Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 1016: Swordback Rhino

Qin Yun looked at the small bronze-colored shovel in her palm, which was covered with patina.

"This ... what is this?" Qin Yun looked up at me, a pair of beautiful eyes full of doubts.

I danced with excitement: "This is a cow, what is it called Jinyang Dagger, etc., in short, it is very valuable for collection. If the children and grandchildren fall down in the future, they will sell this ancient coin and sell it, and there will be no problem in living. "

Qin Yun's eyes were strange. He glanced at me and said, "Dizzy, don't you want something better?"

Speaking of this, Qin Yun held the ancient coin and said: "I don't know the practical value, but it can be used to loosen potted soil. This is very true ... by the way, scholar you give me an ancient coin, isn't it? ... Do you think I am old? "

As soon as I was nervous, I quickly waved my hand: "No, don't think about it ..."

Qin Yun fluttered a smile: "I just talk casually, don't be nervous."

She put the old coins back in the box, and then carefully packed them into the suitcase. There is no doubt that Qin Yun was already preparing to go abroad.


A few minutes later, Ling Yue held the Jade Buddha and was overjoyed, thanking him even more.

Everything was okay. A stronghold battle was fought at night, and the Moon Alliance that came to challenge was unsurprisingly defeated. The Triumphal Guild was very upset, and it was powerless to try to shake Xueyue's position.

On the other hand, five people, Jian Feiyang, Han Xin, the Great Qin Empire, the Scepter of the Sun, and the Peerless Sister-in-law rebelled from the Soul Returning Robe to the Temple of the Moon, and took away 200,000 soul returning players. It made the Qixing lamp very angry. When the Qixing lamp was still active on the forum when it was more than one o'clock in the morning, it posted a post with this title, titled: Renegade, and one day you will regret it!

The content is to criticize Jian Feiyang, Han Xin and others. Perhaps these people are not so important to the soul returning to the battle robe, but Qixing Lantern has always been happy to dig people's corners, but now they have been dug by others.

This post is undoubtedly posted by Qixing Deng personally, because the poster ’s name is followed by a golden “V”, which is the sign of the CGL Hall of Fame member certification, and Qixing Deng is exactly the first batch of virtual sports in China. One of the players in the Hall of Fame.

More than a thousand replies appeared within an hour of the post, and turned it over, it is obvious that the red lotus dance commented below: "They were originally the people of the Temple of the Moon, the Temple of the Moon welcomed them to go home, please do not be aggressive!"

Obviously, the attitude of the Red Dance Dance has been much tougher. After several days of hard work, the Temple of the Moon has expanded at least 20 alliances. Although the number has not yet been filled, but there are fewer than 1.5 million fighters combined. Xuan Wu also has a hole card in his hand, there is no need to go down in front of the soul return shirt.

Who would have thought that the Seven Star Lanterns slammed and said, "Well, one of them is going home, and those grasses are now back at the Temple of the Moon. Be careful one day they will betray you again!"

Hung Hom replied, "That's my business, don't bother you!"

The Qixing lamp was angry, and left the problems left over by history. Regarding Wang Junjie's previous actions, the red lotus dance was silent, and there was no reply after a long time.

Qixing Deng thought he had won. At this time, another Venus vest appeared. Uncle Gufen wore a vest in the Hall of Fame to defend justice and let Qixing Deng keep his mouth open.

Not only that, we even saw a long-disappearing figure, like the golden emblem of the Hall of Fame, actually Murong Shanshan!

Murong Shanshan didn't say much, only a short sentence: "The deceased is dead, why should we repeat the old thing?"

Qixing Lantern is very face-to-face. The forum is also a battlefield. It is a battlefield that attracts people's hearts. Even Murong Shanshan can't sit still and talk. Qixing Lantern naturally dare not say anything, and then theoretically let Lin Fan come out and scold the street. But it will be completely smelly. Although Lin Fan retreated for many years, the influence of Yueheng's first person is still there, as if Xueyue will disappear after many years, but the myth of Xueyue will continue to pass.

Some people, some things, are destined to be legends.

The Qixing Lantern was under siege, so he had to admit that he had made a mistake and let Hongyu dance do it for himself.

Hung Hom Dance thanked Murong Shanshan. Murong Shanshan didn't reply. It was time to collect the rations.

The forum showed that the red dance dance and the Seven Star Lanterns were all online. Soon after, people from Qingfeng City stepped in, and Lin Shuang, the leader of the War Soul Alliance, replied: "How is the soul returning to the battle robes in the wild?

The Qixing lamp is probably convulsing, and it took a long time to reply: "Very good ..."

Then, it appeared very well and said, "Continue to take care!"

I couldn't help crying and laughing, all of them were night owls, so I logged in to verify the account, and also wore the golden insignia vest of the CGL Hall of Fame to leave a message on it: "It's late, everyone can wash and sleep!"

Everyone laughed, countless Baiyun City MM onlookers, and I retired, quit the forum quickly, took a bath, and slept with a beautiful pillow. In my dream, the pillow moved and became Ling Xue's beautiful It looks like, then ... Then the dream turned into a scene in my elementary school. The teacher's chalk drew on the blackboard, and I looked at the birds outside the window, envying them that they could go high, but after so many years, they went high. Most of the people are bruised, and people, if only they never grew up.


"Vanilla with ice, who will have a cup?"

Waking up, the sound of iced tea came from the studio. This uninteresting guy really bought a machine for making milk tea and came back. As the only heir of the Xu family, why did n’t this girl have a little consciousness? ?

Shake his head, look at the phone and find that I have slept a bit, it is already 10:30 in the morning. It seems that I spent a long time in the forum last night, and it was wrong, and I went online to make a copy to earn some gold coins!

Hurrying to get up to wash, came to the hall, only to find Yingying Yanyan, a few MM sitting on the coffee table and talked, snow-white arms and thighs dazzled people's eyes.

Ling Xue was sitting on the arm of the sofa, her purple skirt draped, revealing a pair of white tender legs below. She was holding a cup of green tea with one hand, and Ling Yue's shoulder with the other, and said with a smile, "Ice tea, sugar Too much, sweet to me ... "

Iced tea chuckled: "Sweet death, how happy!"

Seeing me coming out, Qin Yun put down the magazine in her hand and laughed: "It didn't wake you up after seeing you sleep well. After lunch, we should join the guild group activities."

"Oh, group activities?" I was surprised.

"Dizzy, did you forget ?! Didn't you say yesterday that you have organized a group of ten thousand people to go to the barren land?"

"Oh, remember that, go!"

I ordered food outside at noon, and after the meal was cleaned up by Auntie Gong, a few of us went back to the room, and it was almost time, ready to go online!


I appeared in Baiyun City, as usual, repaired equipment and bought potions. Then I went to the blacksmith and chose to enhance the excellent attributes of the equipment. The four eternal equipment, anyway, I need to strengthen it!

After a swift brush of excellence points, my tens of thousands of excellence points were eventually squandered, and the attributes of the equipment were very speechless. Only one eternal helmet rose to excellence +7, and the remaining eternal leggings rose to excellence. +6, the worst thing is to count the eternal boots. It was originally +6. After a pass, it actually dropped to +3. This success rate is really amazing!

He glanced at the blacksmith, and the big man immediately showed his muscular muscles and fluttered with a hammer, as if to say, "Boy, do you have an opinion?"

Suddenly, I persuaded and left with my sword.

In the guild channel, Chaowu Chunqiu is organizing everyone's action. Snow Moon is gathered in the open ground outside the capital of the king. Although there are only 100,000 players, they are all elite journeys. Even if we encounter the main force of the soul returning battle robe, we also Not bad!

The people in Xueyue Studio just shook the crowd a little, and then gathered on the East Gate Bridge of Baiyun City. We didn't need to act with everyone. Ling Yue suggested that we should go ahead and explore the road in the wilderness. Fortunately, this map has not yet been developed by players, and there are boundless dangers, so you need to be careful.

On the Dongmen Bridge, I arrived first. Soon afterwards, Daohuaxiang came in a crystal robe, holding a white jade staff, smiling sweetly: "Brother, are you so early?"

I nodded: "Well, I airborne!"

Over his head, Xiaoqing was circling, and a huge figure reflected a sun shadow on the ground, passing by without leaving a trace.

Daohuaxiang smiled lightly and said, "Brother, I'm going to take a Tyrannosaurus Rex today ..."

"Well, no problem!"

I've tried it. Tyrannosaurus Rex is an advanced wide-body mount with a wide back. It doesn't matter if you sit seven or eight. As long as it is friendly enough, I can't attack it under overload. Tyrannosaurus rex can only be used as a transportation tool. That's it.

A few minutes later, Ling Xue, Ling Yue, iced tea, and Qin Yun also arrived. The six members of the Xueyue Studio arrived and were ready to go!

Out of the city, blowing a whistle, Xiaoqing immediately whistled and dived down, and her huge body landed on the edge of the forest. I rushed to the dragon's back for the first time. On the back of the dragon, Xiao Qing grinned his teeth, and seemed very dissatisfied. I glanced and said, "Little girl, be honest with me!"

Sure enough, Tyrannosaurus Rex, no matter how strong, had to bow his head in front of his host, Xiao Qing snorted, his eyes softened.

A few MMs were afraid of heights and instability. They all sat down, kneeling side by side on the dragon's back with their knees bent, and their long skirts were white and long, with a clean breeze, and a girl laughing. .

Pat the dragon head and ordered: "Xiao Qing, a barren land, leave you!"


The strong wind blew through, Tyrannosaurus Rex rushed towards the clouds, and in a short while, it entered the clouds. Everything on the ground became very small, and even Baiyun City seemed to be just a little silver dot.

Needless to say, the speed of Tyrannosaurus Rex is much faster than Ling Xue's Amethyst Dragon, let alone the ice-tea tea fight, so a few MMs are very excited and have opened their beautiful eyes. Holding on to the fickle cloud, they laughed and discussed what that cloud looked like. Some said it was a goat, some said it was a lake, and some said it was a Guanyin lotus.

Xiao Qing opened at full speed, and the big map showed that our position was moving fast with the naked eye. I formed a team, pulled all five MMs into the team, and watched the big map that was going to run for a long time in the past. However, this feeling is simply too cool!

Leaving the territory of Baiyun City ten minutes later, and entering the edge of the ice and fire plain 20 minutes later, half a hour later, a pale field appeared in front of us. This is the destination of this trip, a barren land!

Take your time, Snow Moon team led by Flurry Spring and Autumn and Shadow with the Wind will not arrive until four hours at the earliest. This is because the Yinxie iron rides fast, otherwise it must be ten to twenty hours. The game map is too big to run away!

"Come on!" Qin Yun looked into the distance, a flash of anxiety flashed in her beautiful eyes, and said, "I feel there will be some dangerous things ahead, let's go to the ground, otherwise the crash will be all gone!"

I nodded and drove Xiaoqing down. After landing, I also canceled the dragon mount effect. I raised the sword on the ground. The same is true for iced tea and Ling Xue. It is impossible for the dragon to ride for Ling Yue and Qin in midair. Yun provides protection. Only on the ground is the safest battle formation.

The eternal combat boots stepped on the wet dew, and the morning light reflected a golden light from the tip of the combat boots. I looked up. The mysterious wilderness was in a mist. No one knew what was in it. People entered the barren land last night, but no news came out. Is it really like the legend, the barren land is the death forest, and no one can live out?


I called out Linger, let her be on the alert, and took a deep breath, and said, "I'll open the way, Ling Xue and iced tea will protect our weak mage ..."

Ling Yue stiffened her chest, and the proud Shuangfeng held up the lingering robe's blouse, and said unconvinced, "We are not weak, rest assured, we are not so crisp!"

"Hey, it's better!"

I smiled slightly, stepped forward with Linger day by day, into the mist!


The moment I was in front of me, when I entered the mist, I couldn't see anything. I could only feel my way forward. It didn't take long to go. The mist was spreading out. There was a mountain, hill, basin, and plains in front of me. What? There are all kinds of terrain, and it is indeed an ancient barren land, similar to the surface of the moon, full of scars.

Behind him, several MMs came out one after another, and iced tea rubbed his eyes and said, "It looks like there is nothing remarkable ..."

"is it?"

I continued to move forward, at the same time carefully ~ ~ always felt that the danger was indeed hidden in front.

I didn't go far, and suddenly the jungle in front of me trembled, and I hurriedly urged Jian Jian: "Somebody, get out of me!"

Ling Xue said, "Don't call it, use the Chixiao sword to poke it out!"

I flew forward, but found that the branches and leaves of the dense forest were separated, and a black giant shadow pounced out, crashing against my shield, and knocked me flying magically!

Damn, so strong, what kind of monster is this?

Looking up, the thing that attacked me was a rhino, but there was a spine spine growing on the back, nostrils spraying thick smoke, stepping on the front hoof, and roaring loudly!

Swordback Rhino, 270 Warsong Monster!

T *, no wonder I was able to hit and fly, so high-level, and a rhino monster known for its strength, I was blamed if I could not fly.

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