Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 121: The legendary heating

early morning,

Zhang Yang woke up from a deep sleep, the room was not very dim, and the sun was faintly visible outside.

This is destined to be a beautiful day.

Getting up from the bed, Zhang Yang stretched out his limbs, his eyes narrowed slightly, not caring about the low temperature of at least 20 degrees below zero in the room.

"Ice Marrow Pill, worthy of being a treasure from the world of Xianxia, ​​the effect after taking it is simply amazing."

For a long time, he sighed very comfortably.

Last night, after resurrecting the three of Duan Kuan and confirming that they would not have any problems, Zhang Yang took the opportunity to eat the ice marrow pill, after all, the treasure cannot be kept for long.

There was nothing unusual after taking it at first, he just felt very sleepy, so he went back to his room in the castle and fell asleep.

It was only after dawn all night that he was shocked to realize that he actually seemed to be reborn, and the vigorous vitality between his whole body and his gestures surprised him.

This is why he is not afraid of the low temperature indoors.

In terms of attributes, it is even more surprising. In the instructions of the village building order, the ice marrow pill can have all attributes +1, but in fact, the increase in publicity is not only this.

Since he was dragged down by the demon soul of the magic horned lizard last time, except for the soul attribute, the other three attributes all dropped to F+. He used the soul field to nurture himself for nearly two months. Only then did it slowly return to E+, and then it can no longer recover, as if the foundation was damaged.

Since then, Zhang Yang always felt that he was 19 years old, but he was dragging a 40-year-old body.

That kind of powerlessness makes people worrisome.

That is to say, there are too many things to be busy during this time, and he has encountered such a major event as the orc tribe invasion, and he has to prepare to spend the winter, so many things are suppressed, and he is not so worried.

But after taking this ice marrow pill, not to mention the attributes, just this feeling, Zhang Yang can really be described as an explosion in place.

It's the kind of restlessness that I can eat one cow at a meal and beat fifty a night.

All came back.

Zhang Yang swears, this really has nothing to do with thoughts, but the kind of power that fills his body, a kind of primitive, explosive power in the blood, which will push him to run, jump, and push him to want to ooh Yelling--

But after all, Zhang Yang did not yell or run and jump desperately to vent.

He directly gave himself a confinement spell, plus a soul shock.

So all the restlessness disappeared.

At this point, he sat down cross-legged very seriously, as if facing a rich breakfast, using the soul field to understand and warm up, so as to maximize the absorption of the spiritual effect of the ice marrow pill.

For the next whole day and night, Zhang Yang seemed to have really settled down. He really didn’t expect that only the residual spiritual effects of the ice marrow pill had so many spiritual effects, not only felt by him, but also leftovers in various parts of the body. Flesh, bones, meridians, soul.

If he hadn't used his soul force field to carefully and carefully nourish, he might have missed it, and then it would only take a period of time for most of these spiritual effects to disappear.

And now Zhang Yang certainly wouldn't be so violent.

He directly sealed his body with imprisonment spells, and then, like a warm wood spear, let the spiritual effect of this ice marrow pill merge with the body bit by bit, every flesh and blood, every bone, every Department meridians.

One day, two days, three days.

It wasn't until the early morning of the fourth day that Zhang Yang ended the long-term warming up with excitement on his face. When he stood up, he instantly heard the sound of his whole body bones like popping beans. He was actually here. It grew another 5 cm in just a few days.

Apart from this, he can't say what the situation is, but he just feels that he is a bit stronger in action reaction, power control burst, and physical coordination.

Even Zhang Yang snatched up a spear of imprisonment, imitating Wu Yuan's movements, and when he threw it out in one go, the explosion-like sonic boom shocked him.

The speed of sound?

Looking at the opposite side, the imprisoned wooden spear has been completely broken, leaving only the dust blown up by the air current.

As for the wall, the one-meter-square stone is already covered with cracks, like a spider web.

"grown ups?"

The two soldiers who rushed in looked at them in disbelief.

"It's okay."

Zhang Yang smiled and waved, but he was not very surprised, because this was normal, but he had absorbed 80% of the spiritual effect of that ice marrow pill.

At present, this is the top treasure that most people can obtain in this fantasy world, because Zhang Yang believes that no one can open the seventh trading mode. It is not that it is impossible to get so many resources, but that it is too delayed. The village is built.

"My lord, are you out?"

Soon, Wu Yuan, Ren, Wang Mumu, Wang Shen, Duan Kuan and a group of people rushed to hear the news. There is no way. Whenever the publicity suddenly retreats, it is the time when they want to be afraid.

"Wow, the power of this blow is almost half as powerful as mine!" Before Zhang Yang said anything, the attention of the crowd was attracted by the crushed stone, and Zhou Datou was even more elated. Flattering.

This caused Zhang Yang's face to turn black in an instant, and he kicked the boy out. Your uncle, you are a melee, and you are a melee focused on throwing. Compared with me, do you have a brain?

Don't blame Zhang Yang for being uncomfortable, don't look at the imposing spear thrown by him just now, and the power is extraordinary, but in fact, people in this room can pick one out at random and they can do it with their eyes closed.

For example, Wu Yuan, with a full throw, can shatter five stones with one blow.

Zhou Datou is a quasi-hero, but he can also blast a block of stone into powder with a single blow.

As for Renn and Wang Mumu, both can knock down a city wall tens of meters or even hundreds of meters.

And even if Zhang Yang took the ice marrow pill, his strength was only restored to D+, his agility was D, his defense was D, and he looked like a captain-level soldier.

Of course, if he used the soul field to control the Spear of Imprisonment, it would be different. Who made his soul strength reach A+?

And this is also the culmination of the extraordinary. As for why, I don't know, anyway, the attributes on the village building order are written like this, and I can't continue to improve.

"How is the situation outside these days?"

Zhang Yang quickly changed the subject and did not give this group of livestock shows a superior opportunity.

"My lord, this matter is very weird, you'll know when you come out and have a look."

Wu Yuan looked very solemn.

Zhang Yang went out to take a look, good guy, the clear sky is hundreds of miles away, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, it is almost doubtful, is this still that horrible winter?

But hundreds of miles away, the clouds were so heavy that it seemed to crush the sky.

It's weird, as if a person is bald, very uncoordinated.

Zhang Yang immediately looked serious, not looking at the shining sun, but behind it meant that the escaped ghost lady was doing things.

"My lord, we suspect that the ghost lady is hiding in the cloud of yin qi and is devouring yin madly in preparation for the advancement of the ghost queen. This time may be one month or two months, but in any case, we have completely and It has gotten a vengeance. Before the end of this winter, we will definitely have a decisive battle with this ghost lady." Wang Shen was also worried.

"Don't be afraid, I will kill it!"

Wang Mumu's voice is authentic, but no one pays attention to him. It would be great if things were that simple. The previous Snowy Night battle was all based on publicity and surprise, using a mutant fireball to open the situation, and once the ghost lady advanced to the ghost queen, two more Wang Mumu is also useless.

Zhang Yang frowned and watched this magical scene. For a long time, he gave an order in a deep voice, "Wu Yuan, you brought me to cut back all the big trees within two hundred li, our firewood The reserves may not be enough."

"Wang Mumu, Ren, Duan Kuan, Song Dahui, Zhou Datou, you take me a trip to the Jackal Tribe and the Orc Tribe to see if there is a coal mine in the place where they make steel, and if so, give me vigorous mining. , And then back as much as possible."

"Wang Shen, inform the blacksmith Mabuen, and Zhao Tiezhu, immediately start the blacksmith shop for me to build the iron plates, and let all the craftsmen mobilize. I want to renovate the existing residential houses with better thermal insulation performance and stronger performance. Charcoal is also to be burnt in the residential houses."

"The ghost queen is incomprehensible. That level is not something we can fight against right now. So the only way is to drag it until the end of winter and until spring arrives. No matter how strong the ghost queen is, it will not change the general trend. This time, since we are If you can’t do it in strength, use more advanced productivity to kill it!"

Under Zhang Yang's order, the whole village jumped up. Except for the elderly, women and children, all the villagers were dispatched. They were mainly responsible for cutting down trees. After all, the number of trees in a radius of two hundred miles is not a small number.

Fortunately, there are three major attributes of the village, and the loyalty of the villagers is high, so there will be no wailing at all.

At the same time Zhang Yang also recalled the heating system in the real earth, um, it is the famous northern heating system, and this is what he will do next.

The ghost queen will definitely be stronger, and there will be more methods, but that's all right. Who is afraid of who is going to be tricked?

But ordinary villagers will definitely suffer. This is unbearable for Zhang Yang, so he has to make sure of this first.

Within an hour, Zhang Yang drew all the sketches. Well, I hope the fragments are omnipotent.

These things were slightly modified and handed over to Zhao Tiezhu and the senior blacksmith Ma Buen. The existing forging technology cannot make seamless iron pipes.

But Zhang Yang only needs them to build iron plates according to the specifications, and leave the rest to him.

And now, he needs to visit the mountain god.

Next to the ghost queen, the importance of the mountain **** will be undoubted, even more important than publicity.

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