Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 1042: Wrath of the Black Panther

The night sky was silent, and the leaves rustled slightly.

Above the ground, the shrubbery is already full of players from the Golden City. This time, the players of the Holy Helm City are iron-hearted to leave me and Ling Xue in this barren land.

"I'm east, you're west, you can kill on both sides, you can walk one by one!" I said lowly to Ling Xue, and added: "I will let Linger protect you, rest assured!"

Ling Xue nodded slightly: "Be careful, if you can't, you'll be invincible before you leave."


With a slamming noise, I entered the state of cyclone transformation. With five fingers open and the realm shield covering Ling Xue, this would at least guarantee that she would not be substantially harmed for at least half a minute.

On the other side, I already screamed at the sword, and the eternal boots under my feet stomped on the ground and rushed straight to the east, where nearly a hundred players of the Helm City were guarding them.

"Go to death!"

A 255 level s3 mad warrior rushed over, and the battle axe was glowing with blood, which was the prelude to the skill of flame cutting, and the energy of the skill burst instantly!

I suddenly slipped on my foot, and Butterfly Step passed by this Berserker, but just dropped his flames. This person is not a master, and the stagnation time in the middle of the hand is enough for one second. This time is enough. I performed any operation to get rid of him.

The sword shifted and hit the back of the Berserker, and I whispered, "Go!"


The broken shield exploded and suddenly split the opponent's defense. The mad soldier fell down and flew out, with a large number of injuries on his head—


Breaking the shield and ignoring the defense, this sword was enough to kill his life, and it exploded in the sky. Numerous potions mixed with the tomahawk burst out, but I did n’t have time to pick it up, and I will die if I go back.

No one looked back, rushed forward without turning his head back. In the shape of the sword, Shenlong chopped Lingtian, and the five archers just snorted and hung back to the city.

Taking this opportunity, I glanced back, but now the dazzling light of the ice sword is exploding in the crowd. Linger rushed forward with Ling Xue. Basically, Linger resisted the damage of the opponent, and Ling Xue took the lead. The task of the hand has been advancing forward with the sharpness of the eternal ice blade.

I flew forward, and at the same time there was a painful burning pain. More than a dozen high-level mage were throwing the fireball in a rush, it was really painful!

But I can only carry it. I dare not influence it. Once I have influence, these people will turn all the arrows to Ling Xue. In that case, Ling Xue basically cannot escape.


Along with the roar, a 247-level holy warrior in the sanctuary wrapped in scarlet flames and rushed over riding a black giant bull, carrying a dangling spear in his hand, and laughed: "Chinese boy, you go Can't drop it, catch it quickly! "

I gritted my teeth and sneered with a sword to welcome him.


At the moment when the two sides' blades fought, the mad soldier snorted and was backed up again and again, and I was not upset. The whole person stayed in place for two seconds, and hit a dozen fireballs for no reason. Reduced to less than half.

Just then, a voice rang out in the forest—

"Endless flame elf, please release your anger and devour all the evil in front of you-the panther's anger!"

I looked back, scared and frightened, a black panther energy covered with red inflammation formed from the air, and thundered like lightning.

What a top-level monomer magic, actually even singing such a long magic spell, powerful!

I do n’t know the depth, I had to turn around, the sword swayed, swept out horizontally, and the Chixiao sword spit out a long sword, just to kill the flame black panther!


Mars splattered, and the Chixiao sword cut into the body of the black panther, but it was difficult to stop the magic. This black panther still slammed all over me, turning into endless burning pain and fire damage!



I was stunned, there was a heat behind me, a mad soldier was shot in the back, blood and blood lost more than 540,000 again, and the whole blood strip was almost gone!

Try to stay calm, move your feet away from the original coordinates, and saw the energy of the mad soldier sweeping through the thousands of troops in the air where I just stayed, so dangerous!

With one hand up, a white halo flies from the palm of your hand, and the Holy Healing Brush disappears into your body!


Adding back most of the blood, I turned around and threw out a ruling skill!

Lightning and hurricanes flew up, enveloping the holy warrior.

I did n’t have time to teach him with the blood enchantment. I rushed forward and hurried away from the entangled net of the mage fireball, especially the high-level mage, and the anger of a black panther would be miserable.

This time, it must be the elite players of the Last Days Guild, especially the mage and the warrior. It is too sharp, and the threat to me is very large, even a lethal threat.

"Hahaha, do you want to leave? The first figure of Ling Ling is just that?"

The Berserker is in the imprisonment of the adjudication skills, but still can't help verbally taunting and angering me, it seems that he wants me to be angered, and then stay and die, it is best to dedicate all the eternal suit!

The eternal suit can be called the first set of clamshells so far. Who isn't staring at the clamshell players all over the world? Moreover, everyone knows that the eternal suit is on the first master, this set of equipment is really too tempting for them.

Of course, I will not be irritated by this kind of words and lose my mind, otherwise I will not be today.

At this moment, a mage wearing a dark black robe flickered to my right. It was the mage who used the black panther's rage!

Look at the top of his head, there are actually titles--

Id: Housewife's concern for 1V258 mage

Title: Wizard of the Holy Helm Palace


Sure enough, it is not an ordinary person, and it is no wonder that he can release the nB spike strategy, but he failed to kill me, presumably he was very unhappy.

"Hey, leave me!"

The mage of the palace raised his hand with one hand, and played the fire and batter lightly.

My eyes froze, and I started to kill! Such people must not stay.



The degree increased sharply, and my figure suddenly disappeared into the air. It was not fast, but shadow.

Thunderbolt blessed the Shadowcraft mode, moving fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already come to the mage's side, the sword sharpened, and the shield broke!


The magician of the palace was shocked. He felt the danger coming and stepped out of the sea with one foot. I was caught out of the shadow state when I was caught off guard.

However, the Chixiao sword still pierced the cyclone's shield with its golden luster and successfully penetrated into the opponent's chest!


The magician of the palace froze and died.

But the weird thing was that he didn't hang up. His right-hand ring gave out a terrifying light, and actually accumulated white light, and he was soon revived!

I was stunned, and opened the sword storm without saying a word!


The sword light soared into the sky, and the surrounding area was shrouded quickly. The sky's sword energy swept through everything, and the bushes were leveled.

The moment the palace magician was reborn, he stood up with a cyclone shield and flashed out like lightning.

What I was waiting for was this moment. Xun cancelled the effect of the blade storm, and the whole person turned into a light smoke and flew to the palace magician after the flash.


The palace magician was furious, his staff was dancing fast, and suddenly four fireballs flew out of beads!


There was a painful burning sensation in the chest, this attack was too sharp!





In an instant, I became empty blood again. Fortunately, he did not escape the end of being stunned by the wild charge. Three seconds was enough!

The red sword fluttered and turned into five dazzling sword lights that struck the magician one after another, leaving shocking blood holes in the black robe!

The Shield of Qi and Blood was ripped apart, and my sixth sword was a mighty dragon chop!



The white light flickered. The palace magician did not escape the fate of being killed by the melee profession and burst out a potion, but unfortunately did not burst out the equipment. This mage's strength is not inferior to Ling Yue. Looking at China, it seems that Only Ling Yue has the strength to kill most of my blood with a magical combo. Maybe even Ling Yue does not have such a powerful attack.

Behind him, the Berserker yelled, "Boy, are you capable of killing even the palace magician?"

Damn, I saw that my blood had bottomed out, and it was coming right away.

In the distance, more than a dozen assassins were quickly catching up. I didn't dare to face it with the residual blood. So I raised my hand and the dragon **** screamed and tied the Berserker tightly in place. I swiped into shadow mode and disappeared out of thin air.

"Can't let him run away, give me a stun arrow and catch him!" The Berserker growled loudly.

I quickly left the dangerous place, and found Ling Xue's orange dot on the map. I immediately ran to it, and maybe helped a little bit ~ ~ Linger had been killed by the group It is estimated that the situation of Ling Xue is not much better.

Bypassing a pine forest, we can see a group of high-level knights roaring on the open space with horses roaring, the smoke is rolling, and in the forefront is a beautiful figure. Ling Xue runs forward while performing change operations, suddenly As soon as I stopped to count the sword, a knight was left.

I am very pleased that Ling Xue's blood is still one-third. The players behind her are not masters, and will not hang up for a while.

There was a trace of sweat on the little beauty's greasy face, and a charming smile filled the corners of her mouth. Afterwards, she lost Fengwu for nine days, and suddenly seven knights fell off the horse. Only four people were able to keep chasing.

I rushed to the past, the life-recovering potion had recovered most of the qi and blood, and then had a divine healing, full.


The Chixiao sword was detected out of the air and knocked a knight off the horse. I was knocked out by a huge impact, but I took out the soul-chasing bow, three-stream archery, and stun arrows-in the air! For easy access, please keep in mind that your support is our greatest motivation!

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