exhibits that were not on the back, and he could watch the excitement himself, so he found a place to sit down and watch.

As soon as she sat down here, Wang Kun had brought her the snack, and she nodded to indicate that Wang Kun was also sitting, and the master and servant commented while whispering.

Soon it was the turn of the pearl jade that Master Hai wanted, and Gu Chunzhu raised his head and sat up straight, looking for him on the auction floor. Sure enough, he saw that he was holding the number card tightly. Looking forward, all the attention was placed on Ling Xiao.

"This bead head face is rumored to have been crafted by a craftsman with a unique technique, which took three months to polish and sculpt." Ling Xiao pointed his finger, "Whether this bead head face is given away or brought , Are very face-saving."

"And wearing the head made of pearl jade can obviously enhance the momentum." Ling Xiao carefully picked up the box and put it on his hand to show it. "I see everyone's eyes are looking forward to it, I don't want to listen to me. Long-winded, well, our auction starts."

"Five hundred and two starting price." Ling Xiao said, seeing Gu Chunzhu beckoning to himself under the stage, and then gestured to Master Hai with his eyes.

Being clever like him, Ling Xiao suddenly understood Gu Chunzhu's meaning and nodded.

So, after Master Hai's bid, taking advantage of everyone's hesitation, Ling Xiao didn't give the others extra time, and soon shouted once, twice, and three times.

After a short period of stunned Master Hai, the smile on his face became obvious. He held Liu Xiniang's hand happily, but did not notice Gu Chunzhu behind him.

Having obtained the Jade Jade Noodles, Master Hai laid down his tight nerves and remained in the state of watching the drama in the next few auctions.

In a blink of an eye, the auction had come to an end, and Gu Chunzhu was a little tired. He took advantage of the VIPs who had photographed the antiques to trade, and when he got the antique he wanted, he stood up and found Ling Xiao.

"Mr. Ling Zhuang, your eloquence is decisive. In the past, I only watched you in the public hall, and my mouth was eloquent. I never expected you to host the auction.

Gu Chunzhu joked, "That's right, you shouldn't think I'm overkill, let you come to an auctioneer to auction, you lose your identity."

"Dare, dare, my wife really laughed." Ling Xiao shook her head and smiled. "This is my wife's respect for me, and besides, I don't want to be a lawyer anymore. I do it occasionally. It's also a good mood to adjust."

"I heard you say that, I'm relieved." Gu Chunzhu said, looking back, seeing Master Hai walking happily out of Zhuyu's head.

Master Hai very preciously took Zhuyu's head and face in his hand, and after sitting on the seat, attached to Liu Xiniang's ear and didn't know what to say, they got up and left.

Gu Chunzhu thought that he probably got Zhuyu's head and felt that he could go after the auction, so he nodded toward Ling Xiao and hurried up to stop them.

"Master Hai has taken Zhuyu's head and face as expected?" Gu Chunzhu glanced at the box and smiled, "Since I have already got it, why go so anxiously, why not listen to it again."

"Isn't it over yet?" Master Hai was a little puzzled, but although I didn't know that the auction was going to end, there was something important to talk about, but since Gu Chunzhu told him so actively, he naturally chose to stay Down.

Gu Chunzhu comforted everyone and sat down, nodding towards Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao continued his concluding remarks.

"The auction for this antique exhibition is over, thank you very much for your participation," Ling Xiao's crisp voice rang throughout the auction.

He looked at the people present and smiled slightly, "Here, there is another good thing to announce, and everyone can look forward to it."

"The place where you are sitting now will be the place where we regularly hold auctions." Ling Xiao introduced concisely and clearly, "In the future, we will finalize fixed dates according to different categories."

"The priceless jewelry wenwan will be auctioned every half a month, and the price will be auctioned once every seven days."

"Here, in addition to wanting to participate in the auction, customers who buy Wenwan can come to participate. If you want to sell your own items, you can also join our auction house." Ling Xiao increased the volume a bit. The words said clearly.

"Our auction house is willing to cooperate with every interested customer. If everything you put in our auction house is eventually sold, then our auction house will only charge 20% of the reserve price. In addition, there are no other costs."

"Not only that, we will also keep the information of the sellers confidential." The new model announced by Ling Xiao has made many of you here eager to try.

Gu Chunzhu listened to Ling Xiao's words and stood in the back, watching the slight changes in the expression on everyone's face. He knew in his heart that this method was indeed feasible.

A smile gradually appeared on her face. In fact, she just made a civilian version and a noble version in disguise. Although it can help other people sell goods, the ultimate purpose is still for her own auction house. That is to say, those wenwan that Su Wangqin got back can be sold safely and at a high price in this way.

Gu Chunzhu looked up at the closed door of the elegant room on the second floor and happily pulled the corner of his mouth.

After the people outside slowly dispersed, Gu Chunzhu went to the second floor elegant room again.

But unlike before, as soon as she entered the door, Su Wangqin pressed her against the door and kissed it.

Gu Chunzhu was startled and widened his eyes, only to find that Yuan Qing didn't know when she had left, and she and Su Wangqin were left in the room.

"Chunzhu, thank you." Su Wangqin's hot breath sprayed on Gu Chunzhu's skin, causing her heart to jump.

"You have to thank me. In this way, you don't have to go out to find those profiteers anymore. I will cover you up here and sell it to you at a safe and high price." Gu Chunzhu proudly raised his chin, " Do you think it's especially profitable to marry me?"

Su Wangqin couldn't help but chuckled and smiled, stretched his hand to scrape her nose, "Yes, I made it."

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