The first ray of light penetrated the clouds and wafted on the administrative hall of the county seat. The round moon stump of the Snow Moon Insignia was immediately plated with a layer of golden light.

There is a constant stream of players in the county town, and even many players in Baiyun City have come to help defend the city. In fact, it is not for the good faith. Many people just want to get two pieces of equipment in the muddy waters, or just join the fun.

Outside the city, the killing sounds on the vast plains.

Hundreds of thousands of autumn rainy Chinese cavalry are strangling together with the Stoneman Puppet Corps, with great losses. At this time, the monster is close to the county town, and the siege warfare system is officially turned on. After the player is killed in the area, he cannot Entered the city war zone again.

I stood on the edge of the city wall, and Tyrannosaurus rex circling in the air.

"It's not so good ..."

After frowning, I went on to say, "At most it's not more than half an hour, the people led by Hellfire will definitely be defeated. The eighth wave we have dragged on for too long, the ninth wave will definitely come on schedule, when two monsters Together, we are even more unstoppable. "

"Let's strike!" Ling Xue looked into the distance, full of excitement in her eyes, and with a groan, Amethyst Dragon fell through the clouds.

I nodded, and jumped down the city wall. When my body was halfway down, I stepped on the real thing and Xiaoqing caught me steadily.

At the edge of the city wall, I stretched out my hand and said, "Qin Yun, come with me, everyone will bring a treatment, and it won't be too early to hang up!"


Ling Xue had to leave Jiangnan Xiao Qiao, Bing Zhiyi wanted a dream, and Xue Jiancao followed the fleeting fireworks.

Qin Yun walked carefully to the edge of the city wall, her clothes fluttered like a fairy, and she stared at the gnawing head of Tyrannosaurus Rex Xiaoqing for a moment and asked, "Will she bite?"

I grinned: "Relax, Xiaoqing doesn't bite her."

Sure enough, Tyrannosaurus respiration snorted and gently placed his head on the wall. Qin Yun walked along the dragon's neck with doubt, and I immediately shared the mount status. In this way, Qin Yun could also The dragon's back is flat, and I can be treated in the mounted state. Of course, it is only limited to me.

Ling Yue said in the city: "Go, here we are!"


On the ground, Destiny's Cube carried a long bow and took the black archer legion forward, shouting: "Arrow gods! Use stun arrows and thunder arrows for a while to control the stone man's attack with maximum efficiency for us. Warrior is a chance for players to survive! "

Nangong Lexi rode on the silver warhorse, and was a little speechless: "One by one, the archery is bad, and I'm sorry to call myself an arrow god. If your archery is like the lord ..."

Destiny's cube turned and smiled: "Scholar's archery, hehe ..."

My old face flushed, as if I didn't hear it, urging the dragon: "Xiao Qing, attack!"

The Tyrannosaurus resounded and slammed into the distant stone man like a gliding fighter. The smoke billowed on the ground, and the shadow-borne Snow Moon Iron Knights launched a third attack. This time, it was necessary to compete with the eighth wave. The monsters are divided into males and females, and the 50,000 silver cymbals iron riding sword armor is on the forefront, so that the pressure of the players in Qiuyu years is greatly reduced!

Soon, Xueyue's stepped attack line was formed. The soldiers led by the silver cymbals and iron rods blocked the stone man from hacking. A large number of archers behind him surrounded them with stun arrows. Tens of thousands of priests also left the city to provide supplies for frontline players. As a result, casualties have been reduced a lot.

The bigger reason is that I was killed a lot by the stone people in the rain dew forest. Now I am intercepted by Qiuyu years. Snow Moon players later make up. Basically, this wave will not lose much. .

In the sky, several dragon knights hovered endlessly, pouring swords into the monster group, killing the stone people roaring endlessly. This time we occupied the absolute advantage in numbers. The stone people had no time to stun the dragon knights with stones. Only a volley was accidentally made, but each dragon knight was equipped with a powerful priest, under the flash of light, there was no pressure.

In this scene, the ghost crying **** was killed. For nearly an hour, tens of thousands of stone people were divided and killed on the periphery of the territory. A large number of gold coins and equipment broke out, and they were divided up. The player ’s loss was not small, **** fire. The players who were taken out of Qiuyu Nianhua lost nearly half of their losses, and Xueyue's Yinqi Iron Rider also lost nearly 10,000 people. If the ninth wave returns, I am afraid that all of them will be killed.

The shadow followed the wind and took thousands of silver cricket iron riders to the rain dew forest under my command, and returned half an hour later, returning with a full load. In the battle of the rain dew forest, the stoneman and the player ’s equipment have not been refreshed. All were handed over to the line. The warehouse, after this battle, Snow Moon players can use the screenshots of the game to collect explosive equipment, and additionally award 10,000 gold coins, these are small details, do not pay attention, it is most important to stabilize the hearts of the people.

After waiting for a while in the city, I still don't see the arrival of the eighth wave.

"I went to see……"

Ling Xue drove the Amethyst Dragon to break the wind, leaving a beautiful back.

But Ling Xue hadn't flew too far, and suddenly there was a loud noise in the direction of the rain dew forest. A whole forest of trees was uprooted, and at the same time there was a terrifying roar!


On the horizon, a behemoth walked while destroying the woods, moving very slowly.

Ling Yue opened her mouth and exclaimed, "Okay ... so big ..."

"Yeah ..." Qin Yun also opened her mouth.

That's right, the eighth wave of monsters are just like the monsters in Ultraman, up to tens of meters, which is also the most OSS I've ever seen in Ling Ling!

Mountain Giant King: Level 263, melee attack, attack has a smashing effect, has a low chance of crushing the target's equipment, making its durability 0, defense over 1 million, attack over 800,000, and powerful Amazing!

This is a super big stone man, just like a moving mountain!

Ling Yue was a little dazed and asked stupidly, "Scholar, how do you fight this?"

I didn't think about it: "Send an army to besiege, ants will kill more elephants!"

With an order, the city gate opened wide, and Shadow followed the wind to lead a group of knight professional players to charge again. They came to serve as meat shields. Fate's Cube led the arrow gods to attack. Ling Yue also walked down the city wall and led the mage to attack.

Hellfire killed for a while, and suffered heavy losses. He ran back to rest on the city wall and claimed that the tenth wave only played. In fact, his intention was very clear. He just wanted to see what the Twilight Ranger looked like. Everyone is the same. It is also an honor to meet the chicks in the top ten!

Several dragon knights also attacked one after another, still carrying their own priest, this time can not careless, **** level, but that has a powerful existence that crushes our strength!

The two sides quickly contacted each other, and the shadow flew up with the wind sword, shouting: "Surround, no difference!"

Hundreds of Snowy Moon players sprinted away immediately and surrounded the groups. To be honest, this mountain giant king is too huge, and the whole body is covered with gigantic boulders. I don't know where to start.

I volleyed an arrow, shit, corroded the quilt? Forget it, wait again in a minute!

At this time, Xueyue players' long swords have been splitting their ankles, but the tragedy is that most of the damage numbers exploded are only 100 points, which is more than a million points of defense, and those people do not break Defense is also expected.

The irritated mountain giant Wang was furious, suddenly raised one foot and stomped on it!


Trampling skills, opened up a ripple of flames, and suddenly the blood and blood of hundreds of Snow Moon players suddenly dropped, all of them lost more than 80% of blood, the priest could not add it back, and then the Mountain Giant King came again to attack Skill, a boulder condenses in your hand, throw it down quickly!


Nearly a hundred players were smashed with flesh and blood, and even more terrible was that the boulder was shattered. Those fragments still have not low damage. They fell into the crowd. Many knights' shields were penetrated by cannonball-like gravel. !!

"This is a bit tricky ..." Qin Yun said beside me.

"Well, it does seem to be."

I nodded and fired a Corrosive Arrow again. This time it worked, and my defense was reduced by half.

Ling Xue soared in the air, the long sword flew by, countless snowflakes came, the hills were quickly frozen, and the ice cut was successful!

Glancing at the players on the ground, Ling Xue was anxious and said loudly: "Shadows follow the wind! Let melee players in groups of 10 go up to hold the hate, don't send so many cannon fodder at once!"

The shadow followed the wind and realized this, then changed its strategy.

And I also started to attack, entered a cyclone transformation state, as soon as the Chixiao sword was raised, Jin Guangcan's broken shield fell on the forehead of the Mountain Giant King!



The debris is flying, and the attack power is very good.

Furious, I hurried to retreat, and its raised arm only hit the air, but anyway, it was a god-level, and it changed instantly, a boulder came breaking the wind, so I didn't have to flash!



Xiao Qing made a terrible hum, and fell back like a sparrow hit by a slingshot, struggling to flap his wings, and finally managed to maintain his figure, but fortunately he was a god-level mount, otherwise this stone cannonball would be able to Directly bombarded. After all, air units suffered a long-range attack with a certain bonus.

A blow cannot be killed, and it is obviously even more angry. Therefore, the anger is vented to the players under the feet, and the big feet are lifted to step on a group of players on the soles of the feet, and they are crushed. A few white lights fly up and it is estimated that they have been killed It's clean now.

Raised his foot, leaving a large pit on the grass, and saw a man with a gray face and a leaping face, pointing at the crotch and cursing: "Wangba, want to kill me? Ask my brothers first!"

This man was stepped on the flying fire of empty blood, and it was not easy to escape.

I flew across the ground quickly, put Qin Yun down, and laughed, "Yuner, help him!"

Qin Yun's eyes fluttered and she fluttered and smiled: "Fei Huo is really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang ..."

The goddess elegy fell, Feihuo was filled with blood, and continued to serve as MT, and I pulled Qin Yun back to the dragon's back, and continued to fly in the sky to output in midair. I do n’t want to be trampled on like Feihuo. The soles of the feet are crushed. We are now Sky Knights and must have our own advantages.

Everyone has unreserved attacks. Of course, they haven't kept any. One boulder fell in the Snowmoon camp, and there were even two ultra-long-range attacks. Just two stone attacks killed almost 1,000 priests and Mage, this range of attack is only available at the level of the god. The powerful attack power is not what the mage and priest can withstand. Basically, it is a death, unless it is a mage with a cyclone shield like Ling Yue. As for the two long-range attacks, Lingyue was within the attack range, but it was unprepared, making people sigh that the career of cloth armor after the sanctuary is harder than that of soldiers.

The four dragon rides, like four little sparrows, rushed back and forth around the giant, and drew a sword light on the stone man. The mountain giant king was beaten very much, and all his anger was vented on the ground knight. Shadow Follow the wind, flying fire and flurry dances, and so on.

On the city wall, Hellfire looked at it from afar, and said, "Xueyue is really passionate!"

The lone tomb fell from the sky: "Do you want to try a horseshoe?"

"Uh, don't have to, just look at it ..."


Killing, news from the direction of Anding-gun, vanilla plus ice and soul returning to the battle robe killed an equal split, it is not to say that vanilla plus ice is better than soul returning to the battle robe, but in fact it is the soul returning to battle robe for a long time in Anding-gun In the past, he was slaughtered once again by the master group, and for a while he was guilty, and was attacked from the back by a brave heart, so that it was not very cheap. Otherwise, vanilla and ice should not be the opponent of the soul returning robe.

Look below, almost sprayed.

The vanilla and ice beauty lord rides crickets and fights. I don't want this blind dog-eye mountain giant king to guess ice tea when walking. As a result, ice tea is extremely sharp in the armor of God of War, and it can't be stepped on at all. Between the toes of the Giant King of the Mountain, the Giant King of the Mountain took the iced tea to take a step, and every time I took a step, the iced tea screamed angrily, like a beautiful girl who was robbed of her relatives.

In the end ~ ~ Ice tea was furious, and became powerful, whistling into a transfiguration state, holding the Emperor's Sword and plunging into the feet of the Mountain Giant King, the Emperor's Sword snarled and launched a stunt--Tianjin Be down!

Suddenly, the sky shone countless gods of light and accumulated on the iced tea. The next moment, the iced tea was shrouded in golden light, like a goddess, and behind it was a pair of angel wings spreading. Within 5 minutes, attack, defense, gas Blood and other attributes are all doubled! Double it in the true sense, double it by two!

"Dare you bully your aunt ..."

Ice tea has torn the toes of the Mountain Giant King fiercely, his body floats in midair, and he yells, "Stop me, pig head!"


The Emperor's Sword turned into a purple giant sword, perforated the entire foot of the Mountain Giant King fiercely, and the sword body went straight to the ground.

"Hmm ..."

The Mountain Giant King seemed to be calling, his huge body fell forward to the ground, and it was like a landslide! For easy access, please keep in mind the Chinese website, please visit the mobile phone, your support is our greatest motivation!

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