Walk alone

Volume 1 Chapter 7 The Young Man from the Luo Family

The sky was slightly dark, and a group of black crows were circling.

Everything was over, and there was dead silence.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground. Whether they were Shatang's killers or Xinlinghou's men, they were all dead.

Soon, the aftermath personnel of the Killing Hall arrived, cleaning up the scene with ease, cleaning up the trophies, and taking away the bodies of their own people.

Suddenly someone shouted in surprise: "This, this is the best blood crystal stone!" Everyone looked and saw that someone found the treasure on the body of Marquis Xinling!

Blood crystal is a mineral from Yinzhou Continent. Ten thousand kilograms of ordinary blood ore mined underground can be used to refine a blood essence stone. As for blood crystals, it takes ten thousand blood essence stones to refine one. The best blood crystals are even more powerful. One piece is equivalent to a hundred ordinary blood crystals, and it cannot be refined at all. It can only be mined underground by luck. According to legend, only seven pieces have been mined in the ten thousand years of Yinzhou continent.

Therefore, every time the top-quality blood crystal appears, it causes a storm of blood on this continent. I don’t know why this treasure appeared on the body of Marquis Xinling.

However, Luo Li no longer knew this. He returned to Longshou Mountain to hand over the task. There were thirty-four people there when he left, but he was the only one who came back. All the killers in the hall who saw him were speechless. Although this is the fate of killers, It is inevitable that everyone will feel sad in their hearts. The rabbit will die and the fox will be sad, and things will harm their own kind!

Returning to the heart of the mountain, he found the divination operator and handed over the task. His meritorious service in assassinating Marquis Xinling was recorded in the merit book in the hall, and he was rewarded with five hundred taels of gold.

Bu Suanzi looked at Luo Li, nodded his head, and said: "Luo Li, I am optimistic about you. You are now in the merit book. You are number one in merit, and you are the number one person in Tianjue Killing Hall."

Luo Li said: "It's just a fluke, it's all luck!"

Bu Suanzi continued: "Our Tian Jue Sha Hall was founded eight hundred years ago. Only two seniors, Freezing Point two hundred years ago and Thirteen Lang five hundred years ago, have achieved this level of achievement.

It is said that none of the disciples who have left the Tian Jue Sha Hall in the past twenty years have survived more than a year in the trials of the Seven Kills Sect's outer sect. Therefore, we only have two places in this Immortal Ascension Conference.

Luo Li, if you come to the outer sect of the Seven Kills Sect, you must bring honor to our Killing Hall, live longer, and win more qualifications for us to ascend to immortality. Those younger disciples will depend on you! "

Luo Li said: "Elder, don't worry, this disciple will definitely complete his mission and let Tianjue Killing Hall regain its majesty at the outer gate of Seven Killings Sect!"

Bu Suanzi kept nodding and said: "Okay, okay, it's up to you! By the way, this month's Immortality Pill is here, go and get it quickly!"

Luo Li said: "Yes, elder, disciple resigns!"

Luo Li left the divination operator and received this month's immortality pill. This is the antidote to the immortality poison. The old poison is suppressed with the new poison. Each time you take one pill, you can live one month longer. But as long as you have taken the Immortality Pill and cannot refine your Qi and cultivate immortality, it is absolutely impossible to live for more than ten years!

After taking the antidote and slowly refining it, Luo Li felt his whole body's Qi and blood boiling. His own Qi and blood turned into endless breath, penetrating into every inch of muscle and bone, extracting strength from it, and then integrating it into the Qi and blood, further combustion. My body has become a furnace, burning my life potential, turning it into endless power, integrating into my body. I am getting stronger, but my life potential is getting less and less, and I will live at least five months less!

This is the Immortality Pill, you gain strength but lose your lifespan! After the training, Luo Li quietly left Longshou Mountain and disappeared without a trace.

As an iron-clad killer, Luo Li has the right to choose his own destination. In this Yinzhou continent, he has thirteen hidden identities. He will not rush back to the main hall until the bell rings to summon the killers. Excuting an order.

Not just him, but all the iron brand killers have various hidden identities and can leave the chief helm of Longshou Mountain at will. Under the iron brand, they do not have this right.

Luo Li rode forward, and after passing through a forest, he transformed into another boy. His body was three points shorter and even thinner. He looked like a skinny boy!

The clothes on his body are very simple, and he looks like he comes from an ordinary family. Although this young man's appearance has not changed much, he is more handsome than Luo Li's original appearance. He and Tian Dao Sha are completely the same person. He has a kind of innocence when he looks at him. He feels like an ordinary sixteen-year-old boy.

This is one of Luo Li's thirteen hidden identities, a descendant of the Luo family, where Luo Li lives directly under his real name. Including the royal family, there are a total of twelve noble families in Yinzhou Continent. The Long family of Xinlinghou Long Tianxing is one of them. Legend has it that these noble families are all immortal queens, and one of them is the Luo family.

Thousands of years ago, a descendant of the Luo family joined the Lingdie Qiqiao Sect, practiced for three hundred years, and was promoted to Jindan Zhenren. It has been seven hundred years since his descendants have flourished in Yinzhou Continent. The entire family has over ten thousand descendants, including those who are feudal lords. There are four people, and countless collaterals, scattered all over the continent. This is the hidden identity of Luo Li. They are located in Luojia Village, sixty miles away from Longshou Mountain, and they belong to the collateral clan.

Luo Li dismounted and handed the horse to Xiao Qi, who was waiting here, and he handed it over to the local Shatang hidden stake. Then the two of them walked slowly back to Luojia Village, one behind the other.

The ten-mile mountain road soon arrived. After entering the village, someone immediately greeted Luo Li: "Ali is back? How was your practice this time?"

Luo Li smiled and said: "It's not bad. I have mastered a Luo family boxing technique. Thank you for your concern, Uncle Seven. By the way, Uncle Seven, do your legs still hurt?"

"Oh, Lao Han's legs are broken, there is nothing we can do!"

"It's okay, Uncle Seven, I picked some herbs on the mountain. I'll send them to you tonight. They can cure old cold legs!"

Another old man said: "Ali is a really good kid. He has helped everyone in our town. It's just that you are too young. When you come of age, we must report to the clan and choose you as the village chief of our branch!"

Luo Li replied: "Thank you, Uncle Four, we have agreed that when I come of age, you must choose me as the village chief. You are not allowed to change your mind. By the way, Uncle Four, your third brother You are working for the clan, and you are not in good health, so you don't have the strength to work. I will send you two bundles of firewood tomorrow!"

"Ah, thank you so much, A Li, you are a good child, a really good child!

By the way, Xue Mei waited for you at the entrance of the town yesterday, and waited until dark. No matter how I persuaded her, she would not go back. I was so heartbroken!"

"I know, Xue Mei is a child who doesn't understand things. I told her that she doesn't need to wait for me. I made the fourth master worry!"

Luo Li answered one sentence at a time. These people were all descendants of the Luo family's collateral branch, and they were all his relatives.

Luo Li walked past the crowd and returned home. The old people started to talk: "Ali is such a good kid, helpful, doing good things, practicing hard, and very sensible." "Yes, yes, it's a pity that his parents died early, otherwise he would have made a name for himself." "Oh, it's a pity, but fortunately, there is a little maid Xuemei, so he is not lonely. I think in a few years, Xuemei will grow up, and they can get married and have children." Xuemei is the child bride prepared by Luo Li's deceased parents. She is a little maid, fifteen years old this year. It is said that when she was a child, her eyebrows were white, which was considered unlucky by her family, so she was sold to Luo Li's family, so she was called Xuemei. In addition to her, Luo Li's family also has a servant Xiaoqi. In fact, the real Luo Li had already left the world sixteen years ago because of an accident with his parents. The current Luo Li is an imposter. The little maid Xuemei and the book boy Xiaoqi were arranged by Luo Li's father, Master Ciyun, to conceal Luo Li's identity. However, Xuemei knew nothing about Luo Li's true identity, and Xiaoqi was Luo Li's assassin junior brother, who was responsible for disguising himself as Luo Li when Luo Li was on a mission, and practicing in seclusion to avoid exposing his identity.

The reason why Luo Li had this hidden identity was of great significance to him and Master Ciyun, and they paid a huge price for this identity!

This was their only reliance on leaving the Yinzhou Continent without passing the Ascension Conference. So when Menglong Xiaoqing mentioned this identity, Luo Li showed his murderous intent, and other people who knew this secret must die!

Soon Luo Li returned to his home, a shabby courtyard, the courtyard was not big, the house and furniture inside were a little shabby, but very clean, a girl stood at the door and looked at this side anxiously.

Seeing Luo Li, the girl rushed over happily. She hugged Luo Li and shouted: "Master, Master, you are finally back!" Her voice seemed to be filled with tears. She hugged him tightly and did not let go. The little girl was not tall, a head smaller than Luo Li. She was not well developed yet, thin, and had some freckles on her face. Her snow-white eyebrows when she was a child had now turned black. She was a very ordinary little girl, but her eyes were clear and pure! Luo Li smiled, gently wiped away her tears, and said, "I just went up the mountain to practice for a few days. What is there to be afraid of? Why are you crying?" Xuemei still grabbed Luo Li's hand and said, "I had a nightmare. I dreamed of a ferocious beast and a poisonous snake chasing and biting the young master. The young master was fighting with them, but the young master was crying while fighting, as if the poisonous snake was the young master's relative. The young master was so sad and uncomfortable in that dream! But he had to pretend to be indifferent!" Hearing this, Luo Li's eyes turned red, but his mouth Li said: "What nonsense? What beasts and poisonous snakes? I am practicing in the mountains and have mastered a Luo family fist. I will show you that I am invincible!" Xiao Qi said: "Yes, yes, I will serve you, Sister Xuemei, don't worry. By the way, this is the best rouge and powder from Qixiangzhai that the young master asked me to buy for you. Do you want it?" Seeing the beautiful rouge and powder, which can cover the freckles on her face, the young master will definitely not dislike her. Finally, Xuemei stopped crying. The young master has come back. It was just a dream. Luo Li looked at her with a smile. In fact, he knew a long time ago that the reason why his father kept Xuemei by his side was to help him leave Yinzhou Continent! Xuemei often dreams of some incredible things, and then verifies that these things are all things that have happened in reality. According to his father's explanation, this is called telepathy, which is one of the six great magical powers of Buddhism! After returning home, Xiao Qi started chopping wood and Xue Mei started cooking. Two years ago, the killer who pretended to be Luo Li's parents left, and the three of them depended on each other here. Although it was monotonous, it was very peaceful and comfortable. This was Luo Li's life, and Luo Li liked this life.

The killer's identity was Tian Dao Sha, but it was like acting. Luo Li didn't like that kind of life.

In the evening, Luo Li gave the prepared medicinal materials to Uncle Qi. Seeing that he was no longer in pain, Luo Li couldn't help but smile. Although Luo Li could get good merits for helping each person, the more important thing was that he felt indescribable happiness when he saw other people happy.

The next day he sent two large bundles of dry firewood to the fourth uncle, and Luo Li began to do these good deeds. When there were people in need of help in the village, Luo Li was always the first to show up and help them.

The seventh uncle ate Luo Li's medicinal materials, and Lao Han's legs no longer suffered. The fourth uncle burned the dry firewood sent by Luo Li. The house was filled with warmth, and Luo Li did many good deeds one after another.

Whenever others feel grateful, whenever the villagers who have been helped by Luo Li smile, an invisible and silent force gathers towards Luo Li, and they gather together to form a good deed in Luo Li's body!

Luo Li felt the good deeds in his body and whispered:

"With one more of the six good deeds, I can reward good and punish evil again!"

But this life didn't last long. Five days later, suddenly the copper bell on Luo Li's waist began to ring. It was twelve times!

This is something that has never happened before. When it is most urgent, there are only nine ringings. Twelve ringings represent all Tian Jue Sha Hall disciples. Even if they are undercover, they must return to the main hall!

Luo Li took a long breath and suddenly stood up. Xiao Qi followed closely behind him. He left Luojia Town again and headed for Longshou Mountain!

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