Versatile Mage: Imperial Dragon Emperor

Chapter 27 The fog gradually dissipates

There was a child sitting on Lin Yi's neck, holding a child on each hand, and another child holding his thigh. Maintaining this state, Lin Yi followed Grandma Lin into the church.

Okay kids, get off my brother.

Grandma Lin clapped her hands and said.

The children listened to Grandma Lin's words and immediately climbed down from under Lin Yi. Lin Yi also distributed the gifts to the children. After receiving the gifts, everyone was very happy, and then left the reception room with the gifts. .

I haven't been back for so long, but you are still very popular, Lin Yi.

Lin Yi scratched his head in embarrassment. The old man in front of him was the person in charge of the Red Apple Church, and some employees were also here to help Grandma Lin take care of the children.

Red Apple Church is more like an orphanage than a church. Forty years ago, Grandma Lin began to take in orphans and take care of them. When they grow up and want to go out into the world, Grandma Lin will give them some Money makes it easier for them in the beginning.

Lin Yi is also one of them. Grandma Lin discovered Lin Yi as a baby at the door of the church and raised Lin Yi, so Lin Yi has always regarded Grandma Lin as a relative.

Although Lin Yi traveled to this world, strictly speaking, he should have been reborn. As a baby, he knew who his parents were. Unfortunately, not long after Lin Yi was born, the two of them disappeared and were left behind. Lin Yi first stayed in the hospital for a while under the care of a nurse, but the hospital was a private hospital and very small. Raising a baby was too heavy a burden for them. Finally, a little nurse took Lin Yi to the hospital. I left it at the door of Red Apple Church and left.

Long time no see, Grandma Lin, you are still so energetic.

Grandma Lin is almost 70 this year. She used to be an intermediate mage when she was young, and she had awakened to the healing power. This is why Grandma Lin has been able to maintain this church for so long. People from this area will come. See Grandma Lin for treatment, and Grandma Lin only charges a small amount at a time. If it were not for the purpose of maintaining the daily operation of the church, Grandma Lin might give them free treatment.

Tell me, you haven't been back for four years. What's wrong with you this time? Brat, if you hadn't sent me something every New Year, I would have thought something had happened to you.

Lin Yi was even more embarrassed when he heard Grandma Lin's words. Since Lin Yi was approaching the age of awakening, Lin Yi had been working harder to make money. During that time, it wasn't that Lin Yi didn't want to go back, but he just didn't have time to go back. After all, the transportation team His workplace was still some distance away from the church. After his awakening, he worked harder to cultivate and make money, but this could not cover up the fact that Lin Yi had not come back in the past four years.

I came back this time to look for something in the church's archives.

Lin Yi told the purpose of coming back this time.

Grandma Lin nodded after hearing this, got up and took Lin Yi to the archives room.

On the way to the archives, Lin Yi discovered that the church seemed to have been renovated, and asked Grandma Lin about it.

It was renovated almost three years ago. There was a child who used to go out here. After his career became successful, he spent money to repair some damaged parts of the church. The walls were also refreshed, and there were a lot of new equipment. Even the children The beds have been changed.”

So powerful, who is it, Grandma Lin? Is she someone I know?

Lin Yi was very curious and grateful to this big boss. After all, this was also his home.

Grandma Lin shook her head and said.

What you don't know is a kid who left here more than 20 years ago. I heard that he has now opened a big company, which happens to be in Shanghai.

He was awesome and a big boss. Lin Yi silently gave this big boss a thumbs up.

At this time, Grandma Lin stopped. The archives room arrived. Grandma Lin took out the key from her pocket and opened the lock of the archives room.

Opening the door, Lin Yi walked into this place full of history, where everyone and everything that happened in this church from its establishment to the present is recorded.

Where is Grandma Lin's archive of old photos and records?

The cabinet on the right, the row closest to the wall, the third one from the top. Why are you looking for old photos?

I'm a little confused. Maybe I can find the answer here. By the way, the logo of Grandma Lin's previous church was not the red apple logo now.

It wasn't like this before, and I don't remember exactly what it looked like. If you look for it more than ten years ago, you'll find photos of it.

According to the location mentioned by Grandma Lin, Lin Yi pulled out the drawer, which contained the organized file bags. According to the labels on it, Lin Yi soon found the file bags from twenty years ago.

Opening the file bag, Lin Yi took out a photo. It was a group photo taken by the children and Grandma Lin at the door of the church twenty years ago.

Looking at the different church logo in the photo, Lin Yi knew that he was looking in the right direction.

The logos of Xiyu Trading Co., Ltd. and Xiyu Cleaning Company are a golden apple with a big tree behind it. The only difference between the two company logos is the letters in the golden apple.

But in New World Energy's logo, there is a cross in the golden apple. Compared with the church's logo in the photo twenty years ago, it is just that there is a big tree behind the apple.

No wonder Lin Yi felt familiar when he saw these logos. Now, comparing the red apple and the golden apple in the church logo, the colors are different and the cross in the middle is much smaller.

Lin Yi suddenly noticed a young man standing outside the crowd in the photo.

Do you know who this young man, Grandma Lin, is?

Lin Yi showed the photo to Grandma Lin and pointed at the young man.

Grandma Lin took out her reading glasses and looked at them before saying.

This child's name is Yi You, and he is also the child I just told you about helping to renovate the church.

Hearing this, Lin Yi felt closer and closer to the correct answer, and asked hurriedly.

Grandma Lin, you are saying that Yi You has opened a big company in Shanghai, right? Do you remember what it is called?

Seeing Lin Yi's eager look, Grandma Lin also tried hard to remember.

It seems to be a company called Xinyuan.

New World Energy Corporation!

Yes, that's the name. What's wrong? Lin Yi, I feel like you are very anxious. Are you okay?

Grandma Lin asked with concern.

Lin Yi knew that he was too excited, so he took a deep breath and asked calmly.

Grandma Lin, do you have any special impression about Yi You, or is there any big event related to him?

Yi You, this name is the chairman of New World Energy Company. Lin Yi did not expect that Yi You was from the same church as himself.

Yi You is the strangest child I have ever met. Several things did happen to him back then.

Can you tell me in detail what happened that year?

You're such a weird kid. I don't remember many things that happened twenty years ago very clearly, but the things about Yiyou are still deeply impressed on me until now. Twenty years ago, Yiyou once had sex with three other people. The two children went out to play together, and only Yiyou came back late at night, and the other three children did not come back.

Where did the three children go?

Grandma Lin shook her head.

Those three children were missing. I also asked Yiyou at that time. Yiyou said that they were playing hide-and-seek. He didn't know what happened, but no one found him. It was too late to see the sky, so he came back by himself. ”

Didn't you call the police?

We called the police after Yiyou came back, but the police found no trace of the three children. They also went to the place where the children were playing hide-and-seek to investigate, and also asked people around. They did see Yiyou and the others, but they also I don’t know where those three children ended up.”

Lin Yi felt confused.

Didn't the police ask Yi You?

The police have asked Yiyou. They have suspected that the child's disappearance may be related to Yiyou, but there is a family that can testify for Yiyou, because Yiyou hides in that house when he plays hide and seek.

When Yiyou comes back, Grandma Lin, do you feel anything is wrong with Yiyou?

Grandma Lin thought for a while and said.

Yiyou has always been different from other children. But when Yiyou came back that day, he had a very bad smell on his body. I still have the impression that I feel physically sick as soon as I get close to Yiyou. Others People's reactions were the same as mine. After a few days, the smell on Yi You dissipated a lot, and others dared to approach him.

It smelled very bad. Lin Yi thought this was key information, and Lin Yi had some suspicions about Yi You's true identity.

Is there anything else special?

Oh, by the way, after that day, some children said they saw Yiyou talking to the black monkey at night. I just thought it was the children talking in their sleep when they were asleep, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

The black monkey, the dialogue, Yi You’s true identity is indeed.

At this time, Lin Yi's dragon sense sensed that something dangerous was approaching, and he ran out of the archives room with Grandma Lin in his arms. The next second, the archives room exploded, and red flames swept through the entire archives room.

Lin Yi, who was holding Grandma Lin to avoid the explosion, saw a man in black robe looking at them in the corridor of the church.

You already know, then you have to die!

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