Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 285: Oh, farming

The aftermath is a very pleasant thing, because it means gain.

This time, Zhang Yang has gained a lot.

One demon commander, seven demon generals, 378 demon soldiers, 1,200 avatar ghost chasers, plus the goodwill of the 3,921 villagers in Guanshan Town, and a dying dream sword Zong disciple.

"Can I help you?"

Zhang Yang squatted down in front of Li Hanqiu, the other party still kept vomiting blood, and the skin all over his body was leaking blood, as if he was about to die.

"Cough—I—I—I'm afraid—"

Li Hanqiu said intermittently, making Zhang Yang very worried that he would die immediately, so he grabbed one of Li Hanqiu's arm, and the soul realm covered it, and he almost knew it.

This is really a fierce person. The Soul Mai Jian Wan is about to break, and the Xin Mai Jian Wan is completely broken, but the worst is the Yi Mai Jian Wan. I don’t know why, a terrifying sword intent. Embracing in Li Hanqiu's veins, it is like an old cat guarding its prey, watching coldly.

Zhang Yang is not a doctor, and he can't rejuvenate, but he is a sword repairer, and he is slightly good at sword repair injuries.

So he released the sword intent of the mountains and rivers, and shrouded the dying Li Hanqiu.

The Jianyi thing doesn't look tall, but it's actually not much different from a shrew cursing the street.

As soon as the public sword intent of the mountains and rivers was pressed, the terrifying sword intent entrenched in Li Hanqiu's Yimai Jianwan immediately exploded and was directly seduced. It defeated the public sword intents of the mountains and rivers with one blow, and then he could chase them. Into the Zhang Yang's Yimai Jianwan.

Then at this moment, what he sensed was a clear moon, a little bit of stars, a lonely sky, and eternal sadness!

What a strong sword intent!

The blatant Yi Mai Jian Pill smashed into dozens of cracks.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, but Zhang Yang didn't care about his injury, but hurriedly shouted to Li Hanqiu, "Say it now."

"There are demon spies at the top of the Great Dream Sword Sect. Most of them are the evil female demon. I don't know who it is, but I can use my sword to repair the seven great heavenly veins to swear. Please be sure, uh-be sure- Palm-door."

Li Hanqiu was speechless again, this was because the terrifying sword intent suppressed him again.

Jianyi, sometimes more effective than Jingqishen.

Zhang Yang nodded, already clear.

Li Hanqiu smiled comfortedly, and immediately passed out. Jian Xiu is not so easy to die, not to mention that he is just a broken soul pulse sword pill, not a collapse.

Zhang Yang stood up, thoughtful.

Then he waved, and among the villagers in Guanshan Town not far away, there were already a few elected villagers waiting there in fear.

"You think of a way to send this disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect to Xuan Tiecheng. Don't think about shirking. Once he dies, or dies on the road because of the delay, I don't think the Great Dream Sword Sect will Let you go."


Several villagers from the village were so scared that they were so scared that they knelt on their knees and knelt their heads, "I’m sorry, I’m an ordinary mortal, I’m here to go to Profound Iron City for four thousand five hundred miles, and there are demons and ghosts. There is no such ability."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, just keep him here and wait for death. After all, I'm just passing by. It's the best to save you from the siege of the demon soldiers."

Zhang Yang was expressionless and authentic.

"Guanshan Town is willing to devote all the power of the town to worship the immortal leader, and ask the immortal leader for help!"

Those few villagers and villagers were not stupid, they immediately wailed and screamed, and the situation is also true. If Li Hanqiu really died here, the Great Dream Sword Sect will investigate it, but whether they are mortals or not, they can’t do things and keep them. What is it for? If he was sent to be a mine slave, that would be better than death.

"Enjoy me? You are crazy, this is the site of the Great Dream Sword Sect, maybe now the Great Dream Sword Sect is in trouble and can't care about your troubles, but haven't heard of Qiuhou settle accounts? Or do you think the monsters have eaten like this? A big loss, if a demon commander is here, they will let you go. Hey, why don't you migrate quickly, whether you migrate to Profound Iron City or Yening City, in short-better than staying here."

Zhang Yang still said in a light tone. After all, it's not his own business, but the key points in his words are very purposeful.

The few villagers and villagers looked at each other, and after giving a salute to Zhang Yang, they went back to the crowd to discuss it. Yes, they were just knock-worms introduced. This Guanshan town has been passed down for thousands of years and has its own real talkers.

If it wasn't for Li Hanqiu's serious injuries this time, and the besieged monster commander-level demon soldiers, Guanshan Town wouldn't be as weak on the surface.

So Zhang Yang only waited for half a cup of hot tea. The four gray-haired elders walked solemnly and bowed their hands to Zhang Yang. Then one of the elders opened the door and said: "The Great Dream Sword Sect and Tian Yuanzong are responsible for guarding the black soil. Originally, it has been three thousand years, and there has never been a situation where a demon commander has entered the country. This shows that the Great Dream Sword Sect and the Tianyuan Sect have lost their overall control over Heituyuan."

"And the disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect just said that there are spies from the Monster Race at the top of the Great Dream Sword Sect. If this matter is true, it will be a catastrophe for the Great Dream Sword Sect, even if it is finally successful. After this disaster, it can be predicted that in the next hundred years, the Sword Sect of the Dream will not care about the peripheral worship villages and towns like Guanshan Town."

"Therefore, Guanshan Town must save itself, and the appearance of Xianchang is our opportunity, and in order to let Xianchang understand our sincerity, old man Koruo——"

"Old man Jiang He--"

"Old man Li Tian--"

"Old man Dong Ruo——"

"This represents the four great families in Guanshan Town who have passed on for thousands of years, and they are willing to submit to the immortal leader the land spirit hub of Guanshan Town in an area of ​​eight hundred miles!"

"And with this land spirit hub, even if the immortal chief establishes a sect here, it is slightly possible."

Zhang Yang originally wanted to ask what is the Earth Spirit Hub, but with a click, the message was reflected in the Xianxia Village Building Order.

"The four big families in Guanshan Town handed you a mysterious-level gathering platform, do you agree?"

It turned out to be a mysterious-level gathering platform, and my eyes brightened. When in Hei Tuyuan, even the spiritual gathering platform in Heiwu Village was of a mortal level, with limited potential. Who would think that this Guanshan town actually had a mysterious-level gathering platform? Lingtai, oh, of course they are called Earth Spirit Hub.

"If that's the case, then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Zhang Yang smiled slightly, and he felt like opening the door.

He now has a mysterious level weird suppressing the mountain gate, and a mysterious level gathering platform as a resource field, which is less than the mysterious level ancient village protection formation, but this is not in a hurry.

At this time, the four old men were all relieved. They were all mature and refined. Although they were not immortal cultivators, everything in this respect was clear. Zhang Yang killed the demon handsome Huang Gu by himself, which proved him. The strength of the Great Dream Sword Sect now seems to be in trouble, so it is best to be able to win over the publicity.

"I don't know the name of Xian Chang Gao? What's next, Guanshan Town is willing to follow the dispatch of Xian Chang."

"My name is Zhang Liang, the master of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Thank you for your support. However, let's say the ugly thing ahead. It was you who invited this seat to establish a school, not my Heavenly Sword Sect who took advantage of the weakness of the Great Dream Sword Sect. In addition, since Guanshan Town is willing to be the worship town of my Heavenly Sword Gate, all the rules and regulations must be put in place immediately, including land, immortal stones, shops, and spiritual fields, um, this seat is now I’m very busy. You can give me a note first."

Zhang Yang would not really be bluffed by these old fried dough sticks. After a few instructions, the complexion of the four old fried dough sticks changed slightly, but he did not dare to refute.

With a sneer, Zhang Yang didn't care about them. Instead, he opened the Xianxia Order to build a village, which now belongs to him completely, so many functions inside have changed a lot.

For example, the so-called task of building a village is no longer the nature of the task, but a kind of guidance to Zhang Yang as to what to do and what to pay attention to.

"Please record the name of the sect. Note: Please follow the rules of sect

"Confirm that the name of the school is: Heavenly Sword Gate, which conforms to the rules of this world."

"Please confirm the location of the mountain gate. It is recommended to spend at least one month to visit the land with a radius of one thousand kilometers. It is worthy of the geomantic spirit, and finally the location of the mountain gate is selected. Friendly reminders, if the Feng Shui at the location of the mountain gate is incompatible with the suppression of the mountain gate, it may cause Unknown consequences If the two can fit together perfectly, the weird suppression of the mountain gate may even continue to escalate."

"Please confirm the location of the martial earth spirit hub, as a friendly reminder, the earth spirit hub is the most important facility for communicating heaven and earth spirits. Forged, it can absorb up to 100 units of heaven and earth aura per day, and in a cultivating sect, at least one innate and earth spirit hub is required, the so-called fairy blessed land."

"For some unspeakable reason, once the construction of this fairy-xia village building order is started, it will come with a kind of taboo building (after construction, there is a great chance of being rejected by this side of the world), two types of mysterious buildings, and four For Fanpin Building, please pay for the universal resources or currency to make a reservation and purchase. (click to view

"Taboo Building (Fairy Grade): The Sword Fairy Hall, which has the ability to reinvent the disciples and replace their talents. It needs to pay one million celestial stones to purchase."

"Mysterious-level building: Dissociation Palace, with the ability to generate 36 types of dissociation illusions, which can help disciples understand 36 types of mysterious-level sword intent. You need to pay 10,000 immortal stones to purchase (friendship price)."

"Mysterious building: Sword Soul Palace, which has the ability to place the sword soul of disciples under the sect. It can resurrect the disciples who died in battle. It needs to pay 10,000 celestial stones to purchase (friendship price)."

"Van-level building: The Valley of Broken Love, a place that can sharpen the level of the disciple Xinmai Jianwan. You need to pay a thousand celestial stones to buy it."

"Van-level building: Linghai Pavilion, a place that can sharpen the level of the disciple Soul Vein Sword Pill, and it needs to pay 1,000 celestial stones to buy it."

"Van-level buildings: Life and death platform, a place that can sharpen the life veins of disciples under the school, and the level of death vein sword pills. It needs two thousand immortal stones to buy."

"Mortal level building: Swordsmanship, a place to build swords for the disciples of the clans, it needs a thousand celestial stones to buy."

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