The three of them followed the robbery hole down to the underground tomb. As soon as they entered, Tan Hu felt that it was dark, but not stuffy. It was obvious that the tomb had been flowing with air for so many years. Is there any other entrance?

Thinking of this, Tan Hu couldn't help but become anxious and said to the two people behind him.

Drink the potion, and remember not to cause any light or too much noise.

Tan Hu would emphasize this sentence every time. During the last tomb robbery, Li Shi accidentally made a big noise and directly triggered the magic circle in the tomb, almost killing three people. If Tan Hu hadn't been strong enough, they would have At that time, he was about to be buried in an ancient tomb.

Tan Hu and the others drank a bottle of blue potion. This potion could provide them with night vision for an hour, so that they could explore normally in a dark environment.

The three of them slowly groped forward, and Li Shi used his natural talent from time to time to determine whether the place ahead was safe.

After walking in the passage for almost thirty minutes, they did not encounter any traps along the way. Even though Tan Hu felt that there was something wrong, he still found no trace of traps.

According to the map in the ancient book, further ahead is the main tomb chamber.

Tan Hu whispered to Zhao Gao and Li Shi.

So fast?

Zhao Gao said doubtfully, That shouldn't be the case. According to the records in ancient books, this ancient tomb is quite powerful. Even if there are no obstacles along the way, it shouldn't be possible to reach the main tomb chamber so quickly.

We came in from the back of the main tomb. The road is relatively short, so we hit it by mistake.

Tan Hu explained.

Zhao Gao and Li Shi could only think that this was the case.

The three of them continued to move forward. Fifteen minutes later, they came to a huge stone door. This stone door was at least ten meters high and had many words and paintings carved on it that they could not understand.

How do you get in with such a big door?

Zhao Gao looked up at the giant door.

Tan Hu flipped through the ancient books and quickly found a way to open the door.

Zhao Gao and Li Shi saw Tan Hu fiddle with the middle of the giant door a few times, and then they saw the lines on the giant door light up. With a clicking sound, the giant door slowly opened. The process was like an earthquake. The mountain shook, so Tan Hu used earth magic to keep the three of them standing firmly.

After a while, the giant door was completely opened, but Tan Hu and the others couldn't see what was going on inside. The darkness inside the door was like a black hole, absorbing all the light.

After leaving the passage, the Shimen side was already relatively bright. Even after the night vision effect ended, the three of them could see clearly.

When Zhao Gao and Li Shi saw the darkness behind the door that seemed to be able to swallow everything, their legs couldn't stop trembling and kept moving.

Tan Hu's body was also trembling, but he bit his tongue hard. The pain of bleeding made him overcome his fear. He looked at the performance of Zhao Gao and Li Shi behind him. They were so unbearable that he decided to go in by himself.

Without saying anything, Tan Hu walked directly into the darkness, while Zhao Gao and Li Shi could only watch this scene. They did not dare to go in and could only wait outside.

What happened next?

Lin Yi took a bite of bread and asked Li Shi. It must be said that Li Shi was good at telling stories, which made Lin Yi and others feel a little immersive. Zhao Gao added some details beside him.

Then Tan Hu rushed out like crazy and ran directly into the passage. The two of us had no choice but to follow. Later, we came out of the ancient tomb and went back when the night was not too late. When we arrived in the ancient capital, the next day, Tan Hu turned into a terracotta warrior.


No more! That's all! We didn't go inside the door either, so we have no idea what Tan Hu saw inside!

Zhao Gao answered Lin Yi hastily because he saw a flash of displeasure in Lin Yi's eyes.

Lin Yi looked at Lingling who was sucking jelly next to him, wanting to hear her opinion.

Lingling said after eating the last bite of jelly.

At what advanced level is Tan Hu's strength?

As a high-level second-level earth mage, Tan Hu only has one high-level one, and the others are all mid-level.

Tan Hu's information at the trial was registered as a high-level one. It seems that he got a lot of benefits from robbing tombs and improved his strength.

Now we can basically judge that the transformation of the clay figurines is because you brought out unknown parasitic demons from the ancient tombs, or you awakened a certain existence in the ancient tombs.

Lin Yi nodded, he felt the same way.

But nothing happened to you two. Only Tan Hu's clay figurine has transformed. Then what's inside the door is the key. Where is the ancient book?

We sold the ancient book, but we couldn't understand the words on it. Only Tan Hu could understand it, so we kept it and sold it without using it.

Lin Yi really wanted to punch both of them. No wonder there have been many clay figurine incidents in ancient capitals in the past four years. Most of them were caused by the contents of ancient books being sold by black market intelligence dealers.

You must have recorded the paintings and writings on that giant door.

Zhao Gao looked at Li Shi, because it was Li Shi who recorded it out of curiosity.

Yes, yes, I sold this record to the owner of the Chaotic Beast Bar. All my backups were destroyed by the people of the Chaotic Beast Bar owner.

Zhao Gao grabbed Li Shi's collar at this time.

You eat alone!

Why am I eating alone? Who do you think has been buying you food and drinks every day for the past four years? It's not me. If it hadn't been sold for a good price, how could you have lived so comfortably?

Li Shi retorted angrily.

Zhao Gao calmed down after hearing this and let go of Li Shi's collar.

Okay, okay, don't be afraid. Stop fighting among yourself. Let me ask you, why did you sell the records to the owner of the Chaos Bar? For information like this, you can get a lot of money even if you sell it to the official, and it's still safe. .”

The back of that ancient book was bought by the owner of the Chaotic Beast Bar, so they sent someone to ask me if there were any other things brought out from the tomb. With their power, I could only hand over the things, even if the other party barely counted. He was a good man and gave me a lot of money.”

Li Shi honestly confessed all the information, while Zhao Gao asked doubtfully.

Why didn't I know that the other party had sent a signal?

Aside from being drunk and drunk, what else do you know? At that time, you were sleeping like a pig. There was so much noise outside that you didn't wake up. You still have the nerve to ask!

Zhao Gao hesitated a little embarrassedly.

Lin Yi felt that these two people might become famous if they talked about cross talk.

But now the key clue lies with the boss behind the Chaotic Beast Bar, which is not easy to get. He can open such a big bar in a place like this and no one dares to cause trouble. The owner of the Chaotic Beast Bar is not a good person.

Lin Yi, go back first. We need to make some preparations before going to the owner of the Chaotic Beast Bar.

Lin Yi nodded. He also felt that he had to discuss it before taking action. His current strength was not enough to fight against a big force by himself.

Okay, it's none of your business. Take away the unconscious person.

Zhao Gao and Li Shi heard that Lin Yi had let them go, and quickly left here carrying two people each.

Seeing how scared they were, Lin Yi couldn't help but wonder, is he that scared?

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