Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 996: Single sword at the meeting

Looking at the direction of Southwest Anding-gun, I was a little confused.

Save or not?

The Luna Temple and Xueyue have always been at odds. We should have fallen down the rocks, but now the Luna Temple has undergone a major change of blood, and people such as red lotus dance, reincarnation, braised pork and so on are regarded as friends, and it is a little sad to ignore.

On the other hand, the soul returning to the battle robe has continued to grow, and has become Xueyue's most powerful competitor in China. From a strategic aspect, we really should use the Moon God Temple to contain and coerce the soul to return to war. The robe, otherwise let the soul return to the battle robes to gain strength after owning their own county, the threat to Xueyue is undoubtedly greater.

This truth is actually like m using T and h to contain d1.


"Why is my expression so confused?" Ling Xue tilted her head and looked at me with a smile. "Are you thinking?"

I nodded: "Well, Soul Return Tabard is violently attacking Anding-gun. Hung Hom Dance has asked Wishing Pool to help, but it cannot stop the attack of Qixing Lantern at all."

Ling Xue said with a loud voice, and said, "This is easy to handle. Let ’s split the troops to assist Anding County. The King of the Forces is the first point of force. In this case, both the defenders in Tianshui County and Apple County can. When they went out to support Anding County, the Luna Temple was no longer the original Luna Temple, and things changed with time, and the red dance can become a good ally. "


I nodded and said, "Uncle Gufen has sent some players from the Qiuyu years to the capital of the king. We can allocate some troops to help the Temple of the Moon. If the twilight ranger's offensive is too fierce, we will go to the war spirit Ask the Brotherhood for help, I believe they will help. "

"So what is the division?"

Ice tea patted his head and said, "It ’s better, I asked Ani to lead all the minions and vanilla and ice to evacuate Apple County to assist Anding County. Ling Xue took a side force from Tianshui County to help Apple County co-defense. , Vanilla and ice attacked, and the Seven Star Lamp could not completely transfer the hatred to Xueyue. "

I couldn't help laughing: "Well, that's a good idea!"

At this moment, the colorful butterfly king shouted and fell down, bursting out the glittering equipment. I didn't go for more tubes, and let Qin Yun and Dao Huaxiang pick up the equipment.

A few minutes later, the ice tea ceremony said: "I contacted and Ai Ni said that it would take about an hour from the time when the troops were assembled to reach Anding-gun. The key was whether Anding-gun could not be broken in half an hour. ? "

I groaned and said, "Let ’s go back to the city and lead a group of Snow Moon players out to meet the Twilight Ranger. I ’ll fly to Anding County now to see if I can help you."

Ling Xue said: "I'll go with you!"

"No, the Defensive Forces of the Kings are inadequate and need you."



A few mm started organizing a second strike in the guild, and I teleported to Apple County, from there it was a little closer to Anding County.


Appeared in Apple County, in the distance is already an ocean of players, bravely walking in front of the queue with a rose sword, counting the number of people.

There are too many players with vanilla and ice, and the tail is too big. When they go to Anding County, the daylily may be cold. I must first help Anding County to resist it for a while!

"Xiaoqing, let's go!"

With an order, Tyrannosaurus Rex stood on the walls of Apple County, opened its wings with a whistling sound, and then stepped on the walls with its hind legs. The huge body was lifted into the sky.

The players in Apple County turned their heads, and even the brave heart turned their heads and stunned: "Isn't that a scholar? He ... also rides a dragon ..."

Xiao Qing ’s degree was too fast. The radio shot left the ground. In a blink of an eye, Apple County had disappeared into the heavy fog. I set the coordinates of Anding County as the destination. Xiao Qing was flying all the way, and the wind was blowing in my ears. On the map, my eyes can see my little dots flying on the map, which is so exciting!

In less than seven minutes, Anding-gun appeared.

At this time, Anding County was broken, and the city walls were full of deep pits smashed by slingers, which were full of players from the Wishing Pool and the Temple of the Moon. Unfortunately, the number was far from being compared with the soul returning robes below the city. The door was wide open, and God wished mm while throwing the sea of ​​hellfire, while ordering the players of the League to organize the cavalry to charge back to the soul.

About 50,000 wishing cavalrymen flooded from the city, and immediately broke through the defense of the frontline souls returning to the players in the battle robes and killed the crowd.

At the core of the camp, Qixing Lantern was wearing a black armor and raised his sword and shouted, "Yak and iron ride, give me, and let these noisy 2Bs disappear!"

"Hmm ..."

A funny scene appeared, and some soldiers who rode the bull appeared in the Soul Return Tabard camp. The size of the bull was very large, at least twice that of the silver cricket iron rider. Of course, the attributes were much worse than the silver cricket iron rider. However, in terms of quantity, in just one month, Qixing Lantern has gathered 100,000 yak cavalry, becoming a hegemon in the southwest of China.

The yak iron rides the flying charge of the group, like countless sharp knives, cutting the cavalry of the Wishing Pool into countless pieces, lightly resolved the counterattack of the opponent, and all the 50,000 cavalry of the Wishing Pool were gathered under the city!

I looked very speechless. The destructive power of the braided cavalry was much stronger than that of the cavalry!


Below the city, the seven-star lamp raised a long sword and yelled at the city: "Don't you understand the red dance dance and God's wish? With the current temple of the moon and the wishing pool, you can't compete against the soul returning robe, if you want Joining the Soul Return Tabard, I can fully retain your identity as the leader. The entire Southwestern Outland and Ice Wolf City are ours.

Hung Hom dance faintly responded: "Go!"

God made a wish and said, "Is Ice Wolf City yours? Is it the Southwest Outland you? When did the soul return to the battle robe so self-deceiving, why not learn from the h people?"

Qixing Lantern smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't join, do you disobey the soul returning to the robe? Then I will fight until you submit. I have never liked persuasion, only like conquest!"

Jiuxing Lamp said: "Little Seven, don't talk to them, these two women are obviously waiting for reinforcements!"

"Aid soldiers?" Qixing Lan disdain: "Are you waiting for Xueyue? Well, scholars, they have no time to save you, it is difficult to say whether Xueyue can survive this level!"

Said, Qixing Deng drew a corner of his mouth and laughed: "What if the scholar is here? Today's soul returns to the battle robe talented, we have top masters such as Xiaofeng Canyue, Han Xin and Jian Feiyang, who are afraid of anyone coming Is it ?! "

I can't help but say that the seven-star lamp shook the robe sleeves and yelled, "Siege car, come on! Their defense is no longer good, give me this city gate!"

A crowd of black siege chariots was approaching the gates of the crowd of soul returning robes. Seven star lights consumed a large number of troops in the Luna Temple and the Wishing Pool after n storms for a long time, and finally decided to use heavy weapons!

Here comes the opportunity!

I flew forward without thinking, Xiaoqing screamed from the sky, and fell from the clouds like a star!

"Xiao Qing, destroy the siege vehicle!"

I shouted, the Chixiao sword lifted up, and immediately entered into a state of transformation, a sword gas oozing out, wrapped in layers of cyclones and fell among a group of yak iron riders!


A series of damage numbers flew up-"1934874!"




Almost instantly, it brought out numerous white lights, and the yak iron rider proud of Qixing Lamp couldn't stop the full blow!

At the same time, Tyrannosaurus fell, its claws opened, and it snapped firmly to the "steel stick" of the siege tank, and then a long groan flew up, and the iron wings vibrated, turning the giant Raised the siege vehicle!


I was also taken aback, Xiao Qing flew halfway and opened his claws, and the huge siege tank fell. "Boom" fell to pieces, incidentally smashed a dozen players who returned to the battlefield!

nnd, this attack is too sharp!

An item in the Tyrannosaurus Riding state, which can attack the target during riding, should mean this.

On the ground, the siege chariot was stunned by a scene of instant seconds!

The Qixing lamp stepped on a broken city wall and shouted, "Who is the visitor?"

I immediately revealed my Id, and at the same time released the light of the whole body's equipment. Immediately, a golden armored warrior came down on the battlefield riding a dark blue dragon.

"Lao Qi, long time no see!"

I grinned: "The gift you gave Xueyue is so generous, alas, Twilight Ranger, the top ten-ranked seventh, how can you thank Xueyue?"

The Qixing lamp snorted, "Fuck, scholar!"

I landed slowly, and finally Tyrannosaurus reeled under the gate of the city, riding one by one, and a group of people who horrified the soul to return to the battle robes evaded dozens of yards, forming a fan-shaped vacuum zone.

The Qixing lamp stood still, walked down the broken wall, turned over the skeleton horse, and laughed: "Student don't come here?"

I glanced at it, apparently the Seven Star Lantern had been ordered inside the guild, the figures flickered, and the masters of the soul returning robes quietly gathered together-Xiaofeng Canyue, Han Xin, Jian Feiyang, the Great Qin Empire, and the Spirit of Fire , Gregory the Loyal, Lion Iron War, Yellow Rice Paper, Oversword, Snap Rider, Hot Sun Staff, and Seven Star Lights, a total of 12 admirals have quietly surrounded me at the core, always at any time Transformed and smashed up in one fell swoop.

In the city, Hung Hom danced: "Scholar, come in!"

"No need to!"

I shook my head, my eyes stayed on Qixing Deng and others, and said lightly: "Want to rely on more people to attack me? Hey, then let the rest go back. I challenge you all 12? ? "

The Qixing lamp trembled, obviously startled by my words.

"Huh, I thought I was arrogant, I didn't expect your Tmd to be even more arrogant than me!" Qixing Lantern pulled out his sword and said coldly: "People below the elder level returned, everyone opened the video and watched our soul return to the battle robe How did you kill the dragon today and how to destroy Xueyue's first person! "

"I already made it clear when I named it." I grinned and turned back to Xiaoyi in the city. "Beauty, come to a goddess vow, thank you!"

Xiaoyi raised his hand, and my attack power increased greatly!

Seven star lanterns and others also added their pre-war conditions. Soon after, idle players retreated one by one, only 13 people stood under the city, and there were many miscellaneous pets, so I also called out Linger. At this time, Linger You can perform Sanctuary transformation and be able to top three first-class masters!

Xiaofeng Yueyue and yellow rice paper whispered, obviously discussing strategies.

Han Xin and Jian Feiyang, the Great Qin Empire, and the Scepter of the Sun were another gang, and several people looked at each other and waited for an attack at any time.

"get ready!"

The Qixing lamp raised its long sword and yelled, "Kill!"

Suddenly, a whirlwind of cyclones flew up, and there were still a lot of sacred-level players who returned to the battle robes. Of this group, ten were all sacred players, and they were all first-rate sacred players.


As soon as I ordered, Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly kicked his hind legs, and even someone took the dragon-like shuttle to go out. When he had already passed the charge skills and improved, he almost came to the Great Qin Empire in the flashlight!


The Daqin Empire opened his eyes wide, full of horror, and seemed to realize that he was about to die soon.

The words didn't fall, Chixiao sword had penetrated the chest of the Great Qin Empire, lifted him up from the horse, cyclone undulated, the wound was severely torn, and it was already killed by Yuwei of a sword, and white light scattered, At the same time my name became blood red.

One face-to-face slayed the Daqin Empire, which was totally unexpected by Qixing Deng and others!

"Mum-, ​​control his degree!" Qixing Lantern yelled.

Yellow rice paper quickly ran out of an ice arrow to reduce it, but unfortunately only hit Xiao Qing's chest. This level of attack did not cause much damage to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but what surprised them most was the dragon's back. I have disappeared!

Separation of people!

"Where is the human ?!" Qi Xing's sword fizzled, angrily yelling.

The words didn't fall, and the yellowed rice paper had exclaimed, "Ah ..."

A fire light swept across the night sky, and the rice paper flashed yellow.

It is a pity that the sound of wind in the air is surging, and my movement in a thunderous and violent state is like flying. In a blink of an eye, it appears on the right side of the yellowish rice paper, and the red sword is covered with a layer of golden light!

Broken shield cut!


Jin Guang broke the cyclone shield, yellow paper exclaimed, and there were over a million damage figures on his head. He was undoubtedly killed by seconds.

On the other side ~ ~ Tyrannosaurus Rex Xiaoqing opened his mouth of blood basin and bit the Qixing Lantern's pet Dilong into two pieces.

Linger knocked three swords from the side and turned into a scorching sun stick. Perhaps his cyclone shield is effective for ordinary players, but he can only defeat the god-level pets like Linger.

"Is there any reason ..."

The Qixing lamp suddenly moved to death and illusory, and the figure appeared on my right side, with a residual black luster floating on the sword in his hand and a cross cut!

This was hit so badly that the cyclone attack of Qixing Lantern cannot be underestimated!

With this in mind, I hurried to the right and stepped on the Z to get around the other side of Qixing. Chixiao sword whistled and ran to the mind of Qixing Lamp!

But at this moment, the body suddenly trembled, dizzy, and even the body moved a little!

Assault skills!

Not good, actually ignored the master of Xiaofeng Canyue!

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